37 : Serena's Determination

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(One Day Later)

"Alright. Here we are. It is in these mountains your prizes lie. The Lucarionite can be found in the western glittering caves while the Delphoxite can be found in the volcanic caves to the east. You have 1 day. This is your test. To see if you are ready to handle Mega Evolution. Trust in yourselves, trust in each other and above all else trust in your Pokemon. Remember your Lucario and Delphox can sense the presence of their Mega Stones. Use that to find your Mega Stone. Now go." Dragon Emperor says.

"OK." Serena says.

"However. There is a catch." Dragon Emperor says.

"What catch?" Ash asks.

"Should either one of you fail to come here before 24 hour time limit gets over with your mega stones. Your training with Mega Evolution will be postponed as originally planned by me. You will have to go through all the basics first. Then and then only we shall start with Mega Evolution. So the timing of your training with Mega Evolution is in your hands as well as in each other's hands as well. Now get going." Dragon Emperor says.

"Right." Both Ash and Serena say before hugging each other and going their ways.

As the two are going their ways the Dragon Emperor thinks to himself 'He is ready no doubt, but the one who needs to be by his side, I am not so sure at the moment. Now let's see whether she can find her inner strength and prevail or not.'

(6 hours Later)

"Looks like this is the place. So come out Delphox." Serena says while tossing a Poke-ball.

"Del Delphox." it says.

"Delphox can you sense the presence of the Delphoxite?" Serena asks.

Delphox simply shakes his head to convey that it can't.

"Well I guess we need to go further in. Stay close to me and keep the flame lit on your stick." Serena says as she enters one of the caves.

Delphox and Serena begin to walk. Suddenly Serena stops and she turns around to look outside the mouth of the cave.

"Best of luck Ash. You will need it. I know I will. Come on Delphox let's go." She says before putting on a brave face and walking deeper into the cave.

(2 hours later)

"It's like a maze in here. How are we supposed to find Delphoxite in the middle of all this?" Serena says with a sigh.

"Del Delphox." Delphox says in an encouraging tone.

"You are right Delphox. Ash wouldn't give up this easily. Then neither will we." Serena says with her sense of determination rejuvenated.

They begin walking again when suddenly a Crobat comes out of nowhere.

"Look a Crobat." Serena says as she flicks open her Pokedex to see what else the Pokedex says.

Suddenly the Crobat attacks without warning with an Air Slash.

"What the. Delphox dodge it." Serena says after being caught off guard.

"Hey why did you attack us?" Serena shouts after the Air Slash has missed.

The Crobat doesn't listen and then again attacks with an Air slash.

"If you want to play it rough. Fine by us. Delphox give it a Flamethrower." Serena commands.

The Flamethrower scores a direct hit causing Crobat to be slammed into the wall.

After recovering from the attack Crobat flies off.

"That's what you get for being a bully." Serena says in a mocking voice.

Suddenly a rustling noise can be heard from the direction in which Crobat flew off to.

"What's that noise?" Serena asks herself.

Suddenly an entire swamp of Crobat, Golbat and Zubat come charging towards Serena and Delphox.

"Oh Oh. I think that Crobat decided to get some reinforcements. Run for it." Serena shouts as she and Delphox hightail it out of there trying to avoid Air Cutters, Poison Stings and Supersonic attacks at the same time.

"I guess they must be mad at us for intruding into their territory." Serena shouts in between of gasps of air.

Suddenly the ground beneath Delphox and Serena crumbles and both of them fall ,while shouting, into what appears to be a swallowing pit of darkness.

(One hour Later)

Serena slowly opens her eyes. She stands up while brushing off the dust. She looks up to see a hole in the wall above her.

"I guess Delphox and I must have fallen through that hole. How on the earth will we get out now. Speaking of we. Where is Delphox?" Serena shouts.

She starts looking around for Delphox but there is no sign of it.

"Delphox. Delphox. If you can hear my voice call back." Serena shouts.

Suddenly her stomach grumbles much to her embarrassment.

"I guess I could eat something as well. It has been quite some time since my last meal." Serena says.

Then she looks around for her bag in which the sandwiches and water she had were kept. But it is nowhere to be found as well.

"Oh no. When we must've fallen the bag must have gotten separated from us." She shouts at the top of her voice. Then she drops to her knees and starts to cry.

"Ash. Where are you?" she shouts at the top of her voice.

(Meanwhile in another cave system)

"Serena?" Ash says while suddenly turning around.

"Pika?" Pikachu says.

"Nothing Pikachu. I just thought I heard Serena call out to me that's all. I must be hearing things. Ignore it. Let's keep going." Ash says as he, Pikachu and Lucario continue their search.

'I know you can do it Serena. I have faith in you.' Ash thinks to himself as the 3 enter another tunnel.

(Back in another part of the Volcanic Caves)

Suddenly Delphox wakes up. It looks around to see only Serena's bag pack present but not Serena. It realizes what must have happened. It opens Serena's bag. Eats some Pokemon food, closes the bag and then starts to look for Serena.

Meanwhile Serena is crying. She feels completely helpless.

"What was I thinking? I am not strong as Ash is. I am just a ordinary girl who tried to bite of more than she could chew. Now I shall be stuck in this wretched cave forever." Serena says with tears trickling from her eyes.

'Don't give up till it's over.' A voice says in her head.

'I am so proud of what you have achieved Serena.' Another voice says.

Serena get's shocked.

Then another voice comes in her head. 'I see something in you. Something which you don't even see in yourself.' it says.

Serena takes a deep breath.

"That's right. I am not alone. Ash, Mom and even the Dragon Emperor have supported me in the past. I have worked hard to earn my title of the Kalos Queen. I won't let Ash and Dragon Emperor down." Serena says while wiping her tears and standing up.

"Now what is Dragon Emperor always telling us. Calm yourself, analyze your surrounding and use all of your senses." Serena says as she calmly inspects where she is right now.

"It seems the only way out of this place is the way I came in through that hole. But the walls surrounding it are very smooth. I can't climb it. So what do I do?" Serena says before closing her eyes.

Suddenly she remembers what the Dragon Emperor told them both before they left to search for their Mega Stone. 'Trust in your Pokemon.'

"Arcanine come out. I need your assistance." Serena says as she tosses her Poke-ball.

"Arcanine. I need you to lend me your strength. Will you let me ride you out of that hole in the wall." Serena asks Arcanine while pointing to the hole.

As soon as Arcanine nods it's head she get on it's back and a few somersaults later both of them get out.

"Alright Arcanine. I need you to find Delphox for me. Here you should get her scent from her Poke-ball." Serena says.

Arcanine gives it some sniffs. Then it starts sniffing the ground. A few moments later it gives a bark telling Serena that it found something.

"Alright. On we go then." Serena says as she holds on tight to Arcanine.

Arcanine then starts to run off after the scent.

Meanwhile not to far away Delphox is searching for Serena while carrying Serena's bag with her. Suddenly out of nowhere the swarm of Crobat, Golbat and Zubat come charging at it and attack Delphox with a never ending series of Razor Wind attacks. Delphox gets hit very badly and is slammed into the wall. The swarm then uses Air cutter on Serena's bag pack which is lying on the floor. But before any attack can damage the bag pack Delphox jumps onto it and takes all the attacks determined to protect her trainer's property at all costs.

Very soon Delphox is on the ground wincing in pain after taking so many attacks. The Crobat all zoom in on Delphox determined to finish it off with a bite attack. Delphox closes it's eyes awaiting the bite attacks when suddenly a fire spin comes out of nowhere acting as a defensive barrier between the injured Delphox and the Crobat swarm.

"Leave my poor Delphox alone." Serena says as she tosses all of her remaining Poke-balls releasing Milotic, Pancham and Sylveon.

"Arcanine Fire Spin, Pancham Dark Pulse, Sylveon Swift and Milotic Water gun." Serena commands.

However the Crobat, Zubat and Golbat don't give in without a fight as they use Air Slash and Supersonic to counter.

An explosion takes place and the wall begin to shake and crumble.

'It's too dangerous to battle here. The walls could collapse. Better do something fast. But what?' Serena thinks to herself.

"That's it." Serena shouts.

"Arcanine got get Delphox and my bag. Milotic, Pancham and Sylveon aim for the ceiling above those Crobat and use Hydro Pump, Dark Pulse and Moonblast." Serena commands.

Arcanine gets Delphox and Serena's bag. She recall all of her Pokemon except Arcanine into their Poke-ball and then rides out of there on Arcanine's back seconds before the ceiling collapses.

"I guess I should thank the Dragon Emperor for teaching us the importance of the battlefield in a Pokemon battle when I get back. But before that I need to find what I came her looking for. Arcanine find us a way out of these caves. We shall camp out for the night before coming back tomorrow." Serena says.

(Next morning)

"Well. Let's think. We did explore a lot of these caves yesterday even though we were lost. I think we should go to the next system of caves nearby. What do you think Delphox?" Serena asks.

Delphox nods her head to tell Serena it agrees with her decision.

"Alright then come back into your Poke-ball. You are not yet completely healed from yesterday." Serena says while returning Delphox.

"Arcanine time to take a ride." Serena says while tossing a Poke-ball.

"Come on Arcanine let's get going we don't have much time. Ash is counting on us." Serena says while taking off on Arcanine's back.

"I won't let you down Ash. I promise.' Serena thinks to herself as she rides away to the next volcanic cave system.

(Meanwhile back at the camp)

"Congratulations it seems you have found the Lucarionite you were looking for." Dragon Emperor says as Ash comes back with Lucarionite in his hands.

"Wasn't easy but I got the job done." Ash says as he hands Dragon Emperor the Lucarionite.

"Of course. Now it's all up to Serena. If she fails to get her before the 24 hour time limit is over then you both will miss out on starting with Mega Evolution." Dragon Emperor says.

"She will get here in time." Ash says with a determined look.

"We shall see." Dragon Emperor says while turning away.

'That is if she manages to find her true strength.' Dragon Emperor thinks to himself.

(In the Volcanic Caves)

"Alright. We don't want another incident like the previous one. So Arcanine keep a sharp lookout for any Pokemon like those Crobat. Keep sniffing as well." Serena says as she tosses Delphox's Poke-ball.

"Delphox sit behind me. Close your eyes. See if you can feel the presence of the Delphoxite. Arcanine let's go. Keep a sharp eyes and everyone stay quiet. Best not attract unwanted attention to ourselves." Serena says as Arcanine enters the cave cautiously.

(One hour Later)

"Well we still have a ways to go. Let's keep looking." Serena says.

Suddenly Arcanine gets alert and starts growling.

"What is it Arcanine?" Serena asks when suddenly a group of Crobat and a horde of Diglett come charging towards.

"Quick Arcanine jump onto that rock for the moment." Serena says pointing to a rock protruding from the wall on the right.

Arcanine jumps away and all 3 of them observe in silence as they watch Crobat, Diglett and Aron running without even paying the 3 any attention.

"What's going on here? It looks like they are running away from something but what?" Serena says seconds before a huge roar comes from a distance.

"Shush. Be quiet. If we are lucky whatever that thing is. It will pass us without noticing." Serena says to Delphox and Arcanine who both nod.

In a matter of moments a very angry Steelix appears from the tunnel. It gives a huge roar and continues chasing after all those Pokemon without noticing Serena, Arcanine and Delphox.

After Steelix has gone all 3 of them get down from their rocky hideout.

"You know with that Steelix chasing all those Pokemon this gives us an opportunity to check the remaining part of the caves without worrying about running into other Pokemon. Let's finish doing that before that Steelix decides to come back." Serena says while getting on Arcanine along with Delphox and leaving.

(2 hours later)

"Great. Still haven't found anything. Come on let's move to the next cave system." Serena says in an irritated tone.

She gets on Arcanine but Delphox is busy staring at a section of the wall.

"Delphox. You coming?" Serena asks.

Delphox however doesn't respond. Instead it just keeps staring at the section of the wall.

"What is it?" Serena says as she get's of Arcanine's back and walks towards Delphox.

"Delphox why are you standing here in front of this section of the wall?" Serena asks.

"Del Delphox." Delphox replies.

"Listen Delphox we need to hurry. We have just 8 hours left till our deadline gets over. We can't waste time looking at a section of the wall." Serena says while taking Delphox's hand and attempting to drag it back to Arcanine.

However Delphox doesn't move. This time Serena gets frustrated. She shouts "Delphox we are leaving right now. Either you come willingly or I put you in your Poke-ball."

This time Delphox whacks Serena's hand with her stick. Then she frantically points to the section of the wall.

Serena gets shocked and then takes another look at the section of the wall.

'But why is Delphox so interested in this section of the wall. It is like all other walls.' Serena thinks to herself. Suddenly she has a flashback to the day when the Dragon Emperor asked them to shred a leaf and they failed. She remembers his words 'Looks can be deceiving."

"Alright then stand back Delphox. Pancham come on out and then use arm thrust on that wall till it breaks apart." Serena says while backing away and tossing Pancham's Poke-ball.

After a few minutes the wall comes down. When the dust settles Serena turns speechless as she sees an fiery orange stone glittering brightly.

"All right. We found it !" Serena says as she jumps ecstatically.

All of her Pokemon also join in this celebration.

"Good. Now let's go." Serena says as she puts the Delphoxite inside her bag pack.

(Half an hour later)

"Well we are almost out. Good thing all this went smoothly." Serena says.

Suddenly a loud roar is heard and a Steelix comes smashing through the walls to stand in front of them.

"I just had to say that didn't I?" Serena says with a disappointed tone.

Steelix lets out a huge roar before using Iron tail. Arcanine dodges it and gets to a safe distance.

"Alright. Steel types are vulnerable to fire types so Arcanine use Flame Thrower. You do the same Delphox." Serena says.

Steelix however use dig to dodge then it comes back up and use Iron tail smashing the ground in between Arcanine, Delphox and Serena.

The ground cracks open revealing a pool of lava underneath. Arcanine and Delphox manage to dodge while Serena is hanging on to the edge of the hole for dear life.

"Don't worry about me. Use Fire Spin you 2. If it uses Dig aim it into the hole. Then Delphox press the button on Milotic's Poke-ball." Serena says as her fingers start to loose their grip.

A few seconds later Steelix is wincing in pain and Milotic comes out of her Poke-ball.

"Milotic quick pull me up." Serena says seconds before her fingers lose their grip and she is falling into the pit of lava.

Seconds before Serena hits the lava Milotic's tail wraps itself around Serena's body and pulls her up to safety. However due to the intense heat of the lava pit and lack of drinking water Serena is near exhaustion.

"Good job. Now quickly before that Steelix comes back we need to get out of here. I need water." Serena says before fainting due to dehydration and severe heat.

Milotic puts unconscious Serena on Arcanine's back while Delphox pick up Serena's bag and goes to sit on Arcanine's back to ensure Serena doesn't fall off while Arcanine is running. Then the 3 Pokemon run away with Serena.

(4 Hours Later)

Serena opens up her eyes to see Delphox, Arcanine and Milotic looking at her with a concerned expression. Upon seeing Serena is OK all 3 of them nuzzle with Serena affectionately.

"Alright that's enough. I need some water." Serena says while getting up.

Arcanine carries Serena to a nearby stream where Serena drinks water at a rate she has never drank before.

After drinking her fill she says "That was refreshing."

"Thank you. Had it not been for you 3 I would have never made it out alive." Serena says while smiling broadly.

Suddenly she realizes that she has only 3 and a half hours left till the deadline.

"Alright Milotic and Delphox return. Arcanine I need to borrow your strength one more time. Will you lend it to me?" Serena asks Arcanine as he return Delphox and Milotic.

Arcanine gives a nod. Serena smiles before swing her bag pack over her shoulders.

"Alright let's go." Serena says while jumping on Arcanine's back. Arcanine gives a loud howl then start running at breakneck speed.

(3 hours later)

"Alright Arcanine. Take a break. Here eat these berries they will revitalize your strength." Serena says while handing some berries to the exhausted Arcanine.

As Arcanine is eating she turns away and thinks to herself 'Arcanine is doing it's very best but we are still a quarter of our way from the camp. We will not make it.'

Serena gets sad but then as Arcanine finishes eating she shakes off her sad face to ensure Arcanine doesn't feel like it let it's trainer down. Arcanine however senses Serena's feeling and deduces what is happening. When Serena gets off this time it gives a loud roar instead of a howl and then starts running at an extremely fast pace in which Serena can't even see her surrounding without seeing a blur. She gets confused at first but then she realizes that Arcanine is using Extreme Speed.

"Arcanine you are the best. Now we might just make it in time. Let's go." Serena says happily.

Arcanine gives a smile then it goes back to it's determined face focusing on the path ahead.

(1 minute before the deadline)

"I am getting worried. What if something happened to her? I am going to take a look." Ash says.

"You will do no such thing. This is her trial it is up to her to pass or fail in this trial." Dragon Emperor says.

"I don't care about the stupid trial. I care about her. She is my girlfriend and my responsibility." Ash replies in an angry tone.

"She is my apprentice as well. I am shocked to see that you have such little faith in the one you claim to love. Love is all about trust. Be patient. If she doesn't come back before the deadline that is in 30 seconds we shall go and look for her." Dragon Emperor replies.

Ash feels like saying something but decides against it. Suddenly Arcanine jumps over a rock with Serena on it's back and lands in front of the Dragon Emperor.

"Well well. Look who made it back just in the nick of time. Cutting it quite close aren't we." Dragon Emperor says with a chuckle as Serena gets off.

Serena smiles upon hearing that then she hands Dragon Emperor her Delphoxite seconds before being tackled into a hug by Ash.

"Serena you had me worried sick. What took you so long?" Ash shouts in a little angry tone.

"Relax. I will tell you everything but first I need to tend to my fainted Arcanine." Serena says with a smile as she gesture to Arcanine who has fainted after using Extreme Speed for so long.

"Well you two passed your tests. Your training shall recommence from tomorrow. Ash you take any injured Pokemon and these Mega Stone to Geosenge town. Get them shaped and the Pokemon looked at. Meanwhile Serena you take a rest. Looks like you took a beating or 2 alright. Finally Ash do get some food packed as well." Dragon Emperor says.

"Right." Ash says as he takes out Charizard. He takes all the injured Pokemon in their balls and the 2 Mega Stones and takes off on Charizard's back.

As Serena is sitting down in front of the camp fire Dragon Emperor comes and sits in front of her. Then he looks at her for a long while. Serena doesn't do anything as she is confused at what Dragon Emperor is doing.

"It seems you have grown a bit. Looks like you found your inner strength in the cave of trials after all." Dragon Emperor says while breaking the ominous silence.

"Thank you Dragon Emperor. You have taught me a very important lesson today. Till now I have been borrowing the strength from you Ash, my mom, my mentor and all my other friends and relatives. But this was the first time I have learned the importance of self reliance. Thank you for teaching me all those lessons. Without them there was no way I would have been able to pass this trial." Serena says.

"Good. You managed to pass your trial as per my expectations. Well done. Continue your rest. You need it." Dragon Emperor says before smiling and then getting up and walking away.

Serena gives a smile upon hearing that then she simply closes her eyes and drifts off in peace.

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