New Chatacters

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Me: Ok guys, we have new friends!

Duke: *mumbles* by that she means she forced us to do this book...

Carrie: *Hits Duke's shoulder softly* oh, don't complain Dukey!

Duke: You said you wouldn't call me that!

Carrie: *giggles* I lied

Bon: Yay! Carrie!

Freddy: Oh dear fuck, two hyper children...

Pip: Haha, this must be hell for you Freddy! XD

Foxy: It a bloody hell fo' all of us!

Fox: Ye' still don' sou' much li' a pirate lad

Foxy: Aye wi' strangle ye'!

Korosu: Hey, we don't have any dares yet!

Tryndon: *pouts* I feel unloved...

Candy: Give us, some fucking dares people!

Bonnie: Candy! *hugs candy*

Candy: Hey Bonnie

Russell: Wait, you forgot to introduce someone...

Me: That's right... Carl the cupcake!

Carl: your not. telling then my name is Carl! It's Keegan!

Me: Keegan the cupcake!

Keegan: I'm not a cupcake!

Me: Keegan the.... asshole!

Keegan: Look at me, I'm a cupcake!

Korosu: Don't call my boyfriend an asshole...

Bailey: I want some dares!

Ozzy: Yea, when will we get some of those?

Me: next chapter we are having some dares. I had to introduce people....

Ozzy: Well that's all folks!

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