Big Mistake

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Me: We have a dare from knp15bubbles. "I dare Freddy, Foxy, Bonnie, and Gold to get drunk. Like EXTREME drunk.

Freddy: I don't think I could get really drunk.

Gold: I don't think so, I'm kinda too mature for it.

Bonnie: I'm too awesome to get drunk B)

Foxy: Pfft, bri' it on

~Six beers later~

Bonnie: I'mmmm gun buy aa hooorrrrrrse *falls against wall*

Freddy: *jumps on table and almost falls* Loookkkkie, Immmm king. offff the wooooorrrrrrld!

Foxy: yarararar yeee be maaaaakin' foooools of yeerrrrselves!

Gold: *hics* Iiiiiiiiii wiiii *hics* will alwaaaaays looooo *hics*   love yooooouuuu *falls to his knees*

Me: Candy, take the phone *hands phone to Candace*

Candy: Uhm, okay

Krimson: *walks to Freddy* Okay, c'mon, your going to hurt yourself

Freddy: *steps off table and leans on Krimson* Heyyyy,  you *hics* you know you have big breast * hics* right?

Krimson: *blushes* haha, you should sit somewhere. *leads Freddy to nearby table*

Korosu: *takes phone* I'm typing


Freddy: *pulls Krimson into his lap* yoouuuu wannnaaaa havvvvve some fu *hic* fun sweetheart

Krimson: *pushes Freddy away* Uh, no

Foxy: Ohhhhhh, ye be havin t' Muuuuuuuch fuuuunn laddie. Kriiiiiimsoooon issss WAY out oooooof yer lead *hic"

Freddy: shhhhh Foxy, I'mmmmmmm trying toooo hooook up withhhhhhh her

Krimson: Sorry Freddy *pats Freddy's head* not happening

Freddy: Awwwwwww *hic* okayyy

Bonnie: Heyyyyyy Candy *wraps arms around Candy* youuu freeeeee tonight?

Candy: Uh, uhm, I, uh... O/////O

Bonnie: I caaaannnn cooommmmme ovveerrrrrr tooonightttt. I'mmmm a guitar playyyyerrrr, I'dd loooovvvvve to play your G-string annny dayyy *smirks and puts hand on Candy's waist*

Candy: Uhhhh, Krimson?

Krimson: *drops empty beer can* I was just trying oonnee

Korosu: This won't end up well...

Krimson: Hey! We haave anotthher dare! Its froomm  Murder_by_Cupcakes "I, dare Foxy to put on, a Cinderella dress and do the chicken dance"

Foxy: Whoooooo aye'll do itttttttt *puts on Cinderella dress* Aye am a pretty ladyyyyyyy

Bonnie: *falls over laughing* Can't breath, ha, can't breath!

Foxy: *does the chicken dance*  duuuuhhhh duhhhh dummmmity duuuum

Korosu: Uhhh, Foxy, what are you doing?

Foxy: Shhhhh, aye am Foooxxxxita, thee mossstttttt beauuutifulll lasssss in thee worlllldddd!

Korosu: Okay then, Foxita, what are you doing?

Gold: *starts singing* Piiiivk meee up, hooooosse me down

Krimson: I know that song!

Gold: *rest arm over Krimson shoulder* WE SHAALLLL SIIINGGGG TOGETHER!!!

Krimson & Gold: *sings* piiick me up, hosee me down, I'mmm sorry booyyss about the dirrttyyy night cloowns.

Gold: *passes out*

Krimson: *continues singing* Thee Earth will break, the thinggss we make, like model planes and cuppy-cakes.  I CAN'T CLEAR, THEEE LEEAVVES FROOMMM HERE, theyreee too far under the brush... This year!

Freddy: *jumps to his feet* I willll fiiinnndddd a giiirllllfriiend, and we shaalllll geettt married, and have childreenn!!

Bonnie: I will beeee wiith candy, in theeeee suppppllllyyy closeett

Candy: WHAT?!

Korosu: touch her, I kill you *hold knife*

Bonnie: *eyes go wide* shshiiitttttt

Korosu: Bye guys, I need to chase someone!

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