52 : Clash of Titans

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(In the Battlefield)

Everyone is watching the 3 with baited breath. No one is moving a muscle. Not a sound can be heard except that of the wind which is giving a surreal yet ominous feeling to the spectators. Ash and Serena are peering into Dragon Emperor's lifeless yet intense eyes. Dragon Emperor is doing the same. Suddenly a drop of sweat drops from Serena's chin causing all 3 of their pupils to contract and their bodies to tense up. Noivern immediately starts to use Dragon Rush and Salamence and Garchomp reply in kind.

The clash result in a huge collision which causes an explosion sending torrents of sandy wind outwards. Dragon Emperor is calmly standing with his arms crossed and a calm calculating look in his place unaffected by the gust of roaring wind. Ash and Serena on the other hands have crossed their arms and have bent their bodies forward to withstand the relentless gust of air. Even people in the stands put up their hands in a cross to shield themselves from the fierce wind and the sand coming along with it. The clash seems tied as both side's Pokemon are pushed back mid air trying to keep their balance. After the clash is over Ash and Serena lower their hands and look back at Dragon Emperor with unwavering determination and blazing fire.

"Alright Noivern take to the sky." Dragon Emperor says while pointing to the with his right index finger. Noivern gives a loud roar and shoots out into the sky at breakneck speed.

"After it." Ash and Serena shout as Garchomp and Salamence fly after it.

"Dragon Pulse." they both say in unison.

"Dodge it then use Boomburst to counter." Dragon Emperor says as Dragon Pulse closes in on Noivern.

"Dodge that and keep on using Dragon Pulse." Ash and Serena say as 2 Boomburst approach their Pokemon.

"Aerial Ace." Dragon Emperor says calmly. Noivern dissapears just before the Dragon Pulse makes contact to Salamence and Garchomp's confusion.

"Calm down both of you. Try to anticipate where it is going to come from." Ash says as Salamence and Garchomp fly down to the ground looking in all directions.

Noivern suddenly appears out of nowhere and delivers 1 fierce Dragon Claw swipe each to both Salamence and Garchomp. After the dust settles both Salamence and Garchomp give a roar while Noivern is gliding gracefully in the air above.

"Flamethrower." Ash and Serena say in unison.

"Flash Cannon." Dragon Emperor says in an almost bored tone.

Both attacks meet and cause another huge explosion just like before with Ash and Serena trying to stay on their feet.

"Aerial Ace." Dragon Emperor commands as Noivern dissapears once again to Ash and Serena's frustration.

(In the VIP Box)

"What power! He didn't even use this kind of power when he was battling us." Steven says in awe of the power of that explosion.

"Yes. The only reason I can think of that is because he didn't want to humiliate you too badly. Otherwise he never would have put the condition of you retaining your title regardless of the result of the match." Oak says after thinking for a moment.

"You think so." Drake asks.

"Nothing would indicate otherwise." Sycamore says.

"However on a more serious thought the difference in level is still clear. Ash and Serena haven't been able to land an attack till now. If it goes on like this they will lose." Lance says in a serous tone.

"I don't think that winning is on their mind at all. Remember what Ash said just before he left. Lasting as long as possible is their main focus as it should be." Cynthia says.

"Still. They need to find a way to break through that Aerial Ace. If they don't then this battle will be over real quick." Oak says with his hand under his face.

"I wonder what will they do?" Cynthia asks.

(Back in the Battlefield)

"Serena we need to find a way to beat that Aerial Ace. Otherwise this battle will be over before we realize it." Ash says after turning to Serena as Salamence and Garchomp are hit with a Steel Wing this time.

"I know but what." Serena says as she racks her brain. Suddenly she has a flashback to the training session in the night in the Hoeen region in the bamboo forest. She remembers Dragon Emperor's words "Being still while standing and doing nothing are 2 very different things. Throughout the universe there is a certain flow to the energy of things. If one train his senses well enough then he can see the path of flow of the energy. Why do you think I have been asking you 2 to meditate for the past month despite both of you thinking it is a waste of time."

"Ash we need to anticipate Noivern's movements just like he taught us in the Hoenn region." Serena whispers to Ash who nods as they both face Dragon Emperor again.

"Aerial Ace into Dragon Claw." Dragon Emperor commands.

"Alright you two. Just calm down and relax. Trust us OK." Ash and Serena says before closing their eyes.

Dragon Emperor smiles on seeing that and thinks to himself 'Time to see whether all that training paid of or not.'

(In the VIP Box)

"What are they doing? Why are they closing their eyes?" Lance shouts as everyone looks in disbelief.

Cynthia and Diantha are looking in a confused manner as well when suddenly they remember what happened on their flight on Diantha's jet when Ash caught, tossed and skewered an apple with a knife while keeping his eyes closed.

"Of course. They are trying to feel Noivern's movement instead of trying to see where it is coming from." They both shout in unison.

"I don't understand." Steven replies in a flabbergasted tone.

"Don't you remember what happened in my plane with you, Ash, the apple and the knife?" Diantha quickly says.

On hearing that all the champions give a gasp and then they turn to the battlefield to see what is going to happen.

"But that apple was falling at a very slow speed. That Noivern is flying at an incredible pace. Will it work?" Lance asks in an unsure tone.

"I don't know. Only time will tell the answer I guess." Diantha says as everyone focuses their attentions back to the match.

(Back on the Battlefield)

Ash and Serena are concentrating while keeping their eyes closed. Suddenly they both open their eyes at the same instance and shout "Dodge it." together. Salamence jumps back and Garchomp jumps forward moments before Noivern appears in the middle of the gap and flies through it, having missed it's mark.

Dragon Emperor smiles on seeing that. He says "Well done. It seems your inner focus has much more clarity now. But now it's time for the real test. Noivern use double team."

Ash and Serena watch with a serious expression as several copies of Noivern appear mid air.

"Aerial Ace into Dragon Claw." Dragon Emperor says as all the copies perform Aerial Ace and then vanish.

"This is bad. It will be much more tougher to predict where the real one will attack from?" Serena says as she looks here and there.

"Or when it will attack from? What do we do?" Ash grumbles to himself as he tries to think of a way out of this situation.

(In the VIP Box)

"Alright that was a great move." Cynthia says as Noivern misses it's target.

"Indeed. Anticipating Noivern's movements like that at such a high speed is no small feat." Diantha says. Everyone murmurs in agreement and then claps. However their happiness turns to shock when they hear Dragon Emperor's next command.

"Of course he is testing them." Alder says to the agreement of all the other champions.

"Testing them? I don't understand." Delia says.

"This is what any good teacher does. He teaches his students the basic and then tests the very skill he has taught with a higher level of complexity to see what the student has learnt from him and on his own as well. By using Double team he is testing Ash and Serena's reaction to a more high pressure situation. This will be a rough battle for the 2 for sure." Alder says.

"Yes. I am inclined to agree." Oak says as he observe the proceedings with a analyzing expression.

(Back on the Battlefield)

'Alright back to basics. When evading use DAFT. Which out of the four can help us? D is out of the question. So is A and F. What about T? Is there anyway we can use the terrain to our advantage?' Ash thinks to himself when suddenly he has a flashback to his gym battle in the Hoeen region with Winona and how he dealt with her Aerial Ace there.

"That's it." Ash says as he whispers the idea he got into Serena's ear who smirks on hearing it as well.

"Well well. Let's see what those 2 have planned for me now." Dragon Emperor says in a more interested tone.

Suddenly the copies start appearing one by one.

"Sand Attack now. Cover the entire surroundings." Ash and Serena say in unison.

Dragon Emperor's eyes widen as Noivern's location is now visible due to it being inside the sand storm.

"Dragon Claw." Ash and Serena says in unison.

"Nicely played. But you over estimate your visual advantage. Switch to Acrobatics and then Dragon Claw." Dragon Emperor says.

Ash and Serena watch helplessly as their attacks miss and their Pokemon are send flying one more time.

(In the VIP Box)

"That should work just fine." Cynthia says in an ecstatic tone as Ash and Serena use Sand Attack.

"Indeed it should get rid of the fakes and at the same time reveal Noivern's position. Not to mention Noivern may also get sand in it's eyes causing it temporary difficult in seeing Garchomp and Salamence. That was a good move." Oak says as Noivern comes into view.

"Go get that Noivern Ash and Serena." Grace and Delia say in unison in a firm tone.

Everyone's excitement once again turns to shock as they see Salamence and Garchomp sent flying.

"But how?" Cynthia and Lance say in unison with a tone of disbelief. Everyone else is too shocked to say anything.

(Back on the Battlefield)

Ash and Serena are still looking confused as to why their plan didn't work. Dragon Emperor on seeing their confused faces gives a chuckle.

"You are probably wondering what happened?" he says to which Ash and Serena nod.

"Your strategy to use Sand Attack to cover your entire surroundings was a good one. It not only cancelled out all the fakes but also revealed Noivern's position just before the Aerial Ace attack landed. Not to mention that sand also has a split second blinding effect on Noivern too. That was a most impressive indeed using your experience along with what I taught you regarding DAFT." Dragon Emperor says before pausing.

"Then why didn't it work?" Ash asks in a impatient tone.

"The strategy would have worked on other Pokemon. However you forgot that Noivern is the Sound Wave Pokemon." Dragon Emperor says before pausing.

"Of course. Echo Location." Serena shouts to which Dragon Emperor nods.

"Your strategy was excellent. No doubt. You just forgot to take everything into account." Dragon Emperor says as Ash and Serena clench their fists in sheer frustration. Upon seeing Salamence and Garchomp struggling to get up tears come in their eyes.

(In the VIP Box)

"I don't understand." Grace says in a confused and sad tone.

"I do. Noivern is the Sound Wave Pokemon. It can sense it's environment by sending out sound waves which upon reflecting back from an opaque surface allow Noivern to map it's surroundings via an echo in it's mind despite not being able to see. This ability is known as Echo Location." Oak says in a grave tone.

"So Noivern can see without using it's eyesight!" Delia asks.

"Yes. That is exactly why Ash and Serena's strategy backfired on them. Had it been any other flying type Pokemon using Aerial Ace would have had all the effects that Prof. Oak just told us a few moments ago. But Noivern's Echo Location ability allowed it to see clearly even in the Sand Storm. This is also why it effectively managed to dodge Salamence and Garchomp's attack and deliver a counter attack despite not being able to see." Diantha says in a sad tone.

"Poor Ash and Serena. Coming up with such a difficult strategy in such a crunch situation only to have it back fire on them." Sycamore says in a grim tone.

"This match is almost over. Salamence and Garchomp have taken too many attacks while Noivern hasn't taken a single attack." Lance says.

(Back in the Battlefield)

Both Ash and Serena have closed their eyes and are looking away. For they know that the match is over and they are too scared to look.

"So that's it huh. I guess that is all the zeal and enthusiasm you had? What happened to 'Never give up till it's over.'. Is that what you have been taught by me? To give up when things start looking difficult. Answer me. Where is your true strength? Did i train you to be weak?" Dragon Emperor says as his voice reaches Ash and Serena's ear.

They however don't react to his voice.

"I must say I am disappointed. Your Pokemon are still trying to get up for the fight yet you have abandoned all hope. Is that how a trainer should reciprocate his Pokemon's feeling to not give up till the very end?" Dragon Emperor says.

Everyone is watching the fiasco with baited breathe. No one is saying a word.

"You are right." Ash suddenly says as he wipes what little tears have come out his eyes.

"Am I?" Dragon Emperor says.

"Yes. You are right. We are weak. But we will go down fighting no matter what." Serena says as she wipes her tears and both of them face Dragon Emperor with renewed determination.

"Very well then. Dark Pulse." Dragon Emperor commands.

"Dodge it." Ash and Serena shout as Garchomp and Salamence manage to dodge the incoming attack.

"Use Lock on Garchomp followed by Solar Beam." Dragon Emperor says.

"Oh no. Salamence use Fire Spin to neutralize it." Serena says.

"Steel Wing. Block it." Ash shouts. The Solar beam cuts through the Fire Spin and collides with Garchomp's Steel Wing sending it flying to the ground.

"Garchomp. Are you alright?" Ash asks. Garchomp gives a grunt and a nod and struggles to get on his feet.

"Aerial Ace." Dragon Emperor commands.

"Serena. Garchomp needs a quick breather." Ash says while turning to Serena.

"I will buy you some time. Salamence Protect." Serena says as Salamence creates a sparking green shield around Garchomp and itself.

(In the VIP Stand)

"Will protect hold?" Diantha asks in an afraid tone.

"i don't think so. If Solar Beam overpowered Fire Spin due to the amount of damage Salamence has taken then protect shouldn't hold for long." Oak says.

"Wait a minute. Your Noivern can use Feint right Drasna?" Diantha says turning to Drasna.

"Yes it can. Which means" Drasna says before being cut off by Diantha.

"His Noivern can use it too." Diantha says in a grim tone.

(Back on the Battlefield)

'If I know Dragon Emperor well he will use Feint to break through or something similar. It's a huge gamble but it just might work.' Serena thinks to herself.

"Use Feint to break through followed by Dragon Claw." Dragon Emperor commands.

'Drop Protect and use Dragon Pulse." Serena shouts catching Dragon Emperor by surprise.

(In the VIP Box)

"Now that's more like it." all the champions shout as they stand up in unison while punching the air as they see Noivern sent flying.

"Super Effective and from point blank range." Sycamore says in an ecstatic tone.

"Wait a minute where is Garchomp?" Oak says as Garchomp is nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly Garchomp comes out of the ground after using Dig and then delivers a fierce Dragon Tail to Noivern's head, smashing it into the ground.

"Right on the kisser." Scott says while beaming.

"And super Effective too." Cynthia says as Salamence lands next to Garchomp.

(Back on the battlefield)

"Keep up the pressure. Use Dragon Rage." Ash and Serena say in unison.

"Most impressive. But play time is over. Use Screech Noivern." Dragon Emperor commands.

Noivern uses Screech attack causing everyone in the stadium except Dragon Emperor to cover their ears and wince in pain.

(In the VIP Box)

"What power." Lance shouts as he feels like his head will explode. Seconds later the bulletproof glass of the Box shatters into millions of pieces.

"If this keeps up I will go crazy and deaf." Cynthia shouts while covering her ears as well with a pained expression on her face.

Everyone else is covering their ear and wincing in pain as well.

(Back in the battlefield)

The Dragon Rage attacks completely reverse their trajectory due to the powerful Screech attack and land right back on Salamence and Garchomp. Noivern stops Screech as a huge explosion takes place. Salamence and Garchomp revert back to their original forms and lie fainted on the ground with Ash and Serena still trying to figure out whether their ear drums have burst or not.

After a few moments of silence the referee says "Salamence and Garchomp are unable to battle. Noivern wins. Which means the match goes to Dragon Emperor."

Ash and Serena are panting heavily. They are sitting on the ground trying to catch their breathe. When they see everyone of the VIP Box coming towards them. They get up and walk to their Pokemon.

"You fought well Garchomp. Take a nice rest." Ash says before recalling his Pokemon.

"You fought bravely as well. Take a good rest." Serena says before stroking her Salamence and recalling it as well.

"Ash Serena are you alright." Grace and Delia say in unison.

"Yup we are. Just a little shaken and tired is all." They both reply moments before being embraced by a warm hug.

"Well done. Most impressive." Dragon Emperor says while walking towards them.

"Thank you." Serena replies in between of gasps of breath.

"I was most impressed at the way you used Dragon Pulse to blast my Noivern from point blank range. A risky strategy but with large payoffs." Dragon Emperor says.

"That means a lot coming from you. I actually got the idea from you." Serena says.

"From me? Do elaborate." Dragon Emperor says in a mildly surprised tone.

"Before we came back to KIP from the Hoeen region I remember you saying "If you can't get to the enemy have your enemy come to you instead." I got the idea of that risky last minute maneuver from there." Serena says.

"Well done. Of course Ash followed up well when he used Dig to get in close then follow it up with Dragon Tail. Good teamwork." Dragon Emperor says.

"Well we still lost. But we did the best we could." Ash says in a somewhat beat down tone.

"Yes and that's all that matters. Learn from your mistakes and you will go far." Dragon Emperor says while giving tossing a tomato berry to his Noivern.

"Can we rest a bit before going away with you again." Ash says while looking at Dragon Emperor.

"Of course. I will pick you up in 4 days. Till then enjoy. My instructions from the letter still stand." Dragon Emperor says while turning around.

"Hold it. I have a question for you." Sabrina says.

"Who are you if I may ask?" Dragon Emperor says without turning around.

"I am Sabrina of the Saffron City gym. I am a psychic type gym Leader." She replies.

"I see. What is your question?" Dragon Emperor says while turning around.

"Are you a psychic? I remember you clearly teleported back in the common room after your match with the champions." Sabrina asks.

"Yes you could say that." Dragon Emperor replies.

"To teleport you need to be a powerful psychic but neither me nor Olympia could sense your powers." Sabrina says.

"Maybe you have fallen a little out of practice." Dragon Emperor says when he sees Drayden and McCann approaching him.

"But I am not finished yet." Sabrina says.

"Yes you are." Dragon Emperor replies before turning Drayden and McCann.

"Drayden. McCann. You old rascals. How are you?" Dragon Emperor says.

"Fine. It's been more than 2 years we saw you. You haven't aged a day." McCann says.

"Of Course. We all have some thing which make us special in our own ways. I guess youth is one of mine. How are Haxorus and Scizor?" Dragon Emperor asks.

"They are good." they both reply.

"While I would love to chat about old times I really must get going. I have other matters to attends to." Dragon Emperor says.

"Of course. We will catch up later." they both reply.

Dragon Emperor nods and starts walking away.

"Wait. I have one last question for you." Lance shouts.

"Alright. You have 30 seconds before I leave. I suggest you make them count." Dragon Emperor says.

"My question is simple. Who can beat you in a battle?" Lance asks at which everyone looks back at the Dragon Emperor with tense anticipation.

"When it comes to Pokemon Masters only the student has hope of defeating the master." Dragon Emperor replies causing everyone to glance at Ash and Serena for a second who are themselves unsure of what to say.

Then suddenly Dragon Emperor bends his knees and then jumps vertically in the air to about a height of 30 meters. He does a somersault in midair and then he lands on Noivern's back in mid air as Noivern flies off at supersonic speed with his standing on Noivern's back with crossed arms and the same characteristic cold and calculating expression on his face.

Everyone is shell shocked at what just happened. But no one says anything.

"I guess we should all hit the psychiatric ward for some rest and recovery and also get our Pokemon looked at." Ash says.

Diantha nods and everyone leaves with only one thing on their minds.

'Who is this Dragon Emperor and what does he want?'

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