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Hamato siblings came out of their room except Kylee came out of her mediating room. They went to the couch and sit down for their fans of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Kylee and Leonardo make sure that their little brothers don't do any stupid before they start talking.

Kylee: Hey everyone! I'm Kylee, twin sister of Leonardo, and protecter of my little brothers.

Leonardo: I'm Leonardo, twin brother of Kylee, and protecter of my little brothers.

Michelangelo, Donatello, and Rapheal: She is like that way even Leo for years before three of us were been born and mutants.

Leonardo: Careful what you say little brothers.

Michelangelo, Donatello, and Rapheal: What do you mean Leo? Is this about Kya and you?

Leonardo: Yes!

Kylee: My dear twin brother! Are our sweet little brothers talking about me and you again?

Leonardo: Yes, my dear twin sister!

Kylee: BOYS?

Rapheal, Michelangelo, and Donatello: (scared) Y-y-yes?

Kylee: (angry at her little brothers) WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT ME AND LEO?

Michelangelo, Donatello, and Rapheal: Don't talk about you behind your back or his.

Kylee: Good!

Kylee started to chase her three little brothers around in the lair while Leonardo watching his brothers chasing by Kylee. Three brothers screaming "HELP!" for someone save them. Master Splinter saw them and he knew that the turtles talking about their older sister brother again. He left the room after stop Kylee from chasing Michelangelo, Rapheal, and Donatello.

Leonardo: Now we can get to the game called "Truth or Dare."

Kylee and Michelangelo: (their eyes popped up) Did someone called "Truth or Dare" game?

Leonardo, Donatello, and Raphael: YES!

Michelangelo and Kylee: LET'S GET THE PARTY STARTED!

Raphael: (after hearing his siblings said that and screamed) NOT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!

Leonardo and Donatello: Calm down Raph! Just let them to be a party people.

Raphael: Thank you, Leo, Donnie!

Leonardo and Donatello: You're welcome!

Kylee:(heard her twin brother and little brother saying about party people) Did you say "party people" again?

Donatello and Leonardo: Maybe?

Kylee: You got to be kidding again, brothers!

Leonardo: Okay! You got us and we both knew you can't hurt me but can hurt Donnie.

Kylee: True! (She starts chasing Donatello and uses his bo staff against him) THAT WAS FOR CALLING ME A "PARTY PEOPLE" DONATELLO.


Kylee: Okay! I will let you go for now. Don't do that again for calling me and Michelangelo "party people."

Donatello: I won't do it again, overprotected sister!

Kylee: Good!

Leonardo: Now! We can get to truth or dare from everyone!

Raphael, Michelangelo, Kylee, and Donatello: We will see you soon!

This is my first truth or dare with Ninja Turtles. Just asked any of them even my character, Kylee.

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