Perspective of the confused one

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Art class was bad. I tryed to talk to her but.... I just couldn't..... I don't know how to fix my wrongs and she says she's still not okay about it..... I bet it made her cut herself..... I can't believe I caused her to do that..... I'm such a horrible person..... I know she has depression and I had to fuck up somehow didn't I...... I always do and then I lose what trust people have in me...... What did I do wrong to make her think that..... she knows I'm a lesbian...... but I guess she doesn't.... I need to just stop talking to people.... stay silent...... mute...... say nothing unless I must....... until my insides scream out onto paper where I can feel safe in know my words won't hurt anyone.... expect myself...... more pain meds needed and couple cuts for relief.... no one needs me anyway.

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