An old enemy part 2

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"Fine"Ezra answered looking away. "Good" Hera said looking victorious


Kanan was laying down on his bunk, thinking about this whole situation.

"There must be something more about Ezra and Mark....I mean I know that Mark stole from Ezra but I think that there is something else..."


Sabine was painting her last picture of the day and was about to go to bed.

"Wow, man. I never saw Ezra being this angry and defensive in a long time. There must be more between Mark and him"Sabine thought


"Ugh. I hate that Mark kid. I couldn't sleep in MY OWN CABIN. I swear if he touches my stuff, I'm gonna end him."Zeb thought


"Ezra is acting differently when Mark is around...maybe there is more between them..."Hera thought


Ezra and Mark were on the bunks. Ezra was on the top one and Mark was on the bottom one but he was not planning on staying there. He thought that Ezra is asleep as he got up from his bunk, hoping that he can steal something without anyone noticing. But there was a little problem,Ezra was NOT asleep.

"Don't even think about it"Ezra said as Mark got a small fright from the other boy's sudden words but brushed it off quickly.

"Look, This is a blast ! I can steal whatever I want and No one will stop me. I mean come on Ezra, weren't you thinking about the same thing"MArk said

"I do not steal from my familiy"Ezra answered, he usually didnt say stuff like this but he wanted to make it clear to Mark.

"Familiy?, I thought your familiy died"Mark answered back but he did not pick the right words as he could literally feel anger radiating from the raven haired boy.

"THAT is none of your business !"Ezra yelled but Mark just rolled his eyes "No it is not my business. But still, I am going to steal from this place so see ya"Mark said and went out of the cabin as quickly as possible

"MARK!!"Ezra yelled practically jumping down from the top bunk and running after the brown haired boy

Everyone's heads were pointing out of their Cabins since the yelling woke them up.

"What the..."Kanan said when he saw Ezra and Mark running around, heading for the common room.

When they came into the common room they met up with Hera that still didnt retire for the night. 

"What is going on here ??"Hera asked

"It's HIS fault"Mark and Ezra said at the same time pointing at each other(Ezra pointed at mark and Mark pointed at Ezra). The rest of the crew came to the common room as well, curious about the commotion.

"I don't care who's fault is it, what happened ?"The Twi'lek spoke. Mark wanted to say something but Ezra was first to speak since he knew Mark was gonna lie.

"HE wanted to STEAL from us"Ezra said crossing his arms

"No I didn't"Mark said crossing his arms as well. "Yes you did"Ezra said and turned his head to Mark

" I didn't"Mark said

" you did"Ezra followed

"Did not"Mark insisted

"Did too"

"Did not"

"Did too"

"Did not"

"did too"

Hera was obviously running out of patience

"ARE YOU TWO GOING TO QUIT IT" Hera finally snapped as the two boys turned to her.

"I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPEND BETWEEN YOU TWO ON THE STREETS..."Hera was saying but was interrupted

"HE STOLE FROM ME AND GOT ME IN TROUBLE SO MANY TIMES"Ezra yelled back. He was obviousy very angry. "Okay.....I can't argue with that"Mark said looking away

"What do you mean Mark got you in trouble..?"Kanan asked suddenly as Ezra muttered "I dont want to talk about it"

Everyone was silent for a moment untill Mark truely got bored of the awkward atmosphere.

"I'm going to bed"Mark said as the raven haired boy immedietly turned to him "No way I'm letting you out of my sight"

"Well, we will be in the same cabin so..."Mark didn't finnish

"So You are going to sleep on the top bunk and I'm going to sleep on the bottom one so I can see if you try to pull something, deal?"Ezra asked

"Deal"Mark answered back with a smirk. Everyone was already super tired so they went back to bed.


"Ezra wake up"Kanan said entering the cabin. The raven haired boy was sleeping but was woken up by his Master's voice. Half asleep he turned to the older man.

"Jedi training, you're late" Kanan said crossing his arms. Suddenly a yell was heard from the top bunk "Jedi Training ??" Mark said. When Kanan said that Ezra shot up from his bed, actually hitting his head on the bunk above him "Kanan? What in the galaxy?? He is not supposed to know about it"Ezra said

"Well, we are rebels so The Empire already knows about us Being A jedi master and Padawan.  There is nothing to hide ?"Kanan said obliviously as Ezra sighed "Fine" he muttered

"I'll meet you at the ramp in 5 minutes and you better be there this time"Kanan said, teasing his Padawan as he left the cabin.

"Sure sure"Ezra said, yawning after getting up. He went to grab his lightsaber-blaster that was on the table. Mark followed his movements carefully, he raised an eyebrow at the thing Ezra was now holding.

"What IS That"Mark asked

"A Lightsaber"Ezra answered with a cold voice. "....Can I see it ?"Mark asked in a teasing type of way

"No"Ezra answered immedietly

"Oh come on please"Mark asked again

"No way, I know that you are going to try something"Ezra said and went outside the cabin quickly.

AT THE RAMP.......(they are still in space so the ramp is closed, they at the ramp thingy spot)

"Hey Kanan"Ezra said after he climbed down the ladder. Kanan turned to him with a smile "you ready?". The raven haired boy nodded as he said "Depends on what we are doing"

"Well today we will work on your lightsaber skills"Kanan said and activated his own lightsaber

"..Alright "Ezra answered and activaded his own saber as he attacked Kanan while the older man blocked..


Hera was in the cockpit drinking some tea. Suddenly Mark came in. "Hey Mark"Hera said gesturing him to sit down

"Hey.."Mark said as he sat down

"What brings you here ?"Hera asked as the boy turned to her "Ezra went to train and I can't annoy him now so I don't know what to do"Mark said

" can tell me why exactly are you two enemies"Hera asked, she was being real sneaky here. Mark kept silent for a few moments but then he figured he had nothing better to do anyways.

"....My familiy was pretty poor so I stole from people. I never really got in trouble because I wasn't taking as much risks as Ezra did but when I did get caught I would... kinda get Ezra in trouble"Mark said

"What happened when Ezra did get in trouble ?"Hera asked as Mark looked down "No idea I would sneak away before anything happened"

"...Who are your parents?"Hera asked

"Mara Starfly and Lucas Starfly"Mark said

"Isn't the Starfly familiy from Aldeeran?"Hera asked a little suprised

"Yes.. I was born on Aldeeran but My familiy moved to Lothal"Mark answered but when he finnished he heard something clashing "Wait...what is that?" he asked

"Oh that's only training"Hera said as Mark looked at her almost as if he was looking for more reassurance "Kanan and Ezra are practicing lightsaber fights"Hera said

"So Ezra is really a padawan?...It wasn't a joke"Mark said a little taken a back.

"Yeah, Ezra is a padawan"Hera confirmed but then she saw Mark at the door.

"Thanks for the chat"Mark said waving at her as he exited the cockpit, heading to the ramp. Hera chuckeled rolling her eyes "Teens"


"Keep focusing, you're doing well"Kanan said while fighting as Ezra answered back "Well Thank you Master". But then Mark came in and Ezra rolled his eyes. Though the brown haired boy really seemed fascinated at the sight. Suddenly a female voice spoke close to him.

"Heh, They do that everyday"Sabine said

"It's pretty cool..."Mark said.  Ezra backed away a little and started shooting at Kanan with his blaster while the older man deflected them.

"You do know that's my move"Kanan said

"I steal from the best"Ezra answered activating his lightsaber back again.

Ezra then ran up the wall, landing behind Kanan as he put the lightsaber blade close to his neck.(You prob know this scene from the show season 2)

"Gotcha"Ezra said

"And I got you"The older man answered back.  Ezra then noticed that Kanan's lighsaber was close to his chest. The younger boy backed away saying "Tie AGAIN" 

"I guess so, but you are improving"Kanan said with a smile, Ezra noticed it and he felt a little proud of himself muttering "Thanks".

"Are we done for today or..?" Ezra asked just in case

"Yup we're done for today" Kanan answered as Ezra nodded waving at the older man as he climbed up the ladder, heading to his cabin to rest a bit.


The raven haired boy couldnt sleep so he actually decided to meditate for once. He laid on the bottom bunk with his eyes closed. He was pretty close to the edge of the bunk but he didnt notice... untill Mark Came in.

"Hey Um Ezra"Mark said

 Ezra was interuppted from his meditation by his words and fell to the floor since Mark came in suddenly. Getting up from the floor Ezra said annoyed "You can at least knock"

"Yeah whatever but I wanted to ask you met this crew I mean it has a Jedi in it're the padawan"Mark said but Ezra looked to be even more annoyed now.

"Look Its none of your business besides why do you care anyways ?, I mean whenever you got caught while stealing I got in trouble and Got HURT. You didnt seem to care then so why do you even bother to care now ?"Ezra said angrliy. Mark stayed silent for a few moments untill he said "wait... you got hurt?". This seemed to anger Ezra even more 

"Yes I did and almost every time, the shop owners and other people  beat me up and did other violent things whenever you got me in trouble thinking I was the one who stole from them." Ezra said. Another silence washed over the room, Mark was feeling guilty. He didnt know his actions had this much of an effect on Ezra. He only made him took the wasnt that bad...right ?

"Ezra I'm..."Mark was interrupted

"You had parents still have them and I....I was an orphan..I was alone for 8 years. No one ever cared about me. I was alone. I just wish you considered that when you started bothering me."Ezra said

But what the two boys inside the cabin didn't know was that Kanan was in front of  the cabin door. He had heard everything.


Yayy another chapter done,let me know in the comments what do you think.

Padawan girl out.

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