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My butler was driving me to the mall to get new clothes. My parents said that they had seen basically everything I had and it would be terrible for me to where the same thing twice in the span of 3 months, someone would notice. Though I don't care much for it I still have to go because they are my parents. While on the way I always stare out my window, though this time my eye is caught by a semi-familiar group of people. It was the twins and their 2 friends, that I think like each other. I'm not absolutely sure but I know i'd much rather hang out with them than go shopping in the same old stores that I used to, I know everything in those stores inside and out.

"Butler, drop me off here. I have somewhere else to be." I tell him and he stops the car before looking at me strangely.

"But miss, we aren't yet at the mall. Isn't that where you're going?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No, I'm not. I'm going toooo the salon. Mother and Father won't be too upset that I'm changing plans because my nails need such a touch up." I quickly came up with an excuse and he rolled his eyes before parking.

"Alright. I'll wait here for you miss."

"If you wish to, but i'm not making you." I told him while stepping out of the car with a smirk. The minute I fully got out of the car he drove off and I couldn't help but chuckle at how easy that was. Then I started to look around for the group of teens. It shouldn't be hard to find them, people don't travel in packs around here often. The minute I spot them though I regret it. They were in that run down resturant, "Greasy's Diner." I honestly would have no excuse to be in there. It's disgusting, and I heard the only thing that's actually good in there are the pancakes. I suppose I gave up my only ride already for this, and even though it hasn't been that long I kinda wanna hang out with Mabel some more.

I sigh and take a deep breath before walking in.


"Wellll, I think that our little Key here needs to prove that she can fit in here at Gravity Falls. What do you guys think?" I joked as I stared at the pile of pancakes and other foods in front of us. Keara quickly shook her head no but everyone else started chanting and trying to convince her.

"Come onnnnn Keara! It's just 5 pancakes. Everyone has to do it on their first visit to Greasy's Diner!" Mabel whined to her friend who still wasn't budging. I turned her attention back to me,

"Come on, show us that you're more than just a pretty face." I winked at her and couldn't help but laugh as I watched her face turn completely red. She looked about ready to crack when Isabella coughed and then tilted her head to the door. We all looked and it was Pacifica, and I flinched realizing what that meant. Before I could even say anything Mabel yelled out to her across the room, gaining everyone's attention, though there were only about 5 other people in the diner. 

"PACIFICA! Come sit with us!" She yelled and it was obvious Pacifica wasn't prepared for that because her face turned bright red and she shuffled over to our table.

"Uh, hey guys....?" She said nervously and gave a very awkward wave. Mabel quickly scooted over making room for her where she sat down but then there was another cough from Isabella making me sigh. I already could tell this wasn't gonna go well.


"Uh, so Pacifica, what brings you here?" Wendy asked her in a polite tone making her friends scoff.

"Well, I was driving by and wanted to stop in for a snack." Pacifica said while looking at the table of food. 

"Ohh, so you decided to come here of all places. I don't believe it." Cassandra said and Isabella nodded with her.

"Why didn't you stop by one of those stores that sell rich foods and stuff like that princess." Tambry sneered out making Mabel and Keara gasp while Pacifica sat there unmoving. Her face didn't show any emotion until she looked back at them with a sheepish smile.

"Yeah, I kinda noticed you guys come in here and i wanted to hang out. I hope that's okay." Pacifica could tell that the 3 strangers identified her with her name, and it was obvious they really didn't like Northwests.

Isabella went to say something sarcastic but Wendy held up her hand and nodded, giving Pacifica a small smile.

"That's perfectly fine. We don't have a problem at all." She said and everyone at the table knew she was just saying that because. Pacifica sighed and went to get up but Mabel quickly took her hand and held her in place, she then gave her a bright smile, and Pacifica could feel herself relaxing just looking at Mabel's smile. She sat back down and she looked at the table but it was pretty obvious she had a small smile on her face too, though she tried to hide it.

Zero sighed. "Let's just get back to the initiation." He said and Pacifica watched as everyone's face changed quickly. Keara's went back to nervous, Wendy's to amused, then everyone else had a more mischevious look.

"Initiation?" Pacifica asked and both Mabel and Keara went wide eyed.

"This is your first time here too!"
"She hasn't been here before either!"

Pacifica looked at the girls in confusion already a little worried. Wendy and Dipper chuckled while the others let out a small groan in unison. Mabel shook Pacifica in her spot with excitement but she wasn't explaining so she then looked at Keara, while still being shook in place. Keara then let out a defeated kind of groan and gestured to the pancakes at the table.

"Apparently everytime someone new come's here they have to finish 5 pancakes, and they're trying to make me eat it, but my stomach is not that big. That's impossible!" Keara yelled and Mabel stopped shaking Pacifica to turn to her and pat her on the back.

"It is nowhere near impossible. Just open your mind wider, so it can open your stomach wider." Mabel said and Keara hit her shoulder.

"That's not how it works Mabel!"

"Yeah I don't think it's possible either, especially since we all ate like 40 minutes ago." Pacifica reminded her and she pouted before shaking her head.

"NO! You both have to have 5 pancakes, and we won't leave until you both eat them all!" She yelled and Keara groaned.

"I don't think the princess's dainty stomach can hold trash like this. Let alone 5 pieces of it." Isabella said with a roll of her eyes and Pacifica made that face without any emotion, before pulling Keara's already stacked plate in front of her. She made a face before she started eating it. Everyone was watching her except Wendy who was stacking another plate and slid it right infront of Keara who groaned again.

"If she can do it, you can too babes." Wendy said and Keara stared at them before nodding making Wendy smirk in victory. Keara started eating them at the same pace Pacifica was but after each of them finished their second they got a little slower. Halfway through the third Keara quit, and Pacifica was able to get a few bites on her fourth one before she quit. The table bursted out in laughter.

"Neither of you guys finished! Princess I get, but you Keara? What's your excuse." Isabella asked and Keara pouted which made Wendy pull her into a side hug.

"Don't worry. I suppose we'll just have to keep practicing. You have 3 months before you go back to school correct?" She asked and both Keara and Mabel nodded. "Good, that means I have 3 months to train you, then before you leave we'll come here again, and you shall complete the tradition." Wendy looked proud and Keara couldn't help but giggle, as most of the table laughed too, except Isabella who was staring strangely at Keara, though Zero was the only one that noticed. He gave her a nudge and she seemed to blush and quickly stopped staring.

"Remember what I said Izzy." He whispered to her and she nodded.

"Well then I suppose I have 3 months to train you as well." Mabel stated proudly looking at Pacifica who just was giving her an odd look. Wendy then made a show of smelling the air.

"Is that....*Sniff* *Sniff*......A challenge I smell? It truly smells like a challenge." Mabel turned to her and smirked.

"Maybe it is. Do you accept?" She asked and Wendy looked almost offended.

"Are you suggesting I would reject a challenge?"

"I dunno, am I?" 

Wendy chuckled before nodding. "Alright, who ever trains their girl to eat more pancakes is the winner." She said while putting out her hand for a shake and Mabel gladly took it.

"You're so on." Mabel confirmed, but they didn't notice how both Keara and Pacifica started blushing a lot, though the others caught on easily.

'Their girl,' Everyone else at the table thought about it, but it was pretty obvious neither Wendy nor Mabel would catch on any time soon.

Isabella quickly stood up and looked straight at Wendy. "Can I talk to you?" She asked nervously and Wendy glanced from Mabel, to Keara, to her, before she nodded and slid out of the booth. She then tilted her head to a more secluded area of the diner so they could talk.

Dipper was the only one who looked excited. "Is she gonna confess?" He asked and Mabel, Keara, and Pacifica froze for a second, and when Zero nodded they glanced between each other.

"It's about time honestly. She's been crushing forever." Tambry said this time not looking at her phone, but in the direction her friends walked over too. Both Zero and Cassandra nodded.

Dipper chuckled, "Yeah, I could tell pretty easily too. She's really obvious with it."

Keara was looking at the table her cheeks still a bit pink and she looked really embarrassed though, but she didn't say a word. Pacifica looked between her and the others and couldn't help but blurt out what she was thinking.

"Do you think Wendy feels the same though?" She asked and Zero, Cassandra, and Tambry all glared at her making her regret talking.

"Why wouldn't she, we've all been friends for such a long time, and-"

"And if she's been as obvious as you say she is, don't you think Wendy would've already known, but she never acted because she didn't feel the same, and maybe didn't wanna hurt her friends feelings?" Pacifica asked though it felt more like a statement. No one said anything as her sentence hung in the air for everyone to process.

It stayed quiet like that until both of the girls came back a few minutes later. Wendy went back in her spot and Isabella went back to hers. It was pretty obvious what had happened since Wendy looked a bit guilty and avoided looking at everyone and Isabella did the same though her cheeks were red. It stayed quiet for a bit longer until Mabel decided to break the ice.

"Did you guys know that Dipper, isn't my brother's real name!" She yelled out and everyone looked immediately interested while Dipper looked horrified. 

"Mabel shut up!" He yelled but she only laughed and stayed out of his reach which was easy since he was on the other side of the booth.

"Really? I always suspected but I had no proof." Wendy said and Pacifica nodded.

"Yeah, I never knew that either, and I go to school with him. I thought they called students by their real names?" pacifica asked and Mabel shrugged.

"Nope, Dipping sauce got lucky, but his real name isss......"



"You wouldn't mind picking up the bill would you princess?" Tambry asked as she got up with the others. Pacifica furrowed her eyes before sighing, she was about to walk over to the counter when Wendy and Mabel both held their arms in front of her.

"I thought we were gonna split the check? We did all get something." Mabel asked and Isabella shrugged while Cassandra rolled her eyes. Zero just nudged Cassandra, but otherwise didn't say anything else.

"If that's the case, I'll just pick up the tab." Wendy said but Mabel shook her head,

"Nah, I got it." She said and it was obvious it would start an argument so Pacifica shook her head and sighed.

"It's not a problem for me. It's no secret that I have money, I see no reason why I shouldn't pay the bill." she said and Mabel looked upset and looked between her and Wendy.

"It's not fair to you." She sighed and Pacifica shrugged.

"And what would be the difference if you or Wendy took the bill. I can pay it and it wouldn't cause a dent in my pocket. You guys on the other hand...." Pacifica trailed off and there was a scoff heard from in the group but Pacifica ignored it.

"Like I said, I got it. Besides, just think of it as a thank you for letting me hang out." She said before walking over to the counter and paying and then stepping outside.

"Wendy, I thought you said these guys were cool. That wasn't cool, majority of what I saw was immaturity." Mabel shook her head before taking Keara's hand and dragging her out the store with her, but Keara didn't look bothered by it in the slightest.

"Believe me Mabel, I know." Wendy sighed before walking off behind them. Dipper looked at the teens who were all older than him.

"I know why you guys are upset, I was too, but she's really nice around my sister and she's getting along with them great. I don't know personally, because she still annoys me, but I'm gonna try for Mabel." He said before walking out too. The group of friends inside stayed there for a bit trying to think about what had just happened.

"Hey Pacifica, wanna come back to our place for a bit? Not another sleepover, but just to get through the day. Unless you gotta get home."

"No, I'm not busy. And..." Pacifica was gonna say she wanted to spend more time with her but shook it off. "I kinda wanna see the pig again. I think he's adorable."

"I knew it! Waddles grows on everyone he meets!" Mabel yelled excited making Pacifica cover her mouth slightly to let out a laugh. She wasn't expecting that sudden burst out like that, and when Mabel noticed it, her grin soften to a smile, she already knew that she was crushing hard on Pacifica.

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