Chapter 13. You got a little chocolate there

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Audrey's POV

I walked towards the bathrooms and entered the women's section. The pastel-gray walls with faint black and golden lines and spotless granite sink were indications of just how expensive this place was. Sure, Andrew took me to five-star restaurants, but the question of how Scarlett could afford to go here, and as a regular, still stuck in my mind. After all, how much does a barista earn?

"Hey Andrew... what's up?" I finally answered the phone that had been ringing incessantly.

"Hey, baby. Just checking in to see how you're doing," his deep voice gently replied.

"I'm doing great. Just uh... out with a friend." I knew he would ask what I was doing anyway, so why not stay one step ahead.

"Oh... a... friend?" he asked, his voice taking on a dark tone. The sound sent shivers down my spine, but I managed to stay firm. "Do I know this... friend?"

I quickly thought about what to say. I knew that each word could mean life or death. Perhaps I was overthinking, as I always do, but I knew that I had to be careful. A single misstep could have me stepping onto a glass shard.

"Yeah, I think you met her at your business party a few weeks ago," I finally replied casually. "Jane?"

"Oh, her," he said in a relieved and lighter tone.

"Yes..." I lightly chuckled.

"Sorry, I thought for a moment that-"

"That I was cheating on you?" I interrupted. "You know I would never do that to you."

"Yeah, I'm so sorry baby. It's just been so stressful over here with the meetings and matters. And relieving that stress isn't easy without you. If you know what I mean," he added the last part with his husky voice that he knew I loved.

All of a sudden, I felt a feeling of guilt creeping up. I'm not a cheater. I swore that I would never do that to someone. But as Vivian said, I'm not really cheating, am I? It's just dinner... right?

"Yes, I do baby." I smiled, knowing he could hear it through the phone.

"Look, I won't keep you from being out and having a good time. I'm just happy to know you're enjoying yourself."

"Thank you baby. When you get back, I promise you, I'll do whatever you want me to do," I added in a sultry voice.

"Oh? Anything?" he said with his voice heightened just a notch.

"Yes. We can do that thing you've been wanting to do."

"I like the sound of that," he said, his grin reaching my ears. "Okay babe, I'll talk to you later. I love you."

"I love you too babe," I said, the words hanging on my tongue even after the call ended as the partial truth tasted bitter.

I tucked the phone back into my pants and opened the door to find Scarlett standing several feet away, her eyes narrowed at me in an intense stare. Her face was filled with a mix of concern and curiosity as she leaned against the wall with her arms folded across her chest.

The sight of her sent my heart racing a thousand miles an hour as the shock, dread, and nervousness struck my body all at once. I felt like a deer in headlights as I stopped in the hallway.

"Oh my god, you scared me," I nervously chuckled as I calmed my jumbled nerves. "What are you doing here?"

"You were taking too long, so I got worried and thought that maybe you left or something. Who called you?" She curiously tilted her head to the side.

"Don't worry. I'm not a ghoster." I forced out a small laugh. "My mom called me."

"Oh?" Her eyebrows shot up. "Your... mother evoked such a reaction from you? 'Cause you looked as if you had seen a ghost."

"Yeah, uh... I don't exactly... um... look forward to talking to her... but I don't wanna talk about it right now. Maybe next time." I added as I nervously shifted my feet.

"Next time?" she asked, amused.

"Yes... if that's okay with you," I said, heat burning my face.

"I'd love that." She smiled as she walked up to me and took my hand. "And that's fine! Whenever you're ready, it's up to you. Let's go back to our table though. They might think we're trying to bail on the check by climbing out through the back."

"Aren't you a regular?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Doesn't mean I'm not capable of doing it." She winked at me, emitting a small laugh from me.

As she led me back to the table, she gently rubbed my palm with her thumb in a circular motion. The movement introduced a spark of warmth as it surged from her fingers. The feeling made me catch my breath as I felt my anxiety calm down a notch. Not to mention the pool of boiling heat which has gathered in my stomach.

After the brief conversation with Andrew, there was a fleeting moment where I felt guilty for going out with a woman while he was in another country on a business trip. But I managed to push it away, because I deserved to be happy, and that's how I felt every second I'm with Scarlett.

I haven't felt this level of joy and bliss since Julia. And I didn't want that sensation to dissolve just because of a boyfriend whom I didn't love. Doesn't every woman deserve to be happy with someone instead of being stuck in a one-sided relationship without doing anything about it?

"Would you like dessert?" the waitress asked as we both sat down.

"No, thank you," I smiled.

"Are you sure?" Scarlett asked.

"Yes, I'm sure. I'm too full for anything else." I chuckled.

"Whatever you say." She smiled. "Could we have the check please, and the rest of the food to go?" Scarlett told the waitress.

When the waitress returned with the check and two doggie bags, I peeked at the check and almost audibly gasped when I noticed the price.

"Are you sure you don't want me to pay for some of it?" I asked.

"I got it, babe," Scarlett assured as she added a $185 tip in addition to the $380 for the meal itself.

I wondered how she could possibly afford these prices, but I decided to simply let it go and leave it for a conversation in the future. I was afraid to ruin the night by bringing up some talk about finances.

Once the valet brought out the car and we both climbed in, Scarlett asked me if we could make two stops on the way. I agreed, as I was in no hurry to return home.

The first stop was at some chocolate shop. Through the windows, I could see the beautifully displayed trays of brownies, fudges, and an entire variety of chocolate-based treats.

"I'll be quick." Scarlett winked before leaving the car.

She came back out ten minutes later carrying a small box.

"That took a bit longer than I thought." Scarlett sighed as she climbed inside the car and placed the box onto the backseat. The whiff of sweetness and savoriness penetrated my nostrils as my fullness dissipated. "The next stop is a bit of a surprise, so I hope you're okay with that."

"Sure! As long as you don't plan to kidnap me and sell my organs on the black market," I teased. I immediately regretted it, but the sound of her amused laugh calmed down my rising panic.

"Don't worry, you're safe with me." She winked.

We arrived at the beach about twenty-five minutes later. Once the car was parked, she grabbed the small chocolate box before leading me through a winded path covered in small rocks which crunched under our shoes. I could see the beach some distance away where several people still lingered near the shore.

"Where are we going?" I inquired as I followed behind her tall figure and tried to keep up with her long strides.

"You'll see." She extended her hand towards me, which I accepted as she tightened her grip on me. The slight pressure was enough to cause my heart to skip a beat as we resumed the walk.

After approximately five minutes of hiking, we approached a small cliff which overlooked the beautiful, turquoise ocean. I could see the gentle waves lapping at the shore as seagulls squawked overhead. The sun was beginning to set, spreading its magnificent glow over the sparkling, calm waters.

"Come here." Scarlett patted the bare spot beside her. "I want you to watch one of the two most beautiful views on this planet."

"What's the other one?" I asked as I sat down.

"You are." Scarlett warmly smiles. I could feel heat creep up into my cheeks as I bit my lip. She then gestured towards the horizon. "Look."

I've watched the sun set many times before, but from this point of view it was absolutely magnificent. I watched as the sky changed every minute. The clouds were painted with hues of red, flamboyant pink, and orange-yellow. The golden disc was already touching the surface of the ocean. It seemed in a hurry to disappear, slipping quickly behind the line of the horizon spreading its last rays of light. And at that moment, I glanced at Scarlett's face which was bathed in the glow of the fading sunlight.

She must have sensed me looking at her, because she turned her face towards me as the sun's last ray danced on her skin. She looked like a goddess, with her flaming sun-kissed red hair flowing over her shoulders. Her hazel eyes held the sweetness of honey and the waves of brown, green, and gold that mesmerized me into a trance. They smoldered with a fire that burned into my soul with a pleasantly scorching heat. Her gorgeous, full lips slowly curled into an amused smile.

"Did you enjoy it?" Her suddenly husky voice sent shivers down my body.

"Immensely," I replied breathlessly, unable to break away from her hypnotizing gaze.

"I told you it would be worthwhile," Scarlett grinned before she broke off the eye contact and opened the small box, revealing two squared pieces of chocolate topped with bits of walnuts and cherries. She picked one up and handed me the other piece before she slowly took a bite as a wave of pleasure flowed over her face. "It's so good, you'll fall in love immediately. I promise."

What if I only want to fall in love with you, I thought.

However, once I bit into the soft chocolatey sweetness, it melted in my mouth and enveloped my taste buds with the lingering silky-sweet taste of full-bodied dark chocolate and notes of coconut and raspberry. I could have sworn my mouth just had an orgasm.

"Oh my god, I feel like I'm in heaven." I resisted the urge to moan as I closed my eyes and enjoyed the heavenly sensation. "What are these called?" I opened my eyes again and took another bite.

"Walnut-cherry truffle fudge bars," Scarlett answered, an amused smile lingering on her lips.

"These... are just amazing, oh my god," I moaned between bites.

"You got a little chocolate there." Scarlett pointed to her mouth.

"Here?" I placed my finger near the corner of my lips.

"No. Let me get it for you." She scooted closer to me and wiped the side of my lips with her index finger before she licked it off with her tongue.

"There, all clean." She smiled mischievously as her face was dangerously close to mine, just inches away.

She tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear, her eyes suddenly dark with desire. My breath hitched when her gaze flickered from my eyes to my lips... and back up again. My heart pumped at a hundred miles an hour as it pounded in my ears louder than a sledgehammer.

This was it. This was the moment. Her gaze lingered on my lips as she brought her face even closer to mine. Her warm breath tickled my hot skin; it smelled of chocolate and vanilla, drifting its way into my senses.

As her lips gently brushed against mine, Andrew's face suddenly appeared in my mind. I jolted back to reality as the all-too-familiar guilt began devouring its way into my head. This time, however, for a good reason. I didn't care about his feelings, not after he hurt me, but I did still care about my moral values. And one of them included: no cheating.

I couldn't do this. I abruptly pulled back from her, the scorching sensation of her lips lingering on mine.

"I... We should be heading back now," I stammered, regret already gnawing at my heart. "I... I don't... I don't like being out at night these days."

The disappointment in her face reflected back at me as she cleared her throat.

"Oh, yeah...of course. We should get going. It can get unpleasant here at night," she added with an awkward laugh.

The eight-minute trip back to the car was hiked in silence, with Scarlett carrying the empty chocolate box and me scolding myself for being a coward.

Why should I hold on to my principles for a man whom I didn't love anymore? A man who constantly wants to be praised for being a "gentleman" and for doing the bare fucking minimum? A man who did one of the most vile things to me a few months back?

Why should I owe him my loyalty? He doesn't deserve my principles. He mistreated me once, and even though he has apologized profusely, that doesn't erase what he did to me.

Face it, Audrey. You don't love him anymore. He's nobody compared to her. Don't you want to feel that spark again? The one that you had two years ago? Stop being a coward and kiss the woman who makes you fall into a quivering mess each time she looks at you.

We reached the car right when I finished my internal debate. As soon as Scarlett opened the backdoor, a powerful gust of wind blew straight at us and knocked the empty box out of her hands... and sent it flying towards me. I heard Scarlett gasp as it slammed against my face and sent a jolt of pain in my right cheek.

The force wasn't even that strong, but for some strange reason I fell down and landed on my butt, completely stunned as I watched the box spin round and round in the air, propelled by the fury of the wind.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?" Scarlett held her hand out to me. Her expression was stricken with concern as she worriedly searched my face for any injuries.

"I'm okay," I assured her as she hoisted me up from the ground. "It was nothing."

My eyes were locked on hers as she worriedly furrowed her eyebrows at my response. My breath quickened as my heartbeat thundered in my ears, loud enough for her to possibly hear it. I wanted her now. I needed her. Fuck Andrew. Fuck my principles. Fuck everything.

As Scarlett traced her finger along my jawline and tilted my chin up to inspect me, I crashed my lips on hers. I heard her make a small noise of surprise before returning my kiss with gentle urgency. She grabbed the back of my neck to pull me in closer as I cupped her cheeks with my hands, our kiss deepening with every second. I felt her hands travel downwards along the small of my back until she placed them on my waist. Each movement only escalated the gathering heat in my core.

In that moment, nothing else mattered or existed. No worries or fears, no past or future, no boyfriend or trauma. It's as if the world around us and its problems ceased to exist. There was only the heat of the moment, the electricity and passion sparking from our bodies.

The light graze of her teeth only sent me in a frenzy, my thumbs stroking her gorgeous, soft cheeks as she pressed her body into mine. She tasted a lot like the chocolates from earlier, with hints of strawberries, cherries, and honey, only better. She tasted like... I'd envisioned she would taste, only so, so much better. The waft of her intoxicating essence infiltrated my mind with desire for her. My hands gently ran through her soft hair as our tongues tangled in a dance of desire. Blood rushed through my veins with the passionate fury of a river as she pulled my body roughly against hers. I loved her, I loved kissing her, and I loved the feel of her body against mine, our clothes the only barrier between us. It's as if our bodies were created for each other, each part fitting perfectly together like the long-lost pieces of a puzzle.

She shuddered against me, her breath exhaling into my mouth like the soft, warm spring breeze. The pool of heat in my core spread through my entire body as our kiss deepened every second. I never had a kiss this intense and filled with so many emotions. Not even with Julia, and especially not with Andrew. My body melted into a quivering pool of heat as her hands roamed the small of my back.

For the first time in months, I finally felt alive.

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