A Secret Journal part 11

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There was that one time I had to re-read this fanfic because I forgot what I wrote....oh wait that happened like 15 mins ago....neverminds, enjoy the chapter.


Kanan quickly hid the datapad.

Then Rex came in.

"Hey guys"Rex said

"Hey, where's Ezra?"Kanan asked

"He um....well.."Rex started

"Rex did something happen?"Kanan asked worriedly

"Well no but Ezra did say something.."Rex said

"What?"Kanan asked

"Before we went in the common room, Ezra turned around and stopped and he said ''you go ahead'' and I asked why and he answered.....''I'm not ready to talk to Kanan at the moment....'', then he ran off to his cabin."Rex said

Kanan felt a spark of guilt was becoming bigger.

Kanan sighed.

"What am I going to do?"kanan asked 

Then Hera came up to him and put her arm on his shoulder.

"Kanan...I think that now...you should give Ezra some space...maybe 2-3 days and then talk to him"Hera said

"Yeah...I guess"Kanan said and felt that Ezra was in deep sleep

"Um...guys...Ezra is in pretty deep sleep soo...."Kanan started

Zeb took the datapad from the secret shelf and put it in the same position as before. (Icon i swear)

Zeb clicked on the next video.

"Okay then...."Kanan said

The video started playing..

Ezra was seen running...through out the Ghost.

(This is made up, this happened before Zeb brought Ezra to Hera in the cockpit in the first ep)

"Okay, life update *pant*, right now I'm in this weird ship and..*pant* i am being chased by a Smelly Lasat, my life is going great*pant*..isn't it now?"

"COME BACK HERE YOU STREETRAT!"Zeb was heard yelling in the video

Ezra started to laugh a bit.

"Well I  am in trouble again in short

Ezra Bridger out."

the video ended.

"Well that was awkward to watch...."Kanan said

"Yes, yes it was"Zeb said

Kanan clicked on the next video.

The video started

"Well what can I say, then I AM A GENIOUS, notice the sarcasm, but really, that  Stupid Lasat lead me to the end of the ship and just stopped chasing me, I am currently trying to find the cockpit so yeah"Ezra said

"Okay...well these look like cabins....."Ezra opened one of the cabins which was Sabine's

"Colorful!"Ezra said with excitment

He turned around to the desk and saw a few spray paints, Ezra started to shake them and put the datapad on the table so it could show what Ezra was doing

"Wasted....wasted....wasted....Force, who paints this much...wasted....oh..FULL and its blue awesome"Ezra said and put it in his backpack(Ezra was shaking the bottles to check if they are full)

Ezra heard someone coming.

"This is just great and its going well how amazing!"Ezra said

The video ended.

"Hm"Sabine said

"Hm what?"Kanan asked

"Hm thats where my blue spray went"Sabine said

"Oh is this why you asked for a new one?"Hera asked

"Yes Hera, yes it is"Sabine said

"No wonder Ezra was silent in that moment"Kanan said

"Yup"Sabine said

Kanan clicked on the next one.

Ezra was in the Imperial star destroyer with a helmet on and in the vents.

"This is so messed up I can't even desribe it, those people I met...oh and those people I met are the people I saw in my dreams so thats great, but they left me behind so thats why I dont Trust anyone, but I am currently in a Imperial star destroyer and its great!, well i am escaping but hardly okay, well yeah

Ezra Bridger out"

the video ended.

"u-Uhm..."Zeb said

Everyone looked at Zeb and mentally face palmed

"Well that was in the past!"Zeb said

"Yeah, but it's not like the situation is any better...."Sabine stopped

"SABINE?!"Kanan said

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that....."Sabine said

Kanan sighed.

"Alright.....Oh no.."Kanan said

"What?"Hera asked

"Ezra is up."Kanan said and hid the datapad

"I'm pretty sure the kid won't come in her-"Zeb was interrupted by a voice outside the common room.

"U-um R-Rex...I um kinda...fell asleep with my blaster and it fell and broke...um..could you help me fix it?"Ezra asked

"Um Yeah, sure, I'm coming"Rex said

"Ezra?"Kanan said

Then Ezra's footsteps were heard but towards the opposite side and they were quickly fading away.

Kanan sighed.

"I just wish things would go back to normal...."Kanan said with a guilty and sad expression


Yup another chapter, sorry for not updating for a LONG LONG LONG TIME, Hope you enjoyed this chapter, leave down in the comments what do you think :)

Padawan girl out.

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