Woo its kind of a oneshot?

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By Mia and Sarah

Once upon a time, there lived a woman and a man, by the name of Hillary and Bill Clinton who lived in a fair and just land called the United States of America. One day, they had a daughter whom they named America, after their beloved country.  She embodied the true spirit of the American Dream, one for hope and liberty for all.
One fateful day, Hillary and Bill used some of the government's money to help Syrian refugees in desperate need. However, a cruel man by the name of Donald Trump did not approve of their actions. He wanted the government's money for himself. Donald Trump did not appreciate what the American dream stood for, and did not encourage immigration of people from Muslim-dominated countries.
To get revenge, Donald Trump stole their daughter to supposedly "preserve" the American Dream for all people. He locked her up in the Trump tower, built on the Mexican border wall. This caused the country to fall in to a period of darkness, corruption, and despair.
Over the years, America grew to become an independent, strong woman even under the pressures of being a hostage. However, Donald Trump never let America cut her hair because he believed that women should always have long hair. This made America terribly unhappy. Every day, she repeated her two desires to herself.
"I want to leave this tower, and get a pixie cut."
One day, a group of travellers trying to illegally flee the U.S. heard a sweet voice singing the national anthem. They walked towards the voice, and stumbled across America's tower.
"Hello?" they called up.
"Yes," America replied in a curious voice. "Who are you?" 
"We are travellers trying to flee the U.S.. The country is a terrible place now." She let down their hair, and they made their way up to the tower. America was afraid at first, but then she realized these people were quite friendly and in need.  They told her their story, and she took pity on them. "I wish I could help you, but I seem to be stuck in this tower. I am the lost daughter of the Clintons, and I embody what America used to stand for. If you bring me a scrap of a dream from any person every day, we can weave a ladder together and I can escape." The travellers agreed, and they bid their farewells and left the tower.
Every day, the travellers brought America a scrap of a dream, and she began to weave a fine ladder. The travellers began to hope, and discreetly spread the word to a few trusted friends, who continue to spread hope. Slowly, the country started to improve and become a better place.
One day, Donald Trump was climbing up America's hair, and America said, distractedly:
"You are much heavier than the travellers," Donald Trump was blind with rage and roared:
"I am not HEAVY! My doctor declared me in perfect physical and mental health!" Now, America knew that Trump was definitely overweight, bordering on obese, but she didn't dare to say that out loud. "You wicked girl," he sneered, face contorting evilly. "You thought you had deceived me. Well, that's not possible because I am the smartest man in the world. I am a stable genius." America knew that definitely wasn't true, but she was smart and kept her mouth shut while he ranted. After he was done, America stood up defiantly and said:
"You cannot contain me, for I am an independent woman. The fight for feminism is not women wanting to become superior to men, but for women to be recognized as equals. You say that I am the problem? The American spirit represents more than power. It should represent freedom! You are the problem!"
"You nasty woman." he spat, turning a darker shade of orange.
"Woman is not an insult." she shot back. In his anger, he seized a pair of scissors and cut off America's long braids. He was so angry that he deported America to a replica of Guantanamo Bay prison in the middle of a Mexican desert to live in great misery and be forced to listen to Despacito 24/7. America never let her spirit waiver, however and she knew that she had to stay stay strong for the American people.
Donald Trump rushed back to the tower before nightfall and fastened America's braids to the tower. When the travellers called the password: "Donald Trump is an uncivilized Cheeto", Donald had to bite his fist to repress his rage, but he let threw the hair down. He quickly ran to the corner.
"America, we gathered hopes and dreams from 100 people!" they called gleefully.
"America is gone! I got rid of her for good! And all of you are nasty immigrants, I bet none of you are true pure Americans like me! Begone you filthy creatures!"

In their despair, the travellers fell off the tower and into a thornbush that stung of patriarchal corruption. The travellers roamed for many months until they came across the Clintons.
"Donald Trump got rid of America! We need to find her!" they told the Clintons the rest of their story, and ... (then they gathered many people to help find her)
The Clintons and the travellers led the huddled masses across America, and knocked down the border wall in a blind rage. They travelled through a desert until they came across a golden door emblazoned with a giant 'T'.
"This could only be the work of Donald," Hillary said gravely. She turned to the crowd behind them and declared: "Knock down that door! For Americans deserve freedom!" The crowd surged forward, fueled by a new energy and hope. The door was soon knocked down, revealing America, with a very snazzy new haircut. She rushed to greet her parents and the travellers, and they fell into each others' arms and wept. America's tears fell into the traveller's eyes and their sight was magically restored.
Suddenly, a voice behind them spoke.
"Well, well, well. Look who it is. Where's your prince to save you?" Everyone whirled around, then gasped in fear. It was Donald Trump, as orange and uncivilized as ever.
"I don't need a prince to save me!" America shouted. "I am a strong, independent WOMAN!" With that, the crowd yelled:
"Impeach Donald Trump!" Trump turned a pale shade of orange, then turned and ran into his car where Melania was waiting.
"Melania get me out of here!" He yelled.
"No. You have done nothing but disrespect me since I married you! I will not stand for this anymore! I'm leaving. Have a good life Donald Trump" and with that, she got out of the car and joined the crowd.
"N-no! This can't be possible!" Donald screamed, looking around in horror. "There are people that aren't white in America? My beloved country!"
The people closed around Trump, backing him into a corner. One young girl gathered the courage and spat on Trump. As the people watched in horror, his spray tan rubbed off, revealing... a Native American elderly man? The crowd gasped in obvious shock.
"Why are you prosecuting your own kind?" America asked in disbelief.
"Because they shunned me for having alopecia," he explained sadly. "That's why I wear a toupee." The crowd murmured uncertainly. They couldn't believe what they had just heard.
"Well. that is quite the sob story you have," said America. "But that still doesn't justify your actions. You need to write a formal apology to the American people, knock down the wall for good, and resign as president." she explained.
"Who am I to take orders from you nasty woman?" he exclaimed. America sighed sadly.
"Well, we tried our hardest and I see you still haven't changed. I suppose you can't teach an old dog new tricks." she lamented. "I'm sorry, Donald Trump. I'm sorry that no one could love you and that you couldn't find happiness. I'm sorry, and we hope," she said, gesturing to the crowd gathered behind them. "That you can change."
Donald Trump froze. No one had ever apologized to him. He smiled calmly as he faded from existence. His work on Earth was done. He was content with the knowledge that America would left a better place.
The people rejoiced, and all those who were oppressed were finally free. Hillary Clinton became the first ever female president, and she often felt as though a strange carrot-like aura was watching over her.
America became an activist for women's rights, and contrary to possible belief, she did not marry a prince. She was a strong, independent woman, who later married Alex, a non binary activist for equal rights for all.
And they all lived happily ever after.
The End!

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