Chapter 22

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The skies grow misted as night falls, igniting gold for only a moment as the sun kisses the horizon. To see it all from above is a strange and wonderful thing, even as unease grows within him. Merlin puts a hand out to feel the wind, cold and clear. The coolness is a relief, his skin has been running hot ever since he emerged from the lake. Joan had insisted it was fever and that he should stay, but he could feel that it was something entirely different. A strange new energy seemed to buzz under his skin, ready to be unleashed.

On the hills below the lights grow more distinct gathering on a single hilltop. 

"There!" He calls to Kilgarah, "Drop me a ways away so we don't cause a panic."

"As you wish." Kilgarah grumbles, no doubt annoyed at not being allowed to cause a scene.

They begin their circling descent, the dread in Merlin's gut growing heavier the whole way down. With a thump they land, kilgarah lowering to let Merlin off. Kilgarah is already taking off again as his feet hit the ground. Merlin watches him disappear in the mist, thinking it strange that he hadn't said goodbye.

He shakes off the thought and turns toward the lights upon the hill. He feels a tug in his chest. As good as it was to be home, he had no idea how he was supposed to speak to Gaius, or Guinevere or the knights, or. . . Arthur. He heaves a sigh and begins his ascent, slowly but steadily making his way back home.

He knew something was wrong the instant he stepped through the gates. First, there were no guards to stop him. As he continued farther in, he saw no one. It was nearly silent. A few people still shuffled about in the market square, but not nearly as many as there should have been. Even the pub was silent as he passed.

He doesn't encounter a soul until he reaches the castle gates. A single knight stands guard, helmet obscuring their face.

"Who goes there?"The knight grumbles, voice scratched and strained, and. . . familiar.

"Leon?" Merlin asks, squinting into the dark.

The knight stands completely still for a moment, before slowly removing his helmet, sword crashing to the cobblestones, forgotten. Leon gazes at Merlin in shock, eyes dark and shadowed.

"Is this," He trails faintly, "A dream, or...?"

"No Leon, it's me. It's Merlin." Merlin smiles, taking a few steps forward into the light from a nearby torch.

"Merlin? But you're-"

"Dead, I know. I've been getting that a lot lately."

"How-" Leon mumbles, taking a few stumbling steps toward him and resting a hand on his shoulder, surprised when it doesn't pass right through.

"Fate's a strange thing Leon. Who are we to question it, eh?"

"I suppose." Leon trails, stepping back to let him through.

Merlin nods in thanks and passes under the arch, turning once more to address him.

"And Leon, when all of this is said and done, what do you say we grab a drink?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world!" Leon calls back, obviously still shocked to see his dead friend pass by so casually.

Merlin laughs to himself and skips up the steps. The main hall is empty save for a linen maid, a basket of sheets folded neatly in her arms. He tries to pas her without catching her eye, but he hears the gasp as he passes, her basket hitting the ground a moment later. Merlin sighs, he doesn't have the time to deal with this.

"Just a dream!" he calls back to her, already turning down another corridor, "Go back to sleep!"

He climbs the narrow set of servants stairs behind the kitchen, slowing as he reaches the top. How was he supposed to explain this to Gaius? The poor man's heart could hardly take it.

He sighs heavily, approaching the familiar oak door. There's only one thing to do.

He raises his fist, only hesitating for a moment.

He knocks three times, as he always has.

He hears shuffling on the other side.

"I'll have you know we're busy," Gaius explains tiredly, swinging the door open, "I can't do any house calls to-" Gaius stops dead. 

He eyes Merlin for a moment, eyebrows much higher than Merlin thought they should be. He gives the old man a weak smile.


"Dead, yeah, I know." Merlin finishes, shrugging as though this were a normal thing to be, "Don't worry, I got better."

"No you're. . .home." Gaius corrects cupping Merlin's face in his shaking hands.

"Yeah." Merlin replies, tears filling his eyes as he cracks a grin, "That too."

Gaius envelops him in an embrace, holding so tightly Merlin begins to worry about his rib cage. 

"Hey Gaius, it's alright. I'm here now, I'm fine." He assures, patting the other man on the back.

Gaius sighs and steps back, wiping a tear from his face, his smile wider than Merlin had ever seen it. 

"I can't believe you're here. Wait. . . how are you here? Arthur told us all that you had died."

"Yeah, just for a while. I'm back now though, so its okay. It's a bit of a long story, and I promise to tell you, but right now I have to speak to Arthur, do you know where he is?"

Gaius' smile fades. 

"Yeah I- He's right in here." Gaius points back behind him.

Merlin's brows come together in confusion.

"He's- What? Why is he here?"

"Come with me." Gaius says, leading him into the quarters by the sleeve of his jacket.

Merlin instantly recognizes the sleeping form of the king laid on the cot by the fire. He approaches slowly, trying not to notice how shallow his breathing is, or how pale he's grown.

"What happened to him?" Merlin asks, eyes not leaving the king.

"He stole a rather strong sleeping draught. I gave him an antidote but," Gaius sighs, "He hasn't woken up yet."

Merlin stares down at his friend, placing a hand gently on his shoulder.

"Oh, Arthur." He whispers heavily, "What have you done?"

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