The 9th murder: results

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Sunsetstar frowned. "Oceanfur , You have been voted guilty. Is there anything you would like to say?" He asked. Oceanfur looked up, clearly upset and distressed. "I would never have killed anyone. I have kits to look after " She whimpered, bursting into tears "who will look after the kits?" She asked. Autumnleaf and Fernlight looked at each other "we don't mind keeping an eye on them" Autumnleaf said. Sunsetstar nodded. "Oceanfur you must leave now." Oceanfur reluctantly left the camp. Redkit scream for her mum.



•7 guilty
•5 innocent

Murderer's choice: Astralsong
Medical cats' choice: Greycloud
Accuser's choice: Oceanfur


Sunsetstar looked down at his clan mates. "Ivorykit, Lilackit and Cactikit come here" The kits exchanged surprised looks. "Ivorykit until you receive your warriors name you will be called Ivorypaw. Bulltail you will be her mentor" Bulltail nodded and smiled at Ivorypaw. "Lilackit until you revive your warrior name you will be called Lilacpaw. Your mentor will be Silverpelt" Silverpelt smiles and then fluffed our her fur with pride. "Cactikit until you have revived your warriors name you will be called Cactipaw. I will be your mentor until another warrior becomes available to teach you" Cactipaw's mouth was wide open, not realising that a leader could be a mentor. Sunsetstar smiled. "Lilacpaw, Ivorypaw, Cactipaw!" The remaining cats called.

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