Reflective Emotions

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Welp, here's chapter two! Who's excited for the next episode of the show? 5 MORE DAYSSSSS... until cake. Oh right, and depression, crying, all signs of ... Dipperitus.

Dipper's POV

I walked downstairs to meet with Mabel and Stan.

Mabel was already making breakfast, herself. Stan looked over to the doorway, to see me coming down the last creaky, wooden step.

"Hey, kiddo!" He called to me, smiling.

"Hey Stan.." I moaned slightly back. I was still a bit shaken from what happened a few minutes ago, so I wasn't that enthusiastic about it.

He's going to notice something's wrong now. I thought. I was right, surprisingly.

"Hey Dipper, anything wrong?" He asked suspiciously, with his smile fading away.

"No." I said, quickly enough. Too quick.

"Alright then.." He shrugged, looking away from me once again.

I sat down in a chair across from Stan, waiting for Mabel. She had made some simple toast, but at least Stan didn't have to do it.

She sat down to my right, with a smile on her face. She never didn't have a smile on her face. Well, at least when I saw her.

Mabel's POV

Dipper still looked as off as he was, when we were upstairs.

It worried me a little bit, but I shook off the bad thoughts.

Dipper's my brother! He wouldn't lie to me! Would he?...

The toast was gone within 20 minutes or so. Stan and Dipper gave me compliments, which made me feel better.

Dipper was staring at the ceiling, as if he was waiting for something to happen. He shrugged and looked back to see me looking at him.

Dipper's POV

I looked down from the ceiling, seeing Mabel looking at me.

What was she looking at me for? I wasn't doing anything suspicious.. Was I?

"Mabel?" I asked her, because she had now looked back away.

"Yeah, Dipdops?" She answered, giving me another annoying nickname. I groaned slightly.

"Was I doing anything... weird?" I wondered how she'd answer this, seeing as she was quite surprised by me asking a question.

"Well, you were staring at the ceiling for 15 minutes.." She admitted, a slight sound of guilt in her voice.

I was a bit confused at myself.

Why would I do that? I- Stan cut off my thoughts with a question.

"Dipper, what is wrong with your eyes!?" He asked, sounding absolutely petrified.

"W-what do you mean?!" I started to stammer.

Mabel looked back at me for the third time, followed by a gasp.

"What is it Mabel!??!" I shouted, unable to control my anger.

She looked up at me.

I've never seen her so scared in my life. Tears were welling around her eyes. She just kept on staring up at me, in pure horror.

I walked over to the window, to look at my reflection.

I gasped.

It was the same as in the bathroom, yellow eyes, black slits for pupils. But now, it was two of my eyes.

I didn't feel like myself at all.

I tried walking over to Mabel, to try tell her it was still me she was talking to.

Stan stopped me.

"Get away from her!!" He shouted at me, causing me to fall backwards.

"B-but Stan!" I tried to protest. Nothing happened.

"Go upstairs!! ...Who ever you are anymore.." He sighed, picking up Mabel and bringing her with him inside, to probably watch the TV.

Those last few words hit me in the chest hard.

"Whoever you are anymore"

Who am I anymore?

I walked upstairs, back to the room where the day had begun. Tears welled up in my eyes as I slumped onto the bed.

I looked over at the mirror, seeing myself. I looked all the same, except those dreaded eyes.

I sat on my bed, alone. Wondering what to do.

Suddenly, a maniacal laugh pierced my ears.

No. It couldn't be.

"You guessed it, Pinetree!" a familiar voice called to me.

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