76 : Uncharted Territory

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(In the Battlefield)

Everyone watches with baited breath as the dust settles. They all get shocked when they see that Milotic has managed to survive that attack by sticking Iron Tail into the ground at the last second.

"Why won't that thing just be beaten?" Tobias snarls as Serena breathes a small sigh of relief.

"Now Milotic Recover." Serena commands.

"I won't allow it. Disable." Tobias shouts as Raikou's eyes turn blue and the Recover gets disabled much to Serena's sheer annoyance.

"Grrrrr. Use Aqua Ring." Serena commands as Milotic surrounds itself with Aqua Ring and that not only heals a portion of Milotic's health but also draws out the static electricity that was paralyzing it.

"Use Wild Charge then Crunch." Tobias commands as Raikou charges towards Milotic with it's body coursing with electricity.

"Use Twister." Serena commands as Raikou gets in close. The attack meets its mark and Raikou is sent flying but it quickly recovers and gets up. Milotic on the other hand starts panting visibly because it has taken a lot of damage already.

"Don't worry Milotic. It's all right. I am here with you." Serena says in a comforting tone as Milotic looks back at her trainer.

"Now is not the time to cower in fear and turn your back on the challenge. Are you with me?" Serena asks in a firm tone.

Milotic nods, turns to face Raikou then shouts "MIIIIILLLOOOTTIIIIIIIC" when suddenly it gets covered in a veil of water to everyone's shock.

(In the VIP Box)

"What's this?" Cynthia says as a curtain of water surrounds Milotic.

"What's going on? Ash?" Grace says in a worried tone as she along with everyone else turns to Ash who is himself stumped by what his eyes are showing.

"I. I don't know." Ash mutters as everyone looks on in shocked silence.

Everyone gives one another nervous glances as the spectacle unfolds in front of their eyes.

(In the Battlefield)

"What's happening?" Serena says moments before her vision turns blue and all she can see is a swirly blue color and behind it something which is looking like Tobias' Raikou.

Tobias is stumped for a moment but then recovers and says "That doesn't scare me. Whatever it is. Use Thunder fang."

Serena and Milotic are very confused by what's going on and they are still in a daze so they don't notice Raikou closing in on Milotic. The moment Raikou bites down on Milotic's neck Serena collapses on one knees while clutching her shoulder with a pained expression.

(In the VIP Box)

The moment Serena collapses onto one knee Ash gets up and without any warning bolts out of the room. Grace and Delia don't need an invitation as they follow Ash out of the room as well. The others follow suit.

(In the Battlefield)

When Serena gets up while clutching her shoulder the expression on her face is replaced by one beyond angry. She forms a growl as she slightly bares her teeth which causes Tobias to get afraid and intimidated for a moment. He however recovers quickly.

"That doesn't scare me. Finish this with a Thunder." Tobias commands.

"DRAGON PULSE." Serena roars. Milotic launches a powerful Dragon Pulse which shocks everyone who witnesses it. As the Dragon Pulse travels the ground under its trajectory gets scorched black and sizzles. It overpowers Thunder then blasts Raikou with such power that Tobias is forced to leap aside to avoid being hit as well. When the dust clears Tobias is seen standing with an expression of disbelief as he looks at Raikou who has been knocked out cold. The entire stadium is silent. Nothing apart from Serena's deep labored breathing can be heard.

"Rai-Raikou is un-unable to b-b-b-battle. Se-Se-Serena Y-vv-vvone wins." Referee stutters out while being white as chalk as Ash comes running towards Serena while screaming her name. Serena however doesn't respond. Suddenly she starts wobbling and losing her balance.

"Ash." She mutters as she collapses into Ash's arms before blacking out right at the same time as her Milotic.

"Don't worry. I am here now. Aren't I?" Ash says before pausing for a moment as her caresses Serena's face as she faints.

"Get a doctor. Quick." Ash shouts as he lifts Serena's unconscious body in his arms and runs towards the medical center while Delia recalls Serena's Milotic into its Poke-ball.


(40 Minutes Later)

Everyone including Ash's friends, family, professors and Ash himself. Everyone is sitting quietly outside the OR while Ash is pacing the room while he appears to be deep in thought. After a while Ash breaks the silence.

"Tell me prof. Oak. Did something similar happen to me?" Ash asks as he stops pacing to turn to Oak who is deep in thought as well.

"Yes. It was almost the same. Just like Milotic's Dragon Pulse your last attack the Water Shuriken was incredibly powerful as well. Much more powerful than normal." Oak silently replies.

"I don't like this. Nothing like this has ever happened before." Ash says in a concerned tone.

"Are you sure? Did Dragon Emperor never mention anything like this to you?" Cynthia asks.

"Nope. Which is why this happening to both of us worries me. It's like being in uncharted waters. Until I know what I am dealing with I will not find peace of mind so easily." Ash says in a worried tone.

"Well I may have some relevant information." Sycamore says.

"Prof. with all due respect my daughter is in the OR. Can we discuss this at a more convenient time?" Grace asks to which Sycamore nods.

Suddenly the light outside OR goes from red to green. Everyone stands up. The doctor comes out only to be hounded by Ash, Grace and Delia.

"How is she? Is she fine?" Delia asks.

"How's my baby girl?" Grace asks as tears come to her eyes.

"What's the matter. Why aren't you saying anything?" Ash asks as he start violently shaking the Doctor.

"Calm down. Give the poor guy some room." Lance says as he intervenes and separates the anxious family members from the overwhelmed doctor.

"We ran extensive test. All possible blood tests, scans the full biomedical work up. Here is the file. It's not good news." Doctor says as he hands the file to Prof. Sycamore. Ash, Grace and Delia get hearts in their mouths as they hear the term not good news.

"But the report says that she is in perfect medical health." Sycamore says after examining the report. This drives Ash nuts.

"She's my girlfriend. Everyone is worried for her sick especially me. What kind of a behavior is this. Making pranks at such a serious time." Ash says in a venomous worried tone as he eyes the doctor menacingly.

"Exactly why we should be worried. She is in perfect health. Yet something real caused caused her, and if I may add you, to faint. The fact that we don't know what is going on. That is worrisome." Doctor says. Diantha is about to say something when Serena walks out of the OR in a groggy way while yawning and rubbing her face.

"SERENA." Ash shouts so loudly which causes everyone to get startled and Serena to get shocked out of her drowsy state. He runs then hoist her up and twirls her in the air in a full circle before putting her down and trapping her in a tight embrace.

"What happened in there. I thought something happened to you there Sere." Ash says as he laughs and a few tears come out of his eyes.

"I don't know Ash. I am sorry if I scared you but I am sure glad to be in your tight embrace almost to the point of not being able to breath." Serena says causing Ash to apologize and loosen his air tight bear hug.

"Oh my baby." Grace says as she hugs them both only to be joined by Delia a moment later.

"I am sorry I worried you mom. I don't know what happened myself. All I remember is a swirling blue. A Dragon Pulse. Then my sensation went weak in the knees and my body stiffened following which I blacked out." Serena says in a confused tone.

"That's exactly what happened to Ash." Lance mutters.

"Indeed. Well we'll let you 4 have some alone time. There is a meeting in my office in a couple of hours. We'll discuss all the matters that need to be discussed there. Till then eat, drink, relax and decompress." Diantha says as she walks out of the lobby.

(2 hours later)

"How are you feeling now Serena?" Diantha asks as Ash, Serena, Grace and Delia enter Diantha's office.

"Fine. Had a bite. Slept for a hour. Feeling nice." Serena says when she takes a seat.

"Alright. Here is where we stand now. The final battle will be between you 2. But the stadium has been pretty badly wrecked. So the final match will start in 2 days time. The entire Pokemon league and all the entire Pokemon league along with all the island kahunas will be present. The battle will be broadcasted to all the regions including the Alola region." Diantha says.

"Personally I don't think that Ash and Serena should battle for a while." Grace objects.

"You are right however so much has already gone through. It will be pointless to stop the competition now. Also that is why the battle will take place after 2 days so that Ash and Serena can get the required rest needed." Diantha says.

"But what if the same thing happens again?" Delia says.

"That's is why Greninja and Milotic will not be used in the final battle. Ash and Serena will have the use of all of their other 14 Pokemon but not these ones. I hope this is alright for the two of you." Diantha says.

"That's fine by us. We'll manage just fine." Ash says which is seconded by Serena.

"But Ash." Delia starts only to be cut off by Ash.

"Mom. We'll be fine. We are your children. We'll be absolutely fine. Just trust us." Ash says as he holds one of Delia's hands tightly so as to reassure her.

"I. I. I don't know. I don't like this. I was very worried when you fainted. It's not like anything we have ever seen before." Delia says.

"Even I have to agree on that. Can you show us what exactly happened with us. Till now we have been in the dark." Serena says to which Diantha nods, turns around, click the button on a remote which is pointing to the screen. A video starts playing.

"That's my battle with Iris. Where Greninja fought her Dragonite!" Ash exclaims.

"Indeed. Now watch closely." Oak says as everyone has their eyes glued to the monitor.

"Grenin JAAAAAAAA." the video says as Greninja gets covered in a veil of swirling water.

Everyone sees Ash and Serena as they watch the video without even batting an eyelash.

"What incredible speed and power!" Ash mutters to Serena's agreement.

"Now the next battle." Oak says as he presses a button on the remote after the battle is over.

"Interesting." Serena murmurs when she sees that when Milotic takes the Thunder Fang she drops on her knees as well.

A few minutes later Oak switches of the video and then looks at Ash and Serena who appear to be deep in thought.

"Well? Anything you would like to share with us?" Sycamore asks as Ash and Serena get up and start pacing the room while being immersed in deep thought.

"Is that all the information you have to offer? Coz it's not a lot to go on." Ash asks.

"I have some information. After the weird incident with Ash's Greninja I had an inkling that something similar might happen. So I without telling anyone was analyzing the energy emission pattern during the entire course of Serena's battle with Tobias." Sycamore says as he gets up and starts setting up the projector.

"That reminds me. How is Tobias Drayden?" Cynthia asks Drayden.

"He's still recovering from the battle. Being defeated like that despite using 5 Legendary Pokemon including one that can Mega Evolve took a toll on him. His Pokemon are also recovering from the injuries of the battle." Drayden replies to which Diantha nods.

"Alrighty then. Here we go." Sycamore says while shutting off the lights as everyone looks at the projector screen.

"As you can see these are the energy levels from the battle emitted by Milotic in its battle with Raikou." Sycamore says.

"The distribution seems normal." Serena observes.

"Yeah. But this won't give us a better picture. Instead of (energy emitted) vs time. Show us the plot of (energy emitted)^2 * (blood pressure of Serena) vs time." Ash says as everyone looks at him with a confused look.

"(energy emitted)^2 * blood pressure of Serena?" Sycamore asks in a bewildered tone.

"Yes." Ash repeats.

"U mm. Well. Wait for a moment then." Sycamore says as he starts to type in some commands.

"What scale is this Ash?" Kukui asks.

"One which you won't know about." Serena replies.

"Alright that should do it." Sycamore says as he presses a button and the graph changes.

"Fascinating distribution." Burnet says as she gets up and looks at it.

"Indeed." Rowan replies.

"This is normal. Skip to the part of the graph where Milotic was covered in a swirling blue veil of water." Serena says as Sycamore presses a button and the graph changes.

"There. The abrupt disturbance in the pattern." Serena says while pointing out the abrupt peaks that appear with increased frequency during a several short intervals.

"Not to mention, look at the way the amplitude has shot up. It has passed the limit of the Aura-Evolution Barrier by leaps and bounds." Ash comments as well as his fingers trace the large amplitude. He then turns to Sycamore and says.

"The energy readings are too high for the normal evolution energy levels. Instead of analyzing for evolution energy analyze for Mega Evolution energy." Ash says.

"Mega Evolution energy?" Sycamore asks in a shocked tone.

"Yes. Plot the graph with the same scale as I told. Do you have any problems?" Ash asks.

"No. It's just that I didn't expect you to know all this." Sycamore says as he pushes a few more buttons.

"Of course you didn't." Ash says as they patiently wait for the graph to change.

"This is most bizarre." Serena say as the scale is switched from Normal Evolution energy to Mega Evolution Energy.

"Yes. The amplitude is still higher than normal, though not much but still higher. Not to mention these sudden drops in the level at random intervals." Ash points out.

"Look at this point. There is a huge amount of disturbance locally situated in this interval." Serena points out to a point in the graph.

"Well let's check the footage at that point of time." Ash says as he points to Sycamore which punches a few commands.

"Interesting. This is the point where you collapsed on your knees in pain." Ash remarks.

"The most bizarre thing is that the Mega Evolution Energy molecular signature is missing." Serena remarks to which Ash nods.

"Molecular Signature?" Sycamore stammers.

"Yup. Every time a Pokemon Mega Evolves a molecular signature is generated which is reflected in the graph made by the Evolutionary Harmonic Scale, the scale you are using now. Here I'll show you. Pull up the data for any other Mega Evolved Pokemon then plot the graph according to the scale Ash told you." Serena instructs Sycamore who pulls Alain's Charizard X data and plots the graph.

"You see." Serena says as she traces the signature with her finger.

"Incredible. We have never seen anything like this before." All the professors remark as all of them stand up and come close to the graph while ensuring that they don't come in front of the projector display light.

"That is because you have never used this scale before." Serena answers.

"This is the molecular signature of the Mega Evolution Energy which occurs for all Pokemon when they Mega Evolve. But here in the case of Serena's Milotic there is no signature despite all the other attributes of the graph screaming Mega Evolution." Ash says.

"Alright. We can't think of anything else at the moment. So switch the lights back on and close the projector." Ash says as he and Serena begin pacing the room in a tense manner.

"What else have you learned from the Dragon Emperor?" Lance asks as Delia switches on the lights and Sycamore shuts down the laptop and the projector.

"We learnt a few things. Now shush. For we have some contemplating to do." Ash says as he and Serena continue pacing the room while everyone else gives each other confused glances.

After a few minutes of silent pacing they both say at the same time "We need to call in the Dragon Emperor."

"That is absolutely out of the question. The entire fate of the Pokemon league, Showcases and Contests hangs in the balance here. If the tournament ends on a strong note then the Pokemon leagues, showcases and contests will be restarted. The last thing we need is the presence of the man because of who the Pokemon world has come to a standstill." Diantha says in a firm tone while standing up.

"But Diantha. We are dealing with something completely unknown even to us. We need to call the Dragon Emperor to deal with whatever this is." Serena argues back.

"I am sorry but he will not come till the competition is over. I want it to end on a high note. The entire Pokemon industry has been paralyzed due to his actions." Diantha snaps.

"Very well then. But we are calling him the instant the competition is over. Neither me or Ash like being kept in the dark." Serena says.

"That may be. Once the declaration that the Pokemon league has been reopened has been made then you can call your teacher. Till then. Cool your heels and prepare for the final battle." Diantha says. Ash and Serena want to argue back but they decide against it.

"Very well. We'll take our leave now." Ash says while getting up.

"You may. I'll see you later." Diantha says as Ash and Serena give a curt bow and leave the room along with Grace and Delia.

"What else do those 2 know?" Lance asks Diantha.

"Don't ask me. I haven't taught them all this." Diantha replies as all the professors analyze all the Mega Evolution data with the scale Ash and Serena have just told them about.

"Whatever it may be. One thing I agree with Serena on is that no one like being kept in the dark." Cynthia says to which all the champions agree.

"Well. Whatever be the case. We'll have to just deal with whatever comes our way. Till then best keep an eye on things around here." Diantha says as all the champions nod.

(Later in the night)

"You know. When you fell down on one knee I got so scared that I literally bolted out of the room." Ash says as he is on the bed completely naked with Serena resting her head on his chest while being entirely naked as well.

"You did? I am touched. Though you shouldn't have." Serena says as she brings her face closer to Ash's.

"Well you can't blame me. I can't bear to see the best thing that happened in my life, harmed in any way." Ash says as he softly strokes Serena's hair.

"How exactly am I the best thing that happened to you. Pray continue." Serena says as she crawls right in front of Ash's face.

"Well you are beautiful, headstrong. I have never seen anyone with such luscious beautiful honey blonde hair as yours. If I could have my way I would do nothing but snuggle in them all day long as I smell the vanilla oil in your hair." Ash says as he kisses Serena.

"Go on." Serena say wanting to hear her praise after kissing back.

"Your lips are so soft. They are almost like chocolate Tiramisu. Soft, Delicious and you always want to go back for more." Ash says causing Serena to giggle as she wraps her fingers around Ash's even tightly.

"Your eyes. Sparkling azure blue like the pure ocean. If I could I would get lost in them for a very long time. Preferably forever." Ash says while smirking.

"In that case why don't I get a little closer so that I can get lost in your chocolate brown hazel eyes as well." Serena says as her lips now are millimeters away from Ash.

"What else Ashy?" Serena says as she is really feeling strong cravings for Ash right now.

"I love your butt. It's very fuckable as are your breasts." Ash whisper in Serena's ears as he knows exactly what he and for that matter Serena wants after a trying day like this.

"You know I feel the same way about you." Serena whispers seductively as she wraps her hands around Ash's neck while he grabs her breasts as she wraps her feet around his cock causing him to let loose a whimper while breathing down Ash's left ear knowing that it will send Ash over the edge and allow her to win the bet on who can seduce who faster.

"You win. I can't hold back any longer. Come her you." Ash says as he gets up and pins Serena on the bed while getting on top of her as Serena giggles.

<Very small Lemon Hint>

"About time Ashy. Though I am surprised you took so long. It's not polite to keep a lady waiting. Especially a horny one." Serena says while smiling as Ash starts going down on her.

"Yes. That's it Ashy. Right there. Don't you fucking dare stop." Serena shouts as her eyes roll back with every wave of pleasure and her tits rhythmically go back and forth while being penetrated by Ash to no end in sight.

<Lemon Mention Ends>

(Meanwhile in Diantha's Bedroom)

Diantha is sleeping in her bed. Cynthia is sleeping in the other bed in the same room. Both of them are stirring in their sleep while twisting violently. They are both sweating and have a tortured expression on their faces.

"NOOOOOOO." Diantha and Cynthia shout as they lurch out of their beds at the same time.

"Thank Arceus." They both say in unison as they realize that they had a nightmare with each oblivious to the other's condition.

"Cynthia. Oh my god. I am so sorry. I had a nightmare. I woke you up." Diantha says as she sees that she has woken Cynthia up.

"Why are you apologizing Diantha. I woke you up because of a nightmare I had." Cynthia says in a concerned tone.

"Wait what?" They both say in unison while getting a shock.

"Oh well. Sorry anyway. Though probably your dream was nowhere as crazy as mine." Diantha say as wipes of the sweat of her forehead.

"You wish. I had a really nightmarish nightmare with the Dragon Emperor in it. Think you can beat that?" Cynthia says while drinking some water.

"What? You had a dream about the Dragon Emperor as well?" Diantha asks in a shocked tone she get out of the bed in her pajamas as well.

"Did we have the same dream by any chance?" Cynthia asks while getting out of her bed as well.

"I don't know. You tell me. What was your dream about?" Diantha asks.

"Well Dragon Emperor was standing in the middle of some ruins. he said something which wasn't every clear. Suddenly the air went cold and the wind began to howl. The ground began to crack and the clouds went pitch black." Cynthia says.

"Followed by several bolts of black lightning which destroyed wherever they landed. Then the light went out completely and it became pitch black in the middle of the day with only light provided by the occasional bolts of purplish black lightning." Diantha continues as both of them began to sweat.

"Then the darkness starting dissipating with the Dragon Emperor nowhere to be seen. Only an ominous, cackling evil laughter of his could be heard echoing throughout the place." Cynthia finishes moments before both Diantha and Cynthia chug down an entire second glass of water to reinforce themselves.

"What the hell is going on? Is our life not complicated enough already." Diantha asks Cynthia who is also trying to bring down her breathing rate.

"I have no clue Diantha." Cynthia replies.

(2 hours Later in Ash and Serena's bedroom)

"We'll be facing each other in 2 days time." Ash says as Serena nods as they are both exhausted after their sexual romp.

"Yeah. I know. To be honest. I don't know what will happen then." Serena says as she turns around then wraps her hand around Ash so that she can snuggle with the person she loves before falling asleep.

"We are the Dragon Emperor's students. So we have to give it our all." Ash says.

"Yes. But regardless of what happens you are mine and I am yours for that matter for ever. Nothing will ever change that. Battle or no battle. Dragon Emperor or no Dragon Emperor. Nothing will every change the fact that I love you Ash." Serena says as she rests her head on Ash's hand and is face to face with him.

"Me too. I love you too Serena Yvonne. I think I did from the moment I laid my eyes on you all those years ago when we were children." Ash says as Serena smiles before they kiss each other good night.

<Author's note begins>

We see Serena also performing a similar fusion. Now what happens ahead. Anyone care to venture a guess.

Also I have one music video in the entire chapter. It's tension music for what is to follow. Music is something which almost everyone avoids. Please give it a rating out of 10. Thank you. Especially AmourQueenAlice and R0ck3t_FiRe.

<Author's note ends>

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