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"What the hell happened?" Jungwoo exclaims as soon as we enter the apartment. He kicks off his shoes and goes to pull me into his embrace but I gently push him away.

I take a shaky breath as I make my way to the living room, taking a seat on the couch. He follows my actions, taking a seat at my side.

"Yuta and I decided to tell Taeyong about us. We thought he'd be happy but he wasn't. He said that what I did was low. Just then he confessed to me. He said he loved me and tried to touch me but I pushed him away. Yuta came out and he was angry. I tried to stop them but ended up getting in the way of Taeyong's fist."

Jungwoo doesn't say anything as he tries to pull me into his arms again. I don't object this time as I just crumple into his arms.

He holds onto me tightly, almost as though he were afraid I'd fall apart if it weren't for his embrace.

"I'm going to kill that bastard" Jungwoo mutters, tone laced with anger.

"Yeah well, that makes two of you. Yuta will be more then happy to help you out with that" I remark quietly.

I take a deep breath before pulling myself out of my brothers arms. He looks at me in confusion, waiting for me to continue talking.

"He reminded me of mom" I admit.

"What? Hyeji, she's gone and she's never coming back" Jungwoo immediately tries to assure me.

"The look of disappointment when he found out Yuta and I were back together...It was as though mom was in front of me. That's exactly how she looked at me that day."

Jungwoo frowns in concern as he pulls me into his arms once more. "She put you through so much shit. If it weren't for Yuta I would've killed her myself."

This statement causes me to pause in my thoughts. I gently push him away so I can meet his gaze.

"What do you mean? I thought you didn't have contact with Yuta once we separated."

"Yuta and I never stopped contacting each other. I met up with him in private soon after what mom did. He managed to calm me down saying he would get you back and he would make you happy again." He explains briefly.

"You never told me this" I shake my head as I try to process what he's saying. Not even Yuta mentioned this.

"There was no need. It would've only made you more upset. We decided to keep that private" He lowers his tone.

My phone suddenly vibrates, interrupting us. I pull it from my pocket and scowl when I see it's a message from Taeyong.

Hyeji...I cant even begin to say how sorry I am.

You weren't meant to be hurt and you know that

Yet you were going to hurt my boyfriend? The person whom I care about more then life itself..That would've been the same as hurting me

Please, don't let this ruin what we have

Yuta's had his turn already

This isn't like some kind of game where everyone gets a turn! Taeyong we are talking about who I have to live with! The person who I love!

Just leave me alone okay?

I don't want to talk to you

I fucked up. I'm sorry

Please Hyeji—

I turn off my phone and let place it on the coffee table, out of my sight. I don't want to be reminded of what happened today.

Jungwoo seems to know who it was immediately as he reaches over to grab my phone. I don't stop him as he reads the messages which are on my notifications page.

"I'm going to call him, you should rest okay?" He presses a kiss to the top of my head before leaving the room.

"Kim Hyeji" Mom calls for me, her voice is laced with anger. I sigh as I pull out my earphones, pausing the music on the phone. I stand from the table and make my way to the lounge room where she waits for me.

She stands, her arms folded across her chest, lips together in a thin line as she looks down on me as best as she can. She is barely a centimetre taller than me.

"Yes mother?" I ask as I walk up to her. I scan the room in hopes my brother is here to back me up but he isn't anywhere to be seen.

"A boy just knocked on the door, he was asking for you" she speaks with a bitter tone.

"Yuta..." My voice softens as I realise who she is talking about. He messaged me earlier saying he would come and return my necklace. I left it in his car the last time we went out.

"He has this with him" Mom hands me the silver chain with the small pendant on the end of it. I take it and mutter a thanks.

"Why did he have your necklace? Who is he and don't tell me he is someone from school. He's too old for school."

"He's..." I trail off. How am I meant to tell my mother that this guy is 2 hi years older than me and has been my boyfriend for almost a month now. I've been too scared to tell her, knowing she wouldn't approve.

"My friend" Jungwoo speaks up as he suddenly enters the room. "Hyeji came to hang out with us the other day and her necklace fell off in his car on the way back."

Mom doesn't believe this story, not in the slightest bit. I can see her picking at all of its faults as I look into her eyes.

"Why didn't he just give it to you then? So you could pass it along?" She questions my brother.

"Because" Jungwoo leans against the wall, folding his arms across his chest. "He is the kind of person to hand deliver what ever has been left behind."

"Both of you, sit down" Mother speaks firmly, as though it were an order.

I raise my head to look at Jungwoo who just smiles assuringly as he moves to take a seat on the couch beside me. Our mother sits on the chair opposite.

"Explain this to me more. I've never heard Jungwoo mention Yuta before. So tell me, why don't I believe you?" She pushes.

Jungwoo goes to speak but I interrupt him. I don't want him to get into trouble. This is my fault. I let it go this far.

"Because he isn't Jungwoo's friend" My voice begins to waver. "Yuta is my boyfriend. I left it in his car after our last date."

No words are spoken as mom just looks at me, horror in her gaze, pure horror. Jungwoo lowers his gaze, shaking his head slowly as he knows that our mother is going to burst.

"Kim Hyeji" She spits my name as though it were poison. "Stand up."

Trembling, I obey.
I raise to my feet and take a few steps so I'm standing before her.

Without wasting another second, she slaps me across my left cheek. My head snaps to the side as I absorb the force.

"Slut!" She screams.

Jungwoo stands and pushes her away from me, flames rising in his eyes as he looks at her. He moves to wrap his arms around me.

"Have you gone insane?!" He yells harshly.

"Your sister has grown into a little slut. Comfort her all you like. Yuta is never to step foot on this property or I shall call the police on him for trespassing." Mother exclaims.

"Mom please—" I begin but she continues.

"If you want to be just like those whores at school then go ahead. But I won't allow it at my house!" Mom shakes her head firmly before storming out of the room.

I wake up in a hurry, my chest rising and falling quickly as I breathe heavily. Moving into a seated position, I can't stop the tears as they begin to flood down my cheeks.

I turn on my lamp and move so I'm leaning against the head rest. I do my best to keep my sobs quiet, Jungwoo is asleep and I don't want to wake him up.

Yuta came over to check on me and make sure I was okay as soon as he finished work. He wanted me to go home with him but I told him I needed to spend some time alone with Jungwoo. He didn't argue with my choice and he just left saying he was only a phone call away.

Reaching over to my bedside table, I grab my phone and turn it on. It's 3am. I couldn't message him, he'd be asleep. That means I couldn't call him either.

I unlock the phone and open his contact. My finger hovered over the call button. I need him right now. I shouldn't call him but I need to.

I press the button and place the phone to my ear. It rings three times before I immediately regret my choice. Hanging up the phone, I turn it off once more.

Within a few seconds it begins to ring. I look at it and can't help but feel slightly relieved as I see Yuta's name flashing up on my screen.

I answer it, "Yuta..."

"Hyeji? What's wrong?" His voice is laced with concern as he speaks through the phone.

"I-I had a d-dream" I cry, my sobs breaking my voice as I try to talk to him. "About when mom found out about us. When she, h-hit me."

"Wait for me, I'm on my way" He tells me. "Just keep breathing okay? Is Jungwoo up?"

I shake my head before realising that Yuta can't see me.

"No, I didn't want to wake him. I didn't want to wake you either."

"Princess, you know that I'm always more then willing to come and help you if you need me. Even if you were across the world, I'd jump on the very next flight. No matter what time it is, you call me. You wake me up. I don't care if you don't want to feel bad. If you need me, you tell me. I can't be the best boyfriend ever if you don't talk to me."

I feel my eyes welling up more as I hear his words. God, I've missed him so much.

"Hurry, please hurry" I plead.

"Just wait for me okay? I love you."

I was so caught up in my own cries that I didn't notice as my bedroom door swung open. I didn't have time to look up as I felt two strong arms pulling me into their embrace.

Instantly I recognised the scent. I crumble into Yuta's arms as I clutch at his shirt. Allowing my sobs to take control over me.

"Please stop crying. It hurts me to see you in so much pain" He states softly, his grip on me tightening.

We sit in silence, the only sound being my cries and Yuta's soft soothing sounds as he tries to calm me.

At one point Jungwoo walked in, he was concerned about me but once he saw Yuta was there he just left my room quietly again.

Eventually, the tears stop and I just sit in Yuta's arms. His grip hasn't loosened at all. Not even in the slightest.

"I'm sorry I woke you up. I made you come all the way over here when you should've been sleeping. I—" He interrupts me by placing his lips against mine.

A welcome interruption.

Pulling away he gently caresses my cheek. I lean into his hand and smile softly as our eyes meet.

"Stop apologising. You didn't wake me up. I couldn't sleep, so you needn't apologise for that okay? Even if you had of woken me up. It doesn't matter. What matters right now is you."

This time I am the one who initiates the kiss. I swing my leg over his waist so I am seated in his lap as the make-out session begins. His hands find their resting position on my hips.

"I love you so much" I say against his lips briefly before kissing him again. He just smirks into the kiss.

My hands find his hair and I begin to pull him against me even more, if that's possible. The kiss is filled with need. Yuta holds me as though he were afraid to let go.

Just as the kiss goes to deepen again, we are interrupted by a sudden thud which can be heard from the lounge room.

I instantly pull myself away from Yuta and my head snaps to look at the closed the door. He gently lifts me and places me beside him before standing from the bed.

"Stay here, don't move until I come back okay? Lock the door" He speaks firmly before making his way to the door.

"Yuta, don't leave me" I plead softly.

"You'll be okay" he smiles his healing smile as he opens the door. Yet he doesn't get to step out of the doorway as someone falls onto him.

It takes me a few moments to recognise who it is. Their hands are covered in blood, the white shirt has been stained with red.

"Jungwoo?!" I scream as I rush over to him. Yuta manages to hold him up as he gently seats him on the floor.

That's when I notice the wound in his stomach. Jungwoo has been stabbed.

A/N - i wrote this whilst on holiday whoop. i still am on my holiday so i hope you all enjoy it.

thanks for reading!!

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