Medical Explanations

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Wow! Thank you guys for over 100 reads! :3 I'll try update more, but I'm kinda sick at the moment. :/ Anywayz, on with the Chapter!

Mabel's POV

I was still crying by Dipper's side.

His eyes were open before, but now they were permanently closed.

It didn't matter to me what colour his eyes were. He was my brother.

"Mabel?!" Stan called out to me, running over. "What happened?!?"

His voice was shaking, in fear and dread.

"I-I don't know!" I shouted, with tears still streaming from my eyes, as I lay beside my brother's blood drenched body.

"I-I was just running o-outside a-and he just f-fell out of n-nowhere!"

Stan was beside me now, hugging me as he tugged at Dipper's body.

"COME ON!" He shouted, tears sparkling in his eyes, as he tried not to let them escape.

He stopped tugging after a few minutes, his hand drenched in blood from the puddle under Dipper.

We sat there for a while, hugging the pain away. Dipper wasn't breathing, as far I could see.

Don't die on me..

"Hang on, sweetie." Stan said, walking inside the shack, leaving me alone once again.

I buried my head inside of my sweater, fearing the worst. I began to cry again, but it was muffled from my sweater.

"How sweet is this..." A voice called from the air. I didn't lift my head out of my sweater, thinking it wasn't real.

No... Please...

"Poor little Shooting Star.." The voice called again, as a hand was placed on my shoulder.

"Bill." I muttered, lifting my head out of my sweater, wiping the tears away from my eyes.

"Hm, what was that?" The triangle teased, gripping on my shoulder.

"BILL!" I shouted, pushing his hand off of me.

"Easy there kid. I'm not here to hurt you....yet." He muttered the last bit to himself, but I heard it anyway.

He went over to Dipper, looking at his presumable corpse. Blood was still around him. A lot of it.

"Poor little persistent Pinetree." He said to himself, dipping one of his fingers in my brother's blood.

"Get away from him!" I shouted.

I ran to the demented triangle, leaping at him at full force. He laughed, moving out of the way, causing me to fall on the ground.

I grazed my knee, blood was streaming from it.

"You know Shooting Star, he could be-" I stopped him, tears welling up in my eyes once again.


"Sheesh kid Relax, besides it won't be long now."

"Long until-" He had already disappeared, right as Stan came back.

He ran up beside me, noticing my wounded knee.

"What happened now?" He asked, looking around to see if anyone else was around.

"Nothing Stan, I just... uhm... tripped."

"Alright, the ambulance should be here shortly."

I looked at him, wiping the tears from my eyes once again.

"Ambulance? W-what for?"

"For your brother."

I glanced back at Dipper, still seeing no pulse.


The sound of a siren came from the forest, gradually getting closer. I stood up, holding Stan's hand as the ambulance stopped a few feet away.

A man came out wearing almost completely white.

He must be a doctor of some sort..

"Mr Pines?" He said, as he walked over.

He had a clipboard too, for taking notes I presumed.

"Yes." Stan answered.

I could tell this was professional business by the way they were talking. I decided not to get involved.

"So, what exactly happened to Uhm..." He paused to look at his clipboard. "Dipper Pines?"

"You should be asking his sister, Mabel. She witnessed most of it." Stan nodded.

The man looked down at me, as I hid behind Stan. I could see a name tag on him that said "Thomas."

"I'll leave you two for a minute." Stan said, walking back over to the shack, leaving me alone with Thomas.

"Alright Mabel. Tell me exactly what happened. Don't rush yourself, but don't take too long." He explained, glancing down at Dipper. "Lives are on the line."

I looked up at him, breathing heavily.

Lives are on the line.

That last bit struck me hard.

"Well, I was outside. Running around." I started, looking up to see that he was talking notes.

"Go on." He said calmly, glancing down at Dipper every now and then.

"And Dipper just fell out of nowhere. Blood was, e-everywhere-" I burst out into tears, falling onto the ground.

Thomas looked up from his clipboard to see me on the ground, bawling my eyes out.

"Is there.. anything else important we should know?" He asked, placing his hand on my shoulder, like Bill did before.

I hesitated.

Should I tell him about Bill?

No. He'd think I'm crazy.

"N-no. Stan came out and sat with me for a while. W-we tried to get Dipper up, but it d-didn't work."

He stopped writing once again, tapping my shoulder.

I looked up, seeing him looking down at me with worried eyes.

"Could you answer two little questions, Mabel? Then we'll be finished."

"O-okay." I said, standing up.

"How old are you and Dipper?" He asked calmly.

"We're both twelve." I responded, with a slight nod.

"Good." He nodded.

"Are you by any chance... twins?" He looked up again, waiting for a reply.

"Yes." I replied, watching him scribble away his answers.

"Right." He said, waving to two other people at the ambulance.

"We'll have to.. uhm take Dipper away for a while.. Is that alright?"

"T-take him away?" I repeated. "T-to the hospital?"

"Yes... uhm. We have to keep him... alive."

"How do you know he's alive!?" I asked, tugging at him.

"We don't. So let us take him... Or... he will..."

I understood. If it meant keeping him alive, then I had to let them take him.

I nodded, letting his coat go, as two people came over with a stretcher.

Thomas had white gloves on as he lifted Dipper's body onto the stretcher. They were red when he was finished.

I watched as Thomas left with the two other people, lifting Dipper into the back of the ambulance.

He waved at me, as the ambulance sped away into the forest.

I waved back, sitting on the ground once again.

I was alone, again.

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