Chapter 1. Hard Impact

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"TrustFall means trusting someone enough that you can depend on them in any situation. They've always got your back, through sunny days and stormy nights. When someone genuinely loves you, they accept you for who you are, with all your flaws and imperfections. They will see past them and cherish the beautiful, priceless, perfect side of you. They will support and catch you if you fall; even if it means they will be hurt in the process."

Audrey's POV

You can do it! I inwardly shouted at myself as I strained to lift up the barbell one more time. I searched for the anger and rage that could motivate me. I recalled the day when I came out as a bisexual to my mother, and she threatened to kick me out. How my ex-girlfriend, Julia, moved to Australia and left me behind after we only dated for six months. I thought about how I haven't been with another woman ever since, because I was afraid to have my heart shattered again into a million pieces.

The same heart that is still missing a few pieces, the remaining ones barely held together by its weak bounds.

I finally lifted the barbell with a grunt.

"Whew," I sighed as I dropped the 250-pound barbell in exhaustion, sweat dripping off my body as I took a big swig of cold water from my Yeti water bottle. The sudden urge to pour the water over my head was overwhelming.

After running five miles that morning, fifty-five laps of swimming, and working out at the gym for approximately eighty minutes, I felt energized and proudly satisfied with myself. I knew that feeling would soon transform into exhaustion, so I savored the fleeting moments.

Weighing in at 134 pounds of pure muscles at five feet and five inches, I was happy with my body image. Sure, I'm not as skinny as Jessica Alba who is roughly 120 pounds at the same height. But I never wanted to be skinny. My desire and goal is to be strong, athletic, and prepared for any emergency that requires super physical strength.

Speaking of which, one of my favorite hypothetical situations is killing my way through hordes of zombies or pulling up a person I love on the edge of a tall structure. I didn't want the risky possibility of not being able to rescue them just because I lacked the strength to do so.

Again, hypothetically speaking.

I recalled how I used to carry my ex-girlfriend everywhere for fun. Carrying her on my shoulder to the bedroom while she giggled and playfully told me to put her down until I threw her down on the bed and climbed on top of her was one of my favorite memories.

Wait a minute, why am I even reminiscing about her? She abandoned me. She left me for Australia. Australia. The land of fucking giant spiders and boxing kangaroos.

Besides, I have a boyfriend now. And speaking of the devil, my phone suddenly rang as his name popped up on the screen. I huffed in annoyance as I picked it up from the bench and pressed the green call button.

"Hey," I answered as I wiped the sweat off my neck with my hand towel.

"Hey, princess. What are you doing now?" Andrew's deep voice resounded through the speaker.

"I'm at the gym babe. Is this something important or why are you calling me right now?" I asked annoyingly as I pushed the thoughts of my ex-girlfriend to the back of my mind where they belong.

"Yeah. I was thinking that we should go out tonight. Just the two of us. You know, a romantic night out. It's been... awhile since we've done that."

Yeah, and you know exactly why it's been "awhile", I thought as I rolled my eyes and quietly sighed. Andrew and I have been dating for several months now, and things have actually been great until 'the incident' which changed, well, a lot between us. But he was still my boyfriend, and truth be told, he did take care of me very well, so it was very difficult to remain mad at him.

Besides, living with him was better than staying at my mother's house. I don't know if I could survive an hour, much less a day, around her.

"I don't think I'll be able to make it," I answered as I began walking towards the locker rooms.

"Why not?" Andrew whined as I cringed at the sound.

"I'm just... busy, Andrew. You know me and my schedule. But look, I'll try my best, okay?"

A brief pause ensued from the other end before he finally spoke. "Okay. That's fine."

"And hey, if I don't, I'll make it up to you tonight. I promise," I added sultrily. I knew he loved it when I used my low, husky voice.

"Oh, really?" I could hear him grinning through the phone.

"Really," I smiled. "See you later, babe."

As I hung up the phone, I suddenly spotted a woman struggling with a barbell. She was doing bench presses alone without any spotter. I've had a recent experience from a few days ago when a male trainer abandoned his female client in the middle of a set. She had rejected him when he asked her out, and I had barely managed to rescue her from being crushed under the barbell.

So when I noticed the struggling woman, worry immediately crept into my mind. But before I could offer my help, she managed to place the bar back on the rack. With a sigh of relief, as I preferred to not interact with anyone at the moment, I resumed my way towards my much needed post-workout shower.


Leaving the gym, I decided to make a stop at a café that I have been intending to check out for quite some time. It actually has been the talk of the town for quite a while. Of course, I was intrigued. Give me a cup of good coffee or green matcha latte, and I'll be the happiest person on Earth for a brief moment.

The café was a small, cozy building located right in front of the mall. The name 'Café la Caverne' was plastered proudly above the double doors at the front. The splashes of bisque, bistre, walnut, and maroon on the walls, along with other colors which I do not know the name of, drew me in. There was a cute pathway from the parking lot which consisted of beautiful river rocks laid out perfectly. Blooming bushes of Red Roses, Nasturtiums, and Marigolds were lined up along the path, the aromatic fragrance pleasantly tickling my senses.

When I walked inside the café, my nostrils were instantly hit by the aroma of freshly grounded coffee beans. The dim, cave-like atmosphere was inviting and comfy, with most of the tables occupied by other people either chatting or sitting with their laptops and phones open.

But the most striking sight in that dim café was the woman standing behind the counter. She had gorgeous, lavish tresses of fiery red hair that accentuated her hazel eyes and high cheekbones. It was as if I was looking at the most beautiful sunset painted by God's own hands. I nearly stumbled over my own feet as my attention was distracted by the radiance in front of me.

As I approached the counter, she smiled at me, and it was as if my heart jumped right out of my chest in a backflip. That smile was so dazzling that I immediately felt a warm and fuzzy feeling creep into my chest. She must have been at least five inches taller than me with the way I had to direct my gaze a little upwards to meet her eyes.

"Hi, what can I get for you?"

Oh my god, that voice. That beautiful, euphonic, and yet at the same time sultry voice, coaxing my mind into a place where worries didn't exist.

"Hi, I'm... uh... actually new here," I chuckled nervously, "so I'm not sure. Could you, um... maybe suggest something good  from your menu?" I asked as I pushed away my panicking thoughts.

You have a boyfriend, you fucking idiot. Calm down.

"Sure!" She beamed. "We have Lavender Latte, Orange-Infused Cappuccino, Horchata Latte which is made from cinnamon rice milk with a shot of espresso, Pistachio Matcha Latte. We also have Avocado Pizza, Smoked Salmon Plate. I'd highly recommend the Smoky Lamb with Roasted Mediterranean Vegetables to you."

"Oh, those are definitely some interesting choices!" I replied indecisively. I could smell the diverse aromas of freshly baked and cooked foods coming from the back that awoke my cravings. I hoped my stomach won't betray me and send off growling sounds through the entire room full of people. "I'll have the Pistachio Matcha Latte and Smoky Lamb to go."

"That's a great choice!" She chirped, flashing me another one of her blinding smiles. "Alright! Let's see... that will be twenty-one dollars and thirty-four cents."

I pulled out forty dollars from one of my pockets and gave it to her.

"The change is for you. As a tip," I said when she handed me the change.

"Oh, no! You don't have to," she refused, giving me a surprised look as she tried to give me back my change.

"I want to," I insisted, "you deserve it."

You deserve it more than you know, I found myself saying in my head while panicking on the outside.

She gave me another mind-blowing smile that made my heart do somersaults.

"Oh! Thank you so much!"

"No problem," I smiled warmly.

"Your order will be ready soon. What is your name so we can call for you?"

"Kate," I blurted out without thinking, as I had developed a habit to give out fake names at cafes. Why, you ask? Because I was raised by a strict mother who converted her paranoia onto me.

"Okay, excellent. I hope you'll come back again, Kate." She flashed me another one of her stupendous smiles.

She got to stop doing that, I thought as I returned a smile of my own and sat down on one of the plush, coffee-brown seats.

When she called me by my fake name and handed me my order once I approached the counter, her fingers brushed against mine for three seconds. Suddenly, I felt warmth radiate through me, as if I was wrapped in a warm blanket. Everything and everyone around me ceased to exist for me. The bustling people and their chatter faded into a mere blur as my heart pounded in my ears louder than a sledgehammer.

My phone dinged, and I knew that it was Andrew asking if I was still able to make it for dinner, but my brain barely registered the sound. I felt... almost hypnotized as my eyes briefly locked on hers.

I haven't felt this way since...two years ago.

Once the connection was broken, I was suddenly aware of the blazing heat in my face, and I desperately hoped my facial color didn't betray the turmoil of feelings inside of me.

All of that happened in just three seconds, and when I recovered, she was smiling at me.

Oh my god, did she notice? I thought worriedly.

Once I walked out the front door, I felt as if I was on Cloud Nine. I shuddered, my breath trembling a little as the image of the redhead barista appeared in my mind. I couldn't stop thinking about her for the rest of the day, and every time I did, that warm and fuzzy feeling would envelope my body.

We've only known each other for just under an hour. Scratch that, we've only met an hour ago. That rush of emotions from a simple touch created chaos in my mind and body, because I've only felt that way with one person: Julia, my fucking ex-girlfriend.

How could one woman possibly create such a huge impact on me in a short matter of time?

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