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1989 - Brooke's Apartment - Evening - 5 years after the massacre at Camp Redwood

Brooke storms into her place angrily into the living room slamming the door shut the suddenly files open Montana enters through the door to go away Brooke and calm her down "Brooke please talk to me enough with the silent treatment already babe I'm sorry" Montana said calmly putting her hand on Brooke's shoulder Brooke then throws Montana's hand of her shoulder and turns away from Montana with both her arms crossed clearly upset with her "I've only been released out of prison for less than 24 hours and you're already flirting with another women and at the bar of all fucking places" she exclaimed furiously wandering over to the kitchen pour herself a glass of water from the tap to calm herself down

"It didn't anything Brooke you know exaggerative I can get when I meet new people, like that time at the gym when I first met you and you're still as fucking beautiful as the day I met you that day" Montana said flirtatiously Brooke overs her eyes in disgust taking a slip of her water "Don't bullshit me Montana I'm not falling for that again" she snapped angrily Montana runs over to her grabbing her glass of water and puts it down onto the kitchen corner angrily "I'M TELLING YOU THE FUCKING TRUTH BROOKE!" she shouted at the top of the lungs for the hold neighbour to hear with tears filling up in her eyes

Brooke turns to finally look Montana in the eye while trying to stop herself from sobbing uncontrollably like a baby "I think we should just end things between us completely" she said calmly taking a deep breath "What are you talking about Brooke?" Montana asked now sobbing now ruining her eye makeup as she tries to comfort Brooke again but she forcefully pushes her away in temper "DON'T YOU FUCKING TORCH ME MONTANA I'M NOT STUPID AND INNOCENT LIKE I WAS FIVE YEARS AGO AFTER BEING IN PRISON FOR A CRIME THAT I DIDN'T COMMIT I CHANGED I'M NOT WEAK AND HIDING IN THE CLOSER ANYMORE BECAUSE I KNOW I DESERVE BETTER A LOVE FROM ANOTHER WOMAN FUCKING BETTER THAN YOU!" she replied screaming and shouting loudly while crying uncontrollably

"BROOKE PLEASE DON'T FUCKING DO THIS I LOVE YOU AND I KNOW FOR SURE THAT ISN'T A LIE!" Montana shouted sobbing as Brooke wipes away her tears taking another deep breath and grabbing her glass of water with her then walking over to the living room to take sit on the couch placing her glass of water onto the coffee shop before taking another huge slip until the glass is the empty "You can sleep on the couch tonight and after that you ca...." she said calmly glancing over at her empty glass as it shines in the light

"Don't say it Brooke I already understand you're breaking with me, we're officially over I'll go pack my things tonight and find somewhere else to live goodnight Brooke" Montana said sadly wandering over to the room she thought she would share with her girlfriend to gather together her personal items to pack away in a travel bag leaving Brooke sitting in the living room on the couch thinking back to the first she first met Montana that day back in 1984 in the showers after aerobics class was finished, when were their were sitting together in Xavier's driving up to Camp Redwood and making love for the first time in the cabin while the storm was raining down like crazy outside, Brooke finally got up from the couch to go the kitchen wash up her empty glass on the tap and begins to slowly weep and breakdown in tears.

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