Chapter 35

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"There is no way that you haven't done that Asher." I said as Matthew, Daniel, and I all put down a finger. Asher shook his head, a small frown appearing on his face. 

"I have not," he admitted sadly. "I have not had my first kiss."

 "I don't believe that," Daniel said and Matthew nodded. "You definitely display the confidence of a man who has had his first." Asher's eyes narrowed. 

"Well, Prince Daniel, if a guard is not confident, he will fail."

 From the corner of my eye, Ace shifted his position and snuggled up against Daniel. It could possibly be the most adorable thing I have ever seen. Everyone was silent, until I broke it. 

"Okay... I think it's my turn. Never have I ever had a sister." 

As I giggled, all three of them groaned and put down their final finger. I had one left. Throwing my hands into the air, I jumped up and started to bounce with excitement. It reminded me of Willow; it reminded me of the old me. The me before the gowns, shoes, food, etiquette, and royalty in my constant presence. 

"I win! I win!" I hollered and Asher rolled his eyes. Daniel just threw his hand in a indifferent motion and turned his attention toward Ace. Matthew, however, stood up with a closed mouth smile on his face and clapped. 

"I don't think that I have seen this side of you?" he commented as I calmed my body down. Cocking my head, I grinned.

 "Really? I used to be like this all the time." I felt my smile falter and Matthew's hand brushed against my arm, making me look up at him again. 

"I'd love to see that side of you more often." Matthew said with a smile and winked. I giggled and my cheeks turned a light red blush, that was, until I felt daggers in my side. Glancing quickly to my left and downward, I was met with Daniel's cold gaze. His eyebrows were arched downward, and a stern frown was present on his face; all the while he was rubbing Ace's stiff fur coat. Shivering, I looked back at Matthew; who I assume had followed my previous gaze to Daniel. They were glaring at each other, like arch nemesis's, saying nothing. I saw Asher stand up and grab my arm in a light and friendly manner. 

"I'm going to take Lady Sol over to the other Selected. They should be up any minute now, and then your father will tell them the news."

 As Asher led me away from the twin princes, I heard Matthew mumble under his breath; I was just close enough to hear. "That's a good idea. Take her there."

 When we were out of hearing range, I pulled Asher's ear closer to me. He yelped out and released my arm to cover his ear instead. Asher turned to yell at me, eyes narrowed, but I stopped him by covering his mouth with my hand. 

"Hush up, will you," I said and cast my eyes over toward Matthew and Daniel. They seemed to be in a deep conversation and Asher's yelp didn't catch their attention. "What the hell is going on?" 

Asher raised one eyebrow and gave me a really look. When my eyebrows muddled, he pointed to my hand over his mouth. Laughing uneasily, I removed my hand and wiped it on my gown.

 "What the hell is going on with what, Sol. You've got to be more specific." 

"Fine. With those two. Matthew and Daniel. What the hell is going on with Matthew and Daniel?" Asher closed his eyes and brought his thumb and index finger to the bridge of his nose. After a moment, he let them fall and signaled me to follow him. I did just that. 

"You have to choose." Asher said once we stopped in a corner. Mocking him from only minutes before, I put a teasing smirk on my face. 

"I have to choose what, Asher? You've got to be a little more specific." I could virtually see the steam coming out of his ears, and Asher's cheeks were bright red like a tomato. If Asher had a lid like a tea kettle, it would have been whistling loudly by now.

 "You're not taking this seriously," Asher said through clenched teeth. "This isn't a game Sol. You need to pick one of them Sol. Prince Matthew or Prince Daniel. You can't have both. That's not the way this competition works, and it is getting out of hand." 

"Out of hand," I asked incredulously. "Ash, there's fifteen girls left at the Palace. Both of the Princes have plenty of girls to choose from. Why are you so—" 

"Concerned?" He yelled. I stiffened as I felt fourteen pairs of eyes turn on me; the Selecteds'. Asher was breathing heavily, each inhale and exhale audible. I felt someones smooth nails brush against my elbow and flinched, turning around only to see that it was Amber. 

"Why don't we go." She said in a hushed voice and I nodded. 

"No," Asher responded for me, clearly out of breath. "I need to talk to her. It's important." 

"Obviously not, if it involves yelling Officer Leger." Amber said and grabbed my hand with hers and began to lead me away from Asher. 

"But Ambs—" 

"That's Princess Amber to you, remember?" With that, Amber whipped her bedhead hair over her shoulder and pulled me behind her as she walked. We were silent, until she spoke up.

 "He is right, you know," Her voice was soft, and if I hadn't been right next to her, I wouldn't have heard her speak. "You will have to choose one of my brothers eventually." I opened my mouth to speak and Amber laughed.

 "Don't you dare ask me what I mean? Everybody sees it, except them; and you. It's a scary thought; that they're both falling for you, hard. Pick now, and don't leave one of them crushed. I can see it, they would both give you everything. Just in their own ways."

 It was at that moment that I realized that Amber and I had only walked over toward the fourteen Selected. They were all awake now, and King Maxon stood before them with a warm smile on his face. All of them were looking at me. I felt Amber's hand cup my ear and she leaned in to whisper. 

"To be honest, I'm rooting for Matthew. Don't tell." My jaw dropped slightly as Amber pulled away and gracefully glided over to Clara, despite being very underdressed compared to everyday. King Maxon smiled brightly once he saw that he had captured my attention. Now, all fifteen Selected were looking at him intently. 

"Ladies," he said, his voice low yet filled with kindness. "I would like to be one of the first to congratulate the fifteen of you. As it is, making it to the top fifteen during a normal Selection is hard, and it only gets harder from there. Ask my wife. Being an Elite is both stressful and difficult; due to the training and the competition in general. You've got to make sure that you are in their hearts, and they are in yours." 

King Maxon paused and cast his gaze towards Queen America, who was smoothing a sleeping Shane's hair so it wasn't a wild mess. A bunch of Selected awed, myself included. When King Maxon brought his attention back to us, tears rimmed his eyes. They quickly vanished and his face became slightly serious. 

"However, this isn't a normal Selection. This is my twin sons' Selection, and instead of thirty-five girls drawn, there were seventy. So making it to the top fifteen out of seventy girls... you all should be very impressed with yourselves." King Maxon began applauding, and one by one the Selected followed his lead. As our applause died down, Queen America came to stand by King Maxon's side. She looped her arms through the space between his right arm and the rest of his side; then locked her hands around his single one.

 "While Maxon is right, and making the top fifteen is a huge accomplishment for you all," she said. "It isn't, however, making it to the Elite. But you all are lucky, for we are switching things up this Selection." Queen America let her head fall lightly on King Maxon's shoulder and I watched as his cheeks lit up to a light red. He loved her. Even after all these years, all this time; he truly did love her. Glancing over at Matthew and Daniel, who were still whispering in hushed voices in the corner, I realized that I wanted that too. I wanted that badly; and I think that one of them can provide me with that love, which I would give back to them in return. The only question now, was who? 

"So, for this special Selection," King Maxon started talking again, making my attention return back to him. "We are starting something new. And if something like this Selection ever happens again in Illéan history, this will be applied. So, without further ado, we are happy to announce what this new thing is. It is called the Pre-Elite, and you are all one." Squeals bounced off of the concrete walls and I saw a hand shoot up into the air. 

"Yes Lady Darling?" Queen America asked in her sweet and serene voice. 

"This Pre-Elite," Darling started and let her hand fall back to the side of her blood red nightgown. "What is it exactly. I'm very confused." Queen America laughed and squeezed King Maxon's hand with her two. He chuckled. 

"Ahh, Lady Darling," he started in a calm tone, "Always the studious one." 

Darling shrugged. "Without knowledge, what are we?" 

"Very true, very true," King Maxon said with a light chuckle before becoming more serious, though his voice was still friendly. "Basically, the Pre-Elite will be used, and only used, when twin princes or triplet princes, not that triplet princes are very likely, have a Selection. Since there were seventy of you to begin with, and there are two princes who are looking for wives, we decided it would be fair if we kept more of you here. So, the Pre-Elite are the top fifteen girls in the special Selections, like this one. It gives both of my sons more time to get a feel of each of you and to see if you have a future together without all the hassle of training and work. However, once my sons reach ten girls, they will be the official Elite." Whispers spread through the group and I felt a tap on my shoulder.

 "Can you believe this?" Blake asked with a wide grin. I shook my head once.

 "I don't really know how to feel about it." I said and Blake's smile fell. 

"What do you mean?" she asked and I sighed. 

"I just feel that this won't make being an Elite as special." Instead of sympathizing me, Blake started cackling. In other words, laughing. Calming down, she wiped happy tears from her eyes. Thank goodness every other Selec— I mean, Pre-Elite was having their own conversations. Otherwise, I would have been very embarrassed. 

"Look who's gained a boat load of confidence. Do you already know who will be in the Elite Sol?" Blake teased and my ears heated up. 

"You know what I mean Blake." I snapped and her smile fell. 

"Oh... you're not joking," I tilted my head and gave her a 'yeah, no kidding' expression. She blinked once and rolled her shoulders back, something I had never seen her do. I had never seen Blake uncomfortable. "Well, I think you have nothing to worry about Sol. You know that both of the princes care about you deeply, as do I. The Pre-Elite is only a temporary thing. You'll probably forget about it once you become an Elite." I didn't say anything back. I just hugged my crossed arms tighter to my chest and stared down at the floor. 

"Sol," Blake started taking again, trying to gain my attention. "Look, about just before. I'm sorry. I didn't realize that you were being serious and I thought it was just a joke. I didn't mean to tease—"

 "Does it matter?" I snapped, my eyes flying up to meet her face. They were narrowed and shooting daggers at her. "You never take anything serious. Never. It's all one big laugh to you, isn't it. Nothing in this world matters, especially for someone like you Blake. A Two? Hmm?" I didn't even think of the words before they shot out of my mouth like a bullet; each word worse than the last. I could see tears welling up in Blake's beautiful dark blue irises, but she quickly blinked them away and narrowed her eyes. Following that, she crossed her arms over her chest. 

"Well, if you really feel that way," she spat out venomously. "Then maybe we need a break from each other. Possibly a permeating one." Blake spun on the heels of her slippers and stomped away, meanwhile I was covering my mouth with both of my hands. I couldn't believe I had just done that. There must be something wrong with me, there had to be. 

I felt a soft touch on my shoulder and Willow appeared beside me. She was shaking her head sadly and then left me, following Blake in order to catch up with her and cheer her up; make her stop her quiet sobs that I could hear from where I was, but no one else could hear. I wanted to go over there and apologize. I desperately wanted to, but for some reason, my feet felt like they were stuck to the ground. I could feel more word vomit coming up my throat, and try as I might, it was bound to come out.

 "Fine!" I shouted. "Be that way Lady Blake." I spun on my own heels and walked away, only to be stopped seconds later by Heather, and Harmony of course. 

"Nice job Sol," Heather said, a wicked grin on her. "You know, you could be friends with us. The expensive life is a good life." Harmony sneered and both of them cackled, throwing their heads back.

 At one point in my life, I would have considered becoming friends with them. Back when I was fourteen, just when Ben had been drafted, I would have given anything for a friend. Especially a friend who was a Two. But now, after everything that I've been through in my short life, I knew that I didn't need that. I didn't need all the fake and bitchiness. After I discovered who Sam really was, I knew that wasn't someone I wanted to associate myself with. I had a real friend, and I hurt her. And now I needed to apologize for my actions. 

Shaking my head, I spun on my heels and started to walk towards Blake. I could hear both Harmony and Heather scoffing behind me, but I ignored them. When I was about five steps away from Blake, her back was towards me. She was on her knees and hugging herself with her chin tucked into her chest. Sighing, I closed the last five steps between us and placed a hand on her shoulder. 

"May I join you?" I asked softly and Blake's small heaves stopped. Slowly turning her head and looking up at me, her tears became less and less and she put on a small grin. 

"I remember when I had said that to you after you fought with Willow." She said, her voice cracking. Laughing lightly, I sat down beside her and made her face me. 

"Listen," I started off. "I don't know what came over me just then, but I'm sorry for it. Maybe it's me being tired, or maybe it's the fact that I'm still walking around on a sprained ankle even though I shouldn't, and it's irritating my body; if that makes sense. Whatever the case is, it is no excuse for my behavior. Blake, you are one of my best friends here; and one of the best friends I have ever had. I am so so sorry for yelling at you, and I hope that you could find it in your heart to forgive me." Blake just stared at me, eyes unblinking. Then, out of nowhere, she started cracking up; falling onto her butt and flailing her legs up into the air during the process. I cocked an eyebrow once she sat up and tried to get her breathing out of whack. 

"You know," Blake started. "Willow was right. You do need time to think over what people say before confronting them about it." With that she fell back laughing again, and once I finally understood why she was laughing, I started up as well. What Blake just reminded me of was the first time we met each other; when Willow was mad at me for going out on a date with both Matthew and Daniel without telling her. 

"No, I want you to think over what I said, and when you're ready to open up to me and tell me everything, then you may come find me," is what she had said. Then she had left me, and Blake replaced her. And that was the start of our beautiful friendship. 

"Sol," Blake said finally, a proud smile on her face. "Of course I accept your apology. I will always accept your apologies. I may not be you absolute best friend, but truthfully, you are mine." 

I let out an aww sound and we both threw our arms around each other and squeezing tight. This takes me back to the past four years of my life, where Sam would be replacing Blake. Though it was sad to think about the late Samantha Crystals, this felt right. Blake was just meant to be one of my best friends. And I hers. 

We squeezed each other tighter, as if we were to let go then we wouldn't be able to be together ever again. We both laughed and closed our eyes. It was just our ringing laughter for a while, until suddenly, something felt off to me. Something felt wrong... where was Willow? 

Opening my eyes I searched around the room, but couldn't see her anywhere. Wasn't she coming over here only a few minutes ago. As I continued to scan the room, I noticed that Matthew and Daniel were still talking close together. However, something surrounding them was different. I watched as a shadow of a figure moved in the dark corner just behind them. The figure seemed short, though not too short. And even from my distance I saw something being held up, and the sound of a click. Eyes widening, my fight-or-flight instincts kicking in. I scrambled out of Blake's tight embrace and ran towards the twin princes. The arm was held up in Matthew's direction, and I knew exactly what was going to happen. 

"MATTHEW!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "GET OUT OF THE WAY!"

 I was to late, despite my near sprinting and yelling. The sound of a gun went off, its loud boom reverberating off of the walls and I heard the sound of the bullet colliding with flesh. Matthew's painful scream broke my heart, not into two but half way there. Daniel just stood next to his brother, wide eyed, as Matthew lay on the ground. 

What I hadn't realized at the moment that the gun went off was that the large doors of the Safe Room had been knocked down. And now that I had almost reached Matthew and Daniel, I looked back to see that several rebels had flooded into the room. Clara and Amber were screaming, as well as more than half of the Selected. All the guards inside of the Safe Room ran towards the rebels. Ignoring the rebels advancement, though I probably shouldn't have, I raced the last of the length to the princes and kneeled beside Matthew.

 "Ohmygosh." I said, my words blending together from adrenaline and shock. His left ankle was completely bloodied, as was the floor around it. Matthew groaned in pain and laid still, only turning his head a small increment too look up at me.

 "Sol." He whispered and groaned in pain. Matthew had clearly been shot in his lower leg; he was lucky that it wasn't something vital, like his stomach, head, or heart. 

"Hang on Matthew, I'm going to get you out of here and to a doctor." I said, choosing fight over flight mode. Bending down completely, I put Matthew's arm around my shoulder and tried to heave him off of the floor and to his feet. Unfortunately for me, Matthew is a lot bigger than I am; meaning he weighed more as well. After what seemed like hours of struggling, I looked up to see that Daniel was still standing above Matthew and I, still as a statue. 

"Help me." I commanded, and Daniel blinked twice before snapping into action. Bending down, he reached under Matthew's other arm and helped me lift him up. 

"You know," Daniel said as we began to run away from the rebels while supporting Matthew's weight; well, I limped more than ran. "I usually don't take orders from others. But I'll make an exception for this occasion." I rolled my eyes and felt that similar bitchy feeling in me that I had felt when I was arguing with Blake. And I knew that the rebels were in store for some good old Sol. 

"Daniel," I shouted over the noise. "Take Matthew. I'm going in." 

Before Daniel could object, Matthew had passed out, I passed all of Matthew's body weight onto him. He stumbled a bit, but since he was only an inch shorter than Matthew, he could hold his weight.

 "Go hide!" I yelled one last time before I ignored the blistering pain in my ankle and ran. 

The rebels were everywhere. Five on the right, three fighting off one guard six steps behind me, and so many more continuously flooded into the room. Lucky for me, I can think on my feet during attacks. Thank you Kent, rebel attack central.

 I ran straight towards a knight statue that was decorated with all its armor and weapons. It only took seconds for me to grab what I was looking for: the shield and the sword. Holding both in my hand, I ran back towards the attack. The closer I got, the more speed I picked up. Once I was ten feet in front of three rebels, who were all standing next to each other, I ducked my head slightly and held the shield above my lowered head. I felt like a bull, running to hit the red flag. And hit I did. As soon as the shield made contact with the three rebels, they went flying. I continued this for quite some time until I saw a guard within a short distance of me. He would help me and everyone else survive this attack, but only if we worked together.

 "Fabian." I shouted over the noise. His hat covered head whipped in my direction immediately and he smiled. Not a big smile that would be used in pictures, but more of a sly, cocky one.

 "You ready to fight, Solstice?" he asked in a teasing tone, using his old nickname for me. I had to admit, it did pull a few heart strings, but I couldn't think of that now. Now, it was fight or die. And I certainly did not want to die. 

"I was born ready, Fabes." I responded, making sure I used his old nickname as well. Two could play at that game. I watched many emotions flickered across his face and amber eyes in the matter of seconds, but he seemed to shake off whatever he was thinking and ran towards me. 

"Sol." I heard Matthew say weakly from behind me. I whipped my head around to see Matthew leaning against Daniel's body; both of them looking at me with extreme concern. I guess he had regained consciousness.

"Be careful," Daniel said and glanced at his brother before looking at me again. "For the both of us." 

I didn't say anything; just simply nodded my head. Then I took off, limping every time I stepped on my left foot. It burned like acid, but I continued to push on. Reaching Fabian, he caught me in his arms and the aroma of him infiltrated my nostrils. He smelled like the honey-scented home made soap that he had always used back in Kent. Without meaning to, I sighed and breathed him in deeper. I stopped myself midway, however, and slowly peeked my head up to look at him. His eyes expressed bewilderment, but when they held mine, they changed to love and he smiled shyly. 

"Okay," Fabian started, trying to get whatever just happened out of his head; and perhaps mine as well. "I know that your ankle is sprained. I overheard the doctor saying it before. So all I want you to do is distract the rebels." At first, I wasn't sure if I heard Fabian right. I even went to the length of sticking my index fingers in both of my ears and making sure they were clean. 

"What?" I responded once I knew that I hadn't heard him wrong. 

"Distract them for me," Fabian said and lightly placed both of his hands on my shoulders in a simple touch. That combined with his easy going smile sent internal shivers through my body. I nodded and gave him a tight lipped smile before backing out of his reach and turning around. Fabian followed behind me slowly and I marveled at how no rebels were attacking us. That was strange; very strange. But I ignored the wrong feeling and pursued on, shouting out to rebels to get there attention; 'Hey scum...' or 'Look over here, you disgusting swine.' And each time, a rebel looked my way, only to be shot by Fabian seconds later. 

After doing this for several minutes, I turned back to Fabian and held up my hand in a stopping motion. His rock hard abs, which hadn't been there before I left Kent, bumped into it lightly. It's not that Fabian wasn't strong before coming to Angeles, but whatever the guards were given during their training amplified his muscles tone, and made him stronger. I blushed at the faint impact, but quickly collected myself before looking up at him. 

"As much as I want to help, I can't any further. You will have better chance of not getting yourself killed if you go back now and fight." Instant refusal sprang into his eyes and I knew he was going to fight back. 

"Sol I can't." he said and I shook my head. 

"But you have to."

 "I can't leave you. I won't just walk away and leave you here to die. I can't let someone else I lo..." He stopped talking, widened his eyes, and slowly lifted his tentative hand to my jaw line. 

"I can't lose someone else that I love." 

I could feel my breath stop as I stared into the amber eyes that I had loved since I was merely fourteen years old. The same eyes that watched me as I sang. The same eyes that I dreamt about for over four years. The same eyes that rescued me from a rebel when I ran away from home because my brother "died". He had never said those words to me before. Fabian had never told me that he loved me; until now, when I couldn't be with him.  Sighing, I cast my eyes to the floor. 

"You won't." I whispered and felt a light peck on my left cheek. Looking up in surprise, I noticed that Fabian had already started to walk away from me. He had kissed me. And left. 

Just then, I felt someone grab me by my elbows and drag me backwards. I tried to scream, but the sounds were muffed because of the rebels filthy hand covering my mouth. I felt his lips just behind my ear and shivered once his warm breath made contact with my skin. 

"I told you we would meet again, my dear." I knew exactly who this man was; the head rebel that attacked my home back in Kent. Turning my head, I screamed  harder when I was met with piercing, black beady eyes and his missing teeth grin. "Have you missed me?" 

I thrashed in his arms, but his grip was like iron; rock hard and solid. There was no way I was escaping him on my own. Off to the side, I noticed Asher throw a punch square into a rebel's jaw. The rebel reeled back in pain and tripped over a body; a body who had a long gash down his or her arm. I watched the blood drip down their arm in thin strides as Asher pulled the person to their feet, and my eyes widened once I realized that the person was Shane. He looked frightened, at first for himself; until he saw me. His eye bulged out of his head and he pointed over Asher's shoulder. 

"Your Highness," Asher said, clearly ignoring his wordless alarm. "You must get out of here. I will escort you." But Shane didn't listen. He covered his ears with his hands and screamed. 


 That was when Asher whipped around to see me being dragged away forcefully. I saw his whole face go ghostly white and he began to sprint towards me, leaving Shane behind him; completely forgotten. I kicked my legs in a futile effort to escape yet again, but nothing I did was working. I heard the rebel whispering into my ear again and again, sending my body billions of icy shivers. 

"Don't try to leave so soon, my dear. The Big Boss is so excited to meet you." I screamed again and the rebel clamped his hand tighter over my mouth. That was when I heard the footsteps. I looked up, relieved to see Asher. At that moment, I could have kissed him.

 "Let her go, you scumbag." Asher roared and lunged towards us. I squeezed my eyes shut and shrunk down slightly as Asher barreled into the rebel. The three of us went flying backwards, and once Asher's fist made contact with the rebel, his grip on me diminished into next to nothing. Asher straddled the rebel's body and began pounding his fists into his face. The sound of fist against flesh soon became unbearable, so I grabbed Asher's raised fist with my hand. He stopped throwing punches and looked up at me with fire in his eyes. 

"Leave him," I said, my voice as even as I could get it to be with all of the fear bubbling inside of me. Never had I been this afraid of anything." We need to get out of here. Every other Selected, excuse me, Pre-Elite is gone, as well as the royal family. Please escort me Officer Leger."

 For once, Asher listened to me and jumped to his feet. Before I could even move, Asher swept me off of my feet and into his arms, cradling me against his chest as he ran. I could feel his warm tears trailing down the back of my neck as we bolted around each and every corner of the palace. Turning one more corner, he stopped running and just stood still, holding me tightly against my chest. 

"I'm so sorry Sol." He cried into the crook of my neck as his body trembled. I lifted my arms out of his tight clutch and draped them over his shoulders, clasping my hands behind his neck in a loose hug.

 "Ash," I cooed and made a soothing shushing noise until he calmed down enough for me to speak. "It's okay Asher. Goldie Locks is fine." At this, Asher gave a light chuckle. I moved my head away from the crook of his neck, instead gazing into his amazing green eyes that were unlike any other that I had seen in my entire life. 

"I'm okay," I breathed and reached my thumb just below his eyes to wipe the straggling tears. He smiled lightly and a baby pink blush blossomed on his pale cheeks. I brushed the long pieces of hair on the front of his head back and smiled. "Better, but you need to get that hair of yours buzzed and under control."

 Asher laughed; a real, genuine laugh and nodded. "Yes Blondie." I giggled.

"It's funny Asher. Just a month ago, you would have been repulsed at even the concept of rescuing me." Asher laughed again and started to walk at an even pace; rocking me gently. I closed my eyes and let the soft pitter-patter of his feet lull me to sleep; the only sleep I had had the entire night. 

"Things change Goldie Lox." Asher said simply and I let my body completely relax, But before I fell into a deep slumber I mumbled out the only words left in my mind. 

"Yes they do Ash. Thing definitely change."


Hello everyone who is still up right now,

So, what did you think of this chapter??? I hope you thought it was alright, because I'm really tired right now and I have no idea if it's good or not (subconsciously bites nails).

So, yeah a lot of deep stuff went down in this chapter, which brings me to my only point for this chapter. Truly Selected is almost over!!!!! Dun Dun Duuuuuunnnnn.

I know, a complete surprise, but Sol is just telling me that this book is ending, but her story is just beginning. I don't know what the little lady has in store for me, but I have a feeling it will be a lot to take in. I keep wanting to tell more, add more, and she keeps shaking her head and telling me know. Sorry, not sorry :D

As I've said in a previous chapter, I want to make Truly Selected into a trilogy series. However, I can't do that without all of your help. I would greatly appreciate it if all of you would help me in spreading the word of Truly Selected. Get your friends, your neighbors, the random guy you see on the street (just kidding), to read Truly Selected! I want this to get far, and I can't do that with all of you amazing people!

Anyway, I'm just rambling on now and should probably get some sleep; or watch some t.v., whichever comes first.

Love you all lots!


QOTD: Which song reminds you of Truly Selected. (I want to make a playlist for Truly Selected when the book is over.)

P.S: Comment, Vote and Share!

P.P.S: If you're too scared to leave a comment, you can always private message me. I love hearing from you all!

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