74 : Taking on the Dragon Queen

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(Next Morning)

"Interesting. This will be fun. I look forward to seeing who is the little kid after all this time." Ash says as he sees the match up for the 1st Semifinal.

"That's Iris. The one who you travelled with in the Unova region. The one from the Village of Dragons?" Serena asks to which Ash nods.

"Yes. She is one of the Opelucid academies top students and if rumour is to believed one of the candidates for the next Unovan Elite four." Ash says.

"A Dragon Type duel. Interesting. Well we have probably had more of those than any one else here so it should be a walk in the park." Serena says.

"I agree. Still it will be fun to poke some fun at Iris by calling her a little girl." Ash says much to his amusement.

"Have fun." Serena says before leaning in for a kiss.

"Oh I will." Ash says before kissing her and then leaving for his battle.

(20 Minutes Later)

"So Iris fancy seeing you here. I never expected you to make it to the semi finals but I guess luck has favoured you when it comes to the match ups." Ash says.

"Ha. You are one to talk. What a kid." Iris says.

"We'll see who the kid is very soon Iris. Tell me are you still afraid of Ice types?" Ash asks while smirking.

"You just mind your business." Iris snaps.

"Sure sure. After all it's difficult to put a leash on a Tarzan." Ash says while smirking to himself, knowing that the comment will send Iris over the edge.

Iris is about to snap back when she remembers Drayden's advise about not losing sight of the target. Iris takes a deep breath and goes back into battle mode.

"Well if you are finished with your pep talk can we get to the battle now little kid?" Iris asks.

"Sure. After all the only way your Dragons are going to end up is fainted on the battlefield." Ash says as both trainers enlarge their Poke-balls in their hands.

"Are both trainers ready?" Referee asks to which Ash and Iris nod.

"Very well then. The 1st Six on Six Semifinal between Ash and Iris is about to begin. Both trainers send in your 1st Pokemon." Referee announces.


"Alright. Dragalge I choose you." Iris says while sending in her first choice.

"Pikachu. I choose you." Ash says as Pikachu races on the battlefield.

"Battle Begin." Referee announces.

"A Dragalge. Where did you find one?" Ash asks.

"Shortly after I left the Blackthorn Gym." Iris replies.

"Well then. Come on." Ash says.

"Dragalge use Dragon Pulse." Iris commands.

"What a waste of time." Ash says as Pikachu dodges the attack effortlessly.

"In that case. Toxic Spikes." Iris commands.

"Oh no you don't. Fry those spikes to a crisp. Use Thunder on the Battlefield." Ash commands. Pikachu uses Thunder as the Toxic Spikes start falling down. Due to the Thunder not only do the Toxic Spikes get fried but Dragalge also gets hit by several of the boulders.

"You see that Iris. That's what you call killing 2 birds with one stone." Ash says as Iris glares back.

"Use Venoshock." Iris commands.

"Hah. Electroball to counter then use Quick Attack." Ash says as the Electroball and Venoshock neutralise on another then Pikachu slams into Dragalge sending it flying. Ash gets a little shocked when he sees Iris smirking after Dragalge gets up. He sees Pikachu suddenly coughing out purple bubbles and it's forehead turned a shade purple.

"Poisoned but ?" Ash starts in a confused tone when suddenly it hit him.

"Of course. It's ability is Poison Pint. It slipped my mind." Ash says in a frustrated tone which expresses disappointment at himself.

"Who's the little kid now?" Iris asks while smirking.

"Hey. I might've been a little hasty. But then again it's only sporting to let your opponent who's going to be crushed have a little head start. But it ends here. Use Thunderbolt." Ash commands.

"Block with Dragon Breath." Iris commands.

"Get close with Quick Attack then use Thunder." Ash commands after the Dragon Breath has blocked the Thunderbolt.

"No use. Stick Dragon Tail into the ground." Iris commands.

"Pikachu stop." Ash commands just before Pikachu is about to fire the Thunder knowing it will be a waste of energy.

"Alright. Use Psybeam." Ash commands.

"Dragon Pulse." Iris counters. An explosion takes place which ends up in another neutral collision.

'I need to get that Dragon Tail out of the ground otherwise I won't be able to deal effective attacks with my Electric attacks. It's too risky to use Psychic to do so because Iris might counter with another Poison Type move. So then what do I do so that Pikachu can get that tail out of the ground without getting poisoned?' Ash thinks to himself when suddenly it hits him.

"Use Iron Tail on the Dragon Tail in the ground." Ash commands.

"Oh no." Iris shouts since she knows when Pikachu is using Iron Tail it won't get further poisoned by the Poison Pint ability.

"Now use Thunder." Ash smirks.

"Dragon Breath." Iris shouts.

"It won't work Thunder is more powerful than Thunderbolt." Ash says while smirking as the Dragon Breath is overpowered by Thunder and Dragalge receives the shock of its life.

"It looks like our Pokemon are in the same boat after all." Ash says as he sees Iris's Dragalge has taken a status condition after becoming paralysed.

"No matter. Use Facade." Iris commands as Dragalge gets.

"Huh. Volt Tackle." Ash counters as both Pokemon rush towards each other. A small blinding explosion takes place which results in Iris's Dragalge landing right in front of Iris's feet while Pikachu is standing right where the collision took place with its red cheeks sparking electricity aggressively.

"Dragalge return. You fought nobly." Iris says while recalling Dragalge.

"Pikachu come back and take a rest." Ash says as Pikachu walks back as well.

"Alright then Gabite take the stage." Iris says while sending out her next Pokemon.

"A Gabite huh. In that case Garchomp go." Ash says while tossing his Poke-ball.

"Don't think an evolutionary advantage means an easy win." Iris says as Gabite and Garchomp stare down each other.

"You know what. You're absolutely right. Two is better than one. Wouldn't you agree?" Ash says as he gets into his Mega Evolution Persona Stance. Iris gets even more riled up after this.

(In the Stands)

"Very impressive. Using an evolutionary stage advantage to push Iris into a corner is indeed a brilliant way to go." Brock remarks in an approving tone to which the other nod.

"Not only that. I think he is determined to outclass Iris when it comes to Dragon Types so that he can send a strong message." Paul says earning another round of nodding.

"Either way. Iris isn't doing too shabbily herself. Being raised in the Village of Dragons and all. She does know her way around Dragon Types. I think it will be a spicy meat ball of a battle." Cilan says to which Clemont and Brock nod.

(Back on the Battlefield)

"One or two Evolutionary Stages doesn't make a difference. Use Slash." Iris say after pushing her doubts away.

"Deflect it." Ash says in a bored tone as Garchomp deflects the attack.

"Use Dragon Rage." Iris commands.

"Seriously?" Ash asks in a dismissive tone as the Dragon Rage hits Garchomp causing a small explosion.

"But how?" Iris shouts as Garchomp doesn't look the least bit bothered after the explosion has cleared.

(10 Minutes Later)

Iris and Gabite are panting with an expression of disbelief on their faces as they hammered away at Ash's Garchomp with attack after attack to no avail.

"Oh well. I guess that's all she wrote." Ash says as he snaps his fingers as Garchomp goes high in the sky and uses Dragon Rush. An explosion takes place which knocks Gabite out without any contest.

"Gabite return." Iris says.

"You return as well Garchomp." Ash says as he recalls Garchomp back into its Poke-ball.

"You think you are a budding Dragon Master in training do you? Why don't feast your eyes at this Pokemon." Ash says as he tosses a Poke-ball.

A wave of gasps and shocks echo throughout the stadium as everyone eyes a Pokemon they have never seen before.

"What is that?" Iris asks with a mixed tone of wonder and fear.

"That Iris is the Dragon Type evolution of Eevee. A quaint little Pokemon called Drakeon." Ash says as Drakeon roars.

(In the VIP Box)

"But how is that possible? Eevee doesn't have a Dragon Type evolution. Does it?" Professor Rowan, the expert in Pokemon Evolution, asks Serena as all eyes are peeled on her.

Serena sighs then pulls out a Poke-ball and presses it only to release her own Drakeon which causes another round of gasps echoing through the box.

Rowan, Oak and Sycamore ,who are gaping at it with wonder, are about to touch it when Serena returns the Pokemon back into her Poke-ball.

"Hey what was that for?" Sycamore asks in a somewhat displeased tone.

"Sorry Prof. No can do. Studying this Pokemon is off the tables. We have orders from upstairs. You can observe it all you want but that's as close you are going to get." Serena says as the Poke-ball minimises and she clips it back onto her belt.

"Come on just a few minutes." Sycamore says in a pleading manner.

"All you need to know that it's the Dragon Type evolution of Eevee. Ash's is a female while mine is a male. Also Dragon Emperor is the only one who knows how to bring about the Dragon Type Evolution of Eevee. So that's that." Serena says while turning her attention back to the battlefield much to the Prof.s' disappointment.

(Back in the Battlefield)

"So my dear Iris do you like my Dragon type Pokemon?" Ash asks as Iris and everyone in the stands is gaping at it with a mixture of wonder and disbelief.

"It's small." Iris manages to get out after managing to snap out of her daze.

"I assure you it's bite is much worse than it's bark." Ash says as Drakeon gives out another intimidating roar

"I need my oldest partner with the most battle experience here. Go Excadrill." Iris say while sending out her 3rd Pokemon.

"Excadrill use Metal Claw." Iris commands.

"Huh." Ash says as Excadrill jumps at Drakeon with Metal Claw at the ready.

"Flamethrower." Ash commands as Excadrill is sent flying while being covered in a torrent of never ending flames.

"That's it?" Ash asks causing Iris to growl.

"Use Dig." Iris commands.

"Tsk tsk. You are a one trick Ponyta Iris. Use Double Team." Ash says as hundreds of copies appear on the battlefield.

"Grrrrr." Iris says as Excadrill comes out.

"Alright. Rain Dance." Ash commands.

"Quick use Dig to get away." Iris commands as Excadrill dig underground again.

"Huh. Use Water Pulse into the hole." Ash says while smirking.

"Oh no. Get out Excadrill." Iris shouts at the top of her taken aback voice. However her concern is too late as Excadrill is blasted out of the ground in a geyser like stream of water.

"Use Focus Blast." Iris commands as Excadrill gets up and launches the Focus Blast right at Drakeon.

"Take it." Ash commands in a calm tone much to Iris's shock.

"Use Drill Run." Iris commands

"Now Counter into Dragon Pulse." Ash says in a triumphant manner.

"Oh no." Iris shouts as Excadrill despite being in Drill Run is sent flying following which it takes a face full blow of Dragon Pulse. This causes an explosion following which Excadrill is knocked out.

"Return Excadrill." Iris says as she recalls Excadrill back into its Poke-ball.

"So whose next." Ash says as he recalls Drakeon for a break.

"Alright. Just to give you a fighting chance. I'll choose first. Go Greninja." Ash says as he sends out the ninja Pokemon.

"In that case go Emolga." Iris says as she sends out her Emolga.

"Predictable." Ash says.

"Emolga use Thunderbolt." Iris commands.

"Huh." Ash says as Greninja vanishes just before the Thunderbolt hits only to reappear the next instant.

"Emolga Attract." Iris commands.

"Night Slash. Destroy those Attract hearts." Ash counters as Greninja destroys the hearts with furious slashes of the Night Slash.

"Use Hidden Power." Iris commands.

"Huh. The same thing will happen again." Ash says as Greninja destroys the Hidden Power orbs effortlessly.

"Alright then. Go." Ash commands as Greninja charges towards Emolga.

"Aerial Ace." Iris commands.

"Hmm. Stop it with your Aerial Ace then deliver a counter with Night Slash." Ash commands as Greninja starts moving even faster.

"Emolga!" Iris shouts as Emolga crashes.

"Alright. Wrap this up with Ice Beam." Ash commands as Greninja forms Ice Beam between his palms then fires it at Emolga.

"Oh no. Electroball." Iris shouts. Electroball meets Ice Beam but gets easily overpowered which results in an explosion rendering Emolga fainted.

"Emolga you fought well." Iris says as she returns Emolga.

"Time to get serious. Haxorus go." Iris says while sending out her 5th Pokemon.

"So little Axew finally decided to grow up. Interesting. Most amusing." Ash says as he signals to Iris to bring it on.

"Haxorus use Dragon Pulse." Iris commands as Haxorus fires of a powerful Dragon Pulse.

"Huh." Ash says while smiling as Greninja vanishes a second before the Dragon Pulse is about to hit following which it reappears at that spot again.

"Grrrrr." Iris growls as she sees how blindingly fast Ash's Greninja is.

"I do believe it's my turn. Use Double Team." Ash commands as hundreds of copies of Greninja appear in a horde in front of Haxorus.

"Swat them all with Flamethrower." Iris commands.

"Quick attack." Ash commands as all the fakes keep getting swatted.

"Ice Beam." Ash commands as Greninja appears behind Haxorus.

"Turn around and block it." Iris commands as Haxorus turns around in the nick of time and blocks the Ice beam with it's crossed arms.

"Impressive." Ash says as Haxorus separates its arms and shakes of the large crystals of Ice formed on them.

"It seem you have been training under Drayden for quite a while." Ash says as he looks at Iris.

"How did you know that?" Iris asks.

"Simple. The technique you used to block the Ice Type move is something my master taught your master. Don't you remember your Opelucid Gym battle?" Ash asks as Iris has a flashback to where Drayden's Druddigon blocked her Dragonite's Ice beam in a similar manner.

"Of course. You don't know why the technique works. Do you?" Ash asks.

"Like I care. Use Dragon Claw." Iris commands.

"Block with Cut and counter with Night Slash." Ash says as Greninja forms a bluish white sabre in one hand and a dark purple sabre in another. Both exchange furious blows for a while but eventually Ash's more trained and faster Greninja gets the upper hand.

"Alright. Use the weakest Bubble Beam you can fire." Ash says as Greninja fires a very slow and weak bubble beam at Haxorus.

"Haxorus block it." Iris commands. She gets surprised at the fact that the Bubble beam does not cause any damage to Haxorus at all since it's lacking in power.

"What's are you up to. Using an attack with no power at all." Iris shouts.

"You'll have to wait and see. Greninja use Ice Beam." Ash says while smirking.

"No matter the same thing will happen again. Haxorus block it." Iris shouts.

"Bad move." Ash says as Iris gets the shock of her life when Haxorus drops to one knee and it barely able to keep itself upright.

(In the VIP Box)

"What's this. Why did Haxorus take this much damage?" Lance and Drayden say in unison. Everyone then again looks at Serena in an expecting manner.

"Are you kidding me? Am I a student or a Prof. All Ash and I keep doing is teaching you stuff about Pokemon." Serena says in an irritated tone. Grace and Delia then glare at Serena causing her to breathe a sigh and concede defeat.

"Fine. The answer is the bubble beam that was fired earlier." Serena says.

"But it didn't cause any damage." Lance says.

"Precisely." Serena replies much to everyone's confusion.

"Alright then. Listen closely cause I am only going to explain this once. Tell me prof. Oak why are Ice Type moves so effective on Dragon Types?" Serena asks.

"According to our research they cause the Keratin of the Dragon Scales to freeze and get damaged. This allows a lot of damage to take place." Oak says.

"You are correct. But when it comes to the Dragon Scales of the arms and the legs the case it a little different." Serena says.

"Go on." Rowan says.

"Due to the amount of wear and tear the arms and the legs take the scales eventually die. This ensures that the scales which are on the surface are the old dead Dragon Scales. Over time these Scales harden giving them almost something like a Steel Typing. So when a Dragon Type takes a hit of Ice beam by blocking by it's arms the Ice Crystals can't reach the relatively new fresh Dragon Scales which are susceptible to the Ice Crystals because they are protected under a coating of dead Dragon Scales which offer much greater protection." Serena says.

"However. When Ash used that weak Bubble Beam it caused a lot of water to seep into the spaces between the dead dragon scales. The reason why this happened is because the Bubble Beam had very little power. Had the Bubble Beam been fired with more power it would have simply caused damage but wouldn't have seeped into the Dragon Scales as Ash wanted." Serena says before pausing for a moment.

"Now tell me. What happens when a wet thing gets hit by an Ice Beam?" Serena asks causing all the Prof. to gasp at the same time when they realise that due to the water present in between the scales the Ice Beam must have frozen the water causing the Ice Shards to reach the new fresh Dragon Scales which are susceptible to the ice crystals.

(Back on the Battlefield)

"Wrap this up with Water Shuriken." Ash commands.

"Haxorus!" Iris shouts as Haxorus is sent flying by the Water Shuriken which hits it square in the chest causing it to faint when the dust settles from its crash landing.

"Haxorus Return. You fought well." Iris says as she returns her faithful Dragon type.

"So we come to the last battle. Come come. I look forward to facing your Dragonite." Ash says as Iris enlarges her last Poke-ball.

"This won't be such an easy fight. Dragonite get us a win." Iris says while sending out her faithful Dragon Type.

"It seems now we have a full catch. You may have the first move." Ash offers.

"Use Thunder Punch." Iris shouts.

"Use Shadow Sneak." Ash commands.

"Use Iron Tail on the battlefield." Iris commands catching Ash by surprise.

"Now use Thunder." Iris commands as Greninja is launched out of the ground.

"Greninja!" Ash shouts in concern as the Ninja Frog Pokemon drops to the ground after receiving a full Thunder head on.

'That Thunder was stronger than I thought. Looks like she's been training extensively with Dragonite for quite some time.' Ash thinks to himself as Greninja gets up.

"OK then. Use Ice beam." Ash commands.

"Use Flamethrower." Iris counters resulting in another neutral clash.

"Use Aerial Ace." Iris commands as Dragonite shoots into the sky.

"Counter with your own Aerial Ace." Ash shouts. Both collide in mid air as they bounce of each other in mid air.

"Use Gunk Shot." Ash commands.

"Send it back with Steel Wing." Iris shouts as Dragonite turns and sends the Gunk Shot right back at Greninja.

"Oh no. Use Night Slash to cut through." Ash shouts in a panicked tone. Greninja manages to cut through the Gunk Shot but still gets hit by one of the halves before landing back on the battlefield.

"I guess turn about is fair play. Looks like luck is favouring you today Iris." Ash says as he sees his Greninja get poisoned as well.

"Use Thunder." Iris commands.

"Dodge it." Ash shouts. Greninja manages to dodge but everyone sees that it dodges at a much slower speed.

"Use Ice Beam." Ash shouts.

"Block with Steel Wing then use Dragon Pulse." Iris shouts.

"Dark Pulse." Ash commands as both Pulse moves collide in another neutral explosion. Ash gets further irritated when Greninja again hiccoughs out a few more poison bubble.

"Alright Dragonite use Dragon Rush." Iris commands.

"Counter with Night Slash both hands." Ash says as Greninja leaps up into the sky with the two Night Slashes crossed in the form of an X ready to meet the Dragon Rush head on. Another tied explosion takes place.

'Not good. It this keeps up then as time passes Greninja will eventually become weaker than Dragonite.' Ash thinks to himself as he tries to come up with a plan.

(In the Stands)

"Well Iris will lose the match for sure but she has a real chance of ending Ash's all Pokemon undefeated streak." Brock says.

"Indeed. She got lucky with that idea to deflect the Gunk Shot. Since then she's hammering away at Greninja to ensure Ash can't counter attack properly so that as time passes due to the poison Greninja grows weaker." Paul says.

"Yeah. But Ashy boy is aware of this already. I bet he's trying to formulate a strategy as we speak." Gary says as everyone watches the unfolding events with an intense level of concentration.

(Back in the Battlefield)

"Use Thunder Punch both hands." Iris says as Dragonite gives a roar then charges at Greninja.

"Use Cut to block and Night Slash to counter." Ash commands as he tries to buy some time to come up with a counter strategy.

Both Pokemon exchange fierce blow but then suddenly Greninja experiences a bout of the poison which gives Dragonite the window to land a fierce Thunder Punch right into it's chest sending it flying and then tumbling across the battlefield.

"Greninja!" Ash shouts in a concerned tone.

"Look like I win this round Ash." Iris says while smirking as Greninja lies lifelessly on the ground.

"Greninja. You're stronger than this. You know I'll never ask you to anything which you couldn't do. But you can do this now. I believe in you. Get up." Ash says.

"Gren." A voice comes from Greninja as it lifts itself on it's legs and struggles to his feet.

"Huh. Admirable persistence. But the next attack will finish it of." Iris says as Dragonite roar.

"Grenin JAAAAAAAA." Greninja shouts moments before it gets covered in a swirling veil of water.

"What's this?" Iris shouts in a bamboozled tone. An echo of murmuring and gasps fills the stadium.

"What's this? Greninja." Ash says moments before his eyes turn blue and he starts seeing a blurry vision of Dragonite behind what seems to be a moving veil of water. His muscles twitch and he feels all the strength from his body go away.

(In the VIP Box)

"What's this?" Diantha shouts in a surprised tone. Everyone looks at Serena only to get another shock when they see that Serena is also gaping at the spectacle with an open mouth.

"Serena. What's happening?" Delia asks in a worried tone.

"I have no clue." Serena says in a blank tone because she has also blanked out by what she's seeing.

(Back in the Battlefield)

"No matter. Use Thunder." Iris commands.

"Use Aerial Ace." Ash shouts as both he and Greninja bend forward at the same time and then dart forward. Greninja moves with such incredible speed and power that it delivers the attack even before Dragonite has fired of his Thunder attack sending it sliding back.

"Use Thunder Punch both hands." Iris commands. Without saying a word Greninja forms Cut in left hand and Night Slash in the other hand and charges. This time however it pelts Dragonite left and right with attack.

"Dragonite. Hang in there. Use Thunder Fang." Iris commands. As Dragonite bites down onto Greninja's left shoulder Ash also drops to his knees while clutching his left shoulder.

"Use Low Kick." Ash shouts as Greninja knock Dragonite off balance and causing the Thunder Fang to lose it's holding on Greninja's shoulder.

"Use Ice beam." Ash shouts at the top of his voice as he does some form of a weird dance.

"Flamethrower." Iris counters.

"What's this. How can Flamethrower be overpowered by Ice Beam?" Iris shouts as Ice Beam cuts through Flamethrower.

"Oh no." Iris says as Dragonite has been encased in a Ice casing.

"Water Shuriken." Ash shouts at the top of his lungs as Greninja launches a spiralling Water Shuriken towards Dragonite.

The Shuriken causes a huge explosion upon meeting the Ice casing causing several shards of Ice flying in all directions through the explosion cloud following which Dragonite's unconscious body shoots past Iris' ear and it collides with the boundary wall then goes through the wall causing it to lie fainted on top of a few broken seat in the gallery. Iris is too speechless to say anything as there is pin drop silence in the stadium.

"Dragonite is unable to battle. The KIP champ proceeds to the finals." Referee announces after he recovers from the shock. Everyone looks at Ash and the wired Greninja in a spherical veil of swirling water. Suddenly Ash's mind blanks out, his vision goes black and his body tenses up. Everyone in shocked silence watches as Ash and Greninja fall on to the battlefield unconscious.

(In the VIP Box)

Everyone including Serena are watching this spectacle with baited breath. They see Dragonite being knocked out when Cynthia mutters "What sheer power!!"

"Ash!" Serena shouts as Ash and Greninja collapse following which everyone with Serena, Grace and Delia at the lead bolt out of the VIP Box to see to Ash immediately.

<Author's Note Begins>

This chapter is a birthday treat for florafastbunny . I hope you like it. I know I gave you a preview of another chapter but that will be the chapter after this so no spoilers on any conditions whatsoever.

Question of the day :- Ash Greninja takes the stage finally. Question how will it in your mind impact the Dragon Emperor? Do you think something major is going to happen? Answer in comments.

<Author Note Ends>

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