Chapter 4

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     Doepaw couldn't believe she was going to her first Gathering. She was going with Mountainpaw and Cherrypaw. She felt bad that Fluffpaw and Silverpaw weren't going. Palestar was leading with Addertail not far behind.
While they were walking Doepaw thought about how her adopted family had so many unique pelts. Cherrypaw had a black pelt with one red paw, Heathheart had a pinkish tint to her gray fur, Frogleap was a white tabby, and Firestripe had a light ginger pelt running down his spine but when it got to his mid stomach it started to transition into a brown tabby.
     Shadowclan got to the Dead Rock and saw they were the last clan. Doepaw saw cats she assumed were Skyclan Apprentices climbing up the dead trees.
     "Get down from there," A Warrior hissed at them "You're embarrassing our Clan at a Gathering!"
     A light brown cat with a black muzzle, ears, legs, and tail hopped down from the tree.
     "Hi! My name is Duskpaw, I'm an Apprentice of Skyclan. That cat over there," he pointed to the cat who scolded him with his tail, " is Pinetail, my mentor. What's your name?"
     "I'm Doepaw, and this is Mountainpaw and Cherrypaw" she said pointing at the two cats next to her.
     "I can introduce myself" Mountainpaw said jokingly. He flicked his tail over her ears gently.
     "Come one I'll introduce you to the other Apprentices!" Duskpaw exclaimed. He ran over to a little clearing by the Dead Rock.
"This is Stormpaw, Flypaw, Patchpaw, and Bluepaw of Windclan." Duskpaw explained. The cat called Stormpaw had a shocked look on his face when he saw Doepaw.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"Nothing!" He lashed his tail in anger. Just at that moment it started raining and a drop hit Doepaw. She suddenly got a flashback. It was raining hard and she was a kit. Someone was carrying her when a wave hit her. The last thing she saw before she submerged in water was a black kit with a gray underbelly and stormy green eyes.
     She realized she was still at a Gathering.
     "Let the Gathering begin!" Yelled a gray cat, "Prey is well in Skyclan. We have a new Warrior will you all welcome Spiderheart!"
     "Spiderheart, Spiderhe.."
     "Wait!" Yelled Palestar "SpiderHEART" was made an Apprentice 4 moons ago he still has 2 more moons of training!"
     "And what about his littermate DuskPAW who is still an Apprentice!" A Thunderclan Warrior yowled.
     All the cats started hissing at the gray cat. Doepaw assumed he was Fogstar.
     "Silence!" Fogstar yelled "I was GOING to announce Dusk.......Tail Dusktail separately!"
     "And hedgehogs fly!" Hissed Stormpaw.
     Everyone was hissing at Skyclan. Doepaw guessed a fight was going to break out. Apparently so did Cherrypaw since she started escorting the Elders away from the clearing.
Doepaw looked up in the sky and wondered if Starclan would cover the Moon like she heard they did when the Clans started fighting.
Stormpaw was hissing at Dusktail his stormy green eyes blazing. The sky went dark and all the cats looked up at the moon. The moon was covered in clouds. Doepaw was walking away with her clan when she looked down and saw a puddle. In the puddle she saw her reflection with her bright emerald eyes blazing.

(Do you guys want me to post chapters when I finish them or post 2-3 at a time? Just comment what you want cuz I'm curious!)

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