Chapter 27

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"Daniel Schreave!" I yelled, spitting accursed salt filled water from my mouth. I could feel the minimal makeup I actually had on drip down my face and my day dress began to way me down in the water. "I can not believe you just did that."

 Daniel, in between his fit of snorting laughs, extended his hand down to me. Him, along with Prince Presley, who had been forced to stay hidden from the Selected until tonight when the other Royal families arrived, dragged me out of my room this morning. I had asked where we were going, but instead of getting an answer, Daniel covered my eyes with his baby soft hands. When he pulled them away, I was standing in a very large room. It had a stained glass roof, leaving the sunlight to reflect down on a massive pool. In the corner of the pool rested a large, rocky indoor waterfall. I didn't know what was going on until Daniel lifted me off of my feet and carried me bridal style towards the edge of the pool. Then, he just tossed me in like I was a piece of trash he was throwing away.

 I felt like I was sinking in this water filled day dress; and seeing Daniel's extended hand gave me an evil idea. I just treaded on the surface of the water, kicking my legs in large circles every so often, and stared up at him. 

"Let me help you out." Daniel said, reaching his hand slightly closer to try and reach me. Slowly, I extended my hand to his and my fingers gingerly grazed over his before locking with his hand. 

"No, let me help you." I replied and yanked him into the water using all my strength. 

Just as I had planned, Daniel came tumbling into the water beside me, resurfacing before spitting out water. Prince Presley just stood there laughing. 

"You really shouldn't have done that." Daniel said, slight irritation in his voice. I didn't care. 

"I was all ready for the day Daniel. Do you know how long it takes my maids to do makeup that I personally don't think I need? It isn't enjoyable, let me tell you."

 I swam at a snail's pace, due to the heaviness of my dress, to the shallow end of the vast pool. Finding the tiled flooring with my feet, I trudged through the water and found the steps, slowly rising out of the water like the sun rises from the horizon. I squeaked with every step I took and my feet made sloshing noises whenever they pressed down on my heels. Figures, the one day the heels have some sort of padding in them. I was not happy, and I guess now the rest of my day will be spent wallowing in my room. 

"Sol." Daniel said, no longer laughing.

 I was spoiling his fun by leaving. Good; I wasn't in a fun mood. I spun around to face him and opened my mouth to speak, until I heard Prince Presley's laugh.

 "Wow," he said as I turned around. "You two sound like an old married couple."

 I glared at him, stomping over to his graceful yet masculine figure. 

"And you're a nuisance." I shot back before shoving my arms in front of me. My hands made direct contact with his sides and Prince Presley went tumbling down into the water, landing with a splash beside Daniel. I clucked my tongue before turning towards the door again. But before I even took a step, they flew open. And there stood King Maxon and Matthew.


 I watched as Matthew inspected me, eyeing my body up and down. I must not have been a pretty sight. From the water filled dress, to the scary makeup dripping down my face, to my currently knotted and frizzing, sopping wet hair. Of course, I decided to leave it down today. I just couldn't have gotten lucky today.

 Eventually, Matthew's aqua eyes turned away from me and landed on the two figures in the pool; the two disheveled princes. 

"What is the meaning of this?" King Maxon asked, trying to keep his tone calm. Matthew stayed silent beside him, his face grim as his eyes moved back and forth between me and the two princes. 

"Father, it was nothing. I just wanted to show Lady Sol the pool and Prince Presley asked if he could tag along." Daniel explained, his lying sounding pretty convincing. I didn't care to see the pool, much less have been thrown into it. King Maxon brought his hand up to the bridge of his nose and shook his head slowly. 

"Whatever will I do with this child." he muttered. It sounded like a whisper to me, and I know for a fact that Matthew had heard him; though I doubt Daniel did because him and Prince Presley were too busy having a splashing fight. 

"Father", Matthew said, interrupting King Maxon's stressed out thinking. 


 "Why don't you go to mother and help her and Silvia finish the planning. Or speak with King Juan Sebastian again. I can handle this matter." 

King Maxon nodded once, still seeming unhappy with what was going on, before turning on his heels and walking out of the room. Once the door shut with a click, Matthew turned on Daniel.

 "Are you kidding me Daniel?" he said with anger. Daniel and Prince Presley stopped there splashing at Matthew's tone and turned to stare at him innocently. 

"What?" Daniel asked and Matthew glared at him.

 "Are we five now?" Matthew asked, looking back and forth between the two. 

"Hey," Prince Presley interjected. "Don't speak to me in that manner Prince Matthew. Remember, Illéa still doesn't have an alliance with Spain yet." 

Matthew gave him a really look and Prince Presley blushed crimson when he realized what an awkward situation he was in. Slowly, he waded to the same steps I had climbed minutes ago and stepped out of the pool; water slapping the ground with every delayed step. Matthew turned back to Daniel. 

"We were just having fun Prince Uptight." Daniel commented. 

"This is highly, if not completely, inappropriate Daniel and you know it. Not only did you jump into the pool and bring the Prince of Spain with you, but you brought a Daughter of Illéa into this as well." Matthew shook his head. "Get out of the water. We have a lot of work to do before the other royals arrive earlier on this evening." 

Matthew spun on his heels but froze when he saw me. Without taking his eyes off of me, he walked to a pool chair and picked up a slightly damp-looking towel. With the towel in his extended hand he began to walk towards me, stopping a short distance away. But still, it was a distance. I shot him a short glare before whipping around and starting to run. I heard Matthew shout out my name, but it didn't cease my running. 

How could he? Was that all I really was to him; just a simple Daughter of Illéa? 

As I continued on, I realized that I had no idea where I was. Now that I think about it, the walls surrounding me don't even look like anywhere in the palace that I have come to known. I saw a guard up ahead, and while I could still hear Matthew's yelling in the distance, I took my chances and ran up to the guard. 

"Excuse me?" I said.

 His face was turned down, so I couldn't see his facial features; his hair was covered by his uniformed hat. He also wasn't wearing a name tag, which I found odd, but shrugged it off. 

"Can you tell me where I am?" I asked, hopeful of getting an answer. 

"You're in the Western Wing, Sol." the guard said and finally looked up at me. I tried to contain my gasp, but I just couldn't. Those amber eyes were ones that I would never forget, but ones I didn't want to see. 


My voice sounded like a whisper and I heard Matthew's calls growing louder as he neared. Fabian and I said nothing to each other. We just stared, him down and me up, until I felt Matthew's hand wrap around my forearm. 

"We need to talk." Matthew said and I nodded, not turning to face him; still staring down Fabian. 

I didn't look away when I felt Matthew's hand wind itself with my own, interlacing our fingers. I said nothing as Matthew started to lead me away; he didn't say anything either. I just glared at Fabian, and he glared at me as we disappeared around a corner.


"Is that really all I am to you?" I shouted, rage filling my voice. Matthew gently shut my door and turned to face me when it clicked. 

"Whatever do you mean? And why did you run away from me? I was calling out your name." Matthew responded, walking gracefully across the marble flooring to reach me. I watched his face, silently, as he tilted his head and a look containing longing sprouted.

 Matthew reached his hand up towards my eyes, extending his thumb. As soon as the pad of his thumb touched my face, I backed away. 

"Don't touch me," I growled. "Don't you dare touch me."

 "What is wrong with you?" Matthew asked, no longer friendly. I was appalled.

 "Me?" I replied incredulously, "What's wrong with you!" 

I spun on my heels and stalked over to my bathroom. Hanging on my door, which probably shouldn't have been, was a fluffy purple robe. I snatched it off the door with haste and wrapped it around my body. I then walked into my bathroom and shut the door so I could discard the dress. It was soaked and filthy. 

As I tied the robe around my body, encompassed by the fluffy warmth, I gazed up at my bathroom mirror to see that I looked like a walking disaster. Not caring, I walked back out of my bathroom to see Matthew about to open the door to my room and leave.

 "Leaving so soon?" I asked in a sugary sarcastic tone, "I thought you wanted to talk Prince Matthew." He froze, his hand on the knob. I watched his head fall and the long sigh that followed. 

"Not this again." he muttered and spun around. "Why are you going back to formalities Sol? You always do that when we are arguing. In fact, please enlighten me on why we are fighting again? Because I have no idea." I was mad, angry even. 

"You want to know," I hissed, "how could you not know?" He cocked his head to the right, clearly not getting it. 

"Is that all I am to you?" I asked, repeating my earlier question. And again, Matthew responded the same, 

"Whatever do you mean?" 

"I'm just a Daughter of Illéa to you? That's it? Because if that's the case, you obviously mean more to me than I do to you." Matthew looked stunned and his hand fell off of the door handle to his side. Taking slow baby steps, he walked over to me; though I refused to look at him. 

"Sol," he said slowly, "You know you mean a lot to me—"

"Really? Because it doesn't look like it from where I'm standing." I huffed and side stepped him, walking to my balcony.

 I stood there, my back to him and watched the world through my balcony doors. It was only then that this place didn't seem like heaven, but like a prison. But I would never say that. 

"If I left today, is that all you would remember me as Matthew? Just a god damn Daughter of Illéa? I thought I meant more than that to you." I felt his viper grip on my forearm as he spun me around. Anger flashed in his icy blue eyes. 

"Of course I would remember you as more than a Daughter of Illéa. Hell, I don't even know why you are saying such ridiculous things as leaving. Because you're not leaving. I want you Sol, I thought you understood that by now." I huffed and tried to squirm out of his grasp, but he was too strong for me. 

"If I really meant something to you, then I would think that you would at least have the decency to say my name in public. Without the Lady in front of it." 

"Sol, I have to. It's to keep up appearances." Matthew argued and I lost it.

 "You once told me that you longed for something that you could call your own. Well Matthew, I'm here." I did't even think over the words before they shot out of my mouth but he and I both knew what I meant; I was choosing him, not Daniel, "But if you can't even address me by my name, then it's no wonder why you don't have anything of your own. You have to stand up for what you want Matthew. I can tell you right now, if I am just another Daughter of Illéa to you then I'm walking out of these front doors right now. You—" 

"Would you stop yelling at me for one minute?" Matthew said, his gaze grave and his tone close to acidic, "I'm your prince. You will never dare speak to me in this manner Sol. I—"

 "I don't care that you're the prince. That's great Matthew, but that title isn't going to get you a wife that loves you. That's going to get you a wife that is power hungry—"

 "Good god woman, can I even get a word in?" Matthew yelled and I fell into silence. My forearm was turning red from where his fingers squeezed it. Matthew was breathing deeply, obviously angry. Moments later, after slightly calming down, he spoke again. 

"You're right. I shouldn't have yelled like that and I shouldn't have addressed you as a Daughter of Illéa. For that I am sorry," I watched as the storms in his eyes calmed, allowing my inner turmoil to do the same, "I never meant for that comment to come out like that, but obviously it did. The title isn't meant as a sign of disrespect—" 

"It is to me. It makes it seem as if you don't care for me." I interrupted and Matthew shut his eyes, his breathing picking up again. I shut my mouth and looked down at the floor, cursing myself for always having to get the last word. 

"The title isn't meant as a sign of disrespect," Matthew started up again, "but I suppose you are right on this topic as well. I wouldn't want my future wife, you, to be calling me with formalities attached in front of my name. And Daughter of Illéa would be equivalent to Your Majesty. And for that I am also sorry." 

Matthew hushed up and I felt the pads of his fingers under my chin. He forced my head up so I could look at him. Instead of a disapproving frown, I was met with a small smile. 

"I really like you Sol. A lot. And I know that sometimes I mess up and do things that make it seem like I don't care, but trust me... you're my world." he said and my anger melted off of me. Seeing my own smile form on my face, Matthew leaned closer to me; begging me with his eyes for something that I couldn't give him at the moment. He shut them and leaned forward, but I held my finger up to his lips to put him at a halt. 

"No," I said in a more pleasant tone than what had been used minutes ago, "I can't. Not now." His adam's apple bobbed as he moved away, but his woodsy-mint scent still encircled my body.

 "But," Matthew said, not being able to find the right words, "You just forgave me. I know you did by your tone and by your smile. And not even five minutes ago, you said you were choosing me and not Daniel." Matthew looked at me expectantly and I sighed. His fingers still rested under my chin and they sent tiny sparks of heat through my body. 

"Before this conversation, I did choose you," I said, trying very carefully to not say the wrong thing and mess up this fragile thing that one would call a relationship, "But now, I... I don't take it back Matthew, not completely anyway; if that's what your thinking. It's just that after this, I think I need time to decide whether I want you or Daniel." Matthew's jaw dropped and his fingers fell from my face. I shivered. 

"Why?" he asked, his voice cracking, "Nothing's changed for me." 

"But it has for me." I said sadly and we both said nothing for a while. 

"It kills me to imagine you with anyone else." Matthew piped up after a while of both of us staring at the floor; causing me to look up at him. 

"It's not that I don't like you anymore Matthew," I said, "I still do. My feelings for you are still there, in my now fixed heart." Matthew smiled a little, but it faded faster than it appeared. Seeing it as the only option, I grabbed his hand and brought it to my chest, right over my heart. Matthew, though confused by my actions, let me guide his hand. 

"What do you feel?" I asked and he cocked an eyebrow. 

"Pardon me?" he asked and I laughed a light sound. 

"What do you feel?" I said again and pressed his hand harder into me. Matthew was silent for a while but his eyes found mine when he knew.

"I feel you heart beating." I nodded and moved his hand away, enclosing it between both of my own. 

"Yes. My heartbeat is real. Just as my feelings for you are real. I just need time to sort out all of these feelings I have, and for you to do the same. I don't know what I mean to you compared to the other girls here; but I prefer not to know." Not saying a word, Matthew nodded; understanding what I mean.

 "Okay. Time it is. It's funny, because a while back you needed time to get over your ex-boyfriend. And you told me that you didn't need that anymore of that. So will there be a time when you don't need time to sort your feelings between Daniel and I?" Matthew asked genuinely. I simply shrugged, seeing no other answer. 

"I don't know when Matthew. Hopefully soon, but I won't know until I truly fall. You understand that, right?"

 "Yes. I think I do." Matthew said, though slightly unhappily, and his gaze turned to the floor. I dropped his hands and cupped his cheek. 

"Nothing is going to change between us. I just need—"

 "Time. Yeah, I got it." Quickly, I placed a chaste kiss on Matthew's cheek and a wild blush formed.

 "I should get going." Matthew said and backed out of my arms reach. I didn't welcome the cold. "The other Royal families shall be arriving within the hour, and an hour after that everyone will be expected by the pool. We are having a welcoming party there. Of course, we usually hold balls to welcome these families; but there is no need due to the fact that the Grateful Feast is in two days. I'll see you there, my dear." Matthew said, then hesitantly reached for my hand and kissed it. I blushed crimson, and it only grew as Matthew looked up and noticed it. 

"Red is a good color on you." he said, a real smile forming on his face before he leaned in and kissed my cheek. I laughed and blushed even more when I felt his soft lips graze my cheek. 

"You're not mad at me for asking for time then?" I asked and Matthew smiled at my slightly nervous tone. 

"No, of course not," a sly grin spread on his face, "especially when it allows me to call you my dear without rejection." I scoffed and laughed, Matthew's laughter following mine. He waved before walking to my door, twisting the knob and stepping out. He was about to shut the door completely when he, and I, heard someone call out his name. 

"Prince Matthew." 

Seeing as he didn't close the door all the way, I walked over to it and looked through the creak; watching him and Heather. Her fingers crawled up his arm to rest on his shoulder and her seductive smirk made me tick. She tilted her head and started to lean closer to him and words flashed through my head. 

"Trust me... you're my world." 

I felt a small piece of my newly mended heart crack when her lips touched down onto his. I didn't want to see, or hear, their conversation; so I stepped back and shut the door all the way. Though I was the one who had just asked him for time to sort my feelings between him and Daniel, I still felt the stab that my heart received. I wanted to be mad, but seeing as he was the one who granted me time to sort my feelings I couldn't. However, I wondered one thing; how many world's did Matthew have?


Hey everyone who is reading this.

I'm back! Did you miss me? I missed all of you, even though I don't really know you all that well. But regardless, you were all on my mind this summer. Let's just say I had the most amazing summer of my life.

Anyway, how did you guys like this chapter? I apologize if I'm a bit rusty, I haven't written anything in 2 months. So... yeah. Hope whoever got to the end of this chapter enjoyed it and will keep reading in the future!

QOTD: Which Truly Selected character is your least favorite?

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