Chapter 1

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Doekit was excited she couldn't believe today was the day she became an apprentice.
     "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the Tilted Stone for a clan meeting." Said the leader Palestar. All the cats went to the Tilted Stone.
     "I'm so excited to get apprenticed!" Exclaimed Fluffkit
     "Me too!" Said Cherrykit
     "Shh be quiet Palestar is talking" said their mother Magpiecall.
     "As you know Magpiecall's kits and Doekit" said Palestar before Doekit stopped listening just because my parents were loners doesn't mean you need to address me separately.
      After the apprentice ceremony everyone started chanting
     "Fluffpaw, Cherrypaw, Doepaw!" Doepaw went up to her mentor Goldenspring and asked
     "Can we go explore the territory?"
     "Yes" replies Goldenspring. They went around the whole territory, but Doepaw kept on being distracted by everything. There was so much to take in.
They got back to camp and Doepaw went to the Apprentices Den. She got to the den and saw a pile of moss right by the entrance. Fluffpaw bounced up to her his fluffy gray pelt shaking as he made his way over.
     "Hey Doepaw look I got some moss for you; you can come make your nest next to mine with it! Did you like your first day as an apprentice? Was Goldenspring nice? When do you think we'll start battle training? I have so many questions!" Said Fluffpaw.
     "T-Th-That's cool, but I'll go make my nest over in that corner sorry." Replied Doepaw. Doepaw made her way to the corner of the den and saw there was already a nest there. Mountainpaw walked over to Doepaw and said
     "Do you want this corner? I could move my nest if you want."
     "No you can have it I'll find another place." Said Doepaw while walking over to make her nest by Fluffpaw.
A couple mornings later Doepaw and her mentor Goldenspring went to the clearing to practice battle training. When they got there they saw Mountainpaw and his mentor Addertail.
     "Today you are sparring with Mountainpaw," exclaimed Goldenspring "He's much bigger than you so you need to rely on more than strength." Doepaw looked at Mountainpaw and wondered how she was going to beat him. She looked at her opponent. His white and orange pelt towering over her. Even though he was only 8 moons he was probably bigger than most warriors.
     "Begin!" Yelled Addertail.

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