46 : Attempt at Regaining Lost Pride

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(2 Hours Later)

"Now you like the Serena we know." Grace says as Serena comes out of the beauty parlor after getting her entire workup done. Her skin is glowing. Her nails are well done. Her skin is now back to it's original glowing vibrant shining form.

"Well even I must admit I needed to get this done. I was starting to look a shade to hideous for a Kalos Queen's standard." Serena says as she looks at her hands and her nails trying to remember the last time when they were like this before she became Dragon Emperor's apprentice.

"Now that you are back to looking sane why don't we get some lunch. Palermo called an hour back while you were getting your facial done. She will be in KIP in an 2 hours time. Then you are to leave for the airport straight away where your Private Jet is all fueled and ready." Grace says.

"Good. Where are we eating?" Serena asks.

"Back in KIP. Delia has been cooking since morning." Grace says as she and Serena get into her limousine.

"Cool. Let's go Harry." Serena says.

"Of course." Harry replies as the puts the pedal on the gas and the car speeds of.

(One and a Half Hours Later)

"And we are finished." Serena says while striking her characteristic finish pose. Grace, Palermo, Delia, Diantha, Oak and Sycamore are looking at the performance Serena just gave with their jaws wide open.

"So how was it? Not too shabby right." Serena says while smiling at everyone.

"That was.. " Palermo says as she gets lost for words.

"Incredible. Amazing. All are acceptable." Serena says while recalling her Pokemon.

Palermo is the first one to recover. She says "Well if your other 3 routines are like this then I don't think winning the master class should be a problem for you. But tell me how did Dragon Emperor teach you all this? I thought he was just a powerful Pokemon trainer?"

"To tell you the truth Palermo till now even Ash and I don't know who he is. But we trust and respect him completely. Alright I guess it's time to get going to the airport." Serena replies.

"Hold on a second. I have unfinished business with you." A voice shouts out of nowhere.

Everyone turns around to find Paul standing there.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have classes going on?" Sycamore asks.

"I am not attending today. I have unfinished business with her." Paul says while pointing his finger at Serena.

"Is that so. What is it?" Serena asks in a calm tone.

"Ever since you humiliated me in our previous battle my reputation as a competent battler has been ruined. I am here to retake my pride and status as a competent trainer. I challenge you to a battle. You against me in a full battle." Paul replies.

Sycamore is about to interrupt when suddenly Diantha grabs his hands. He looks at her to see her nodding her head indicating that she wants to see where this is going.

"Sorry but I don't have time to deal with a cub. I have to leave." Serena replies while turning away.

"What's the matter. Not woman enough to fight me. I guess that battle was just a fluke. You managed to win because your boyfriend told you in advance what Pokemon I had in advance." Paul says in a taunting manner.

"Just like an amateur. Using useless tactics to insight me. Oh how the mighty Paul has truly fallen." Serena replies in a mocking turn without even giving the slightest of reactions.

"Well well. A weak coward just like your boyfriend. In that case it is better if you leave." Paul says while smirking.

Suddenly Serena flashes her eyes in a waning kind of way at Paul. Diantha and Cynthia get shocked as they have a flashback to the time when the Dragon Emperor flashed his eyes at them in Diantha's office. Moments later Serena relaxes her expression and says "Fine. I accept. Since I don't have time we shall have a 3 on 3 battle. But don't come crying to me later when it ends up like last time."

"No problem. I shall enjoy crushing you in battle." Paul says while smirking at the fact that he can crush her.

"But Serena we have to be at the airport in 2 hours." Palermo says.

"Relax Palermo it shouldn't take more than half an hour." Serena replies.

"Very well then. The battle will begin in 15 minutes in the stadium. Sycamore make the arrangements." Diantha says.

"Very well then." Sycamore says while walking away.

Grace turns to Palermo only to see her looking at Serena with an expression of shock.

"What's the matter Palermo?" Grace asks.

"She has changed. Just look at her. The expression in her eyes. What happened to her?" Palermo asks.

"She has changed in ways neither you nor I can imagine. Did you see her and Ash's battle against Paul and Brandon?" Grace asks.

Palermo nods her head to indicate that she had.

"Well you are in for less than expected surprise. Let's go." Grace says as she starts walking away with Palermo following in suit.


(20 Minutes Later)

"The battle between Paul and Serena the Kalos Queen will now begin. This will be a 3 on 3 battle with no substitutions. Trainers bring out your first Pokemon." Referee replies.

"I will choose first. Dragonite let's go." Serena says while tossing a Poke-ball.

"A Dragonite. In that case Weavile stand by for battle." Paul says while choosing his Pokemon.

(In the stands)

"Go Paul. You can do it." Dawn says as she cheers for her recent boyfriend in her usual cheerleader outfit with Piplup and Buneary in their outfits.

"Wow Dawn. You are really cheering for Paul hard." Brock says.

"Of course. He has been training really hard since he lost. As his girlfriend I need to cheer him to my best capacity." Dawn replies.

"Of course. I would do the same if Brocky were battling." Lucy replies as she sits beside Brock. Suddenly Toxicroak comes out of his Poke-ball and curls itself in Lucy's lap.

"Yeah. Well you stayed here for your Brocky when the other brains went back. For that I am extremely happy and lucky." Brock says as he gives Lucy a kiss on her cheeks causing her to go crimson.

"Well I am happy for you two. Now I just hope Paul will win as well. You will cheer for him won't you." Dawn replies.

"Yes of course. By the match up Paul has made a good choice." Lucy says.

"But we can't count Serena out as well. She surprised everyone at her last battle with Paul and Brandon. I have never seen any of them shaking like that or being defeated like that for that matter. This won't be easy. Serena is a tough cookie for sure." Brock says in a serious tone.

"Well only time will tell who shall win." Lucy says while turning her attention back to the battle.

(In the VIP Box)

"Alright. Let's see how powerful Serena has become." Diantha says.

"Indeed." Cynthia replies.

"You seem to be extremely sure Serena will win?" Palermo asks in surprise.

"Of course. You saw what we saw in her last battle with Paul. He and Brandon were completely annihilated." Diantha replies.

Palermo gets surprised on hearing that.

"You are shocked on our confidence in her win. Trust me we all have been getting shocks for the past 5 months." Diantha says.

(On the Battlefield)

"An Ice type. A good choice against my Dragonite. You may have the first move Paul." Serena says.

"Weavile Ice beam." Paul commands.

"Block it." Serena says. Dragonite nods and folds it's hands above it's chest to block it.

An explosion takes place. Paul smirks and says "Taking an ice type move head on. Didn't think this through did you?"

Serena says nothing. The smoke clears to reveal Dragonite standing as if nothing happened with a few ice shards on its crossed arms. It gives a roar and separates it's hands shaking the ice shards off.

"It has good power. What else?" Serena says to a shocked Paul.

Paul recomposes himself and says "Ice beam one more time."

"Block it." Serena repeats.

The cycle repeats 3 times with Dragonite shaking the ice crystals off each time from his hands. Serena is simply standing with a calm composed look while Paul on the other hand is looking at that Dragonite in disbelief.

"But how?" Paul says in disbelief.

"Instead of saying how you should try something different common sense would dictate." Serena says while smirking. Paul gets irritated at that comment and loses his cool.

"Weavile use Blizzard." Paul commands.

"Flamethrower." Serena says in a lazy manner.

The flamethrower cuts through the blizzard as if it was nothing and explodes on colliding with Weavile. Weavile struggles to it's feet.

"Shadow ball. Rapid fire." Paul commands in a nervous manner.

"Deflect it." Serena says in a bored tone as Dragonite simply swats the Shadow Balls away with it's bare hands.

"Icicle crash." Paul shouts in a desperate tone seeing none of his attacks working.

"Thunder punch. Finish it." Serena commands.

Dragonite dodges the Icicle crash and delivers a fierce thunder punch sending Weavile flying. A few moments later Weavile is fainted on the ground with swirly eyes.

"Weavile is unable to battle. Dragonite wins." Referee says as Dragonite gives out a victory roar.

Paul returns his Pokemon. Then he looks at Dragonite and Serena who are actually looking bored. He starts shaking like the previous time.

(In the VIP Stands)

"I knew Serena will win but not like this." Diantha says.

"How is that Dragonite standing as if nothing happened after taking so many super effective ice beams? Even my Dragonite can't take so many in a row." Lance asks in shock.

Everyone turns to the professors for answers. The professors simply shake their heads to convey that they don't know as well.

(Back in the Battlefield)

Paul is shaking when suddenly he hears a voice.

"Paul stay calm. Don't let her intimidate you. You can beat her." the voice says.

Paul turns around to see his girlfriend Dawn shouting at the top of her voice from the stands. Paul smiles on hearing that and gives Dawn a nod to say that he is alright now. He turns around to see Serena smiling at him.

"Why are you smiling?" Paul asks.

"Nothing. I am just happy you found someone like Dawn. She is very nice. I hope she makes you happy." Serena replies.

Paul gets taken aback at the reply. He is about to say something when suddenly the referee interjects "Paul if you don't send out your next Pokemon then you shall be disqualified."

"Oh right. Sorry." Paul says while looking at Dragonite again.

'Even if those Ice beams appear not to have done some damage they must have done something. So my next choice is clear.' Paul thinks to himself while taking his next choice.

"Druddigon let's go." Paul says while tossing the Poke-ball.

Serena eyes the Druddigon and examines it. She thinks to herself 'Fascinating'.

"You may have the first move Paul." she says.

"Dragon Pulse." Paul says.

"Block with Steel Wing." Serena says calmly.

The Dragon Pulse collides with the steel wing pushing Dragonite back a bit but otherwise causing no damage.

"Flash Cannon. Keep up the pressure." Paul commands.

"Counter with Flamethrower." Serena says.

"Quick dodge it." Paul says as he sees Flamethrower overpower Flash Cannon upon meeting.

'That was close.' Paul thinks to himself as the Flamethrower narrowly misses Druddigon.

"Well what's wrong. I thought you were going to crush me. I guess that is all you have got to offer. What a waste of time." Serena says in an almost bored look.

"In that case Druddigon use Dragon Rush." Paul says to the surprise of Serena.

"I see. You have manged to get past Druddigon's inability to fly by jumping into the air to gain the required altitude while using it's tail as a spring and teach it Dragon Rush. Not bad. Just not good enough. Dragonite counter it." Serena says in a more intense tone.

Dragonite stops the Dragon Rush with one hand. Then it plunges it's free hand into the veil of Dragon Rush energy causing a minor explosion which upon settling revealing Druddigon being choked while held in mid air by one of Dragonite's hand around it's neck. It's two arms are desperately trying to free it's neck from Dragonite's iron tight grip to no avail and it's feet are writhing desperately. Paul is looking in shock as he realizes that Serena has just used his own favorite tactic, of taking an opponent's attack and counter attacking, against him.

Before Paul can say anything Serena commands "Dragon Claw with free hand then finish it with Ice beam."

Moments later Druddigon is sent flying into the wall separating the stands from the stadium. An explosion occurs which on settling reveals a crater in the wall with Druddigon stuck at the center of it with swirly eyes. Seconds later Druddigon's fainted body fall on the floor as the referee declares the battle over. There is stunned silence in the stadium. No one says anything. Everyone is looking in silence while glancing at each other nervously trying to digest what they are seeing.

(In the Stands)

"What is going on? First Dragonite takes 4 super effective ice beams in a row without them doing anything. Then Paul's Druddigon gets defeated by one Ice beam." Brock says in disbelief. Lucy is shakes her head to convey that she doesn't know either. Both of them glance at Dawn who is looking crestfallen.

"Poor Dawn." They both mutter as they see Piplup and Buneary trying to cheer Dawn up.

(In the VIP Box)

Everyone is looking in shock as they can't believe what they are seeing. Neither Grace nor Delia are clapping. They are happy inside but feeling very sorry for Paul as well.

"Poor Paul. I don't think he will make the mistake of taunting Serena regarding Ash again." Cynthia says to which Diantha nods.

(Back on the Battlefield)

"Druddigon return." Paul says in a beat down tone. He knows that he has bitten of more than he can chew and is shaking intensely. Serena on the other hand is calmly standing while smiling. Paul sees her smiling and gets mad.

"Froslass stand by for battle." Paul says loudly while tossing his final Poke-ball.

"A Froslass. Interesting. Reminds me of Ash's Glalie." Serena says.

"Like I care. Use Ice beam." Paul commands impatiently.

"This again. I thought you learnt that this was useless. Dragonite Block it." Serena says.

Paul clenches his fist in anger as the same thing happens again.

"Froslass use Hail." Paul says.

"I see. Using Hail to make the Snow Cloak ability more effective. But I won't allow it. Use Sunny Day Dragonite." Serena says.

"I will wipe that smug smile off your face. Use Destiny Bond." Paul commands as Hail is cancelled.

Serena gets shocked. She clenches her fist in anger as she knows that if Dragonite knocks Froslass out then it will faint as well.

"I see. Very clever Paul. This way you can take my Dragonite down even if Froslass loses. No matter. Dragonite use Flamethrower." Serena commands.

"Dodge it. Then Ice Shard." Paul says.

"Quick take to the sky then use Shadow Claw." Serena says.

"Dodge it and use Ice Shard." Paul says.

"Rip that shard apart with Dragon Claw and come down." Serena says.

She starts thinking to herself 'How do I deal with the snow cloak ability? That thing is moving randomly making it difficult to hit.' Suddenly an idea comes in her head.

"Quick use Thunder on the battlefield." Serena says.

Soon the entire air above the battlefield is covered with rocks blasted up by the thunder. One of the rocks hits Froslass and Serena sees her chance.

"Now Flamethrower." Serena says.

"Quick dodge it." Paul says. Froslass manages to dodge the bulk of the amount but it still get grazed by the flamethrower.

"Use Ominous Wind." Paul commands.

"Stand your ground Dragonite." Serena says as she calculates her next move.

"It's risky but it might work. But it's a one shot so it needs to be timed just right." Serena mutters to herself as an idea comes into her head.

"Use Confuse Ray." Paul commands.

"Dodge it. Then use Flamethrower. Aim it so that it is not a direct hit." Serena says. Paul gets surprised at this command. An explosion takes place revealing a tired damaged but conscious Froslass.

"What is she up to?" Paul says to himself when he sees Serena smiling.

"No matter. That Dragonite will lose. Use Shadow Ball." Paul commands. Serena smirks on hearing that.

"Got you now Paul. Quick use Steel wing and smash it right back at Froslass." Serena says. The shadow ball hits it's mark and an explosion takes place revealing a fainted Froslass. Paul gets shocked when he sees Dragonite not fainting.

"Why hasn't that thing fainted yet?" Paul shouts.

Serena simply shrugs her shoulders as the referee declares her the winner. She recalls her Dragonite and simply walks off leaving a confused and sad Paul on the field.

(In the Stands)

"I know why Destiny Bond did not work. Destiny bond only works if the Pokemon who has used it gets fainted by an attack of the opponent. But in this case Froslass got defeated by it's own move which was sent back. Serena deliberately used indirect attacks to weaken Froslass but to ensure that it doesn't faint. Then she patiently waited for a ghost type move to send it back to end the match." Brock says.

"That was amazing. Paul was completely outclassed." Lucy says.

Suddenly they remember Dawn is there as well. They turn their heads to expect an angry outburst but get surprised to find her not present.

"Where is she?" Lucy asks Brock in concern.

"I don't know. But one thing is for sure. Something unpleasant is going to happen for sure and I don't want to be around when that happens." Brock says.

(10 Minutes Later)

"Serena that was some battle." Diantha says.

"Thanks. But I think we really must get going." Serena says to Palermo.

"Hold on. Serena you must tell us. How did your Dragonite take those Ice beams without them causing great damage." Oak asks.

"Well that's because Ice type moves are not effective on Dragon type Pokemon." Serena says while smiling.

"But that is not right. All of our research has indicated that Dragon types are weak against ice type moves. If what you were telling was true then Paul's Druddigon wouldn't have been knocked out in a single Ice Beam attack." Sycamore says.

"Then I will rephrase myself. Ice types moves are effective on Dragon types only when used in a certain way." Serena says while shrugging her shoulders.

"Serena none of us are able to understand what you are saying. Please don't talk in riddles. Give us the answer to our questions." Sycamore replies.

"No I won't. You will need to find the answer for yourselves. I am not supposed to spoon feed researchers of you repute." Serena says in a firm tone.

"But what about the answer?" Birch says.

"The answer was right there in front of you throughout the course of the entire battle. You looked but didn't see. Now if you will excuse me I am late for my flight." Serena says before starting to walk away. Suddenly Dawn comes in front of her.

"What do you want Dawn?" Serena asks her.

"You are strong I get it. But you didn't have to take it so far." Dawn says in an angry tone.

Serena smiles on hearing that to Dawn's surprise.

"I am happy that you are with Paul. Truly I am. He is a great trainer. I hope he makes you happy too." Serena says before walking away.

"That was not an acceptable answer. You didn't need to humiliate him." Dawn replies.

"I wasn't even going to battle him in the first place." Serena says.

"Then why did you?" Dawn asks in an angry tone.

"I battled him because he insulted my Ash just to get a battle with me. If there is one thing I won't tolerate then that is someone insulting my Ash." Serena replies.

"I see. Well I am sorry that happened. But now Paul's training confidence has been shattered. How am I supposed to help him get back on his feet?" Dawn says in a softer tone.

"Well if he is half the trainer you say he is. Then he will find his true strength with your support. Now go to him instead of wasting you time questioning me. Tell him I was impressed by his skills as a trainer and next time he wants a battle. All he needs to do is ask." Serena says before entering her limousine and slamming the door shut.

Dawn opens her mouth to say something but then she give a curt nod and turns around and walks away. Serena on seeing her go chuckles and rolls up the window of her limousine. She then smiles while thinking of Ash and closes her eyes for the ride to the airport.

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