Chapter 6

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"This is it!" mom squealed with excitement. About two weeks had passed by since I filled out my Selection form and took my picture. It was now Friday again, and the Report would be on in five minutes. Since both my family and I agreed we never wanted another Report to go like the one two weeks ago did, we didn't invite the Wolk's over and we changed up the scene. Instead of dinner waiting for us on the table during the Report, there was a large tray of cupcakes surrounding the four of us on the floor. None of us sat in a chair, and for my sake there were boxes among boxes of tissues. 

'At least my family cares about my well-being ,' I thought, desperately trying to not let my mind wander to Fabian again. I was done loving him; so why did I still feel like I was fighting a war in my mind to let him go?

My thoughts were broken up when the Illéa National Anthem blared through our television speakers. I always loved our anthem. Sometimes when I was alone, I would hum the melody of it. 

My mother placed her wrinkled palm on top of my hand, and Niko wrapped a protective arm around my shoulder. We've become a lot closer these past weeks. I've even met his girlfriend, Terry. In an odd way, she reminded me of Queen America. Terry had dull red hair, but lively dark blue eyes. Even though the Queen's hair was fiery, and her eyes were a light shade of blue, I still saw a slight similarity in looks.

Terry was also very comical, and I could see why Niko loved her so much. I was happy for the cute couple. 

When the anthem died down, my whole family leaned in closer to the television. The selected Daughters of  Illéa would be called out tonight, and my family couldn't wait. We watched Gavril Fadaye stroll on to the stage with a grin on his wrinkling face. 

"Good evening Illéa." Gavril spoke and mom sighed. She had always thought Gavril was attractive, especially when he was younger, and that seriously disgusted me. He must be, like, a gazillion years old by now!

I knew Niko agreed with me when he moved me and himself away from mom. She couldn't help but laugh. 

"Tonight," Gavril started, " We will reveal the chosen Daughters of Illéa, who will compete for either the hand of our beloved Prince Matthew or Prince Daniel. Now my Queen, do you have any advice for these young women?"

Gavril turned to Queen America and she smiled her beautiful smile. She was so gracious and beautiful, that if I somehow won the Selection, I knew I would never be as good of a Queen as her. It's funny. According to mom, she wasn't anything like a Queen during King Maxon's selection.

"Well Gavril, I quite simply say this. Play safe. Just like some of you young ladies out there, my sons are both nervous for finding love." 

Queen America looked at both of her sons who were both sitting to her right. They looked stiff in their chairs, and their faces were emotionless. The only thing visible were the frowns that marred their faces. Their identical honey blonde hair was combed perfectly into place while large golden crowns sat atop their heads. Their suits were crisp and perfect; nothing was out of place. Over the years, I have only come to find one significant difference between the two twins; Prince Daniel had brown eyes, whereas Prince Matthew had blue.

"How will they ever find love?" I accidentally blurted out loud, rudely. "They appear to have as much personality as a doorknob."

My father and mother glared at me, but Niko chuckled at my remark. The camera focused back on Queen America and she gave her final words of advice.

"Make wise choices young ladies, for one day this may be your life." She pointed to her crown and lightly chuckled. "Make sure a heart was meant for you and only you to break, and more than anything, just be yourself! I know it worked wonders for me."

I relaxed at her words. Of anyone in the whole royal family, I think Queen America was my favorite. 

"Wise words, my Queen. Very wise indeed," Gavril than turned to King Maxon. "It seems Queen America has definitely changed since your Selection, don't you agree King Maxon?"

 King Maxon simply nodded his head. 

"Indeed she has Gavril. And everyday I love her more and more." 

I could hear chorus the "awws" from my parents behind me.

The King and Queen looked into each others eyes and anyone could see how much love they had for one another. 

"Without further ado, here are our Daughters of Illéa!"

Gavril started to read names from a long list, and the young ladies faces flashed across the screen of our television. In the bottom corners were both princes faces to see there reactions. 

"From the province of Sota, we have Willow Myles, Four, and Harmony Workson, Two." 

The screen changed from Gavril's face to two pictures of  the Daughters of Sota. The picture on the left side of the screen had a girl with soft, chestnut brown hair and light green eyes. Her eyes actually matched perfectly with her olive skin tone. She had a soft smile that made me smile a little bit myself. I looked at the name underneath the photo to reveal that this girl was Willow Myles. 

Looking to the right side of the screen, I was looking at the image of the other girl, Harmony Workson. She had strawberry blonde hair, with more of a reddish tint, and very light green eyes as well. Her eyebrows were arched perfectly and she had a plastered, practiced smile on her face. Although she wasn't the prettiest girl I've ever seen, I could definitely tell that she was a Two.

I looked at each of the Princes faces to see there reactions, but was rather horrified when I saw Prince Matthew frown slightly and Prince Daniel yawn. The pictures disappeared and Gavril re-appeared on the screen. And this went on for hours. 

A few of the Daughter's of Illéa caught my eye. For example, from Carolina, Elsie Swan; I knew she would do good for Illéa. 

Elsie had shoulder length black hair and was very tan. Her eyes were an almond brown color, however you couldn't help but notice that she looked New Asian. She had a New Asian heritage and that would get her far in the competition, for Illéa was sadly still at war with New Asia. 

Other Daughters were just pretty, if I must say so. 

Heather Jume, a Two from Sonage, was someone I thought the Princes would go gaga for. She had dark brown eyes and brown hair. Although her hair and eye coloring was rather basic, her hair was very glossy and her lips were full. She had a professional smile on her face and I could only assume that she was a model. I looked at the Princes faces to see that they had only gotten more bored and disappointed since the Report had begun. That was rather disappointing, not for me really but for Heather. I felt bad for her.

"Okay now Ladies and Gentlemen of Illéa, are you ready to see our final two Daughters of Illéa?" Gavril asked excitedly and I saw my mother nod her head as if Gavril could actually see her. 

"Now, get ready to meet our Daughters of Kent!" Gavril shouted and looked back down at his list of names. 

"First, we have," Gavril paused dramatically and looked directly into the camera with a smile. "Samantha Crystals, Three."

I screamed of joy when Sam's picture appeared on the television. She looked so happy and radiant in her picture, with her tight black curls bouncing and her green eyes lively, but once again the Princes looked bored. I rolled my eyes at both of them and the screen flipped back to Gavril once again. 

"Our final Daughter of Illéa is... Sol Soble, Four."

My face went into slack with shock as my family screamed and rose to there feet. They started to hug each other and jump up and down in circles, kind of like Sam and I on the day we got our pictures taken. 

I stared at the television which now had my picture on it. 

The blue sweater brought out the dark blue rings on the outskirts of my eyes. The rest of my eyes were a bright, baby blue, and my smile was very soft. My long, golden blonde wavy hair flowed down my back and had little water droplets clinging to it. I must admit that I looked like a excited, and I looked happy. 

Although I didn't want to see the Princes reactions, I looked anyway. And now, I was surprised. 

Prince Daniel actually had a small smile on his face, like my picture had cracked the serious facade he wore. He leaned back in his chair and folded his arms across his chest. I then looked to Prince Matthew and found an even better surprise. 

Prince Matthew's eyes had gone big and they looked as if they were full of wonder. His eyes were baby blue, just like mine. I must have been imagining things, but he appeared to be leaning forward, inspecting the image at a closer view. 

"That's all the time we have for tonight everyone. I'm Gavril Fadaye and this has been the Illéa National Report. Goodnight everyone," Then the screen went black. 

My parents and Niko pulled me into a huge family hug and we stayed like that until our phone started to ring. 

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