Chapter 8

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Arthur bursts into a sudden clearing and his breath catches in his throat. A crystal clear lake surrounds the pock marked base of the tower. A weak breeze shakes the leaves of the canopy, but no waves interrupt the lakes surface. It remains as still as glass.

Arthur feels an inexplicable pull to the waters edge. Some sort of compulsive need to touch the surface, half expecting it to be solid as glass. He kneels down at the waters edge. He reaches out to feel the surface, but hesitates before his fingertips make contact, reluctant to interrupt the tranquility. A thundering clamor at the treeline startles him, making him turn away from the water.

Merlins horse emerges from the underbrush with a crash and distressed whiney. Merlins falls over the reigns and rolls, head over heels, into the clearing. His ankle catches under him and he yelps loudly. He tries to find a way to stop the pain, and thrashes around wildly in an attempt to find relief. Finally, he settles down and takes in his surroundings. There's a mirror like lake surrounding the base of the tower, Arthur's horse standing dutifully by a tree, and Arthur kneeling at the waters edge sneering at him.

"Sorcerer." he hisses, "To think I trusted you"

"Arthur please," Merlin begs while trying to find a way to stand up without putting weight on his bad ankle, which has swollen considerably, "just let me explain-"

"How dare you speak to me?!" Arthur says with obvious disdain, "You are only alive because I haven't seen fit to kill you yet. But I assure you, I will. First, I have questions."

Arthur draws his sword and approaches Merlin. He points the weapon at his former friends throat to keep him from getting up and kicks his injured leg as a prelude of what was coming next. Merlins gasps and sucks in a breath to avoid crying out at the pain. He could feel the broken edges of his bones grind against each other with the small movement.

"Who do you work for? Are you allied with Morgana?" Arthur asks, sword now touching Merlins throat.

"N-no."Merlin stutters, "I'm not working for anyone except you."

"You don't work for me, sorcerer" Arthur snarls, "How many of Camelot's secrets have you revealed?"

"None of them Arthur." Merlin responds despite the tip of the sword beginning to draw blood.

"You don't deserve to call me by my name! How have you poisoned Camelot? Are we all under one of your spells?"

"No. I use my magic to protect you. Only ever for you."

"Lies!" Arthur yells, digging his sword farther into Merlins skin. His face grows red and he shakes from the effort of holding in his rage. "Tell me what you've done!"

"You wouldn't believe me if I did." Merlin says dejectedly.

Arthur stares for a moment into the eyes of his former friend. There is no hint of a lie in them. But sorcerers are tricky, and he's obviously well practiced at lying. Frustrated, Arthur puts his sword down by his side and stalks away to his horse, not sparing a glance at the sorcerer. He will rescue his men and leave the traitor to rot out in the wilderness.

The lake is shallow enough to wade across so Arthur tied his horse firmly to a tree and sets out to rescue his men. He's nearly to the waters edge when a strangled yell stops him.

"No don't!" Merlin calls after him. He's able to stand now that he's placed a spell on his ankle. Its not completely healed, but it's stable enough to hold him up.

Arthur shakes his head and continues. Merlin rushes forward to stop him. Arthur's foot touches the crystalline surface and ripples, too large in proportion to the disturbance, echo across the lakes surface, growing as they spread instead of fading. A humanoid figure rises from the depths and turns toward Arthur. Its made of flowing water and where it's legs should be is instead a trunk leading into the lake.

It glides across the surface, stopping a few meters shy of the waters edge. Anger emanates from the figure.

"Why have you disturbed my pool?" the creature asks in a garbled voice.

Arthur lifts his chin proudly and faces the creature with equal disdain. "Why have you taken my men?" he asks in a mocking tone.

"Your men live as a testament to my mercy. Your kind have brought persecution upon my brothers and sisters." it gurgles, "Perhaps you will not be so lucky."

"You dare threaten the king of Camelot?" Arthur questions incredulously.

"I do not threaten you as a king." the creature answers, "I question you as a murderer. Forcing me and my kind to kill to survive. We were peaceful. I still remember a time when children ran along my shores and my waters healed the weary."

The creatures head bows in sorrow. "You ended that." it says, "you took everything from us."

It's head slowly rises to look at Arthur with absent eyes, and a face which is a vague echo of human. "It seems only fitting that I should take everything from you."

Its arm raises and a blade of water forms there. It seems to harden and becomes as smooth as the lake had once been. In one swift movement, the sword comes down.

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