12 : A Watery Showdown Part - II

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(In the Waiting Room - 1)

"Ash you did it," Serena says as she runs into the waiting room and leaps into her boyfriend's arms.

Ash grins at her and wraps his hands around her neck and shoulders.

"Well. I had to, after all, there is a lot is at stake here. I can't wait for us to get back to the apartment tonight," Ash says while smirking.

"Since you did so well here is a trailer for you," Serena says before kissing him.

"Good to see someone's enjoying themselves," Professor Oak says while coming into the room.

Ash and Serena immediately separate and blush while scratching the back of their head in an embarrassed fashion.

"Hehehe. Sorry about that," Ash says while Serena merely smiles back.

A few moments later the other Professors, Grace and gym Leaders walk into the room.

"That battle had heat!" Wulfric remarks while putting on a broad smile.

"Indeed. Well done whippersnapper. Taking out Siebold's Blastoise like that. No small feat," Ramos compliments with a smile.

"Thank you. But this is where the real fight begins," Ash says with a more serious tone.

"I wouldn't worry too much Ash. You have taken out Siebold's ace in the hole and you have one more Pokemon than him. Honestly, I thought you would battle Wikstrom and his Steel-types after yesterday's conversation," Grace says.

"Well, I thought about doing that first. But then I realized if I could beat the strongest elite four here. Then my Pokemon would take less damage when the time comes for facing Diantha," Ash answers as he smiles at Grace.

"I see, so you intend on challenging Diantha for the position of Champion for the Kalos region," Olympia says in her characteristic portentous tone.

"Yes. Of course. No matter what happens, I never give up till the very end," Ash replies while making a determined fist.

(Meanwhile in Waiting room - 2)

"My! My! The mighty Siebold with his mega evolved Blastoise, which usually takes out at least 2-3 of the opposition's Pokemon, brought down by a fire type without Mega evolution. How ironic," Malva says in a sarcastic tone.

"Good to see you're enjoying yourself," Seibold replies.

"Of course I am," Malva replies while heavily smirking.

"That kid is the real deal Malva! If he managed to take my Blastoise out like that then he would have no trouble wiping the floor with your Houndoom," Siebold snaps back.

"At least I don't make amateurish mistakes and underestimate a kid," Malva coolly replies.

"I hate to say this Siebold, but Malva does have a point," Diantha replies.

"Do you think I don't know that Diantha? I made my strategy to beat this kid based around me facing off against an Electric-type or Grass-type with my Blastoise. He deliberately used a Pokemon with a type disadvantage to throw me off my game and have me drop my guard," Siebold says in a bitter, disappointed tone.

Suddenly, the bell rings indicating that the field has been repaired. Siebold stands up to leave and starts walking. He stops at the door, turns around to face Diantha and says "This kid is the real deal. If I lose today, you better be prepared for when he comes for your title."

(In the battlefield)

"Alright, young man. You managed to beat me by exploiting my overconfidence. And as a result, I have lost my ace. But that won't happen this time. Alright go now, Gyarados," Siebold says while tossing his next Poke-ball.

"In that case. Pikachu! I choose you." Ash says as Pikachu leaps onto the battlefield, ready to battle, with his cheeks sparking aggressively.

"Alright. Battle begin," Referee shouts.

(In the VIP box)

"An electric type! Looks like Ash is going by the book this time," Clemont says.

"Yes, he should. Now that Siebold is going to be on his guard, the battle will get more intense from here on. Having a type advantage does help," Oak remarks.

"Looks like we are in for an entertaining fight alright," Diantha replies.

(Back in the battlefield)

"Pikachu, use Thunderbolt," Ash commands.

"Block with Dragon Breath," Siebold counters.

Gyarados' green Dragon Breath and Pikachu's sparkling yellow Thunderbolt collide in midair. Ash sees that Seibold has easily managed to block Pikachu's attack.

"Alright Gyarados, use Hyper Beam," Siebold orders.

"Use Quick Attack to evade and then attack," Ash shouts.

"Pikaa!" Pikachu says as it develops a shiny white outline. Gyarados fires an orange Hyper Beam but Pikachu easily avoids the attack following which slams it slams into Gyarados's belly. Gyarados gets pushed back.

'Whoa!! Speedy. That's one well trained Pikachu. I need to keep my guard up.' Siebold thinks as he analyzes the fight so far.

"Gyarados, use Dragon Dance then use Crunch," Siebold orders.

"I see. So you are using my strategy from the previous round to boost up your speed and power. That way you can match up to my Pikachu's speed and type advantage. Not bad," Ash calmly says.

"Well? Now, that I am. What are you going to do about it?" Siebold asks.

"Simple. Two can play that game. Pikachu use Electric Terrain," Ash commands.

Siebold clenches his fist in frustration as Pikachu sends out a huge pulse of electricity while using Electric Terrain. The whole field starts to spark and glow with yellow electricity.

(In the VIP Box)

"Using Electric Terrain was a stroke of genius," Clemont shouts.

"Indeed. As long as Electric Terrain is in effect, Electric-type moves will be super powerful and much more faster, and not to mention more accurate. I think Ash is going to win this round as well," Sycamore says.

Diantha and the three Elite Four members look on with a passive face.

(In the Battlefield)

"Use Quick Attack to avoid that Crunch then zap Gyarados with Thunderbolt," Ash commands.

"Use Dragon Breath to block that Thunderbolt, then Hyper Beam one more time," Siebold orders.

"Pikachu! Dodge it!" Ash shouts.

However, contrary to Ash's expectations, Pikachu gets hit by the Hyper Beam and is sent flying to the other end of the battlefield.

"Now Gyarados. Don't let it breathe use Bind," Siebold orders.

Before Pikachu can do anything, Gyarados wraps itself around Pikachu. Pikachu winces in pain as Gyarados strangles it with its tail.

Ash thinks to himself 'What do I do? What do I do?'

Then suddenly it hits him.

"Pikachu, use Thunderbolt now," Ash shouts.

"Move away from Pikachu, Gyarados!" Siebold desperately shouts.

This time the Thunderbolt hits home and Gyarados cries out in pain due to being completely shocked by Pikachu's powerful Thunderbolt.

'That electric terrain is causing problems for Gyarados. I don't think it will be able to take another attack like that. What to do?' Siebold thinks knowing that Electric-type moves pack serious juice while Electric Terrain is in effect.

Suddenly, it hits him "Gyarados. Use Rain dance to get rid of the Electric Terrain," Siebold shouts which causes Ash to raise an eyebrow.

Siebold smirks as he sees the Electric Terrain being neutralized by Rain Dance.

(In the VIP Box)

"Oh no. This can be a problem. With Rain dance in effect, Water-type moves will become more powerful," Oak says in a concerned tone.

"Yes. But I think Siebold has made a huge mistake," Serena says while smirking.

Everyone looks at her in confusion.

"What do you mean Serena?" Sycamore says.

"You will see Professor. Just watch patiently," Serena replies.

(Back on the battlefield)

"Bad move," Ash says with a smirk.

Siebold gets shocked at this statement and says "Why? What do you mean?"

"While it is true that Rain Dance boosted your Water-Type moves and got rid of my Electric Terrain. But you have forgotten that water conducts electricity," Ash says while smirking.

Siebold still looks puzzled not able to understand what Ash is trying to say. 

"Hurricane," He commands.

Gyarados unleashes a horrific roar which causes the wind to start picking up as it gears up to release a powerful Hurricane attack.

"Pikachu, finish this in one move! Give me your most powerful Thunder," Ash shouts.

Siebold's eyes widen in horror as he sees a powerful Thunder, shock Gyarados before it can finish using Hurricane. An explosion occurs with Gyarados lying on the ground with swirly eyes.

(In the VIP Box)

"Of course. Thunder has 100% accuracy when Rain Dance is being used. That was amazing. Now I see what Serena meant," Sycamore shouts.

"When Ash was planning his strategy against Siebold. He made a backup plan in case Charizard lost. In the event Charizard lost, Ash would have Pikachu battle Blastoise. If that were to happen, Ash rightfully predicted that Blastoise would be pretty wiped after the battle with Charizard so Siebold would have Blastoise use support move like Rain dance to try to even the playing field," Serena announces with a feeling of pride radiating from her body and mind.

Grace is shocked at what Serena has just said. She is pleasantly surprised to see Ash being able to plan for events so far into the battle.

'Interesting, so this is why Brandon recommended this kid. I now see why Brandon was proud of him when we talked. An exceptional battler, for sure. I think it's about time I also resumed training,' Diantha watches in silence as Seibold holds up his Poke-ball to recall his second Pokemon.

(Back in the battlefield)

"I see what you meant," Siebold says while recalling Gyarados to his Poke ball.

'I know I have already lost this battle, but I still need to keep on going.' Siebold thinks while he takes out another Poke-ball.

"Alright Vaporeon. Stand by for battle," Siebold says while tossing the poke ball.

'Rain Dance is still in effect and Pikachu is pretty wiped. It is safer to keep Pikachu back for the moment.' Ash thinks to himself while thinking about the next round.

"Alright Pikachu return," Ash says.

After Pikachu comes back, Ash tosses another Poke ball and says "Torterra. I choose you."

"Alright, Battle begin!" Referee announces.

'Rain Dance is still active, so Solar beam and Synthesis will not be working at full capacity. Not to mention Vaporeon may be very fast. I need to play defence till the Rain Dance subsides and the sun comes out.' Ash takes a deep breath to reinforce himself.

"Use Stone Edge," Ash commands.

"Dodge it with Quick Attack. Then use Hydro Pump," Seibold orders as Vaporeon speeds out of Stone Edge's trajectory.

Vaporeon opens its mouth and fires a Hydro Pump. After the Hydro Pump lands, Torterra is pushed back a little.

"Use Aurora beam," Siebold Commands.

"Oh no! Use Protect," Ash shouts. The Protect holds for a while but then breaks.

'Ice-type moves are super effective on Grass and Ground-types like Torterra. If it keeps getting hit like this, Torterra won't last long.' Ash thinks as he tries to come up with a plan.

"Grab it with Vine Whip followed by Brutal Swing," Ash shouts.

"Use Acid Armor. Then another Aurora beam," Siebold smirks.

"So it can use Acid Armour. Never mind, use Frenzy Plant to envelope yourself as a shield," Ash commands. Toreterra slams its front legs on the ground and then Frenzy Plant envelopes it like a shield. The Aurora Beam gets blocked.

"Now use razor leaf," Ash shouts.

"Use Acid Armor again, followed by Aurora Beam," Siebold smirks heavily.

Ash clenches his fist in frustration as he sees the Razor Leaf miss. Not to mention Torterra takes damage from the Aurora Beam as well.

Suddenly the sun comes out. It seems the Rain Dance has reached its end.

"Alright! Use Stone Edge to trap it. Then use Synthesis to recover," Ash orders.

"Oh no, you don't. Use Iron Tail and Aqua Tail combination to get rid of the Stone Edge, then use Quick Attack to get in close. Finish Torterra off with a final Aurora beam from point-blank range," Siebold shouts.

The Aurora beam hits before Synthesis can be completed. A huge explosion occurs and Torterra is barely able to keep itself from collapsing.

"I think it's time to finish this. Use Quick Attack to finish it off," Siebold commands.

'Torterra is going down if that hits. If only I could land an attack or two before it goes out. But how?' Ash thinks to himself as Vaporeon develops a white outline indicating that Quick Attack has been activated.

Suddenly it hits Ash when he sees Vaporeon dart over to Torterra.

"Torterra use Grass Knot to make Vaporeon trip over. Then use Stone Edge go," Ash shouts.

Siebold's smirk turns to horror as he sees Vaporeon trip over following which it gets a face full of Stone Edge which sends it sliding back while shaking its head in pain.

"Vaporeon! Use Aurora Beam one final time," he shouts.

"Torterra Frenzy Plant. Everything you have got," Ash shouts.

Both launch their respective attacks which land on their respective targets. Two huge collisions take place. After the dust subsides, Vaporeon is barely able to stand up but Torterra has been knocked out.

"This round goes to Siebold. Vaporeon is the winner. Alright, please bring out your next Pokemon," referee says.

(In the VIP Stand)

"Finally Siebold manages to win one," Diantha says with a sense of relief.

"Well, that was expected but the damage that Ash wanted has been done," Oak says.

(Back on the battlefield)

"Vaporeon. Return. Now Clawitzer, stand by for battle," Siebold says while returning Vaporeon and releasing Clawitzer.

"Pikachu, you are up," Ash says as Pikachu runs into the battlefield ready for battle.

"Alright, Pikachu let's start off with Thunderbolt," Ash commands.

"Use Hydro Pump to block," Siebold counters. 

Both moves collide in midair and cause an explosion.

"In that case, use Quick Attack," Ash orders.

"Use Aqua jet to take into the sky. Then use Ice Beam on the field," Siebold counters.

Before Pikachu can reach Clawitzer, it manages to gain sufficient altitude to stay out of harm's way. Clawitzer then points its claw downward, opens it and fires an Ice Beam.

"We won't let you. Use Thunderbolt. Block it," Ash shouts.

"Pikachuuuuu," Pikachu shouts as it fires a Thunderbolt directly upwards which clashes with the Ice Beam, causing an explosion.

"In that case use the falling momentum to your advantage. Crab Hammer," Siebold shouts as Clawitzer falls towards Pikachu from the sky.

"Dodge it, buddy," Ash shouts, but it is too late as Clawitzer's Crab Hammer meets its mark.

Pikachu manages to get up, but Ash notices that Pikachu is getting tired.

"Don't let it breathe. Use Dragon Pulse," Siebold orders.

Clawitzer opens is huge claw and Ash sees a purplish white energy forming inside it.

"Dodge, by using Dig," Ash frantically shouts.

Pikachu jumps in the air and then goes underground as the Dragon Pulse passes over it. There is a moment of silence as everyone wonders where Ash's Pikachu will come out from. Suddenly it comes up, directly in front of Clawitzer.

"Alright! Now Pikachu, use Iron Tail," Ash commands as Pikachu spin midair as his tail shines a bright white.

"Grab it with your claw," Siebold commands.

True to Siebold's commands Clawitzer manages to catch the Iron Tail inside its claw.

"Bad move. Use Electroball," Ash says with a smirk as Siebold's eyes widen on hearing this command.

"Oh no! Throw Pikachu away. Quick!" Siebold shouts frantically knowing what will happen if Clawitzer delays.

But it is already too late as the Electroball explodes inside Clawitzer's large claw. This causes a huge explosion. When the dust clears Clawitzer is on the ground with swirly eyes.

(In the VIP box)

"I knew Ash was going to win but I didn't expect him to win on the first attack he managed to land. How is that possible?" Bonnie asks Clemont.

"Well, Bonnie the answer is simple. Usually, when Pokemon endures attacks the attack comes from an external source. In simpler terms outside the body. However, in this case, the Electroball exploded inside Clawitzer's large claw. So this was an internal attack. Being an Electric-type move, the explosion of the Electro Ball caused a huge amount of damage sufficient to knock Clawitzer out. It was almost as if the Electro Ball short-circuited Clawitzer's body," Clemont answers as Bonnie nods, trying to process what her brother just said.

"Not only that Clemont. Ash owns a Corphish and Kingler. So he knows very well about the attacking patterns and tendencies that Crab Pokemon use. He knew in advance, that Siebold will have Clawitzer use that large claw to grab Pikachu's iron tail and then deliver a powerful counter-attack from close range since Pikachu won't be able to move. That is why he didn't use Electro ball in the battle with Clawitzer earlier. So that he could take Clawitzer out with one shot," Oak says while beaming.

"That's incredible," Sycamore replies.

"Typical Ash battling strategy," Oak replies

(Back in the battlefield)

"You are full of surprises young man. You kept Electro Ball back as an ace and used Iron Tail on purpose to ensure my Clawitzer grabs it with its claw. Very impressive. I can say this that I know that I have been beaten. But I am glad that another trainer of an Elite Four level has come after a long time. You have a very promising future Ash," Siebold commends Ash on his battle so far.

"Thank you, sir," Ash replies.

"Very well, shall we continue?" Siebold asks while smiling.

"Why not? But I am sticking with Pikachu," Ash replies.

"Alright then, Vaporeon come out for battle," Siebold says while tossing his final Poke-ball.

"Battle begin!" referee shouts.

"Vaporeon, use Quick Attack," Siebold commands.

"We shall reply with the same," Ash smiles.

Both Pikachu and Vaporeon dart towards each other, collide and are sent sliding back. The exchange seems tied.

"Vaporeon, use Bubble Beam," Siebold says.

"Vapooo," Vaporeon says as it fires a barrage of bubbles at Pikachu.

"Counter with Electroball," Ash shouts. Pikachu spins head over tail and then fires an Electro Ball which goes through the Bubble beam without any problem. Vaporeon moves to the right as the Electro Ball flies right by it.

"Now, use Electric Terrain Pikachu," Ash commands.

"While it uses Electric Terrain, use Aurora beam on the battlefield," Siebold says.

"Jump into the air and use Electro Ball on the ground below you," Ash orders.

An explosion occurs on the ground while reveals a sparkling small patch of dirt in the middle of the ice-covered battlefield. A few moments later Pikachu lands into it.

"Now use Thunderbolt full power, Pikachu," Ash shouts.

"Use Acid Armour to escape," Siebold says as Vaporeon vanishes and avoids getting hit by the attack.

"Vaporeon use Giga Impact," Siebold commands.

Vaporeon gives a nod then bends its body a little as it gets covered by a brownish-purplish swirling veil of energy. Then it gives a roar and charges towards Pikachu.

Ash knows that Vaporeon is more comfortable on an Ice Battlefield compared to Pikachu. Suddenly a brainwave hits him.

"Jump and use Iron Tail on the ice-covered battlefield," Ash says as Pikachu nods before jumping into the air and then smashing Iron Tail onto the Ice covered battlefield causing the ice layer to shatter and develop cracks.

"Use those cracks for footing. Fight back with Volt Tackle," Ash shouts as Pikachu smirks. It then starts running on the Ice Battlefield using the cracks in the ice to balance itself and not lose its footing. Then Pikachu coats itself in a veil of sparkling electricity as it is moments away from clashing with Vaporeon.

"Pikaaaa!" Pikachu shouts.

"Vaaaporeon!" Vaporeon growl back.

The fierce clash results in an explosion, covering the location of the clash with dust. When the dust clears, both Vaporeon and Pikachu are on the ground with swirly eyes.

"Both Vaporeon and Pikachu. Are unable to battle. With 2 Pokemon still left, the match goes to Ash, the KIP champion," The referee shouts.

The stadium erupts into cheer and applause. Ash simply picks up Pikachu in his arm while Siebold recalls his fainted Vaporeon. They both walk up to each other and shake each other's hand.

"A great battle Ash," Siebold replies.

"Thank you," Ash says.

Siebold smiles. Then he turns around and starts to leave.

Ash suddenly calls out to him and says "Siebold, I have a favour to ask."

"What is that young man?" Siebold says.

"After a battle like this, I don't know about you, but I get super hungry. I promised my friends that we would celebrate yesterday but we didn't. Since you own a restaurant and love cooking, would you join us for dinner tonight?" Ash requests.

Siebold looks back at Ash for a few moments.

"Of course! It would be my pleasure. Why don't you bring all of your friends to my restaurant tonight? We shall have a celebration. Furthermore, I shall cook myself," Siebold says with a smile.

"You will? Thank you so much," Ash says with an ecstatic voice.

"It will be my pleasure. See you at 8:30 tonight at my restaurant," Siebold smiles back before walking away.

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