[24] Escape From Them

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M I R A  K O H I

Hearing a few laughters from those speakers, I closed my fist and curled it into a ball. They're mocking me and I know it. They think that I'm going to be like the other students who'll die outside the hallway, bleeding and head apart from myy body.

Well, they're wrong. I'll make sure that I'm not going to die in the hands of a ghost. Glancing back at Katsu, he gave me a worried glance and a frown.

I already know what he was thinking. And I really don't like it. He knew that if I picked dare, I couldn't really choose a good fate. It could either be me getting killed, me being the killer or me being chased down the hall by those creepy ghost lurking in the dark.

And none of those options were great.

As I took a step forward, Katsu stood up and grabbed my arm — making me stop on my tracks. He then went closer, leaning in my ear just to whisper in a low voice.

"Don't let Hidou and Natsumi get you. Their names might not be deadly but their actions would be. If they catch you, they won't hesitate to kill you in a painful way," he explained as I nodded, trying to pry away from his grasp.

Though, he didn't remove his hand on my arm. Instead, he gripped on it tighter, making me gasp out loud — alarming Shin and Sakura. They gave me a worried glance as I waved them off, telling them not to worry.

"And don't trust any voices or sounds you hear through the hallways or inside the rooms. That's probably Hidou trying to trick you, alright?" he said as I nodded once again but only to be stopped by a quick hug from Katsu.

"And be careful, Mira. I don't want to lose anymore people in my life," he mumbled before finally letting me go. He then walked towards Shin and Sakura, his head hung low.

Sitting down on the floor, he gave me one small smile before looking down at the ground. His hands were on his knees as Shin gave me a worried look. He then nodded as I breathed deeply before answering the Natsumi, the girl behind the speaker.

"I choose dare," I spoke loudly as I heard Hidou and Natsumi laughing in unison, noticing the pure sadistic tone on their laughs.

Suddenly, it became eeriely quiet as I could hear someone breathing on the mic. And I have to be honest, it made me shudder in fear.

I saw the hat moving and shaking a bit on the table, making me look at it. As I took a step forward to approach it, I could smell a foul odor from the inside. Putting my hand in it, I felt something squishy that made me widen my eyes.

Pulling the thing out, I gasped and threw it down on the floor.

It was a cleanly butchered hand that was inside out — showing chunks of meat and blood — that almost made me gag from the sight of it. The other students also screamed and gasped as I saw Ryoto preventing himself from vomitting.

I couldn't blame him though. Nobody expected that hand to be on that hat.

"Oh, so sorry. We might have misplaced our friend. Please carry on," Natsumi said as I glared at the speaker. She totally planned this all out. Putting my hand back again inside the hat, I grabbed a piece of paper and opened it.


Let two girls accompany you for this dare. Find Choi and Mino's diary on their locker. Their locker requires a key. Find the key and get the diary within 20 minutes. You only have five minutes to go back. Goodluck.

I gulped, knowing that it was one of those dares that were very hard to do. I looked around the room, seeing a girl raising her hand before giving me a smile.

"Can I go with you? I mean, only if you need someone to accompany you," she happily said as I returned the smile. Alright, one more girl and I could finally do this.

What could go wrong?

I then saw a girl standing up, giving me a determined look. Dusting off her uniform, she quickly approached me with Rai on her side. Looking at the door, she then nods at me.

"If Rai's coming, I'll come too! It might be fun to go outside rather than sitting inside this classroom for who-knows-how-long anyway," she said as I gave her a nod back before opening the door, both of them beside me. After I explained the dare to them, they both nod in understanding.

Grabbing the knife I had, I gripped it tight and heading outside. I then saw Katsu and Shin standing up, ready to follow us three. But then, the door slammed shut, making all of us gasp. Oh no, Hidou and Natsumi didn't want them to help us. Fudge, this is bad.

Find those documents in this academy. Just our luck. I then sighed as I gripped my knife, hearing a few sounds on our right. Rai and Shizu heard it as well since I saw them pulling out a dagger and a sharp cutter.

We better find those documents. And fast.

Walking towards my left before running after I heard a chain being dragged. Oh hell no. Rai and Shizu followed me as we all ran away from Natsumi.

"How about we open these doors? I mean, the key could be inside," Shizu said, grabbing the handle of the door. I then stopped her by yanking her hand before she could open it.

"I don't think that's a good idea. If they wanted us to find the key, they could've scattered it on the hallway. This key is from the twins after all," I explained as they both nod.

"On this dare, rooms are traps waiting to be triggered." We then continued to walk down the hall, seeing something at the end. Running towards it, I stopped in my tracks as I turned around — not wanting to look at it anymore.

There sat Akira, his eyes harshly ripped out from its sockets. His intestines were scattered on the floor, a pool of blood underneath him. His head was on the floor as his body was cut into pieces.

I then looked back, seeing something stuck on his left socket. Oh hell no. Approaching it, I almost puked. The key was inside, bloody and stuck. Glancing at Shizu, I told her to give me her cutter. She then agreed, giving it to me with no hesitation.

Slicing the veins that held the key, I pulled it out — trying not to gag anymore. I am so sorry, Akira. I then showed it to the both of them as they sighed in relief.

As we walked towards the stairs, we saw two young boys looking up at us. They gave us a small smile before letting us through, disappearing in a mist. As we descended, we saw a boy with his back turned from us.

"Hey dark haired boy, are you from here?" Rai asked him as I gave her a look. You do not just ask a random student in this academy like that.

Unless you wanted to commit suicide, that is.

He then turned around, making me gasp. Hidou smirked at us as he fixed his glasses, a crossbow in his hand. He then pointed at Rai before pulling the trigger.

It all came too quick. After a few seconds, Rai was on the ground, an arrow was on her head. A pool of blood flow down as we both screamed in terror. Me and Shizu then looked at each other and nodded before running down the hall, Hidou right behind us.

I then saw the twins mentioning us to follow them as they took off and stopped at a random locker. Getting the key, I opened the locker and took their diary.

When I turned back to my left, I saw Hidou's face inches away from me, smirking.

"Hello, Mira." But then, he stumbled back, glaring behind me. I turned around, seeing Katsu with his other eye uncovered. I looked away, remembering what he said earlier.

Shizu, on the other hand, grabbed my arm and pulled me with her — running back upstairs. And after that, I heard series of yells coming from downstairs.


Message from Hidou:


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