34 : Pokemon Hunter

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(Outside the Cyllage City)

"Alright. So tell me how did your gym battle go?" Dragon Emperor asks after he sees Ash, Serena and Clemont walking towards him.

"It went good." Ash says as he starts to explain how the match progressed.

"I see." Dragon Emperor says after a few minutes of patient silence.

"Your victory was to be expected but you got careless after your Froakie evolved and it cost you Frogadier. Just because you are training under a Pokemon master doesn't mean you underestimate a gym leader and let your guard down. But overall well done. Now time to head to Shalour City." Dragon Emperor says while turning around.

'So much for appreciation. Doesn't he care about winning gym badges at all?' Clemont wonders.

"Another gym already! Aren't we going to train any more?" Serena says with a surprised expression.

"The place we train next is very close to Shalour City. Furthermore I have business there as well. Now no more questions." Dragon Emperor says.

(2 hours later)

"Dragon Emperor can't we take a break?" Clemont says while wiping off some sweat.

"No." Dragon Emperor says in a dismissive manner.

Suddenly they hear a huge bang.

"What was that?" Ash says in a rather loud voice.

"Quiet. Let's investigate quietly." Dragon Emperor mutters as the four of them move towards the source of the explosion.

A few minutes later they see a jeep with an Arcanine and Lucario unconscious and injured inside 2 cages. There is also a man who is fixing the engine of the jeep after it has collided with the trunk of a tree.

"A Pokemon Poacher." Dragon Emperor says.

"What do we do? Call Officer Jenny?" Serena asks.

"What do we do? You should feel ashamed asking such a question if you call yourself a Pokemon trainer. Go and get him. I want no excuses. I want him and any Pokemon he uses inside those cages instead of that Lucario and Arcanine ready for pickup when Officer Jenny shows up. Now get him." Dragon Emperor shouts in a commanding and booming voice.

"Right." the three of them reply as they go and confront the Pokemon Poacher.

"Stop right there. Release that Arcanine and Lucario What have those poor Pokemon done to you to deserve such treatment?" Ash shouts at the top of his voice.

"Huh. You kids should go home before your bedtime. Don't want your mommies to cry at your absence. Now do we." he replies in a dismissive manner while continuing his repairs.

"That's it. Charizard let's go." Ash shouts.

"Sylveon. You too." Serena says.

"Come on Luxray." Clemont shouts as well.

"Interesting a Charizard, Sylveon and Luxray. Should make a nice bonus. Come out Saviper, Houndoom and Swampert." Poacher replies with eyes twinkling with greed and cunning abundant in his facial expression.

"Charizard flamethrower." Ash commands.

"Sylveon Swift." Serena says.

"Luxray thunder shock." Clemont says.

"Saviper Poison sting, Houndoom flamethrower and Swampert water pulse." Poacher counters.

The result is a tie.

"Not bad. But play time is over kids. Houndoom Smog, Saviper Poison sting on the kids and Swampert Dynamic punch on that Charizard." Poacher replies with a sneer.

"If that's the way you want it fine. Charizard feel their presence and then Dragon Rage full power. Knock them all out. " Ash commands ,angry at the fact that the poacher tried to attack Serena.

A few moments later an explosion occurs revealing knocked out Swampert, Houndoom and Saviper.

"Return." Poacher replies in a infuriated grumbling tone while returning his Pokemon.

"So much for your profit. Now hand over those 2 Pokemon and turn yourself to us." Serena says.

"Looks like I will have to deal with these pesky brats myself starting with that loud mouth girl." Poacher replies while taking out a gun.

"That's it. No one lays a finger on my Serena. Charizard fire spin. Char broil that pathetic person." Ash roars at the top of his voice.

Soon an explosion takes place with a soot covered scorched poacher on the ground with swirly eyes.

Clemont and Serena are fine but Ash is still shaking anger at the poacher.

"Your anger gives you great power. But if you let it. It will destroy you. Now take a few deep breaths and calm down." Dragon Emperor replies while walking towards the trio.

"I am fine now but you will not always be there to enlighten me. How do I control it?" Ash asks after calming down.

"Ash it has been said in the ancient scriptures that anger, restlessness and pain are the 3 biggest problems in the centers of concentration of the brain. Take your anger. Use it like a weapon against your enemies while keeping your cool. Do it and you will be unstoppable. But that is a lesson for another time. Now get those poor Pokemon out of their cages. Put the poacher and his Pokemon inside. We shall take these 2 to the Pokemon center just up ahead after informing officer Jenny. Clemont will do that. Now hurry along." Dragon Emperor says.

"Right." The three reply in unison while running to the cages.

(2 and a half hours later)

"Looks like those 2 will be just fine. While I am disgusted by what the Poachers do I must say that this poacher did a fine job." Dragon Emperor says while sitting down.

"You admire the poacher's job?" Clemont asks in a bewildered tone. Even Ash and Serena look surprised.

"Oh yes. Not the poaching part. That is despicable. But he has done a commendable job in selecting his targets. Both that Arcanine and Lucario are well raised. I have never seen 2 better than these." Dragon Emperor says.

"How so?" Ash asks.

"An Arcanine's level can be determined by the grace of the white fur it has around it's neck. This one's fur is exceptionally graceful and fluffy despite being a wild Arcanine. Similarly a Lucario's level is determined by the yellow coat of fur on it's chest." Dragon Emperor replies.

"I didn't know that!" Clemont says.

"There is so much you don't know." Dragon Emperor says with a chuckle while folding his hands, adorning a deep thinking serious expression and closing his eyes.

"I guess you got that break you wanted after all." Ash says while leaning against Serena and closing his eyes for a nap as well. Serena leans against Ash and does the same. Clemont goes to another empty bench and falls asleep there.

(3 hours later)

Ash opens his eyes to find Dragon Emperor gone while Clemont and Serena are still asleep. Upon sensing movement Serena also wakes up. Then she gives Ash a lazy kiss on the cheeks before getting up. They both walk together only to find towards nurse joy's station only to find Lucario and Arcanine waiting for them. As soon as they see them both Arcanine jumps on Serena and starts to lick her cheek meanwhile Lucario tackles Ash into a hug. Though surprised at first Ash and Serena soon reciprocate the Pokemon's feelings.

"I think these 2 want to go with the 2 of you." Dragon Emperor says while walking towards the 4 of them.

"Is that so?" Ash and Serena ask the Pokemon with a smile on their faces. Both of them nods their heads with happiness moments before pressing a button on a free Poke-ball on Ash and Serena's belt to disappear into a red beam of light.

"Wow. We didn't even have to ask them!" Serena remarks with an ecstatic tone on the prospect of having an Arcanine.

"Of course. This is their way of repaying you 2. Remember you 2 were the one who carried these 2 on the way here. Beside this is a good thing. Now you each have a very powerful Pokemon who can use Extreme Speed. Very nice." Dragon Emperor replies.

"Awesome." Ash says.

"Good. Now go and wake him up. We shall hit the road after a quick bite." Dragon Emperor says.

"OK." Ash and Serena reply.

(30 Minutes Later)

Ash and Clemont are discussing something and are walking behind. Serena and Dragon Emperor are walking ahead.

"Alright. Spill the beans." Serena says suddenly.

"What beans?" Dragon Emperor replies.

"Ash may be a little dense when it comes to people but I am not. I have been noticing since the last week you have been growing a little bit more and more concerned and troubled. Tell us." Serena says.

Dragon Emperor gives a smile. He lets out a chuckle and says "You know. Sometimes I forget why I picked to train you alongside Ash despite you not having the same skill level that Ash had when I a made him the offer."

"Why?" Serena asks.

"Nothing. The time for that is not now. However you are right. Clemont is the one who has been on my mind."

"Why did he say something to you. If you want I can got talk to him."

"No. No. Nothing like that. I thought he would have progressed by now just like you two have but it is not happening and I know why." Dragon Emperor replies.

"Why?" Serena asks.

"Tell me Serena if I give you a lock and a key will the key open the lock?" Dragon Emperor asks.


"On what?"

"Whether the key fits the lock or not. Whether they are compatible together or not."

"Exactly. That is the problem with me and Clemont. I don't have compatibility with him that is needed in the relationship of a teacher and a student. I will never be able reach through to him the way I can reach through to you and Ash. He is a good person. Feeling helpless to help him is what is making me concerned. But I think I have managed to come to a solution to this problem. That is why we are going to be training so near Shalour City." Dragon Emperor replies.

"What solution is that?" Serene asks her, eyes peaking with curiosity.

"Run along to your boyfriend now my dear. You shall see later." Dragon Emperor says with a more serous tone.

"OK." Serena says as she skips off to join Ash and Clemont's discussion.

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