72 : A Roaring Battle

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(That Evening in Diantha's Office)

"What were you thinking using such a cruel brutal technique bordering on barbaric is front of the entire stadium?" Diantha asks Ash as Sycamore, Grace, Delia , the 2 Prof. Oaks and others watch as Diantha questions Ash on the use of his questionable technique in his match with Trip.

"It was nothing personal Diantha." Ash replies.

"Nothing personal? Based on this report submitted to me by nurse Joy Trip's Serperior has not only sustained extensive damage to the point of the injuries being fatal but has also taken a huge amount of trauma. You are lucky that he or Drayden for that matter are not filing a legal complaint against you for cruelty against Pokemon and disrespecting the limitations and boundaries of a Pokemon battle. Ash do you understand the seriousness of what you have done and the foolishness of your poorly thought out plan of action." Diantha says in a cross tone.

"Yes. I do." Ash replies in a dismissive tone.

"Doesn't look like you do." Diantha fires back.

"I am sorry. OK. After analysing the aftermath of the battle I realised that I took thing much farther than needed. From now on I promise that not just me but Serena as well won't use any such kind of brutal or intimidating tactics which may cause any form of trauma to the trainer. You have the Dragon Emperor's apprentices' word." Ash replies in a soft calm courteous tone while Serena nods to confirm that she will go by Ash's words as well. All the professors look surprised at the fact that they are giving their word not as Ash and Serena but as the Dragon Emperor's students.

"I'll hold you to your word. For your sakes." Diantha says in stern tone ,while pointing her finger in the direction of Ash, before pausing for a moment.

"You are strong no doubt. Perhaps stronger than even me at the moment. That doesn't mean that you rub your arrogance in the face of your opponents to such an extent that you forget to exercise self restraint." Diantha says in a serious and somewhat disappointed tone. Ash is about to say something when Oak cuts him off.

"I don't blame Ash and Serena. I blame their teacher. That Dragon Emperor is very arrogant. If the teacher is that arrogant then what can you expect from the student." Oak says as his Alola cousin nods to second his opinion.

"That may be. However you are forgetting one thing Prof Oak." Serena says.

"U mm. What is that young lady?" Oak asks in a confused tone.

"We have not been given the training which we have undergone , the techniques we have mastered and the knowledge we possess out of charity. We have busted our a** off and then been rewarded with them after putting our blood, sweat and tears into ensuring that we don't let our master down. We have earned the right to be arrogant about what we have achieved and what we possess." Serena says to Grace and Delia's surprise and other's shock.

"And if something goes wrong then we will bear the consequences of our actions and then reflect upon them with that very same arrogance." Ash says to everyone's shock. Ash and Serena and turn around and leave leaving a stunned office behind.

Before going out of the door Ash stops, turns to face Diantha and says "I am sorry. That was a little cruel and after reflecting on it, uncalled for. Though he had it a lot lot easier than we did but still it was my poor judgement to use that strategy. You have my word. Serena and I will from now level ourselves to the level of our opponents and not use any techniques which they don't know that may cause such similar consequences for our opponent. You have my word."

"Like I said before. I'll hold you to that promise for your sakes. After all it's your Pokemon career on the line." Diantha says in a softer tone.

"I appreciate your concern. You have my praise for handling the situation is such a sensitive manner. But if I were you I wouldn't worry too much about my Pokemon career for it's in very capable hands. But still thank you for your concern." Ash says before walking out and closing the door softly. For a few minutes there is silence in the room.

"They are becoming very arrogant. It bothers me." Diantha says after drinking water from the filled glass in front of her.

"You should do something about that. Such arrogance at such a small age is not right." Burnet says in a disapproving manner.

"What do you want me to do? Wrestle them to ground?" Diantha asks.

"No. but you can at least try and knock some sense into them." Burnet says.

"What do you think I just did?" Diantha replies.

"You tried but it didn't work." Burnet says.

"Also the reason why I am bothered. The truth of the matter is all I can do is talk with them. Try to reason with them. But I don't think anyone apart from Delia, Grace and perhaps Prof. Oak can induce change in them. The other adults just don't have that personal connection with them to be able to yield results." Diantha says as she throws her arms in the air.

"You are right. We'll give them an earful. That's for sure." Grace says in a firm tone with Delia nodding alongside her.

"What is your take on the situation Lance. You seem awfully quiet about the whole situation?" Diantha says as she sees Lance pacing the room from one end to the other.

"To tell you the truth I am scared. We are just getting to know the character this Dragon Emperor is. Passing on such a brutal technique as a classical battling technique is quite intimidating to say the least." Lance says.

"Classical Battling Technique?" the Alolan Oak asks in surprise.

"Of course don't you remember. Today in the stands when Serena was telling us about the Brutal Intimidation Technique. Do you not remember the precise words she used? Jog your memory." Lance says as everyone has a flashback.

"You are right. She used those very words. How did it slip our minds?" Sycamore says in a rhetoric fashion with a finger under his chin.

"The how it slipped your mind is not important. The important thing is that for someone who considers such a brutal technique as a Classical Battling Technique can you imagine what a brutal technique for him would be like?" Lance says causing everyone to tense up at this possibly scary and worrisome prospectus.

"You are right. I didn't think that far." Diantha says in somewhat scared and troubled tone. Everyone is silently contemplating Lance's thoughts with a nervous expression etched on their faces.

"We must not forget that it's a most complex situation for Ash and Serena are also not completely wrong about them not having the right to be arrogant in what they achieve but I think they are taking things to easily." Lance says as he walks around the room with his hands crossed while he is contemplating what to do next.

"Far too easily, given seriousness of the unprecedented situation." Diantha says causing everyone to nod their heads in agreement.

"Precedented or unprecedented is debatable but I think the one thing we are all agreed on is that we need to watch those 2 closely to prevent such possible mishaps happening in the future. We must safeguard the security of the students at all costs." Sycamore says to everyone's agreement.

"Very well then. That's settled. Let's call it a day." Diantha says while getting up as everyone starts walking out one by one.

(Next Morning)

Everyone is watching the match ups closely as the trainers are being shuffled in random order to decide the pairing. Serena starts laughing hysterically while attempting to keep her face straight as she sees that she has been paired against Paul for the 3rd time.

"Oh no." Dawn says in a disappointed tone as she eyes the match up.

"Don't sweat it Dawn. This was bound to happen sooner or later. Personally I would have preferred battling against Ash since I haven't had a proper battle with him since but I and my Pokemon will fight Serena with all they have got no matter the outcome." Paul says following which Dawn gives him a smile causing him to smile a bit.

"You know before I always used to think you were kind of a jerk even after you asked me out. But when you lost to Serena and you opened up to me I saw a side which I don't think I have ever seen before." Dawn says as she puts her arms around Paul's.

"So you are giving credit to Serena now even though she beat you and me so badly?" Paul asks in a sarcastic teasing tone.

"Of course I will. She gave me good advise after you took a beating at her hands." Dawn says causing Paul to cast a confused tone and her to smirk.

"Advise. Pray continue. What was this advise?" Paul asks.

"I'll tell you later. After the battle. You go and give it your all for now. Here's some good luck." Dawn says as she kisses Paul on the lips then pushes him away before running off. Paul smiles as he sees Dawn run of and then turns around to confront the trainer who he wants to beat more than anything. Even more than Ash at this point.

"Ha ha ha. This will be fun." Serena says while wiping the tears out of her eyes.

"That may be be Serena I don't want you going overboard with it." Grace says in a stern voice.

"It won't. You have my word." Serena says as she walks away leaving a worried Grace rooted to the spot watching her daughter walk away.

(20 Minutes Later)


"So Paul. Finally we meet at last on the field of battle. And unfortunately for you there will be no on course." Serena says as she grabs her Poke-ball.

"We'll see about that." Paul says while enlarging his Poke-ball.

"Both trainers ready?" Referee asks. Serena nods but Paul raises a request.

"I request that this be a full 6 on 6 battle instead of a 5 on 5 battle. Since the last time we fought we didn't get the chance to fight a full battle." Paul says to everyone else's shock. Serena looks for a moment at Paul's face then says "Granted. Either way I have no problem. It's your call referee."

Referee thinks for a while then says "Very well then. Since opposite trainer has no objection then this will be a 6 on 6 battle." to which the entire stadium cheers.

"Send out your first Pokemon." Referee announces.

"I'll choose first. Since it's only sporting to give you a little advantage." Serena says while tossing her Poke-ball to reveal Rhyhorn.

"So it's Rhyhorn. Is it?" Paul says while changing his Poke-ball.

"That's right. Stealth Rock now." Serena to Paul's shock who quickly recovers and manages to send in his Pokemon just before the Stealth Rock lands on the field.

"Now that Torterra is not half bad. Looks like Turtwig was your starter." Serena says while inspecting Paul's Torterra.

"Like I care about that. Frenzy Plant." Paul commands.

"Use Flamethrower to burn them to a crisp." Serena says as the Flamethrower incinerates the Frenzy Plant to ashes.

"Stealth Rock now." Serena commands.

"What? Stealth Rock again. Use Giga Drain." Paul commands.

"Roar." Serena says in a dismissive fashion. The Giga Drain gets stopped in mid air due to the Roar and after a while Torterra is sent back into it's Poke-ball to be replaced by Drudiggon who takes damage from the 2 Stealth Rocks.

"Drudiggon use" Paul shouts only to be cut off by Serena who commands "Roar"

"What are you doing?" Paul says in a confused and irritated tone as Drudiggon is sent back as well.

(In the Stands)

"What is Serena up to? I don't understand." Dawn says as she sees Drapion come out and take damage from the Stealth Rock as well.

Gary and Brock are also looking a little confused when suddenly it hits them both.

"Paul you better figure out a way to stop her." Brock shouts to all the girls' confusion. Paul looks back in a confused manner.

"She's not just using Roar to deal damage to your Pokemon with Stealth Rock. Her primary objective is to find out what your Pokemon are even before they get to battle." Gary shouts to Paul's shock.

"Not only that. She's also choosing which Pokemon you'll have to battle with despite your strategy." Brock shouts as well.

(in the Battlefield)

"That's a cowardly way to battle." Paul shouts as he sees Drapion being sent off only to be replaced by Aggron.

"Everything is fair in love and war Paul. Defeating an enemy before he has even made his move is the art of war. But since you are insisting I won't use Roar for the next 3 rounds. Agreed?" Serena says as Aggron takes damage from the Stealth Rock.

"Use Flash Cannon." Paul commands.

"Counter with the same." Serena commands. Both attacks meet head on and neutralise each other in an explosion.

"Double Edge let's go." Paul commands.

"Double Team." Serena commands to render the Double Edge useless.

"Rock Tomb to get rid of the fakes." Paul commands.

"Swat them away." Serena commands as Rhyhorn's horn starts parrying the Rock Tomb away.

"Use Metal Claw to attack." Paul commands.

"Dig." Serena commands as Rhyhorn vanishes underground.

'Just as I thought. Now to do exactly as Bertha told me to do. Watch the rocks.' Paul thinks to himself while ordering Aggron to keep a Metal Claw ready. Suddenly the rocks to the left of Aggron start to shake.

"It's coming on the left. Intercept." Paul commands. Seconds later Rhyhorn is sent flying with Paul giving Serena a smug tone.

(in the Stands)

"Alright that works just fine." Dawn says while punching the air.

"Yes. That works just fine. Well done Paul. Finally someone has managed to land a clean hit on Serena's Rhyhorn in the competition." Brock says. Everyone is smiling when suddenly they see Serena raise her right hand and then snap her fingers following which Rhyhorn that was flying vanishes.

(In the Battlefield)

"Well done." Serena says while raising her right hand.

"Good but not good enough." she says while snapping her fingers upon which Rhyhorn vanishes.

"What the." Paul says before being cut of by Serena.

"Flamethrower." Serena commands as Rhyhorn comes out of the ground behind Aggron and delivers a Flamethrower on Aggron's back.

"Aggron!" Paul shouts as it is lifted of its feet and lands on the other end of the battlefield while being scorched by a torrent of never ending Flamethrower.

"Quick use Sand Storm on yourself." Paul shouts as Aggron manages to envelop itself in a mini twister of sand which cuts off the Flamethrower.

(In the Stands)

"I don't get it." Dawn says in a saddened voice.

"It was Substitute sweetheart." A voice says causing everyone to turn around to find Johanna sitting there.

"Mom. When did you arrive here?" Dawn says as she lunges at Johanna to bury herself in her arms.

"I was invited to give a series of guest lectures on Pokemon Coordinating. So I thought I would drop by and surprise you." Johanna says as the duo continue to hug.

"It's good to see you mom. I can't say the same for my boyfriend though." Dawn says as she motions to Paul.

"So he's your boyfriend. What happened to your crush on that Ash?" Johanna asks in a whisper.

"Oh. Turns out he got taken even before he came here to study. By her in fact." Dawn says while pointing to Serena who is smirking at the situation of the battle.

"Interesting. Looks like she's a strong trainer alright." Johanna says.

"Yeah. Too strong if you were to ask me." Dawn says in a somewhat annoyed tone.

"Speaking of which how did Serena do that?" May asks.

"She anticipated his plan." Gary says causing everyone to look at him except Brock and Lucy who know what Gary is saying.

"What does that mean?" Johanna asks.

(In the Battlefield)

"Excellent. 6 Focus Blasts back to back." Serena commands.

"Iron defence." Paul shouts moments before the first Focus Blast blows the Sand Storm away and the attacks start pummelling Aggron's chest. After the Focus Blasts stop firing Aggron is rooted to the spot with swirly eyes. In a few moments it falls down with a thud following which both trainers recall their Pokemon.

(Back in the Stands)

"She knew that Paul had been carefully studying her strategies before hand and would have some kind of a counter strategy set up. So she let him think that he had got the upper hand by diverting his attention with a substitute following which she was able to through the back door and deliver the finishing blow." Gary says to which Brock nods.

"All that training. Paul did. Everything from training with me to calling Bertha of the Sinnoh Elite Four and taking her advise on the Dig strategy. It was all for nothing." Dawn says in a beat down tone.

"Don't say that sweetie. You win some you lose some." Johanna says.

"Yeah. That holds for everyone apart from Ash and Serena. Which is even more frustrating" Dawn says with a sigh.

(In the Battlefield)

"Most impressive. You got me there. I was reckless and I payed for it. That won't happen again. Go Froslass." Paul says.

"Take the stage my adorable electric type. Emolga go." Serena says while sending out her Pokemon.

"An Emolga. It's a good match up by type but when did she get one. More importantly why did she not use it before in the competition." Paul thinks to himself.

"Alright let's start of with Rain Dance." Serena commands.

"Froslass Blizzard." Paul commands to which Serena does nothing.

"Use Thunder." Serena commands.

"Destiny Bond." Paul commands to which Serena internally smirks as she has been waiting for Paul to use that move.

"Electroball." Serena commands.

"Shadow Ball." Paul counters.

"Use Night Shade." Paul commands following the neutralising of the Electroball by the Shadow Ball.

'Thunderbolt." Serena commands.

"Double Team." Paul commands.

"Thunder." Serena shout seeing that the Rain Dance is about to subside.

"Perfect. It's paralysed." Serena says while smirking.

"So what. Even if Froslass faints it will still take out Emolga." Paul says while smiling.

"We'll see about that. Emolga use Baby Doll Eyes." Serena commands.

"What. Froslass no." Paul shouts as Froslass gets infatuated by Serena's Emolga.

"So your Emolga is a male." Paul remarks.

"Yes it is. Now Emolga use Volt Switch." Serena says catching Paul by surprise.

'Scizor. Here we go." Serena says as Scizor switches with Emolga.

"Alright. Use Flash Cannon." Serena commands. Paul watches helplessly as Flash Cannon knocks Froslass out of the sky. He breathes a sigh of relief when he sees Froslass has managed to hold on and the Flash Cannon has rid it of it's infatuation.

'Froslass won't last long. Must make my move now.' Paul thinks to himself as he commands "Froslass use Destiny Bond."

He however gets the shock of his life when he sees Destiny Bond not working. he tries again and again as Serena simply smirks while watching Paul try it again and again.

"Why won't it work?" Paul says in an exasperated tone.

"You are wrong." Serena says after suppressing her laughter.

'What was that?" Paul replies.

"Destiny Bond is still in effect. But it's still in effect on Emolga and not on Scizor. No matter how much of a tantrum you throw you won't be able to use it while it's effect on Emolga hasn't worn off." Serena says while smirking.

"So that's why you used Emolga against my Froslass. Just so that you could deal with my Destiny Bond?" Paul asks in a bewildered tone.

"Careful. You don't want to look even more ridiculous. Do you? End this with another Flash Cannon." Serena says as Scizor fires a final Flash Cannon which knocks Froslass out.

(In the VIP Box)

"That was incredible. I would never have thought of that way around Destiny Bond in a million years. Using a Pokemon which is at a severe type disadvantage just so that you can get around one move is what I call strategizing." Oak says in an intrigued tone.

"Indeed. It worked perfectly because unlike Baton Pass the Pokemon which switches using Volt Switch doesn't pass it's status conditions or such similar effects like Destiny Bond to the Pokemon which takes its place." Sycamore replies in an equally impressed tone to the agreement of all the other Professors.

"I must say I can't help but feel a tiniest bit of envy towards Serena. She was not a trainer but a Pokemon Performer. But Dragon Emperor has raised her into a phenomenal battler while keeping her Performer traits intact. Notice how she employs the deception of a Pokemon Trainer with the grace of a Pokemon performer. I wish I had a teacher who could teach me in that way." Diantha says while sighing.

"Look who's appreciating the Dragon Emperor now?" Ash says as he comes back from the bathroom.

"I never said he was bad. I said that I didn't like some of the things he did." Diantha replies.

"Sure sure." Ash replies while raising his hands in a defensive manner.

(Back on the Battlefield)

"So Paul which Pokemon are you going to send out now? Magmortar?" Serena asks in a taunting manner.

"Who I choose is none of your business. Go Torterra." Paul says while sending out his faithful starter.

"Aah. Torterra. I have been waiting for this one since I saw it. I have a Bug advantage against his Grass Type and you have a Ground advantage against my Steel type. i think we are quite even when it comes to type advantage. So this bout will be decided on the mettle of the trainer more than that of the Pokemon. You ready to brawl?" Serena asks.

"Frenzy Plant." Paul orders without ado.

"Fury Cutter to defend." Serena counters as Scizor chops all the Frenzy Plant branches trying to attack it.

"I do believe it's my turn. Pin missile." Serena commands as dozens of pin missiles move towards Torterra.

"Use Frenzy Plant as a shield." Paul commands as Torterra uses Frenzy Plant as a dome to cover itself.

"Nicely played." Serena says after the Pin Missiles are neutralised by the Frenzy Plant shield.

"Stone Edge go." Paul commands.

"Metal Claw to knock them away." Serena says as Scizor's claws glow and then punch all the Stone Edge rocks to dust with one hit.

"Alright. Leaf Storm." Paul commands.

"Take to the sky. Dodge it." Serena says as Scizor jumps vertically to avoid the Leaf Storm which passes below it.

"Razor Leaf. Back to back. Don't let up." Paul commands. Serena however calmly smiles as her Scizor dodges all incoming attacks outright.

"Pin Missile." Serena commands.

"Stone Edge go." Paul commands. Both attacks meet mid air and create a dust bowl.

"Use Giga Impact." Serena commands. Scizor uses Giga Impact and enters the dust cloud over Torterra which camouflages it. Suddenly it attacks without warning on Torterra's back.

"Grab it with Giga Drain." Paul shouts. Torterra uses Giga Drain but finds Scizor is nowhere to be seen. Paul looks up to see Scizor spinning head over toe while going upwards constantly. Suddenly Paul has a flashback to his Sinnoh League battle where Gliscor fought his Drapion.

"I see. very clever. In panic I forgot about this technique." Paul says.

"I don't blame you. Panic does have that effect on your memory. But since you have put up such a good fight. I'll reward that by showing you something you haven't seen before. Scizor Mega Evolve." Serena says while getting into her Mega Evolution Persona. Paul's eyes widen as Scizor Mega Evolves in front of his eyes.

"Scizor's signature move is Metal Claw. But when it Mega Evolves it's signature move changes." Serena says as Paul becomes anxious.

"Scizor Twin Machete." Serena commands.

"What's Twin Machete?" Paul asks in a somewhat fearful tone.

"You'll see." Serena says as Mega Scizor's pincers start glowing. They reduce in size then they elongate. When they stop glowing each pincer has been replaced by a machete like blade. Then suddenly the top half of the machete starts glowing laser red just a Fury Cutter.

"Incredible." Paul says in a dazed tone.

"That's not all. Twin Machete is Mega Scizor's signature move. It combines the power of Metal Claw with Fury Cutter. The design of the Machete is a relic from Scizor's previous Scyther evolution based upon Scyther's Scythe like arms but only much bigger, sharper and more powerful." Serena says before pausing for a moment.

"But enough talk. Scizor finish this battle." Serena commands as Scizor speeds towards Torterra with it's Machete like arm extension which sparkles due to the sun.

"Stone Edge to stop it." Paul shouts. Serena says nothing as Scizor rips through the Stone Edge rocks without any problem.

'F-F-F-Frenzy Plant." Paul stutters as Scizor comes closer. Again Serena says nothing as Scizor slashes the branches effortlessly with it's razor sharp machetes.

"Round is finally over." Serena says as Scizor raises one machete in front of Torterra and then slashes down diagonally across Torterra's face before crossing it. For moment nothing happens. Suddenly there is an explosion where Torterra was standing which upon clearing reveals Torterra fainted in the battlefield.

"Return. You fought well Torterra." Paul says.

"You return as well Scizor." Serena says while recalling Scizor who has reverted back to it's original form.

"Delphox. I need you." Serena says while sending out her next Pokemon. Paul thinks about which choice is best to go up against Delphox. He decides to go with Drapion because it has already been chosen as his Pokemon.

"Drapion come out." Paul commands.

"Very impressive using Drapion against my Psychic type Delphox. I'll take the first move this time. Give it Blast Burn." Serena says as Drapion finishes taking damage from the Stealth Rock.

"Disable." Paul commands causing Serena to get a little taken aback as the Blast Burn vanishes.

"Don't look so shocked. I have been carefully analysing your tactics. You have a tendency of Disabling key moves which are central to your opponents strategy and then press your advantage against them till they commit further mistakes. So I thought to myself why not do the same to you." Paul says.

"I am flattered at this most sincere form of imitation. But you'll have to do better than that if you want to win." Serena replies in a cool tone.

"Pin missile." Paul commands.

"Fire Wall." Serena commands as Delphox jumps and spins while using Flamethrower which acts like a mini tornado of Fire which absorbs all the pin missiles.

"Cross Poison." Paul commands after the Fire Wall tactic has subsided.

"Fire Blast." Serena counters. Fire blast consumes all the Cross Poison and continues forward. Drapion dodges at the last second by ducking.

"Alright then. Use Toxic Spikes." Paul commands. Serena watches as the Toxic Spike ball goes up before exploding and several Toxic Spikes fall down to the ground.

"Use Psychic to stop them." Serena commands as Delphox's eyes turn a shiny whitish blue and the Toxic Spikes are stopped in mid air. Seeing this Paul decides to take advantage of this window of opportunity.

"Dark Pulse." Paul shouts.

"Bring the Toxic Spikes in the trajectory of the Dark Pulse by using Psychic." Serena commands as Drapion fires a Dark pulse at Delphox.

"Excellent." Serena as the Dark Pulse destroys the Toxic Spikes before moving towards Delphox again.

"Fire Spin." Serena says as the Fire Spin meets the Dark Pulse in mid air and then overpowers it.

"Quick. Dodge it." Paul commands as Drapion rolls to the right while narrowly avoiding the Fire Spin.

"Phew. That was close." Pail says while wiping the sweat of his forehead.

"Indeed it was. But your persistence and the resistance you are putting up in the fight is quite admirable." Serena says commending Paul's aptitude as a trainer.

"Alright then Drapion we stick to the plan." Paul says.

"Really?" Serena remarks.

"Drapion Dig." Paul commands as it digs underground.

"I see. You want to get close to Delphox while being underground and then launch an attack. Sneaky sneaky. Delphox aim a Flamethrower into the hole." Serena says.

"Won't work. My Drapion has dug an alternative tunnel and sealed the tunnel behind it. So your strategy of sending an attack down the hole won't work." Paul says in a smug tone.

"I see. So that's why disabled my Blast Burn didn't you." Serena says in a somewhat impressed tone.

"Not only that. Drapion's Dark typing will also make it impossible for Delphox to use Psychic to pull it out which make my plan perfect." Paul says while smirking.

"You sure sound arrogant. That's not very nice. I guess I need to teach you a lesson that only Ash and I are allowed to be arrogant. Delphox use psychic and pull Drapion out." Serena commands in a firm tone.

"Wh-Wh-What?" Paul says in a bewildered tone. In front of his eyes the ground begins to crack and suddenly there is an explosion which reveals Drapion being launched into the air.

"Impossible." Paul shouts as he sees Drapion in mid air.

"Fire Spin go." Serena says as Delphox launches a Fire Spin which engulfs Drapion completely causing it to howl in pain.

(In the VIP Box)

"What's this. How did Delphox pull Drapion out with Psychic?" Sycamore says in a blanked out tone with a puzzled expression.

"I have no f*****g clue. If Pikachu using Psybeam wasn't bamboozling enough this is beyond crazy." Oak says while throwing his hands up in defeat in a frustrated manner as others look in shock to hear the Prof. curse.

"Ha ha ha." Everyone turns to see Ash laughing quietly.

"Well I don't see what's amusing about it Ash." Diantha says in a rather cross tone.

"Sorry. I am not laughing at you guys. I am laughing at the fact that Serena managed to figure out the riddle after all." Ash says.

"Riddle?" Grace asks.

"Yes riddle. More than 6 months back. We were training with the Dragon Emperor. i was training with my Krookodile while he was using Dusclops. Despite Krookodile's Dark typing he was able to have Dusclops use Psychic and pull Krookodile out just the way it happened with Paul's Drapion." Ash says.

"Go on." Lance says.

"After that happened he told us to figure out how did he do that. That it was a riddle we had to solve. We struggled for months. Then just before departing he told us a hint." Ash says.

"What was that?" Sycamore asks.

"He told us that sometimes the closer you are the lesser you see or what you see is blurred. Sometimes a little distance is needed to judge a situation properly. Sometimes it's better to think less than more." Ash says.

"How does that help?" Rowan asks.

"I'll tell you that later but know this that he left us with instructions that we were to unravel this riddle on our own. We can discuss it as much we wan together but if one of us figures it out then he is not to help the other one out." Ash says.

"So when did you solve the riddle." Delia asks.

"Last week. Serena must have figured it out yesterday evening while you and Grace were having a talk with me." Ash replies.

"And what is the solution to the riddle?" Grace asks as everyone stares at Ash.

"Very well then. The answer is this. Delphox didn't use Psychic on Drapion at all." Ash says.

"What? You know that makes matters more confusing than it already is." Kukui says.

"It's true Psychic type moves have no effect on Dark types. But they can still sense the location of the Dark type with their Psychic powers." Ash says.

"OK that explains how Delphox was able to pin point where Drapion was but doesn't explain how it was able to pull it out." Oak says.

"Once Delphox has honed in on Drapion's location in the underground tunnel it uses Psychic not on Drapion but on the section of the ground in the underground tunnel on which Drapion is standing. Then it pulls the entire section of the underground tunnel's base section out. Since Drapion is standing on that section it also gets pulled out as a result. That is why when Drapion was pulled out it was actually launched through the air and not held in mid air by a Psychic force field." Ash says.

"That's so simple and yet so brilliant." Oak exclaims.

"I know. but for people who don't observe it's good enough to pass of as Psychic being used successfully on a Dark type." Ash says in an amused tone.

"Ingenious. Marvellous simply marvellous." Sycamore remarks.

"I know. Now do you get the reference of the hint. We were so fixated on the fact that Delphox used Psychic we didn't even stop to think on what Psychic was used on." Ash says as everyone starts murmuring among themselves. Ash smiles and then turn his attention back to the match.

(Back in the Battlefield)

"Future Sight." Serena commands as Delphox's body gets covered in an shiny bluish white energy before orbs of Psychic energy shoot into the sky and vanish.

Paul however is totally flabbergasted by the sudden turn of events. As are all of his friends in the stands.

"Del Del Delphox." Delphox suddenly says while waving it's hand in front of Serena and pointing a fist at the ground.

"Aah so your Blast Burn is back. Looks like the Disable has worn of. So let's finish the way we started give it a Blast Burn." Serena commands while throwing a punch out.

"Del." Delphox shouts as it smashes it's fist on the ground following which the ground begins to smoke and crack which eventually results in an explosion that sends Drapion flying out of the battlefield to fall right behind Paul with a lot of low degree burn marks and smoke emanating from Drapion's unconscious body.

"Return Delphox. You did very well." Serena says. Paul returns his Drapion back as well. He knows he has been beaten. He just doesn't want to fight any more. He is about to forfeit the match when he suddenly hears a voice call out.

"Paul you're putting up a great fight. For my sake don't you dare stop." Dawn shouts.

Paul says nothing for a while then suddenly gives Dawn a nod followed by a thumbs up. He then turns around and signals to the referee that he is ready to go again.

"Alright then. Let's continue regardless of the outcome. Ursaring stand by for battle." Paul says.

"In that case. Let's ensure that history repeats itself. Sylveon stand by for battle." Serena says while sending her Pokemon in as Ursaring takes damage from the Stealth Rock.

"Sylveon let's get this over quickly use Giga Impact." Serena commands as a purplish orange energy sphere surrounds it.

"Ursaring. Counter with Hammer Arm and brace for impact." Paul counters. An explosion takes place with Ursaring being sent back sliding while Sylveon is standing right where the clash had occurred.

"Alright it's immobilised for the moment. Use Thunder Punch." Paul commands as Ursaring gets up while wincing a little then starts running towards Sylveon with a Thunder Punch powered up. Ursaring is about to hit Sylveon when suddenly Paul sees Serena's lip curl. He realises it's a trap of some sort.

"Ursaring stop." Paul shouts to no avail when suddenly the Future Sight strikes and Ursaring falls on one knee.

"The Future Sight. I completely forgot about that. Stupid." Paul says while clenching his fist in frustration.

'Finish this Sylveon. Use Giga impact one more time." Serena commands as Sylveon powers up Giga Impact one more time and smashes itself into Ursaring sending it flying into the stands-battlefield boundary wall. When the dust settles an fainted Ursaring is stuck in the centre of an impact crater with swirly eyes.

"Ursaring return." Paul says while recalling Ursaring back into it's ball.

"Sylveon return." Serena says while recalling her trusted partner back into it's Poke-ball.

"Now it's time for the final bout." Serena says as she sends her Alolan Ninetales out.

(In the Stands)

"This is what I feared. Paul has to use Druddigon. Alolan Ninetales is the worst possible opponent for a Dragon Type like Druddigon." Gary says.

"Indeed. Serena played it very clever by forcing Paul to use some Pokemon compulsorily by using Roar. That was a brilliant strategy indeed." Brock remarks.

"Oh Paul." Dawn says in a worried tone as Johanna places her arm around Dawn to comfort her.

(Back in the Battlefield)

"Druddigon I know it's a bad match up but you can still give them a run for their money." Paul says while sending Druddigon out.

"You may have the first move." Serena offers.

"Flamethrower." Paul commands.

"Water Pulse." Serena counters.

"Use Flash Cannon." Paul commands.

"Dodge it then use Blizzard." Serena counters.

"Grrrrr." Paul grunts as he sees Druddigon take damage from Blizzard.

"Flamethrower." Paul commands.

"Dodge with Quick Attack then Ice Fang." Serena commands as Ninetales vanishes only to appear behind Druddigon a moment later following which it gives a bite to Druddigon's back causing it to wince in pain.

"Use Metal Claw." Paul commands as Druddigon turns around and swipes at Ninetales only for the attacks to be dodged narrowly.

"Use Icicle Crash." Serena commands.

"Metal Claw to break them up then use Flamethrower." Paul commands.

"Double Team." Serena orders as Druddigon destroys all the icicles with Metal Claw.

"Swat them all with Flamethrower." Paul commands.

"Water Pulse into Dazzling Gleam." Serena commands. Paul clenches his fist in frustration when Druddigon stumbles back.

"Finish with Giga Impact." Serena commands. Ninetales crashes into Druddigon with Giga Impact which knocks it out.

"Druddigon is unable to battle. Serena Yvonne wins." Referee announces.

"That was quite the battle. Most impressive. Till now that was the most enjoyable one." Serena says as she shakes Paul's hand.

"Thanks but I am nowhere as strong as you are. Best of luck for the ahead round." Paul says while giving a bow and then walking off.

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