Amazon Prime Video Bonus Chapter: Panic!

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Authors Note
In celebration of Amazon Prime Video's newest series Panic, I am thrilled to be teaming up with Amazon Prime Video and Wattpad to write this exclusive chapter that puts my characters from this story into the world of Panic!

I hope this chapter intrigues and inspires you to learn more about Panic. Visit the #PanicWritingContest on Wattpad for the chance to put your creative writing chops to the test and learn more about the show!

To find out more about the contest, prizes, and how to enter, check out the #PanicWritingContest here:

Don't forget to watch the series premiere on May 28th, only on Amazon Prime Video, here:


Don't panic.

Rule number one.

But how can I not when that's literally the name of the game?

It also doesn't help that I'm standing at the edge of a very high, very unstable cliff. It's a wonder I'm still standing with the way gravel crunches beneath my feet as I shuffle from one foot to the other. As well as that, chunks of snow slice into my skin and wind whips at my hair, the allocated raincoat doing very little to protect me. The only heat I have comes from the warm hand inside mine.


This was his idea. He first heard about the competition a week after Shaun's arrest. The plan? Simple. Win the prize money and escape this deadbeat town. Carp. The ultimate American dream. A trap. I hate it here as much as he does and, the thought of leaving is too good an opportunity to pass. If only I didn't have to plummet to my death beforehand.

"Welcome to your second challenge. You will need to make your way from one water tower to the next, using this plank," explains the game master.

I look towards said plank and almost scoff. I've seen rotten bridges in better condition.

"How long you choose to do so will determine how many points you are rewarded."

Great—there's a time limit.

"Remember, to advance in this competition, you must have a certain amount of points."

Elliot squeezes my hand, optimistic.

"We've got this," he whispers.

Only we don't 'got this'. I'm terrified of heights.

"Your time starts as soon as the horn sounds. Make it count."

It's the game master's job to guide us safely through the competition. Last year's one was fired when someone almost died in what can only be described as a bungee jump gone wrong. The videos are all over YouTube, and even the thought of them makes my skin crawl.

I have a theory he's part vampire. He speaks with an accent I can't quite place, though if I had to, I'd say it was a combination of European and something entirely made up. Translucent, his skin is almost grey, yet shows no sign of ageing. In fact, aside from the unusual colouring, his complexion is flawless. He has shoulder-length, dark hair that's almost always tied back and dark eyes to match. People call him the Grim Reaper behind his back. Elliot and I chose a far more respectable nickname and secretly refer to him as Dracula.

"Don't let that plank deceive you," offers Elliot. "They wouldn't let us cross it if it wasn't safe."

"Wouldn't they?" I ask, unconvinced.

It's uncommon for two people to work together in a competition like this. It's usually every guy for himself. But, well... Elliot and I are a team first and foremost. There can only be one winner, of course, and we're going to make damn sure it's one of us leaving with $50,000 in our back pocket.

"Good luck, losers," snipes Zack.

His confidence throughout this competition has annoyed me.

"Let's hope no one falls. A drop like that will kill you," he adds.

"If you don't stop talking, I'll push you off of there myself," retorts Chloe, feisty as ever.

I attempt to calm her down with a look I hope speaks volumes.

"Is that a threat?"

"Of course it's a threat, you dumbass!"

It wasn't Chloe who replied. It was Tom Jackson. Since he was outed publicly for sleeping with his step-sister, he's been looking for a fresh start. A way out. He'll never lead a normal life in Carp ever again. His only option is to leave. And to leave, he needs money.

"Whatever! I'll be across that plank before you can so much as blink."

"I wouldn't be so sure," I interject. "That plank looks pretty old."


"So," I begin. "If you're not careful, you'll fall."

"Guys like me don't fall," he insists.

Again, his confidence annoys me.

"Fine," I reply. "It's your funeral."

I shift my attention elsewhere and settle my gaze on Jasmine, noticing her interest in our conversation. She often does this. Watches from afar but never joins in.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

Like me, she hates heights.

"I'm fine." Her eyes cut across to me. "You?"

I nod.

We're both terrible liars.

"When is this thing gonna start? I'm getting sick of listening to you children talk," states Lewis.

As of yesterday, he's favorite to win. In the last challenge, he deliberately sabotaged the strongest player, and although technically a favor to us all, I can't help but turn my nose up at such savagery.

"You're the youngest one here," I retort.


"So, if you're gonna throw out insults, at least be smart about it."

He storms towards me, no doubt in a bid to play up to the cameras.

"Touch her..." states Elliot, stepping in front of me. "And I'll kill you."

"Strong words, Evans." He smirks. "Didn't her brother just kill someone?"

Elliot goes to punch him but is interrupted by the sound of a horn.

"It's showtime!" delights Chloe, practically pushing Tom aside to approach the plank first.

For a second, I just watch. Glued in place until Elliot tugs on my sleeve.

"Come on. We've got to have 100 points to advance."


"Don't look down."

Chloe makes it look effortless, gliding along the plank as though it were a walk in the park. But with less than a few feet to go, her shoe falls through a piece of rotten wood and in a bid to save herself, she twists at an awkward angle. Gravity pulls her to one side, leaving her hanging upside.

"Oh my God!"

"We need to help her!" I yell, stepping closer to the edge.

Fucking hell—we're high up.

"Let her go," scoffs Lewis. "It's one less contestant to worry about."

"She'll die!" protests Elliot, stepping onto the plank.

"What's it to you, Evans?" he demands, shoving on his shoulder. "As long as your girlfriend is safe." Pause. "For now, at least."

Elliot shoves back twice as hard. "Fuck you!"

He winks and just as another scream leaves Chloe's lips; he steps onto the plank.

"We can't let him get to her!" I stress, taking hold of Elliot's hand. "We need to do something."

I spare a glance at Tom and Jas, hoping they agree. I even look at Zack. Surely even he can't sit back and watch Chloe fall to her death?

"Like what? Short of pushing him, there's nothing we can do!" stresses Tom.

I frantically look to my surroundings, desperate for a solution. Below the plank is a lake, but the fall will cause some damage. Enough to kill someone. Tom's right. Without pushing Lewis ourselves, there's no way of getting to Chloe.


"The rules didn't specify how we use the plank," I say.

Elliot must sense where I'm going with this because he quickly switches his gaze towards the shaking structure, noticing what I did just moments ago. "Monkey bars!"

Beneath the plank are metal handles, secure enough to see people across.

"That's even worse than walking the plank!" cries Jasmine, terrified.

She's right.

"But it's our only hope of saving Chloe," I retort. "You all saw what Lewis did to Gregory. Chloe is a strong competitor and he'll do anything to eliminate the threat."

Zack shakes his head in bewilderment.

"Come on!" encourages Elliot, heading towards the plank. "We have to move quick."

I follow him instantly, no questions asked. So do Jas and Zack.

"Tom, come on!" I yell.

The others are halfway across the plank by the time I coax Tom onto the first monkey bar. His hesitance is completely justified, but also a damn waste of time.

"You can do this," I soothe.

His muscles tense as he attempts to manoeuvre the obstacle.

"I hated climbing the rope in gym class," he huffs, already exhausted.

I almost laugh.

"I fucking hate this town."

"You wouldn't be here if you didn't," I point out.

We continue to swing ourselves across each bar, neither of us daring to look down.

"Lewis, stop it!" pleads Jasmine.

I focus ahead and notice Lewis attempting to stamp on Chloe's foot.

"He's going to kill her!" gasps Tom, tensing.

"Move faster!" I instruct.

We do exactly that and reach the others, just as Chloe's right foot swings out.


Elliot grabs her other leg, struggling to hold on. "Help me!"

Zack takes some of the weight, but being in such an odd position proves almost impossible.

"I can't get a grip!" he shouts.

As if that wasn't bad enough, Lewis stamps on the plank above us, making the structure shake even more.

"I hope you fuckers can swim!"

My handle suddenly snaps, jerking me down.


Tom's concern reaches Elliot, his reaction instantaneous.



"Babe, hold on!" he yells.

I helplessly watch as he switches positions with Zack and swings towards me.

"I've got you," he assures, wrapping his arm around my waist.

I hold on to his shoulders, allowing myself a moment to recover from the shock. Lewis continues to stamp his feet and in doing so, causes Elliot to lose his grip. One minute, we're falling, the next we're suspended midair again.


Tom is holding onto Elliot's forearm, taking the bulk of our combined weight.

"I. Can't. Hold. Much... longer."

A quick glance to my right tells me that Jasmine and Zack have pulled Chloe to safety. They've all reached the other water tower, and the thought relaxes me. Elliot too, if his gaze is anything to go by. As I stare into his gorgeous blue eyes, I know he's thinking the same thing.

"Together?" I ask.

He smirks. "Always."

"What are you guys talking about?" Tom turns desperate, struggling to keep his grip. "You can't jump!"

"You need this money more than us," I offer.


"Whatever you do, don't let that fucktard win," quirks Elliot, gesturing above.

Tom attempts another protest, but is cut short when Elliot leaves go. At first, it's like flying. The wind rushes between us, gently tugging on my hair. My grip on Elliot intensifies, his familiarity my only comfort. Together, we fall, happy knowing that whatever awaits us, we'll be okay.

Be it, death or a life full of judgement.

As long as we have each other, everything will be just fine.

No need to panic.

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