Chapter 17- Official?

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-Preston's POV-
My heart was still racing, excited and happy from the theatre. I hadn't expected it, but that's what made all the difference and all that more special. The ring, don't even get me started. He took time to actually make it. He used his stress wire to make it, meaning he no longer had the metal stress reliever. Nor would he want it back, because it was him who gave it away, to me.
Granted, he lost his full train of thought in the midst of making it, but who cares? It helped make the event even more special. Getting back, I could see Sky's silhouette in the gateway, and he was smiling. He monitored our approach, and stepped off the property to collect the horses. Rob and I walked inside, and Rob was ambushed with hugs. He disappeared under the littles- Pete, Choco, Mat, Kara, etc.
I kept my hands buried in my pockets, a little too embarrassed and overexcited. But I wasn't discrete enough with my mood, keeping my posture tense and staying absolutely quiet. Seto and Brice knew me well enough to know that that isn't how I act. Seto dragged me aside, while Rob went upstairs to work. "What happened, Preston? You're being really quiet. We both know that's not you."
My bad act broke. I squealed and covered my face instantly, blush covering my face. Seto smirked, and asked again. "What happened? Preston-" I pulled my sleeve up, since it covered my hand, and Seto's eyes widened. "Oh. Oh my god, Preston! That's so cute!"
I blushed super hard, and while I tried to contain my happiness, Seto hugged me, trying to contain his excitement. Brice walked in, and stopped short. "I don't think I wanna know. Do I?" Seto nodded. "You do. Look at Preston's left hand." He did, and looked dumbstruck. "Did- wait. Did he- really?" I nodded quickly, "Yes he did. I can't think. I'm not even sure if words are coming out of my mouth."
"They are, Preston. Oh wow. 14, royalty, and engaged. That's impressive." I blushed even more. I hid my hands in my sleeves again, and ran upstairs to Rob's room. Walking in the door, I was met by Rob running around, trying to get something done. I stopped him.
"Rob, what are you doing? I can help." "I- I was given a letter. It's on my desk if you wanna read it." "Okay? Why are you running around?" "Just- read the letter." "Okay."
I picked up the letter. 'To the king and queen of the Flower kingdom. You are invited to a banquet at the Sorcerer home. It is greatly appreciated if you are to attend, but you are not obliged to. This banquet is to remember our brothers and sisters who have passed on. These include- Alexander Kane Sorcerer, Dalilah Lindsey Sorcerer, Seto Xavier Sorcerer, and Lila Haley Sorcerer.
We hope to see you.'
Below the letter portion was an address. I knit my eyebrows. "Wait. Did you read this fully? Rob?" He stopped. "What do you mean?" "This says they're basically mourning Seto's death. Seto is alive. We gotta take him with us."
"Of course. I didn't read it entirely." "Really Rob?" "I've got ADHD, man. Gimme a break." He laughed. "Rob! You read these things for a reason!" I giggled, "You can't just drop everything, silly!" "But why not?" "Oh my god. Just pack light. You don't need anything serious."
While I grabbed a small backpack, Rob came up behind me and hugged me. "What's up?" "Nothing. Tired." "Take a nap. I'll finish packing." "I don't wanna make you pack my stuff. I'll finish mine-" "Rob. You haven't slept well the past few weeks. Take a nap. I'm fine."
Rob left the bathroom to take a well-deserved nap while I finished packing up. Finished and exhausted, I set an alarm with an annoying alarm clock, and passed out next to Rob.

-Rob's POV-
I woke up to an alarm clock blaring in my ears, and found a road block from me getting to it. Preston lay curled against my chest, and I didn't have the heart to wake him and move him. Meanwhile the clock is annoying me and it's making me angry. I lean over Preston and grab it. I hit the sleep button and threw the clock at the door. It shattered into a thousand tiny pieces.
Preston probably set it to wake him up, but it did squat. It didn't wake him up, and only managed to make me mad. At the foot of the bed, I saw two neatly packed backpacks and a folded jacket for each of us. Preston had also set out an outfit for himself and me as well. It was getting late, nearly time to go. I took one last look at Preston while he was still sleeping, smiled, and woke him up.
He groggily sat up, trying to wake himself up more, but started to waver and crash again. "P, you can sleep on the way there. Just get up and get yourself ready." "Noooooooooooooooooo," he whined, "I wanna sleep now." "Preston. Up. I'll ignore you all night if you don't get up on your own." That got him. "You wouldn't."
"I would. Up. I know you're tired, but you slept through your own alarm." "How'd you know?" "Look at the doorframe. The floor." He saw the broken clock. "Oh... Sorry." "S'okay. I'm just not a fan of alarm clocks."
He laughed and got up. He slowly woke up more and more as he got moving. He snagged a quick shower because his hair was awful, and we left with his hair still soaked. It lay flat on his head, and his bangs were hanging in his eyes. Seto was a bit tired, but he got over it.
We tugged our horses to a stop at our location, and turned them loose. They knew to stay close. Seto was so wiped out, he actually turned around. "Guys, I'm exhausted. I really can't do this now." "That's fine. I kinda just wanted your family to know you aren't dead." He smiled tiredly. "I might be if I don't sleep. I'm headed home. Give them this."
He handed Preston an envelope and disappeared.

-Preston's POV-
Once we pushed through the door, it was very homey, and comfortable. A woman came over and took our coats, welcoming and hugging us. She led us to the rest of the people, who were all lounging in the living room. Rob seemed to momentarily shrink, but once he realized he was in a familiar environment, he relaxed.
I found the woman who had sent the invitation, and handed her Seto's letter. She looked at the chicken-scratch on the front, and her eyes widened. In another language, she squealed in surprise and confusion. The only words I caught were Xavier and okay. And that's because those were the only words she spoke in English.
The house went silent. An older gentleman jumped a couch, and took the letter. He scanned the letter's front, and smiled. In English, he shouted loud enough for the whole house to hear. "Xavier is ALIVE!" The house cheered. He opened the envelope, and read the letter in English.

Friends and family,
This may come as a shock to some of you, but I survived under the care of a young Solace. This Solace is the clan's reject. He refused to hurt any dark sorcerer, and therefore became my closest friend. If you wish for me to come some time later and bring him with me, I will. But for now I need to regenerate energy.
I never came back because I was told by a senior Solace that I was the last. I stupidly believed him. Also, it turns out that I am technically reborn. Before this family and life, I was the mortal child of whom you now know as Herobrine. To me, he was also mortal, from a world that no longer exists.
For whomever it may concern, I am the only one that survived. Haley, Lindsey, and Kane all passed. They are in another world. These are the ones to celebrate, not mine, as I am still alive. I still love each and every one of you dearly, and if I had known you were all still alive and healthy, I would have returned sooner. I apologize to anyone I upset by never showing. As soon as possible, I will return.
Until the next,
Xavier Seto

The man folded the letter back up carefully, and tucked it into the envelope. A teenaged girl laughed and cried. She looked to be Seto's age, maybe they'd been super close? But I had a question on my mind that Rob voiced. "Why do you call him by his middle name?"
"Oh my. He hasn't told you otherwise?" "He told us his name was Seto. Seto Xavier." "Xavier never liked his name. It seemed to drag him down. Seto is actually his middle name." "Oh. Okay." "And may I ask, who is this Solace he spoke of?"
"Um, his name is Brice. He was the one who went against the nature and rep of the Solace clan. He was outcasted about a decade ago." "Oh! The peaceful one." "Yeah him. Apparently, his dad tried to make Brice kill Seto but he ignored his dad and protected Seto instead." "Why do I sense anguish in this letter? When he talks about the boy." "Um... I don't know. Maybe it's because he killed Brice's dad? He was protecting Brice and kinda killed the guy..."
"Oh? That surprises me. Xavier was always the gentle kind." "He still is, it was kind of a spontaneous thing." The girl from earlier piped up. "Is he okay? What does he look like now?" "He's fine, he was just too tired to come with us. And if you wanna know what he looks like, he'll be here soon enough. Not tonight, but soon."
That girl freaked me out. She was very panicky and topic-focused. Rob caught my gaze and we had a eye conversation. 'She's freakin me the eff out, Rob.' 'I think she liked Seto.' 'That'd make sense. She seemed very focused on him.' 'It's gonna hurt when she realizes he doesn't feel that way about her.' 'If these guys are weird, the crap'll hit the fan.'
'Yeah, it'll get uncomfortable REAL quick.' 'Talk to some people. Get comfortable. This is getting really awkward just standing here." I made my way over too the nearest couch and sat on the corner to relieve space for other people to sit. When it began to get super late, Rob and I turned in to go home. We were exhausted to say the least.
I crashed before Rob could utter a word about pulling an all-nighter. There was no way on earth that I was pulling an all nighter.

Sorry it's late and kinda short, but its something. Its cute too. But seriously, I forget to write so often it's not funny.
Love you guys!

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