Chapter 22

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"Knock knock." said a man from outside my door before he peeked in. Black hair fell into his green eyes a wicked smile rested on his face. 

"Hey Asher." I smiled and invited him inside.

 Over the course of this past week, Asher and I have become the best of friends. He tries to see me every day; either during guard rotations or on a day off. I have to say that I enjoy his company, which is something I never thought I would ever think last week. 

We had worked our differences and talked about our lives, family, and things we liked to do. Asher was a hardworking person and always needed to be a hero; apparently which is exactly like his father, Aspen. I had yet to meet the man, but I knew that I would one day; especially if I were to stay at the palace for a while. 

"What goes on, Goldie Locks?" Asher asked and collapsed down on a chair as I giggled at his nickname for me.

 Asher had told me that he had never seen anyone with my hair color before; and that it looked similar to the princes' and king's hair, but slightly lighter. He thought it looked like gold, which means my hair is true to its color, and since has been calling me Goldie Locks. 

"Not much Leger. How's guarding?" I smirked and wrapped my arms around myself. 

"Same old, same old. Rather boring really. But, at least you are here to keep me company." 

I beamed and Asher smiled. 

"So, did you--"

 "No Asher, I didn't admit that I felt anything for Matthew because I'm not sure if I do." I said, although it was only a half truth. 

I didn't know where Matthew and I stood, where we were; but I knew for certain that I cared for him in a way that was greater than friendship. Daniel, well, him I wasn't really sure about either. I feel that he is so secretive, and won't let me in unless I promise myself to him in the end. I don't want to feel chained, but maybe I am misjudging him. 

"Earth to Sol." Asher said and snapped his fingers in front of my blinking eyes. 

"Sorry." I laughed it off and came back to reality. "Did you say something?" 


 It was at that moment that I realized just then how close he was to me. I could see hunter green rings wrapping around the emerald color of his eyes and they sparkled with a secret. I cleared my throat and stood tall. 

"Alright then." I said and walked towards the balcony. 

I pushed the doors open and beckoned for Asher to follow me out. He complied and we went outside so I could enjoy the air. As I gazed over the railing, I noticed five figures in the garden; two males and three females. I couldn't read there lips, but only moments later, I heard wails and weeping.

 I felt Asher appear beside me and instantly flung my arms around him; his body stiffened. Tears started to come out of my own eyes now and Asher just looked down at me; not that I could see him do that though, on account of me shoving my face into his uniform. 

"Sol," Asher said quietly and I felt a tentative arm wrap across my shoulders and back, "What's wrong?" Confusion ever present in his voice.

 I sniffled and moved my head away from his uniform,looked up at him, and saw his eyes were clouded with worry.

 "Oh, I'm sorry." I said and pulled away from Asher.  As I turned my  back towards him; his arm fell back down to his side.

"It's just that I hate hearing all those girls so saddened by this. This competition, this process, this whatever you may call it. The Selection destroy's so many people's hearts. I feel like some of the girls who have already left deserve to be here more than I do, and yet they're the ones who packed their bags and left with nothing but jewelry and a broken heart."

 I reached my hand up to my own heart and let it rest there, feeling it beat.


"I get that." Asher said. 

"Yeah?" I asked and used the hand on my heart to wipe away any remaining tears before turning to face Asher. 

"Yeah. It makes sense. Well, not the whole they-should-be-here-over-me thing you have going on in your head; but everything else, yes. Inviting girls here, and only two will stay in the end while the others leave heartbroken, is sad. More than sad actually; it's gut wrenching. I can't stand that." 

Asher shook his head and a hand through his hair. He didn't have curly hair, but  it looked slightly wavy. Nonetheless, Asher had recently told me that he would be shaving it off soon because it was getting to long for guard duty. 

"Asher, I was just sharing my feelings. It's not like I meant for you to take it that literal." I joked, but that did nothing to faze Asher's sudden change in attitude. 

"It's one of the many reasons of why I hate this." Asher said loudly, and I had to look over the rail to make sure that neither Matthew or Daniel were looking up at the commotion. Unfortunately, they were, and they both locked eyes with me; then looked at each other almost darkly. They waved goodbye to the ladies who I assumed were being eliminated, and rushed back into the palace. 

Not good. 

"Umm, Asher?" I said and he looked up. 

"Yeah?" he asked and I pulled him inside the balcony doors. 

"Matthew and Daniel just went back inside the palace, and I think they are coming here." I said frantically and Asher's eyes widened. 

"Okay, okay. I have an idea." Asher said and pulled me over towards my piano. 

He shuffled through many sheets of music and finally picked one; which happened to be the one I had written about Fabian. Next, Asher dragged me to my bed and grabbed the violin sitting by the piano.

 "Play and sing." he ordered and I looked up at him, confused. 

"Just do it." Asher said and I heaved a sigh before I placed the bow on the strings. 

The violin was then placed under my chin and I closed my eyes to begin playing. I didn't need the music sheet to tell me how to play, and I wasn't singing or playing that song ever again. It saddened me still, so I just let my mind wander loose to the sound of the violin.

 I heard some applause when I swiped the bow one final time and looked up to see the twin princes standing at my doorway. They didn't look at each other, but they were both smiling and that made me happy. I stood up and curtsied to them as they walked in. It was then that I noticed that Asher was no longer here.

"Hello Sol." Daniel said and I felt my heart speed up slightly, which is something that has never happened when Daniel spoke to me. Something was definitely wrong with me, and this had all started sometime last week. 

I waved back and smiled, but when I waved to Matthew, his face looked grim. What was his problem? 

"Are you okay Prince Matthew?" I asked and realized that I had used formalities. 

"Just perfect." he huffed out and spun around to walk out of my room. 

"Hey, where are you going?" I asked. 

He turned his head and smiled as he reached for my door handle and closed the door completely. Then he walked back over to Daniel and I with that smile never leaving his face. 

"Who said anything about leaving?" Matthew winked and I blushed. I looked over at Daniel and he seemed agitated. 

"Are you alright Prince Daniel?" I asked and made the same formal mistake. I felt like I sounded very repetitive, almost like a record player that was stuck on the same four words. 

He snorted. 

"Better than ever." Daniel said and smiled the cutest smile that I had ever seen before looking down at his shoes and blushing a baby pink. Matthew rolled his eyes. It was then that I noticed that Daniel didn't sound sick. At all. He must be on medication for that.

 "Umm, would you guys like anything?" I asked, trying to break the awkward silence. 

"Yes please." Daniel responded politely, now looking at me, and I gave him a friendly smile. It was then that I noticed Matthew's hands had balled into fists, but he didn't seem angry. I wonder why he was doing that. 

I rang for my maids and a few moments later, they waltzed into the room. 

"Hello, My Lady, Good Afternoon, Your Majesties." Cassia said and the three of them curtsied.

 I saw Matthew smile, but Daniel just cocked his head on an angle and looked strangely at Starlet. I had to admit, he looked hot doing that. I felt my face heat up, and thank god that nobody noticed my reddened cheeks. 

"Could you please bring up three teas?" I asked Cassia and she nodded. 

"Of course, Lady Sol." Cassia said and turned to leave. 

Daniel was still looking at Starlet oddly, like he was trying to put a puzzle together; Starlet just stood there, looking like she was frozen in place. She gazed into my eyes, and from the sun's amazing lighting I could see that her eyes were actually not green at all. They were a deep brownish-reddish color and the light made the red pop out. I wonder where she had gotten those eyes from. 

I shook my head and I dismissed them. Starlet and Juliana curtsied and left without saying a word. 

"So." I said to neither of them in particular. Matthew turned his attention back to me and waited for what I had to say; Daniel was in his own world.

 "Hmm." he said to the room. I giggled silently and faced Matthew, since he was listening. 

"What's up?" I asked. Matthew shrugged his shoulders.

 "Nothing really Sol. Daniel and I have just been talking about the Selection. Isn't that right Daniel?" Matthew asked in a tone I couldn't identify; but Daniel definitely did. 

"Of course." Daniel replied and walked closer to Matthew and I. Daniel had a small smile on his face that made my heart flutter slightly. He was looking not into my eyes, but slightly below them; my lips. I felt myself blush and I stared down at my glittering heels until I could compose myself.

 "Hey Matthew." I heard Daniel say. 

"Yes." Matthew responded.

 "Didn't that maid look awfully like... well Kristi?"

 Who's Kristi? 

I looked up at the twins to see they both had serious expressions on their faces. 

"I suppose." Matthew said and brought his hand up to his chin. I noticed he did that a lot when he was thinking. 

"But she's back in.... at her home Daniel. You know that. She won't come until the Grateful Feast, which is in a few weeks." Matthew said and I gasped. 

"The Grateful Feast is in a few weeks?" I shrieked and ran my hands through my perfect hair. 

"More like two." Daniel said and snorted at the end. I shot him a glare, but all he did was wink at me. I felt my hands ball up into fists and inhaled sharply.

 "Look." I said pointedly. 

"If you're going to act..." But I was cut off by Cassia knocking on my door and bringing in the tea. 

"My apologies Lady Sol. And your father requests your presence in his office Prince Matthew, Your Majesty." 

Cassia set the tea tray down and curtsied before excusing herself. 

"That's odd." Matthew said and furrowed his eyebrows. "The meeting doesn't start for another twenty minutes." 

Matthew shook his head and then looked at me. When his eyes met mine, I saw his face instantly relax and he bleached out his agitation. 

"I guess I'll see you later, Lady Sol." Matthew said and approached me. 

He grabbed my hand gently and brought it up to his soft lips so he could place a gentle kiss upon it. I smiled at him and nodded my head before he stood and walked out of my room, leaving just me and Daniel.

"Now that were alone," Daniel started as soon as Matthew shut my bedroom door and he had my full attention. 

A mischievous glint appeared in his chocolate eyes and a smirk played across his lips; Daniel slowly started to walk over to me. He stood very close to me; we were chest to chest in fact. His body was very warm against my own and I could faintly feel his rapid heartbeat underneath his thick suit jacket.

 Daniel snaked his arms around my waist and held me securely to his own body, then leaned down to whisper into my ear. 

"I've heard you have had a break through." he murmured and I shivered when I felt his warm breath caress my ear.

 "I beg you're pardon?" I asked in between my shivers and Daniel started to draw circled on the small of my back, where his hands rested. 

"You know," Daniel said and pulled his head back so he could talk to me directly and look into my eyes, "You don't need time anymore, at least that's what Matthew has been saying." Daniel breathed out and smiled while leaning closer to my face; I just froze. 

"Excuse me?" I squeaked out and Daniel gave me a confused look. "Really Sol, it's not that hard to piece together. Matthew and I were talking about you and how you wanted time, but now we feel--" 

"No, not that Daniel." I snapped and wiggled out of his arms. 

Daniel's eyebrows muddled together and I sighed. exasperated. 

"You and Matthew were talking about me?" I snapped again, and when he nodded his head I only grew angrier. 

"What the hell!" I yelled and huffed as I started to pace around my room, "Do I get no privacy now Daniel? You and Matthew feel the need to be checking each other to see what you know about me? Is that what's going on, because Matthew does not feel anything for me. He wouldn't harbor any information about me Daniel." 

My eyes narrowed as I looked back at him and I saw that he looked sad; possibly frightened. 

"Sol, my dear" 

"And don't call me that!" I yelled before grabbing my head in my hands and sank to my knees. 

I started to sob uncontrollably and Daniel came rushing to my side. I felt his large hands run smoothly up and down the length of my back as he quietly shushed me. 

"There there, darling." Daniel whispered tenderly and I peeked my angry and sad sky blue eyes up at him. He held a look of tenderness that made my heart swell.

 "There you go." Daniel said when he saw my face and he wiped the tears off of my slightly flushed cheeks. I gave him a sad smile before he scooped me off of the floor and held me in his strong arms. "I'm sorry," I said, "I didn't mean to snap like that."

"You're already forgiven." Daniel responded with a laugh, 

"It's not anything like that Sol." His voice very deep that if my ear wasn't practically against his lips I wouldn't have head him. 

"H-how so?" I hiccuped and Daniel nuzzled my hair. 

"Well for starters, I think you should confront Matthew about that matter. You may feel that he doesn't like you, which I know is untrue and that he feels so strongly for you and your beauty; and you may be unsure of his intentions toward you. Secondly, I should be told how you feel about Matthew." 

Daniel gulped and continued.

 "I know it may seem wrong, but I don't really want to be heartbroken because my brother beat me out of something that we both really wanted. I want to know your relationship with him, so I know where I stand; and so I know how hard I'll have to fight for your love and win you in the end." 

I gasped, as I was speechless. No one, not even Fabian, had ever proclaimed something like that to me.

 "That's why I was talking to Matthew about you. He told me that you told him you felt as if you had moved on from your past and that you are now open to have relationships with us. And that's truly great and all, but I already know." Daniel concluded and I stared up at him with a confused look. 

"Know what?" I asked quietly, as I was still trying to find my voice again. Daniel smiled a little bit at my question and brought my body into his chest. He removed one of his hands from holding me and brought it to my face. Daniel slowly pressed his forehead to mine and our noses touched as he began to tell me what he knew. 

"I know," Daniel started, "that there is truly one girl for me here. And she's you. It may seem hard to believe, but I do like you. A lot for that matter. I think of you constantly, daydream of when you can return these affectionate feelings for me without a hint of doubt. I know what I want from this process." Daniel traced his fingertips against my cheek and sighed heavily. 

"The problem is, I have no idea how you feel about me, and how you feel about Matthew. Not only that, I still have to at least take the other ladies out on dates and all that garbage my father had told me before you all arrived. The other girls, they all disgust me. I don't know how you feel about them, but in my opinion most of them are not even remotely beautiful. And if they are..." Daniel paused and I already knew a few people who could have popped into his head; Heather for example. I huffed and turned my head away and Daniel chuckled at my reaction to his speech. 

"You didn't let me finish my dear." Daniel said and brought my face back over to his. 

Daniel walked us towards my balcony and I used my free hand to open the door. The warm Angeles air hit my side as I breathed in its sweet freshness.

 "Even if some of the others are remotely beautiful, they are nothing compared to you. Your beauty just takes my breath away; so natural and captivating. Surely you must have noticed guys looking at you over the years?" Daniel asked.

 I thought about what he said for a brief moment. 

"Actually, in Kent there were guys who would drop their jaws when I would walk by them. Personally I thought it was because I was so ugly that they couldn't look away." I shook my head and giggled as Daniel politely laughed alongside me. 

"That's the most absurd, and false, statement I have ever heard. You, Lady Sol Soble, are anything but ugly. And I will go to any lengths, even surrender myself to you, to get you to see that." Daniel said and a smile appeared on his face. 

That's when it happened. I grabbed the back of his neck and stood on my tip toes so I could reach his lips. His lips were as soft as I they had been last time, maybe even more. I could feel myself melting from the inside out. And while I still did like Fabian, this was more than what he had given me with a kiss. Fabian's kisses felt like lips on lips. Daniel's, starting right now anyway, felt like small little bursts of energy that grew larger and larger the longer and more passionate we were kissing each other. My bloodstream seemed to sizzle beneath my layers of skin and my heart was like a horse that was galloping erratically. 

"That." Daniel said after I pulled away from him to catch my breath.

 "That was amazing. I was almost convinced that you liked me. You are an amazing actress Sol." 

 "Who said anything about acting?" I joked and he looked up instantly. 

"Just tell me." Daniel said and captured one of my hands in his. 

"I will tell you what you want to know, but that's only if I know the question being asked Daniel." I said and he face palmed himself. 

"Of course, how silly of me." Daniel muttered to himself. He cleared his throat and dropped his hand to look into my eyes with his own. 

"Tell me that you like me Sol. Tell me that you only want me and not my brother. " Daniel pleaded and my eyes widened.

 "Daniel." I said quietly. 

I tried to think of how to approach this matter, and honesty hasn't let me down too badly yet. 

"I think I do like you Daniel. Maybe not as much as you want me too, but I do. Unfortunately, I cannot grant you your wish in telling you that Matthew means nothing to me. Given, we haven't done anything like this." I pointed around and Daniel laughed when he got my point. 

"Go on." Daniel nudged me and I sighed. 

"I know that Matthew is much more shy than you Daniel. Truthfully, I do know he likes someone from the Selection. The way he talks about her, it's just amazing. She will be very lucky because their love for each other will be like magic. Matthew refuses to tell me who she is, and I want to find out. Not only that, but I want to help him out with this. You know what you want from your life Daniel; you are assertive that way. But Matthew, he isn't. He gets nervous for this stuff, and he can't talk to girls and flirt with them like you can--" 

"Hey, I only flirt with the loveliest." Daniel smirked and winked. I rolled my eyes and continued.

 "It's more than just that; I want to help him. He deserves as much as a happy ending as you do Daniel. I'm not trying to sound rude Daniel, but Matthew needs help getting his love life together. Unless of course, he really does have it together and he just either won't tell me or is going to surprise me." I shrugged and grinned slightly at Daniel who toyed with a smile all his own. 

"Why are you smiling at me like that?" I asked and Daniel's smile broadened. 

"It's because I'm adding that little speech of yours to my mental list of things that are making me like you more and more everyday." 

I blushed and Daniel started to lean down to kiss me again. Before he could however, my door burst open and in came Matthew, who was panting heavily. Matthew rested his hands on his knees and panted while looking at the floor; ignoring Daniel and I and the intimate position we just sprung out of.

 "Urgent." Matthew breathed out and I saw little beads of sweat forming on his face. After a minute. Matthew inhaled deeply and stood upright. 

"Father's discussing... umm Sol, do you mind plugging your ears for a moment?" Matthew asked and I gave him a friendly smile.

 "Of course." I said and Matthew looked at me gratefully. 

"Thank you, my dear." 

Before I plugged my ears up though, I responded. "I'm still not your dear." 

The words flew out at such a relaxed tone that I giggled afterwords. However, the sound of my own laughter was muted to my own ears. 

Daniel stood beside me, but Matthew wasn't looking at him when he was talking, although it looked like it. Matthew was looking at me the whole time he spoke to Daniel and I noticed that Daniel stiffened beside me. Matthew turned toward me and made a motion that I assumed was him telling me I could unplug my ears. As soon as I did, Daniel grabbed my hand frantically and placed a hasty kiss on the back of it before running out of my room. I looked quizzically at Matthew and he walked quickly towards me. 

"Something has come up Sol." Matthew said when he reached me. I still must have had a look of confusion in my eyes because Matthew sighed. 

"It's just family matters Sol. It's nothing to big or bad." I smirked,

 "Alright, I guess. It's not like your family is telling you who the heir to the Illéan throne is, or something like that."

 I laughed at my own joke, but Matthew didn't. In fact, he just stood in front of me stone cold, not moving nor blinking. After a while, he did blink and looked at me. 

"Of course not." he said in a serious tone, but I believed him. 

"Okay good, because that would be bad." 

"In what way?" Matthew asked and his eyebrows fused together. 

I gulped, "Well, it's just that if you didn't know who the future king was, none of the girls would know. And honestly, that scares me." 

"I don't understand Sol. You are not making much sense at the moment." Matthew said and started to pace in circles around me.

 "Well," I started slowly. "The title of queen, if I am being honest, scares me. Imagine if somehow I did  win the selection and I ended up marrying the heir." I shook my head. "That's just crazy to me." 

"But regardless, if you win Daniel or myself..." he said with a hidden emotion in his voice. Matthew stopped pacing so he was standing in front of me and he grabbed my shoulders.

 "Regardless, you would still be a princess, if at first or for the entire rest of time you are alive." 

I didn't say anything for a bit. 

"I know that." was all that I said, and it came out so quietly that it was a whisper.

 I hadn't even thought about being a princess, but now that the thought was brought into the light by Matthew, I realized it gravely scared me. 

"For all intensive purposes," I said in a formal voice I didn't know I owned, "the Crown in general scares the living daylights out of me."

 I wanted to say more but that was when Shane came strolling through my door. 

"Hey Romeo, you're wanted in father's office with Daniel, remember?" 

Shane bowed and Matthew shot him an icy glare. 

"Yes Shane. I am aware." he almost growled while looking over his shoulder at his younger brother. I slipped his hands off of my shoulders and I wrapped my arms around his arm that was closest to me.

 "Matthew." I said and he looked at me immediately. 

"Sol, what's wrong now?" Matthew asked and that kind of stung. Nothing had been wrong; I was expressing that the Crown scared me and Matthew just didn't seem to agree. 

"Nothing." I said at first, but then kept on talking. "Just don't act like that towards Shane. He may be pestering at times, but I hope you know that he just looks up to you and loves you very much. Please go easy on him, for me." 

My aqua irises were pleading, and they worked when Matthew's tensed up arm loosened. He smiled softly and lowered his head closer to mine, and I realized we were now close enough to kiss; my heart did weird things in that moment.

 "For you, I will do it. Only for you, my dear." I giggled and was about to tell him that I wasn't his dear, but he stopped me by planting a soft kiss squarely in the center of my forehead. 

"I'll see you later on alright. I'll probably hushing my voice later on tonight if you don't mind." Matthew whispered and I nodded immediately. Hushing our voices was the phrase we had gone with to go along with our finger over lips signal. It was catchy, and I liked it. 

"No, of course I won't mind." I whispered back and Matthew grinned, his perfect white teeth showing.

 "Good. Now, I will be with my father and brother if you need me. I advise that you start getting for dinner, and later the Report Sol. They are approaching fast." 

With that Matthew stepped away from me and nodded at Shane, who was leaning against my door frame. Before Matthew disappeared down the hall, he winked at me and I felt my cheeks heat up slightly. 

"Hello my secret little dove?" Shane called delightfully as he practically skipped into my room. I rolled my eyes and laughed at him. 

"Secret little dove? I hope that does not mean what I am thinking it does." I just laughed and shook my head, and Shane joined along. 

"It could, depending if you are thinking of what I am thinking." Shane said and wiggled his eyebrows, causing me to crack up all over again and fall to the floor. 

Happy tears from laughing so hard escaped the corners of my eyes and I lifted my legs in the air as I lie on my back. Shane caught one of my ankles and inspected it.

 "You're still wearing it?" Shane asked, suddenly serious. I looked at what he meant, and saw that he was talking about the diamond anklet that he gave me, still resting around my ankle. 

"Of course I am." I said more seriously now as I sat up. Shane immediately dropped my foot and reached out his hand to assist me in standing. He pulled me to my feet and I looked at him squarely. "Why wouldn't I, it's beautiful."

 "Not as much as you." Shane replied quickly and we both heard footsteps in the hall.

 "I have to run," Shane said, "but I'll be back to see you soon, okay?"

 I nodded and Shane ran out of the room as the footsteps grew louder. When the person was clear in my door frame, I saw her look in my direction and her brown eyes narrow at me.

 "Hello Sol." she snarled and walked towards me instead of to her own room across the hall. 

"Hello Heather." I responded with no emotion as she stepped into my room.

 "Ever heard of knocking?" I asked sarcastically as she slowly sauntered over. Her dislike of me was ever present on her face, her features icy. 

"What's the point in knocking when the door was wide open for me to walk into?" she snapped and that was when she got all up in my face.

 I noticed that a beautiful baby pink crystal was hanging from a small silver chain around Heather's neck. Even though I had never seen it before, it looked familiar. I slowly backed away from her. 

"You know Heather, I don't think you have the right to be in my room without my permission. So, you should leave." 

She chuckled under her breath and grabbed my chin with her hand.

 "Now you listen to me, Sol." Heather smirked and her eyebrows were shaped in the way that I would imagine Cinderella's stepmother's would be. Evil. 

 "You have something that I want. Two things actually. But that's not important at the moment. I can see it, something you obviously can't. I leave you with a warning." Heather said and dropped my head. I instantly released a frightened breath as Heather walked back to my door. 

"Don't get in my way, you don't want to be my enemy." 

With that, Heather slammed my door shut and the room practically shook. I heard a small creaking noise from behind me and I spun around to see Asher slowly closing my walk in closet's door. 

"Were you in there the whole time?" I asked angrily and placed my hands on my hips. 

"Umm, yeah. Why do you think I told you to close you eyes before? I went to hide." Asher said, as if it were obvious. I huffed and walked to my door to open it. 

"I think it would be best if you left now Asher." I said angrily and opened my door wide. Asher eyes widened and he shook his head slowly. 

"Goldie Locks--" 

"Thank you for your time, Officer Leger." I accented his name and he knew that I was angry with him, and that it would be best to leave. It wasn't right to spy on people, and Asher most definitely knew that. 

"When you aren't angry any more," Asher said as he grabbed the handle, which my hand was wrapped around. Asher's hand held mine, and he didn't seem to notice it; I did though.

 "You know where to find me." Asher finished and tipped his hat off to me before walking out and shutting my door. 

I groaned and stormed over to me bed. I shoved my head into my pillow and screamed as loudly as the pillow would let me without making to much noise. What the hell was his deal? Spying on me like that; it isn't something friends do. A knock sounded on my door and I groaned. 

"It's open." I yelled so I could be heard, my head was still shoved into my pillow. 

"Sol?" A soft voice said after I heard my door creek open. 

I lifted my head slightly to see Blake standing by my door with a worried expression on her face. I sat up right away.

 "Blake, is everything alright?" 

Blake shook her head and ran towards me, crashing into my body and embraced me tightly. I felt a panic rise inside of me.

 "No. You couldn't have been eliminated." I said and then Blake laughed sadly. 

"No, no it is not that Sol." 

"What's wrong then?" I asked and Blake's shoulders shook. She abruptly stood up from my bed and tugged on my hands. 

"Why don't you find out for yourself." she said, her voice soft and quiet to my ears. 

With that, Blake pulled me up to my feet and was pulling me by my wrists out my door. 

"Blake, slow down." I yelled so she could hear me. 

"Shush up, or they'll hear you." Blake whispered, though I could barely hear it as it was lost in the wind caused by our running through the halls.

 Moments later, Blake slammed on her feet and I ran smack into her back. We tumbled to the floor, but we both didn't bother to get up because we could hear the voices of the two people whispering in the shadows farther down the hall. 

"People are going to start suspecting." A feminine voice hissed, and I felt chill bumps rise on my arms. I felt Blake shudder underneath me and I rolled off of her as quietly as I could. Blake and I lay side by side, flat on our stomachs, as we listened to the unseen pair talk.

 "This is what you wanted, you know. You asked for this." said the man. 

"No I did not," The women retorted, "I asked to come here so I could destroy them. Not to sit around and be a dress up doll, learning manners and all that garbage. You know that, Zander." 

The girl, whoever she was, seemed aggravated with the man. Suddenly, I realized that these were the same two people that I overheard talking two weeks ago, prior to the rebel attack. I froze up, but I didn't tell Blake anything, though it wouldn't have mattered because she was listening intently next to me.

 "Whatever. " 

"You know, I can't believe you're acting like this. I haven't been anything but kind them, just like you've told me Zander," her tone was chilling, "I've done what you asked because I only want you." 

I could vaguely see there dark figures moving back and forth. The taller shadow whipped around and faced the smaller shadow.

 "Tell me." I heard the man whisper. "Tell me those words that I love to hear only from your lips." He purred , causing Blake and I to exchange wide eyed glances at one another. 

"I want you," the girl murmured seductively, "I have always wanted you, and I will want you until the day I die; Zander I love you." 

"And I love you, but we must leave each other once more my love. I will try to see you tomorrow. If not, remember you're in my thoughts. Wait here for a few minutes so it won't seem as if we were just talking." 

The taller shadow, who I now knew as Zander, started to walk towards me and Blake. We scrambled to our feet and ran around a corner just before Zander came into our field of vision. He was a handsome man; not the most handsome I've ever seen, but still enough to be considered. He had fiery red hair which hung in his mint green eyes. Specks of bright blue popped out near his pupils. 

 Blake couldn't stop staring, and I knew why. One look at Zander's clothes and anyone could tell that he would be around the palace for a while; he was wearing a guards uniform. The name Holmes was engraved into a badge that sat on his chest and he didn't seem to notice us as he walked by. 

"Some forbidden love that was." Blake commented after he turned down a different hall and out of sight. She faced me and a smirk was on her face. 

"I know, but I can't help but wonder what they were fighting about." I commented and Blake playfully shook her head.

 "Not what I meant Sol," Blake said, "What I meant was that a romance between a guard and a maid is the cutest! At least in my opinion. Can we stay and watch her come around; to see what she looks like? Maybe we can help them be together more often if we knew what they both looked like?" Blake asked and clasped her hands together while sticking out her lower lip. This caused me to explode with laughter, which usually happens when I'm with Blake. 

"Sure Blake. Just curious, what were you worried about before?"

 Blake opened her mouth to speak, but she closed it once we heard the click-clacking of heels down the hallway we had previously run out of. Peaking our heads around the corner to get a good look at the maid, I felt Blake gasp underneath me. Her shock, like mine, was huge. For it was not a maid walking down the hallway, waiting a few minutes like Zander had asked her to.

 It was CeCelia.


Hey everyone.

First off, thank you so much for reading this chapter. I know, it was kind of slow and kind of boring, but it had to be that way for the plot development of the story. Asher wasn't supposed to see all that drama go down, but he did. Hopefully he knows how to keep his mouth shut :) Also, did any of you expect that ending? I know I didn't.

Don't worry, good stuff is coming soon.  Very soon.

Vote, Comment, Follow, and please please Share!!!

Love you all lots.

QOTD: Which "Truly Selected" girl would you want to be friends with?

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