Karaoke Night

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Try to guess who is me and who is my sister from the picture. This is not related to Ato or Tif, it's actually about my older sister. So comment down below to guess.

The song I'm singing is the song above.

Also,I'm going to start a new arc called "Karaoke Night." Trust me, it's not going to be not that interesting. Well, I hope you guys like it!

Enjoy! 😘✌️

Everybody was bored and had no idea what to do.

Aoi: I'm so bored,

Mikuni: You're not the only one...

Then, Mahiru had an idea.

Mahiru: Oh! Why don't we go to the karaoke place?

Aoi: That's actually a good idea! 😋

Kuro: But it's so far...

Aoi: Dude, it's like a block away from my house.

Kuro: Still too far...

Aoi: One day, I'm going to kill you Kuro.

Mahiru: Why?

Aoi: (points at Kuro) Because this brat is lazier than Ato!

Mahiru: Hmm. Oh, that's right. What are your personalities, Ato and Tif?

Aoi: (divides)

Ato: Oh, I;m the lazy one while Tif over here.

Tif: Is an artist and more active.

Mahiru: What just happened?


Misano: Shirota is too distracted by you guys dividing.

Ato: So you're saying if we turn back into Aoi he will listen?

Lilly: Doesn't matter.

Aoi: Too late bruh.

Misano: That was fast.

Kuro: So are we going or what?

Aoi: I thought you didn't want to go?

Kuro: Mahiru is just going drag me with him anyway.

Aoi: Okay, let's go.

- Location: Karaoke Place -

Aoi: Okay, so who wants to go first?

Lilly: Why not have Mahiru go first since he suggested it? And Kuro too since it's a duet?

Kuro: Fine. Prepare your eardrums.

Aoi: Oh no.

Mahiru: Let's just get this over it.

Kuro: Okay.

Aoi: What song are you guys going to do?

Mahiru: "Crossing World."

Aoi: Good luck! 👍


(Also the song is not in English so you might not be able to listen to it and the songs are in order from 1-5)

Aoi: That was good.

Lawless: When is it going to be our turn?!

Aoi: Not yet!

Tsubaki: Is it my turn?

Aoi: No. I'm pretty sure it's Lilly and Misano's turn.

Misano: Whatever.

Misano: Lilly you pick the song. I'm too-

Aoi: Short.

Misano: No!

Lilly: "Not Fragile Love?"

Misano: Sure.


Aoi: ... (faints)

Lilly: Am I that good?

Mahiru: I think she fainted because of Lawless. (points at Lawless)

Lawless: (records Aoi and Lawless kissing)

Licht: Uhh...

Aoi: I'm awake and am ready to murder some ne.

Aoi: I believe it's Lawless and Licht's turn.

Lawless: I'm ready!

Licht: I'm going to sing (poses) like an angel.

Aoi: (puts hand on mouth)  Lol.

Lawless: Hey, wanna sing this song?

Licht: "What's your name?" Sure.


(lol I'm fangirling so bad)

Lawless: That was exhausting!

Licht: Shut it shit rat!

Aoi: Time for Tetsu's and Hugh's turn!

Tetsu: Alright.

Hugh: Hmm, what song?

Tetsu: What about "Akashi?"

Hugh: It's a good song. Let's try it!


(Oh god. Hugh's voice though)

Aoi: I'mma be right back.

Mahiru: ?


Aoi: (back into the room) I'm back.

Kuro: Were you the one who just screamed?

Aoi: Maybe.

Tsubaki: I think you made me deaf.

Aoi: Shut it Tsubaki! You're lucky I even brought you with us!

Lawless: Why did you bring him?!

Aoi: Songs, dude. Songs.

Aoi: It's Tsubaki and Belkia's turn anyway.

Belkia: How did you know I was here?

Aoi: I can see you! I know I have glasses but I'm not that blind!

Belkia: Whatever.

Tsubaki: There's a song called "Who is Coming, Uninvited!"

Belkia: Let's do that song!


Aoi: I'm going to kill the manager of this place...

Mahiru: Why?

Aoi: Because they had a song like that!

Aoi: I think we should go home.

Mahiru: Yeah, let's go home.

Tsubaki: Can I co-


Fox Tsubaki: Come on!

Aoi: No! My weakness!

Licht: Come on, Aoi. Will you please bring Mr. Fox with us?

Aoi: Ugh, fine.

Ok I hope you guys liked this

Oops! I just realized I didn't even sing I didn't even sing, oh well.

I was too busy fangirling too much.

Bye! 😘✌️

Edited: 8/5/2017

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