Chapter 11- Derp

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The Derp's voice is not stringy and high-pitched. In this case, it's Ian's voice, with an undertone- as well as an overtone. It has a lower and higher note to make it sound more like three voices rather than one. Got it? If not, DM me. I'll explain it further.
... And yes it is Choco. He shall be in le story.
-Ty's POV-
He kept watching me, and it set me on edge. This was NOT Ian. This is some other force that has taken over Ian. "Very good! I always love it when people notice that."  "You read my thoughts?" "Why not? They are accessible, vulnerable. It's a matter of how." "How did you read my thoughts?" "Simple. I focused, and stared deep into your eyes. The act can desensitize the brain of any interference. Meaning, I can pick through your memories and thoughts without you knowing or caring." "But I do care. Very much actually."
"But you only know because I quoted something you hadn't spoken aloud. I could also tell you that your middle name- doesn't exist. Your last name is a lie. Tyler, your whole entire life is based on two little lies." "I don't believe you. Prove it." "Fine." He shifted to lean on the doorframe. "Your father- Ellis, but your mother never married him. She is a Lox. A very powerful, ancient bloodline- the Lox. Without her, you would not exist, and she died just yesterday to a system failure. You are the only dragon hybrids, the End Kings, and the last of the Lox name." "That's a lot to take in."
"I know that. But I still told you. You still know it." "Yes. But you might want to put your glasses back on. Your voice is getting on my nerves." "Fine. Party killer." He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his sunglasses. He laid them on his nose, and instantly tensed up. He looked around, and his eyes settled on me. "Did he bother you?" "A little. It's fine though. Who is he?" "Alter ego. He's not very fun." "Oh..."
Ian and Jason kept arguing a while longer, and finally left. I had a feeling we wouldn't see them for a while. Morning rose, Vikk and Lachlan left at dawn to get home, and Rob and Preston took heir horses home. The house seemed emptier now. Six of them were now gone, leaving eleven. There were seventeen of us last night.
Pete seemed interested in a bush a few feet away in he dawn light. I was too tired to watch Pete. I went inside to bed. Sky would handle it. But Pete seemed too intent on this one stupid little bush. It concerned me greatly.
Sky came outside as the morning sun came up and dawn faded to day. The bush moved unnaturally, against the wind rather than with it. Something was in or behind it. I didn't know what, but something was there. Pete approached the bush, and a small yellow blur popped over the bush. It ran into Sky, and fell. A bird?

-Sky's POV-
A chocobo? In the woods? They usually live on the beach or plains. Why was a chocobo in the woods? "Are you okay?" I asked as I picked him up off his feathered tail.
He quivered in my grasp, and tried to pull away without a word. I held his wing tighter, but not enough to hurt him. "Are you okay?" I repeated. He shook his head a little. "What's wrong?" He looked pointedly at the ground. "The fall hurt?" He nodded shyly.
"Can you speak?" He made an 'a little bit' signal with his feathers. "Can you speak a little for me?" He nodded. "What's your name?" "Choco..." His voice was quiet, almost undetectable, even in silence. Amazing.
"How old are you, Choco?" "4." Okay... 1 chocobo year is three of ours, so he's 12. Preston is only 2 and a half for gods sake. Pete is 2 years old. He's the same age as Bella currently.
But really? Choco the chocobo? How cruelly ironic is that? Choco worked his way around Ty, and walked to Pete, who was still a little shaken by Choco's sudden appearance.
"Hi..." "Hey." "Are you okay...?" "I'm fine. You just sorta scared me." "Sorry... Didn't mean to." "Where's your family?"
"They left me... I was too little and weak to go with them." "You look good to me." "Thanks, but my siblings are all bigger than me. I've been told I'm a runt." "Seriously?" "Yeah... They didn't care about me."
"Well... Those who fall behind, stay behind. Sorry Choco." "I was told that exact sentence. What does it mean?" "The ones who are too slow or can't keep up have to stay behind and not come on the journey or whatever. It's a weird requirement for some species." "My family was very mean about it." And he lifted his small wing to reveal scratch marks, bleeding along his side. They were red, puffy, and infected.
"Choco! Nonononono. Come here. I need to heal that. Doesn't it hurt?!" "Yeah..." "Well you should've said something. It's all infected. Come here." He came over, and I lifted him by his small, stocky bird body. I was careful to hold him where there wasn't an infected cut, and I made sure I kept his legs from dangling.
He put his beak over my shoulder as I went inside. He shifted, and his talons dug deep into my arm. I could feel my own blood mixing with his as both streams dripped down my arm. I laid him down sideways on a pillow I'd thrown on the floor. He laid there quietly as I got all my materials.
I wrapped my arm with gauze for a momentary fix, and went to Choco to fix all the deep lacerations under his wing. He was uncomfortable, but it was only because he'd never been handled by humans before.  After one cut was cleaned out and bandaged, he warmed up to me a little. He relaxed, and fell asleep on the pillow as I cleaned out the infectious wounds. At last, his whole side was cleaned up, and wrapped in gauze.
He looked like a snowman. His whole little body was white from bandages, and the only thing spared was his neck and head. The base of his wings were covered up from cuts, his upper legs and feet were coated in sticky blood from cuts, and his main body had taken the brunt of the attack. He was bloody and infected terribly.
I let him settle down in my room, so I closed the door and let him relax in the new environment. Only moments later, I heard scratching on my door, so I opened it, and he asked to be carried. I carefully held him, and lifted his legs so they didn't dangle. I only do that because it can hurt a chocobo's spine. They aren't very strong creatures. Kara hopped out of her room, and was met by the sight of me holding an injured chocobo.
"Oh! He's so adorable!" Choco blushed. "Can I pet him?" "I'm fine with that... You okay with it Choco?" He nodded at me, blushing like crazy. He lowered his head to her, and she stroked his feathers gently. He purred and leaned into her hand. She giggled and stroked him more.
When she slipped away, he actually looked disappointed. "She was nice..." "That's Kara. She 13. And the only girl in this house, surprisingly." "I like her." "She's fun to be around. She'll light up your day."
I carried him outside, and I found Jerome, finally awake, stunting his breath to hold out from screaming in pain. I kneeled next to Jerome, setting Choco on the grass next to me. I kept snapping my fingers in Jerome's face so he didn't zero in primordially on the poor, injured chocobo. I gave Jerome a drink (a dissolved painkiller in a little water) and he drank it without question. Normally, the drink would be thrown away because of taste, but Jerome didn't seem to care.
I picked Choco back up, and set him down on a small swing I'd made with Ty for the younger kids to play with. The only ones that use it are Kara, Mat, and occasionally Vikk. He couldn't hold on, so I didn't push him. I let him move the swing on his own, so it only rocked sideways momentarily. He stayed quiet a lot.
"Choco?" "Yeah?" "What actually happened to your family?" "I told you." "No. Choco, those cuts are not chocobo talons. Those are what knives and swords make." "Fine."
"Now what happened?" "I'm an orphan... My mom, dad, and siblings were killed, and I was too little, so they tried to hurt me enough that I'd die alone..." "Cruel world, huh?" "Yeah... What happened to you?" "Me? My mom died when I was four to the Enderdragon, and my dad is Herobrine. Not much to tell."
He looked down. "I guess not." "You okay?" "It's just kinda hard to think about. I'm not fully over it yet. But I'm telling the truth when I say that they didn't care about me. They really didn't." "And I believe you. Parents are weird and specific on what they like and don't like."
"Can I stay in your house? With you?" "You wanna stay in my room?" "Yes please." "I have no problem with that, Choco. It's your choice on what you wanna do." "Thank you. What's your name by the way?" "Sky."
"Thank you Sky." "No problem. Let's go to bed." I lifted him up again, and he put his small beak on my shoulder again. I set him down in my bed, and he curled into a little ball at the top corner of my bed quietly. His breathing slowed, and he was out like a light.
I climbed into bed, and he subconsciously curled into my chest, still asleep. I smiled, and fell asleep with Choco curled into me. I stroked his head gently as I passed out slowly. Waking up, he was still against me, but he seemed more awake. Choco was sitting up, with his head laying on my side. He was watching the the door.
"What. You wanna go and meet the others yet?" "One or two at a time please... I'm not very good in crowds..." "That's okay Choco. I'll bring Kara and Pete in first." "Okay." He shifted to let me up and I went to search for them.
I found Pete first, and steered him inside, where I ran into Kara. I held their shoulders, and explained what I was doing. "Guys, he needs quiet introductions. He's very shy, and he's hurt still. Pete, you saw the wounds first hand. He's in pain, and he's young. Okay?" They nodded. "I'll pet him again if he wants me to help him relax..."
I let them in, and Choco let out a quiet purr just so we knew where he was. He had gotten off the bed somehow and was laying in a warm sun spot on the carpet behind the bed. Kara approached slowly, and extended her small hand to Choco. He shied away at first, but recognized her, and rubbed against her hand. She giggled, and ran her hand over his head gently.
She stroked his feathers carefully to avoid injured areas. Pete sat down in front of him as Kara pet him, and had struck up a small conversation. But he finally got uncomfortable, and I let him have space- taking Pete and Kara out of the room with me. I let Choco relax too long, and regretted it almost instantly. Jerome found and cornered the poor chocobo.

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