The 3rd murder

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Candycorn and Firespark were walking through the forest area of the territory looking for prey. It was midday and the sun shining brightly. Candycorn had a mouse and a squirrel in her mouth and Firespark carried a blackbird. Firespark suddenly remembered he had left some more prey in a hole that he had dug. "I'll be back" he said before running off to get his prey. Candycorn sat down waiting for Firespark to return.


Firespark reached the shallow hole and dug up the prey. A cat approached Firespark from behind and attacked him. In surprise Firespark yowled. The attacker knocked him against some rocks and Firespark was laid motionless.


Candycorn heard Firesparks crys and came running but the attacker had left by the time she got there. She dragged Firespark back to camp unsure of he was dead or not.


Skystar looked over her clan mates. "There has been another attempted murder. Luckily Firespark was just unconscious but we found out that the murderer has a light fur colour" Skystar told them.


Murderer's choice: Firespark
Medical cats' choice: Firespark
Accuser's choice: ???


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