Start of A Rivalry?

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Adventually, Sunset arrived at her apartment, still a little shaken up from the fight but super tired.

"Welp, this is the place." She said before giving a small knock at the door. "Hello? Is anyone home?"

After a few seconds of silence, the door suddenly opened to reveal none other than. . .Ian Jones. "Can I help you?"

"Oh, hi there." Sunset smiled. "My name is Sunset Shimmer and I'm your new roommate."

"Right, sorry I almost forgot." Ian said with a nervous chuckle before letting Sunset inside. "I'm Ian by the way. Welcome, Sunset Shimmer."

The next morning Sunset was still a little groggy from the night before. However, today was her first day of tr internship and she didn't want to be late.

"Man what a night." She said to herself while getting ready for the day. "That fight was intense and that kid was a total jerk. Who does he think he is?"

Sunset was so deep in er thought that she was suddenly startled by knock at the bathroom door.

"Everything okay in there?" Ian asked through the other side of the door. "What are you even talking about? If you don't mind me asking."

"Yeah, sorry just a little frazzled from last night." She said as she opened the door. "I was caught in the middle of a mugging attempt, and I met this guy who was just a huge jerk, and. . ."

"Woah, woah slow down." Ian chuckled. "You don't have to give me the whole story. I was just checking up on you."

"Oh right." Sunset blushed in embarrassment. "Sorry about that."

"No worries." Ian smiled. "Now, you should probably get going. Don't want to be late."

Sunset nodded before running out the door excitedly with her earbuds in and great expectations waiting for her. However, no amount of positivity was able to make her forget about the attack from the night before. Who were this guys and what did they want?

Suddenly, Sunset felt a vibration in her bag which caught her off guard for a moment before realizing what it had meant. 'Princess Twilight!' Sunset thought in excitement as she sat down, took out the book, and began reading.

Hey Sunset,

How's Arcadia? Make any knew friends? Meet any guys you think are cute? Sorry I'm getting ahead of myself I know you just arrived but I'm super excited for you! Please keep me updated when you can.

~ Twilight Sparkle

Sunset chuckled as she read the message. Of course Twilight wanted to know everything but she was more than happy to share he experience. Especially what had happened the night before.

Of course I'll tell you everything. In fact, something weird happened last night. I met some new friends already, yay me, but as we were walking through the city we were attacked. Then I was "rescued" by this really hot guy but he was kind of a jerk tbh. But now I'm on my way to the internship but I'm super nervous and on edge, what should I do?

You're friend,
Sunset Shimmer

After a little while, Twilight had messaged back telling Sunset to not worry and to focus on making a good first impression on her new boss. And to try and stay clear of the jerk that attempted to rescue her.

After finishing up her last response to Twilight, Sunset closed the book and put it back in her bag before heading to GDT Arcane Bookshop. Her new work place for the next few weeks.

"Okay Sunset, you got this." Sunset said to herself as she took a deep breath. "Just walk in and say. . ."

Right before she finished her sentence, Sunset burst open the door and announced herself. "Hi, my name Sunset Shimmer your new Intern. You must be-"

Once again Sunset wasn't able to finish her sentence because when she looked around the shop, she saw the same black and indigo haired boy from the previous night.

"You?!" They both said in unison. "What are you doing here? Stop that! No you stop!"

The two then face palmed and groaned in annoyance as they kept talking at the same time. Douxie then sighed before turning his attention to Sunset. "Sorry, that was a little unprofessional." He said honestly. "Are you looking for something in particular?"

"More like someone." Sunset explained. "The boss specifically. I'm their intern."

"You're the intern?" Douxie asked in shocked before giving a dramatic sigh. "Of course you are, the name's Hisirdoux Casperan. My friends called me Douxie and I am your boss."

"You have got to be kidding me." Sunset sighed before extending her hand. "Well it's nice to meet you, Douxie."

"I said my friends." Douxie said seriously before shaking Sunset's hand. "Now get to work, love."

Without another word, Douxie started to continue what he was doing before which was cleaning and organizing shelves.

"So, you work here huh?" Sunset asked as she looked around. "Are you the only one?"

"For now, yeah. It belonged to my master." Douxie explained. "I guess I kind of took over when he. . . Passed."

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Sunset said sympathetically. "I didn't mean to-"

"Look, I didn't send out an ad for a free therapist. I sent it out for someone to work for me." Douxie said seriously trying to hold back tears. "So just. . .work, okay. I'm not one for sharing feelings."

Sunset saw the look in the boy's eyes, it was a look that she knew all too well.

"You're lonely, aren't you?" Sunset asked, catching Douxie of guard. "I know that feeling. Maybe talking about is what you need and want deep down."

Douxie stopped for a moment before turning to Sunset with a serious look on his face as music started to play and he began to sing.

Douxie: "Look,
I don't care who
you are nor why you're here
But let me make
this one thing clear
I've got people to protect
Firends I can't nеglect
So I'm not taking chances, love
If you make one wrong
move, then you're done for
Anything I don't approve,
then you're done for
I could put a spell on
you and you're done for
So you better drop it or
soon you will be done for"

Sunset: "I don't mean to
Burst your bubble but
You will fail at
Placing any spells on me
I have a special gemstone
One that lets me see in your mind
So you might as well open up to me"

Douxie: "You must be a liar
Mortals can't acquire
Such Magic without
dire consequence"

Sunset: "Then I must be a
wizard like you
Cause I got this geode
from rocks with
my bare hands"

"It was a gift to you, wasn't it?" Douxie asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Okay, fine, yes, but regardless. . ." Sunset said before continuing the song.

Sunset: "You and I are
now partners in work
Our fates are intertwined,
they're attached"

Sunset & Douxie: "I've got people to protect,
friends I can't neglect
So now there is no turning back
You've made your
one wrong move,
now you're done for
I will be the one to
prove that you're done for
Not even a spell saves you,
cause you're done for
Oh, you better run or
soon you will be done for."

When the song was over, Sunset tried to grab Douxie's arm so she can use her power to see his memories. However, Douxie quickly pulled away and levitated Sunset so she couldn't move. "And what do you think you're doing?"

"I just need to touch you so I can see inside your head." Sunset explained. "So I'll know how to help you."

"Nice try but you're not getting in my head that easy." Douxie said with a slight chuckle.

Sunset noticed the smile on Douxie's face and couldn't help but give a playful smirk. "There's that smile. I knew you had one somewhere."

After realizing what she meant, Douxie let Sunset go a put a serious look on his face. "Enough fooling aroud we've got work to do." He said seriously. "And Sunset. . .don't ever try to get in my head again or there will be consequences."

"Understood." Sunset said feeling a little disappointed. "And I'm sorry, Douxie."

"That's Hisirdoux to you." Douxie said coldly as he turned to go up the stairs. All without saying another word.

Sunset felt really bad as she thought that they could've been friends for a moment there. 'Great. First day of work and I piss off the boss.' She thought to herself. 'I have a feeling this is going to be a long few weeks.'

Song is a parody of "Done For" from Epic The Musical

Wizards Tales Of Arcadia belongs to DreamWorks

MLP EG belongs to hasbro

Ian Jones belongs to me

All rights reserved

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