23 : Fighting Dragon with Fire

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(In the VIP Box)

"I guess it's our turn next." Cynthia says while getting up.

Serena gives Ash a thumbs up. Ash smiles and follows suit.

"Best of luck kiddo." Scott says while Ash goes out of the VIP Box.

(In the Battlefield)

"Alright KIP so how was that for the first battle?" the announcer says only to be responded by a deafening cheer from the crowd.

"Now that the stadium has been repaired we shall have our last exhibition battle for the day. First of all welcome the Sinnoh Champion Cynthia." he says while gesturing to Cynthia who has taken up her position on the battlefield.

"And competing against her we have you very own KIP champion Ash." he says while gesturing to Ash. With that the announcer leaves.

(In the VIP Box)

"Diantha. Brandon. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in the healthcare center recovering from your battle?" Sycamore asks as he sees Diantha slowly walking into the room with Brandon helping her.

"Ah. Don't worry Augustine. I am just a little tired is all." Diantha says while collapsing onto her chair. "Besides there is no way I am going to miss this battle. Both Ash and Cynthia are very dear to me."

"OK. If you say so. Exciting battle both of you. Well done." Sycamore says while clapping. Soon everyone else also joins in while Brandon and Diantha give a little bow.

"Alright. Enough clapping time to see the second match. It is about to start." Charles Goodshow says pointing to the screen.


(In the Battlefield)

"This will be a one on one battle. Battle will not be over till either Pokemon has been defeated. Alright send out your Pokemon." Referee shouts.

"Garchomp. Battle Stance." Cynthia says while tossing her Poke-Ball.

"Charizard. Let's do this buddy." Ash says while tossing his Poke-Ball.

Both Pokemon come out and put a demonstration of power before glaring at each other in an attempt to size each other up.

While Ash is eyeing Garchomp he remembers Paul's battle with Cynthia from his Sinnoh Journey and Iris's battle with her from the Unova journey.

'That Garchomp loves to use his wings as a shield. I must wait patiently to deliver the perfect blow. The question is how?' Ash thinks to himself.

"Ash you may have the first move." Cynthia says while gesturing to him.

'I know flamethrower won't do anything.' Ash thinks to himself. "Alright Charizard use Fire Spin full power." Ash commands.

Cynthia doesn't do anything till the attack connects and envelopes Garchomp completely. She looks at Ash to see him looking very seriously. 'He knows that didn't do anything. That is why he is not counterattacking recklessly. He has grown since I last saw him.' Cynthia thinks to herself.

"Charizard use Dig." Ash commands as an idea comes into his mind.

"We'll use dig as well." Cynthia says while smiling.

Ash's serious expression turns to a smirk. Cynthia raises her eyebrows.

"Why are you smirking?" Cynthia asks Ash.

"Have you forgotten already Cynthia the day we first met. This is exactly what happened when you battled Paul's Chimchar." Ash says while smirking.

Cynthia recalls the day and then shouts back "I won that battle easily Ash."

"I know. But you know what is different this time?" Ash questions Cynthia.

"What?" Cynthia asks him in a confused manner.

"I am not Paul." Ash replies.

"Charizard let Garchomp get close to you then use Blast Burn." Ash shouts at the top of his voice.

Cynthia's eyes widen in shock as she realizes what position she has put Garchomp in.

"Garchomp get out of there." Cynthia shouts in desperation.

"Too late." Ash replies with a smirk as the ground start to crack and smoke. Suddenly an eruption occurs which reveals Garchomp being sent flying out of the hole and into the ground. Garchomp gets up with a grunt with his smoking body while Charizard flies out of the hole in the stadium.

(In the VIP Box)

"It seems that Cynthia has made the mistake of underestimating our KIP Champion like Seibold did." Sycamore speaks up with a smile.

"Maybe. But unlike Seibold Cynthia's Garchomp is far superior an opponent compared to Blastoise. Charizard barely managed to win that clash. Let's see how far it goes this time." Diantha says in an excited yet exhausted tone.

"Here drink some water Diantha." Serena says while giving Diantha a glass of water.

"Thank Serena." Diantha says while drinking the water.

(Back in the Battlefield)

"Fine then. No holding back." Cynthia says as Garchomp gets up and gives a loud roar.

"Likewise. Charizard use Sunny Day." Ash says while his Charizard releases roar as well.

"Garchomp use Sandstorm followed by Dragon Pulse." Cynthia commands.

"Use solar beam on sand storm and dodge that Dragon Pulse." Ash counters.

"Dragon Rush go." Cynthia commands.

"Counter with flame charge." Ash commands.

A huge explosion takes place as both Pokemon fall down to the ground.

"Get up." Both Ash and Cynthia shout in unison.

"Dragon Pulse go." Cynthia shouts.

"Steel wing to defend. Use Dragon Tail as an anchor to help with the pushing force." Ash says.

Cynthia clenches her fist in frustration as Dragon Pulse fails.

"Enough fooling around. Time for you to experience the true power of Dragon types. Use Draco meteor and Dragon rush." Cynthia shouts.

"Charizard use smokescreen. You know what to do next." Ash says while smiling.

The Dragon rush misses due to the smokescreen and all the Draco meteor finish falling. But there seems to be no sign of Charizard getting hit by any of the meteors.

"How?" Cynthia says when suddenly the ground below Garchomp begins to shake. Suddenly Charizard comes out in front of Garchomp and delivers 2 fierce Dragon Claw swipes.

"Very clever Ash. Garchomp use Stone Edge." Cynthia shouts as Garchomp is being sent flying.

Ash gets caught off guard as the Charizard gets hit by the stone edge and is sent flying as well.

"Alright Giga Impact go." Cynthia commands.

'Here it comes. Let's hope the gamble pays off.' Ash thinks to himself while reminiscing Paul's Torterra using Giga Drain on Garchomp after Giga Impact.

"Charizard meet it head on with Dragon Claw and use Dragon tail as anchor." Ash shouts.

As both the attacks meet head on a huge clash takes place. Neither Pokemon is willing to give in to the other. The clash emits dazzling blinding light forcing many spectators to cover their eyes. Many people in the stands hold on the their belongings to ensure they don't fly away with the gust of air generated from the fierce clash.

"Garchomp push on ahead." Cynthia shouts over the wind.

"Willpower Charizard don't give in. I believe in you." Ash shouts at the top of his voice.

There is stunned silence in the stadium except from the noise being generated from the clash. Suddenly the clash reaches it's critical value and a huge explosion occurs with a destructive sound. A huge dust bowl appears to engulf both Cynthia and Ash.

(In the VIP Box)

"What. What Power!" Scott says unable to believe his own eyes.

Even Brandon is speechless at this clash of moves.

"I will be surprised if the stadium is still in one piece after the clash is over." Sycamore says while sweat dropping at the amount of power being produced.

"Yes. This just goes on to show that Pokemon actually feed of the emotions of their trainers. Look at Ash and Cynthia. The fierceness in their eyes. Their Pokemon don't want to let their trainers down." Oak says as a blinding explosion takes place which release a dust bowl which engulfs the battlefield including Ash and Cynthia.

A shriek of pure horror escapes Serena's mouth as she shouts "Ash."

Everyone is shell shocked at what just happened. No one can move a muscle. It's almost as if they have been paralyzed by what just happened.

After the dust clears everyone breathes a sigh of relief as they see Ash and Cynthia coughing but otherwise completely unharmed.

In the center of the stadium both Charizard and Garchomp are standing covered in bruises and scratches. Suddenly Charizard falls down on the ground with swirly eyes.

"The match goes to Cynthia." Referee says while coughing too. Immediately after the announcement Garchomp falls on the ground as well with swirly eyes.

Ash and Cynthia run towards their Pokemon to check up on them. As they both recall their Pokemon Diantha, the elite four, the professors, Frontier Brains, Grace, Serena and Charles Goodshow come running towards them.

"Are you both alright?" Diantha asks them both in concern.

Cynthia nods and gets on her feet.

"I'll live." Ash says while getting to his feet as well.

"But our Pokemon need attending to right away." Cynthia says.

"Of course. Follow me. Augustine handle everything here." Diantha says while walking away at a brisk pace.

"I will come as well." Serena says while following Ash.

Unknown to everyone the man with who Ash had a quarrel with, near the fountain in Santalune city, has also been watching the whole event while sitting in the stands with crossed arms. 

"Tell me something," he says while turning to a student sitting next to him.

"Yes?" the student replies.

"That boy and that girl who performed? What is their relationship?" he asks.

"You're joking, right? I mean everyone knows their relationship," student chuckles.

The man raises his eyebrows causing the student to stop chuckling.

"He is Ash Ketchum, the KIP Champion, and she is Serena Yvonne, the Kalos Queen, they are dating," the student says with a tone of disbelief.

"Curious. Very curious," he says.

"I'm sorry? What's curious?" the student asks.

"Nothing, ignore me. I'm just messing with you," the man replies before getting up and walking away. 

As he exits the stands and leaves, he mutters, "Interesting. Very interesting indeed."

(45 Minutes Later)

Both Cynthia and Ash are waiting outside the healthcare center anxiously. Almost all the people who were present in the VIP Box are also waiting with them. Suddenly nurse joy comes out with many Poke-balls.

"There you go people. Your Pokemon are all feeling better now." she says with a smile.

"Thank you." Brandon, Diantha, Cynthia and Ash reply in unison as they take their respective Poke-balls.

"Well your Pokemon may be fine but a good night's sleep is what these 4 need. Especially Ash and Cynthia." Goodshow says while standing up.

"I must say Ash I been in several matches but nowhere have I ever been pushed to the limit by even my elite four." Cynthia says with a smile.

"I hope so. But I still lost remember." Ash says in a beat down tone.

"Win or lose. Doesn't matter. You should be proud of what you have achieved. Very few people can actually force a Champion of a region to use their true strength in battle. Couple that with the fact that you are not even an elite four I can see a very bright future for you." Sycamore says with a proud smile.

"At any rate let us call it a day. Why don't we. Everyone has been through a lot today especially Ash and Cynthia. So how about we pickup things tomorrow. A day off is just what is needed." Grace says firmly.

"Of course. There is no question of doing anything else today. No compulsion to attend the lunch even" Diantha says while agreeing.

"That is settled then." Oak says as everyone disperses to leave.

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