8 : Initiation Day

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( Next Morning )

Serena's eyes open the next morning. She yawns and stretches her arms to rid her body of lethargy. She sees Ash still fast asleep and smiles. She stands up and opens the window to breathe in the fresh morning air. It is indeed a lovely morning and that too one where she has woken up without the threat of Fletchling waking her up with a Peck attack. She then walks into the other room to check on the Pokemon. Seeing them asleep, she walks to the kitchen to get some water. Suddenly there is a knock on the door. She opens the door to find her mom standing there all dressed up and ready.

"Morning sweetheart. Ready for your big day?" Grace says while walking inside and sitting at the dining table.

"Yup. As ready as I ever will be," Serena replies.

"Where is Ash?" Grace asks.

"Oh! he is still asleep. We were up late for quite a while last night," Serena says.

Grace's eyes suddenly narrow. Serena seeing that says "No mom, we didn't have sex. Just kissed each other. It's too soon to get so intimate with each other. Besides I haven't broken up with Calem yet."

"Why not? I would dump that pompous prick without a moment's thought," Grace says.

Serena smiles on hearing that and says, "Oh! Trust me I will, the second I get the chance."

Suddenly, there is a violent banging at the door. Grace and Serena both look at each other with a puzzled expression.

"Which lunatic is banging on the door at this early hour?" Serena says in an annoyed tone while unlocking the door.

As soon as she opens it, she turns white as chalk upon seeing Calem standing there with a livid expression.

"What is the meaning of this?" Calem shouts at the top of his voice as he shoves a newspaper into Serena's face. Serena looks at the article in the newspaper titled 'Kalos Queen dumps next in line for Elite Four'.

Serena looks at it for a few moments then calmly hands the paper over to Calem and says, "The truth Calem. We are done being girlfriend and boyfriend. I am breaking up with you."

Calem looks back at her with a shell-shocked expression. A few moments later he suddenly pushes Serena back with his hands. He pushes her with such force that Serena falls down on the ground.

"What do you mean we are done? No one walks away from me like that," Calem yells with a venomous tone with his spit flying all over the place.

"Behave, young man. Or I shall be forced to report you to the authorities," Grace says as she goes to the defence of her daughter.

"You think I am scared of you? I know you must have been the one who turned Serena against me. You pathetic woman," Calem snarls.

"Calem! Don't you dare insult my mom," Serena angrily shouts while standing up. 

Grace, on the other hand, is silent. She's visibly shocked at Calem's behaviour. She sees Calem get angry at Serena and raise his hand to slap her. Serena closes her eyes and shields her face with her arms, awaiting the slap which never comes.

She slowly opens her eyes to see Ash standing between her and Calem. His expression, livid with anger. His face resounding with pure rage and his left arm is tightly held around that arm of Calem with which he was going to slap her.

"You put a hand on either of them. You lose the hand," Ash says slowly, each syllable resonating with anger while pushing Calem away from Serena.

"Who the hell do you think you are? Mind you own business asshole," Calem says while again moving to hurt Serena.

Ash's fingers instinctively curl into a fist and few seconds Calem is sent tumbling on the floor while wincing in pain.

"If you don't leave now. Then I will call the police and take legal action against you!" Grace shouts at the top of her voice.

Calem, reluctantly, leaves. But not before shooting a look of pure venom at the three of them.

"Oh Ash," Serena says before starting to cry. Ash instinctively pulls her into a warm embrace and consoles her while kissing her on the forehead.

Even Grace collapses on the couch, visibly shaken at what just happened. After Serena has calmed down. Ash comes over to check on Grace.

"Mrs Yvonne? Are you alright?" Ash enquirers with concern.

"Yes. I am fine. Just a little rattled is all. That was very brave of you to defend my daughter like that," Grace remarks.

"Don't worry Mrs Yvonne. I will never let that creep lay so much as a finger on you or Serena. You both are my family," Ash says while attempting to keep his anger in check. 

Grace gives a little smile on hearing that. Ash then walks over to the fridge and pulls out a carton of milk. He heats two half-filled glasses.

"Here drink. Warm milk is always good for comforting yourself," Ash says as he gives a glass to Grace and Serena each.

"Feeling better. More fortified?" Ash asks after they both finish drinking.

"Yeah. Thanks," Grace replies.

Serena merely replies with a nod.

"I still don't get something, Serena? How can you even agree to go out with a jerk like that in the first place," Ash asks Serena, seeing Serena has calmed down.

"When I first met Calem. I must say I was attracted to his rough rugged charismatic personality. Besides, Palermo told me that it would be good PR for me to have a seasoned battler as a boyfriend. After his background check came clear she told me to go ahead so when he asked me out again, I tentatively accepted. But then he slowly started becoming more and more controlling and a shade aggressive and abusive. As time passed we both started drifting apart from each other. Even mom knows that in the past few weeks we've fought quite a bit. But now that he insulted mom, I don't know if I ever want to see his face again," Serena replies remorsefully with some tears still shining in her eyes.

"Yes. I am glad that that is over," Grace says while sweating.

"Don't get your hopes up so soon. A Persian always reveals it's true fangs when it is backed into a corner," Ash says as he turns around to go into the bathroom.

"Mom? What did he mean by that?" Serena says while wiping the last tears in her eyes.

"What he meant was that this isn't over. Calem will try to hurt us again. Now that I think of it Ash might be right," Grace replies after a moment's thought.

"Alright. The bathroom is free. The Initiation ceremony is in one hour. You are up Serena," Ash says while coming out.

"Thanks. Ash," Serena says as she goes to use the bathroom.

When Serena leaves, Ash sits down in front of Grace with a serious expression. "We need to have a talk," he says.

"I had a feeling you were going to say that," Grace replies.

"For starters. Tell me everything you know about that creep," Ash says.

Later, when Serena comes out of the bathroom all refreshed, Ash and Grace are chatting with Delia on the laptop.

"It's so nice to see you Grace," Delia says with a smile.

"You too Delia. It has been a long while now that I come to think of it," Grace answers.

Both mothers are ecstatic at talking with each other after such a long time. They are also happy regarding Ash and Serena but decide not to tease them for the moment.

"Now, I am actually relieved. Someone is there who can take care of my little boy," Delia replies giggling.

"Oh! Your son is actually taking care of us. I am so glad Serena is dating him," Grace says which causes Ash and Serena to flush.

"We aren't dating yet. I mean I haven't asked Sere out formally," Ash replies.

"I don't think you need to," Grace says as she sees how Serena is blushing heavily before turning to the computer screen.

"Well, that is excellent. Looks like I will win our wager after all Grace," Delia remarks while smirking.

"It will be my pleasure to lose this bet. We would love to chat further we have got to go. The Initiation ceremony will be starting soon and for Ash and Serena, attendance is compulsory," Grace replies.

"Ash, I want you to take good care of Serena. No screw ups or you'll get an earful from me too. Girls like her come once in a blue moon," Delia says which causes Ash to gulp.

"Serena, if he does screw up do go gentle on him. You're the only girl he's ever been interested in," Delia says after turning to Serena.

Serena turns a bright red on hearing that last comment. She then looks at her feet which shuffle out of nervousness. Delia smiles but doesn't say anything. She merely nods to Grace before disconnecting the chat.

"Alright, you two. Time to head to the food court for breakfast. From there, straight to the Initiation ceremony," Grace says as she gestures everyone to move along.

(1 hour later)

"Welcome one, welcome all to another brand new year at the Kalos Institute of Pokemon," Diantha says into the microphone while the crowd erupts with cheer.

"For all who don't know me yet, my name is Diantha. I am the champion of the Kalos region and the owner of KIP" she says while giving a small bow.

The entire stadium echoes with cheer and clapping which causes Diantha to smile.

"And with me on stage are my elite four. First and foremost, Malva the fire type trainer followed by Wikstrom, the steel type trainer. Then we have Drasna the dragon master and finally Seibold the water type trainer," Diantha cries as she ushers her Elite Four onto the stage.

The crowd erupts in cheers once again as they see their elite four waving back at them.

"Last, but not least. We have the headmaster of this renowned institution. The man responsible for keeping this institution at the prestigious position of number one. The leading authority on mega evolution. Please give a warm welcome to Professor Sycamore," Diantha says as Sycamore walks onto the stage with a big smile.

The crowd, once again, erupts with clapping and cheer. Diantha then raises her hand as she motions everyone to be silent. After all the cheering has subsided, Diantha once again resumes speaking.

"Now, the time has come for the revered initiation ceremony to begin. For all those who don't know. This tradition has been going on in the Kalos Institute of Pokemon for the past 20 years," Diantha says before taking a small pause.

"Here is how this ceremony goes. All new students who have joined KIP this year first come on the stage with their Kalos Pokemon. Then both student and Pokemon have blindfolds placed on their eyes. The Pokemon enters the room behind me while the student enters the room behind Professor Sycamore," Diantha says while gesturing to the two rooms, "Inside the room are kept various pouches. Both student and Pokemon each choose one pouch from their room, come out and remove their blindfolds. Inside each pouch, there is a piece of paper with a code on it. When the student and Pokemon come outside, the pouches are opened and the codes are combined. The combined code is entered into the computer and based on the code the student and Pokemon receives a gift marks the beginning of their journey in KIP. The gift can be anything from vacation offers to evolution stones etc. So, now the announcer will read out the names of all first-year students. I request them all to come one by one with their Kalos Pokemon when their name is started. Let the bond between you and your Pokemon guide you to the symbol which shall signify the start of your journey in the Kalos Institute of Pokemon," Diantha says before handing the mike over to the announcer.

After a few students have already been called out, the announcer says "Ash Ketchum."

"Serena hold Pikachu for me will you?" Ash asks Serena.

"Sure. No problem," Serena replies with a smile.

Pikachu wastes no time in jumping into Serena's arms. Ash watches in amazement as Pikachu nuzzles his cheeks with Serena's, which causes her to giggle. Serena then pets Pikachu and give it a sloppy little kiss on the forehead which causes Pikachu to coo in delight. Ash then walks away and onto the stage with Froakie. Both of them enter their respective rooms with blindfolds on.

Meanwhile, in the stands Gary sees Ash walking up to the stage and shouts, "Ashy-boy. No way. What is he doing here? Grandpa never told me anything about this."

"Looks like he made it in alright," Paul replies as he sits with his arms and legs crossed.

"That's nice. I haven't seen him since the Sinnoh league. Heard that he flunked the Unova league." Brock remarks.

Dawn and May become ecstatic on seeing Ash. They both start cheering for Ash profusely. Drew and Barry, instantly, get a bit annoyed seeing Dawn and May so excited.

"I wish I got half the attention that Ash gets," Drew sighs quietly.

"Tell me about it. I don't know what they like about him? His creepy hairstyle or his stupidity," Barry replies.

Meanwhile, in a far-away corner of the stadium, Calem is standing with his arms rigidly crossed with each other. His face is imbued with hatred and anger.

"Just you wait, Ketchup. I shall make your's, and Serena's life a living hell. No one talks to the next elite four like that," Calen snarls as he glares at Ash.

Meanwhile, on the stage, both Ash and Froakie come back with their pouches. Sycamore opens the pouches and enters the combined code into the computer. After a while, the computer sends out a black box. Ash opens it only to find two stones in it.

Sycamore's eyes widen as he takes the microphone from the announcer and says "Ladies and gentlemen this is extraordinary. Ash and his Froakie have got a mega stone and a keystone. This combination has not been claimed by anyone in the last 6 years. So everyone, please join me in giving him a round of applause."

Even Diantha gets shocked for a few moments, but she quickly pushes those feeling away and joins in with everyone else to give Ash a round of applause. Ash gets nervous and stumbles. Serena who's not taking her eyes off him, giggles. He gives a short bow before going off stage. Ash and Froakie quietly walk back towards Serena and Grace.

"Congrats Ash. A very special memento indeed. Now you can extend your battling style to include mega evolution. That is if you have the right Pokemon to go with the mega stone," Grace says with a smile.

"That was wonderful," Serena says as she gives Ash a smile.

Pikachu jumps out of Serena's hands and congratulates Froakie while conversing in Poke-speech.

"Thanks, you two. But how do I know, with which Pokemon does this mega stone pair with?" Ash asks.

"I am sure professor Sycamore will be able to help you with that sweetie," Grace sweetly replies.

Ash smiles back at Grace then asks, "Grace what was your first Pokemon, if I may ask?"

"Not at all. My first Pokemon was a Gogoat which Serena's grandfather gave to me," Grace replies. Ash, Serena and Grace continue talking with Pikachu and Froakie listening intently.

A good while later Serena says, "Wish me luck, I am up next." 

"You don't need it. Kalos Queen," Ash says before giving her a thumbs up.

Serena reciprocates the smile, then tosses Braixen's Pokemon. Then she runs off with Braixen. Ash looks around to see everyone staring at him, all of them wondering who's this bff of the Kalos Queen and are they just friends?

"Finally, we have the last student. The student you've all been waiting for. The epitome of beauty and grace all across Kalos. Give it up for the one and only, Kalos Queen, Serena!" the announcer announces.

The entire crowd erupts into cheers. Even Gary, Paul and Brock look at her with pink hearts popping out of their eyes.

"I wish she would become my queen," Gary drools at her.

"No. She doesn't want a loser like you," Paul aggressively snaps at Gary.

"Look who is talking? The coldest person I have ever met who doesn't even talk to normal girls without intimidating them and you think you have a shot with her. Fat chance," Gary snaps back.

"Neither of you, stand a chance against me," Brock while smirking.

"We don't need to. As long as you have your Toxicroak with you," Paul remarks with a smirk which causes a growl to form on Brock's face and a smirk to come on Gary's face.

To everyone's amusement, a fight breaks out. After a while, Dawn and May eventually manage to separate Paul, Brock and Gary who are fighting each other like a trio of angry Rhyhorn.

Suddenly the announcer's announcement catches their attention, "Ladies and Gentlemen. Serena has got a fire stone and with this, we conclude the morning session of the Initiation ceremony. See you all after lunch for the special event we have planned out for all of you to enjoy." the announcer says as everyone rises in order to disperse.

(Later in the food court)

Serena, along with her mother, look for a spot to sit. Ash is not there since he has gone to the washroom along with Pikachu.

"Serena stay here. I will go look for a place to sit," Grace says before walking away.

Suddenly Brock lands in front of Serena and stretches out his hand.

"You are the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen. Will you go on a date with me," Brock says.

Before Serena can think or do anything, Toxicroak comes out of his Poke-ball and gives Brock a poison jab in his back. Everyone watches as Brock sinks to the ground slowly with his face contorted in pain. Serena watches as Toxicroak drags Brock away out of sight. Gary, Paul and all the others fall on the floor, laughing. Serena is rooted to the spot as she tries to contemplate what just happened. She decides to ignore it and then turns around to check her phone. 

Paul says "My turn," to Gary before walking towards Serena.

He walks up to Serena, extends his hand and says "Hi. I am Paul, the second best battler in KIP. How do you do?"

"I am Serena. I know who you are," Serena replies, without even batting so much as an eyelash.

"You do?" Paul enquirers in a shocked tone. 

His eyes begin twinkling with excitement and hope.

"My ex-boyfriend Calem told that you and he were similar in the fact that sometimes you train your Pokemon by treating them as your servants. The only difference is that he did it with all of his Pokemon. I am freaking tired of Calem so I think it is best, for me, not to have another Calem near me. Have a nice day," Serena dismisses Paul while turning around and walking a little away. 

Paul returns, crest-fallen. All the others, including Brock, now laugh their lungs out at his predicament.

"So much for being the second best. Now watch and learn," Gary says as he walks over to Serena.

"Hello. My name is Gary. Gary Oak. How do you do?" Gary says as he extends his hand. 

At first, Serena gets annoyed, due to being approached by random people, but the moment she hears Oak she instantly calms down.

"Hi. My name is Serena. I admire your grandfather a lot," Serena replies as she shakes Gary's hand.

"Whoa. Gary is actually faring better than us?" Brock says in a surprised tone. Paul acknowledges this with a sorrowful irritated nod.

"Say? If you are free someday, you could come and watch a movie with me and my grandpa," Gary suggests.

"I would love that," Serena replies while smiling.

"You would?" Gary says as his heart practically skips a beat. Then he turns around and gives Brock and Paul a smirk, who do nothing but glare back at him.

"What I mean to say is I would love to go with your grandpa. I must thank him for yesterday," Serena says.

"Yesterday? What do you mean by that?" Gary asks in a confused tone.

"Oh! The thing is. It was due to him I had my first romantic dance with my new boyfriend," Serena says while smiling.

Gary's expression changes from smiling to dumbstruck. Then he gives a quick smile, takes his leave and walks back to Paul and Brock with a crushed expression.

"What happened buddy? Why are you sad? You actually managed to get further than either of us could?" Brock asks in an equally confused tone. After Gary finishes telling them what happened, they all fall down on the floor while choking with laughter.

"So. To top it off, your own grandfather sealed your shot with the Kalos Queen. How ironic is that?" Barry says as he wipes his tears while rolling with laughter.

"Yeah," replies Gary in a low spirit.

"Hey, guys. Long time, no see," Ash shouts as he comes running towards them.

"Hey, Ashy-boy. Good to see you dude," Gary hugs Ash.

"Missed you dude," Brock says as he does the same.

"Long time no see Ash," Dawn says in a flirtatious voice as she hugs Ash tightly and deeply.

"It has been far too long Ash," May says as she hugs Ash tightly as well.

"Hey everyone. It is good to see guys after a long time. We sure did have some good times. Didn't we?" Ash says as old memories resurface in everyone's minds.

"Yeah, we did," everyone replies.

"So, how have you all been?" Ash asks.

"Good. What about you?" Brock replies.

"Oh! Before I forget let me introduce you to someone special." Ash says as he turns around and calls Serena, "This is Serena." Ash says after Serena joins him. Everyone else looks in a curious manner at Ash.

 "She is my roommate and my girlfriend," Ash says with a proud tone.

There's a moment of dead silence as everyone tries to process what Ash just said.

"What?" Brock mutters in a dazed tone.

"She's my girlfriend. Isn't she great?" Ash repeats while Serena intertwines her hands with Ash's.

Paul, Gary, Brock, Dawn and May fall down on the ground with swirly eyes. Both Ash and Serena turn to each other slowly. They look at each other trying to contemplate what just happened while Barry and Drew laugh their lungs out while hugging each other. Ash is about to ask them what just happened when suddenly they both hear Grace calling them. Ash and Serena turn around and leave. They find Grace sitting at a table with two other children, both with lemon blonde hair.

"Hi! I am Clemont, the Lumiose city gym leader. I am an inventor and this is my partner Bunnelby," the older male child replies.

"Hi! I am Bonnie, his sister. This is my soon-to-be-partner, Dedenne," the little blonde girl replies.

"I was just talking to these lovely children while waiting for you both," Grace explains.

"Oh! That's alright Grace. Hi, I am Ash from Pallet town. My girlfriend obviously needs no introduction," Ash says with his finger pointing to Serena.

"You're the Kalos Queen!!" Bonnie squeals in excitement as both Ash and Serena take seats opposite Clemont and Bonnie.

"The Pokemon cuddled in my girlfriend's lap is my partner Pikachu," Ash says while pointing to Pikachu who seems to have selected a new favourite napping place.

"How cute. May I please pet it?" Bonnie asks as she examines Pikachu.

"Sure you can. He will be up soon for his lunch. Then you can pet him all you want," Ash smiles back.

Meanwhile, Gary, Brock, Paul, Dawn and May have recovered from their, mental short-circuit induced, unconsciousness and are sitting at their table.

"How on the earth did Ashy-boy, the most-dense person, on this entire planet, when it comes to feelings and girls, get Serena to go out with him?" Gary whines in disappointment.

"Even without wanting it, he gets all the chicks. First Misty, then these two and now the Kalos Queen," Brock replies in the same crestfallen tone.

"As if losing battles wasn't enough. Now we can't even compete with him when it comes to women," Paul says while sighing.

"How can my Ash do that to me?" Both Dawn and May say at the same time. Then they both glare at each other and start a girl fight much to everyone's amusement.

After a few minutes, Paul shouts "Enough." in a tone loud enough to make then stop fighting and the neighbours stop eating and look at him.

"Let's just eat our food and get going," he says before walking to the food counter.

The others slowly nod before straightening themselves up and following suit.

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