~ Serena's Info-Dumping Doubt Clearing Class 1! ~

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"Since we all need to be in the same wavelength, the author is going to be info-dumping here – every... six chapters, or so she insists!" Serena explained. "Skip class and you'll fail to understand! Fail to understand and you'll never see the light of the day!

"I'll make it easy, children, because Serena loves you all! Virtual classes may limit our methods, but it'll never limit our connections! Why, I may be a fictional character to your world and yet I can be your friend, teacher and fellow popcorn eater!

"We'll begin with character explanation!"

Serena ran over to her living room where her whiteboard was placed, though she wouldn't use it much. It was only because Serena just wanted that 'classroom feel'.

"Alyssa is the main character! I gladly switched Alyssa's and Erica's souls because – Nuh-uh! I'm not telling you!"

Serena proceeded to draw a sketch on her white board, whistling.

"'Kay! So, in short, what I did was switch... uh, how many? I think a hundred-and-sixty bodies from the world of a novel to the world of Humans! Yeah, Alon and Alyssa had a bit too many maids and servants and all, and we may not get to see all of them since a few died in the process – oops! – but the main characters will all be there!"

Serena pointed at the board where she had drawn stick figures for the people, a thin partition between two circles (worlds), and arrows explaining how they went from one place to another.

"From Part Two, Alon's Point-of-view (just so you don't have to scroll back like me!), it's obvious that Alon has no intentions of having Erica in his life. But, from Part Three, Erica insisted to become Alyssa – oh, my dear Erica, what have you landed yourself to?"

Cue to Serena giving her evil laugh. Please stand by.

"The author told me not to give away anything! Ugh, she's so limiting, I tell you! She said she'll censor my words if I do that!

"To explain Erica and Akio, without any spoilers, it's just that Serena The Great made Erica fall in love with someone she absolutely despised. Ahaha, no, that was not a spoiler. Gee! Have some faith on me. Nope, if you pay close attention (to the chapter – or even the title will do!), I had mentioned something similar right on her face!

"The author tried her very best to not have a jerkish Hero, but she failed oh-so-grandly! So, feel free to hate on Akio! Nope, she doesn't have any plans of giving him a sad backstory anytime soon!"

As if that was some very happy declaration, Serena tried showing off a few party tricks, only to be smacked by the marker.

"Ouch! Oh, yes, where was I? Erica had depressing things thrown at her in life, but she could've done much better. Yeah, even the author has no plans to give her a redemption arc or an easy death. 

"She (the author) is quite the sadist, I tell you.

"Do I disrespect her? No, I quite like her when she's not planning anyone's murder (which is rarer than elephants becoming fishes). I mean, just how different am I from her?

"Anyways, she basically wants a cliché book written alongside a non-cliché book to make her stand out from all those cliché books that try to break free from clichés but became the new cliché along with all the pre-existing clichés, you know.

"Read that sentence again if you got confused half-way. She typed it in sixteen seconds. Just what you'd expect from someone who keeps on complicating life!

"Moving on, in Part Four, Alyssa murders many people.

"A common doubt here is – what exactly does Alyssa remember?

"This might be a spoiler if you didn't pay attention, but Alyssa knows most of her past because she's the Main Character.

"Yeah, you might be thinking that we couldn't do away with an overpowered Main Character, but Alyssa isn't overpowered. She's basically skilled in killing – she's special. If I had to say anything, Alon is overpowered. Listening to my melodious voice everyday is so lucky, right?

"But you know what? Alyssa doesn't recollect being killed by Alon. Nope. She remembers being replaced. After that, she remembers killing many people just to survive (before and after Erica had bewitched Alon). But she knows nothing of the execution. Alon is the one who's aware of the execution. Also, I hope you recall how I was playing with Erica's and Alyssa's memories before switching them!

"And we'll see the rest of the characters in due course!

"Moving on to Part Six, it's basically a Human screaming. With his Butler. Scratch that, it's about one-hundred-and-fifty-seven (three couldn't make it, how sad) Humans screaming. Because they woke up in a Novel they had read. And then there was me laughing. With my Father's corpse. Go figure, but the author is ruthless!

"Oh, you want to know what happens in Part Seven? It's about Alon—" *censored*

"Ah, I couldn't say anything. But I'll just have you know that Alon was the Grand Duke who had a considerable amount of power – even on the Royal Family. And that Harold is going to goof up bad. Your welcome!

"I hope you'll stick with me till the end! It might be a little confusing, but I'll not let the author sleep if she doesn't explain everything in the next few chapters, so don't worry!"

Thank you for attending Serena's Class! And no, it isn't mandatory – if you've understood well. You'll still see the light of day if you skip.

Completely unrelated, but Alon was snickering in the background, listening to Serena and plotting Erica's death.

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