83 : Victory and Defeat

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(In the Battlefield)

The wind is gently blowing across the battlefield. There is pin drop silence in the arena. No one is moving a muscle as everyone is watching the spectacle before their eyes with baited breath.

Ash is staring into Serena's eyes as she stares into Ash's. A low growling sound is coming from Sylveon and Charizard who are sizing each other up. Suddenly a drop of sweat forms near Ash's forehead and creates a drop like sound when it touches the ground. Both Ash and Serena's pupils immediately contract.

<Author Note Starts>

New music just for this epic clash. Do press play button while reading ahead.

<Author Note Ends>


"Fairy Wind." Serena commands as Sylveon creates a tornado with it's feelers.

"Flamethrower." Ash counters. The moment both attacks they create a narrow but sky scraping tall tornado of fire. As neither side stops the attack the diameter of the tornado keeps increasing along with the shaking of the stadium.

(In the VIP Box)

"This is insane." Diantha says while shielding her eyes from the brightness of the tornado of fire.

"I know." Cynthia shouts back while shielding her eyes as well. Meanwhile the tornado explodes and sends a shock wave which causes everyone to jump in their seats and fall back with a thud.

"Watch out." Lance shouts out of the blue as the computers before the professors start sparking aggressively. Oak and Sycamore are too paralyzed to do anything. Lance jumps over the sofa and kicks the trolley on which the computer are placed. The moment the trolley reaches the far end of the room the computers explode.

"Phew. That was close." Lance says as he puts his hand on his chest.

(Back in the Battlefield)

"Flash Cannon." Ash commands as Charizard roars.

"No biggie. Dark Pulse." Serena counters. Another explosion takes place as the attacks collide. Both Charizard and Sylveon get surrounded by a dust cloud which hides them from the spectators.

"Slash away to destruction with Metal Claw." Ash says as he swipes his hand in the heat of the moment.

"Show that thing how dark you can be. Night Slash." Serena snarls. The spectators see a flash of black and silver inside the dust bowl. Then the explosion after explosion goes of inside the dust bowl which makes it bigger and bigger. Even though the audience can't see the Pokemon they know when they are clashing because they can feel the periodic shock waves that are being sent through out the entire stadium every time the Pokemon are clashing.

After several small explosions take place a large explosion takes place which causes the dust bowl to collapse. The spectators see Sylveon and Charizard being sent back sliding towards their trainers.

"Aerial Ace." Ash and Serena shout in unison. On hearing the command both Sylveon and Charizard crouch for a moment before they shoot up the next moment. In the very next second they vanish with nothing but a trail of dust which is still going up. The spectators look everywhere but they don't see the Pokemon anywhere.

(In the VIP Box)

"Wh-Wh-where are they?" Grace asks in a stuttering tone.

"Don't forget. Aerial Ace takes some time to attack." Skyla replies.

Both Delia and Grace gulp as they look back to the battlefield.

(Back in the Battlefield)

Everyone is looking here and there but to no avail as there is no sign of the Pokemon. Suddenly a flash of pink and a flash of maroon red is seen in the sky. They clash with each other and vanish. The moment they clash they release a harsh ringing sound which forces everyone to cover their ears.

Soon nothing but slashes of pink and maroon can be seen in the sky. Spectators watch with awe as they are too paralyzed to move from their seats.

(in the VIP Box)

"Argh." Lance says as he clamps his ears shut with his hands.

"What is this excruciating ringing sound?" Cynthia says as she too covers her ears with her face bearing a pained expression.

"They must be flying at supersonic speed. Which is why when they are clashing they are releasing vibrations which may very well burst our eardrums." Sycamore replies.

"That was a rhetoric question Sycamore. We don't have time for a learning curve here." Diantha snaps back as the Pokemon keep clashing and the bullet proof glass keeps developing more and more cracks.


( In the Battlefield )

Everyone watches as the 2 Pokemon clash. It's almost as if 2 katanas of pink and maroon colors are slashing away at each other. Suddenly Charizard falls back right in front of Ash.

"Get back up Charizard. Don't tell me you're going soft." Ash says. Charizard get up, roars and then flies back right into the sky. A few clashes later Sylveon is smashed in front of Serena.

"Don't you dare let up." Serena says as Sylveon gets back up and then again takes back into the sky.

After a few more clashes a huge explosion takes place. A few moments later Charizard and Sylveon land back in front of their trainers while staring down at each other. All the spectators sit back upright in their seats while rubbing the side of their heads to relieve the headache of the before experienced sonic torture session.

Ash and Serena are panting heavily with their hands on their knees. Their clothes are ripped in several places. There are a few cuts and gashes on their hands and forehead. But their expressions show no sign of giving up. They take a deep breath and stand back upright.

"Bulk Up." Ash commands.

"Sword Dance." Serena orders as well.

"Use Shadow Claw." Serena commands hoping to push Ash on the defensive.

"Fury Attack." Ash commands. Another round of explosion start going off. The spectators once again grip their seats in order to not fall of due to the intense shaking which commences once again.

(In the VIP Box)

"We need to stop them. At this rate the stadium will be destroyed." Diantha says.

"Cynthia. Your ears are bleeding." Goodshow says in a concerned tone.

"Don't worry Mr. Goodshow I can hear just fine." Cynthia replies while smiling weakly.

"Yeah. But we need to stop them." Alder says.

"Be my guest." Lance says.

"What do you mean? We shouldn't stop them?" Alder replies.

"To stop them we need to get down there. The stadium is shaking with every jolt. We won't even be able to walk to the battlefield much less stop them. Right now the best thing we can do is wait out the storm." Lance replies.

"Nonsense. We can get down there." Alder replies.

"Is that so? Why don't you take the lead on this one." Lance says in a sarcastic tone as he offers Alder the opportunity to prove him wrong.

"Why not?" Alder says as he gets up on his seat and tries walking to the door. A jolt of vibrations hit the room and Alder tries to maintain his balance only to fall face front into Goodshow's vanilla pudding. Alder lets out a sigh as he wipes the cream of his face after standing back on his feet. Then another jolt shakes the room which causes Alder to once again fall into what remains of Goodshow's pudding, much to his chagrin.

"Always a pleasure watching you work Alder." Lance say as Cynthia and Diantha try their best not to explode into laughter given the serious situation.

(In the Battlefield)

Sylveon and Charizard are dancing around each other. Charizard is using Fire Punch and Blaze Kick at the same time while Sylveon is countering with Shadow Claw and Shadow Sneak. Both keep jumping around and swing at the other with every opportunity.

"Use Fire Fang." Ash commands as Charizard opens its mouth which gets engulfed with flames.

"Thunder Fang." Serena snaps. Both Charizard and Sylveon bite down on the other at the exact same time. An explosion occurs which upon settling reveals both Sylveon and Charizard still locked in a stalemate.

Charizard smashes a Fire Punch right into Sylveon's Shadow Claw which causes an explosion which not only send them sliding back but also knocks their trainers off balance.

"Use Thunderbolt." Serena commands.

"Block with Dragon Breath." Ash orders.

"Use Thunder." Serena snaps. Sylveon roars as it unleashes a powerful Thunder which also causes a lot of the boulders in the ground to be sent flying towards Charizard.

"Dragon Pulse." Ash roars. Charizard fires a powerful Dragon Pulse which creates an explosion and sends the boulders flying everywhere. Some spectators are forced to jump aside to avoid getting hit by some of the boulders.

"Use Wild Charge." Serena says while slashing through the air with her hand.

"Flare Blitz." Ash commands. An intense collision occurs which sends torrents of sandy wind into the stands forcing the spectators to shield their eyes with their hands.

"Alright then. Psychic." Serena orders as the referee runs away deciding that his life is more precious than judging this match.

"Burn the force field away with Flame Charge." Ash commands as Charizard gets covered with flames which destroys the Psychic force field.

"Use Iron Head." Ash commands.

"Giga Impact." Serena snarls.


(In the VIP Box)

"What are they doing? Why aren't they stopping?" Delia asks as she starts to cry. Grace who is also on the verge of tears comforts Delia who buries her sobbing face in Grace's shoulder.

"They are not stopping because they can't control it anymore." Lance replies.

"What do you mean?" Sycamore asks.

"In the Kanto region where I come from. I grew up listening to stories from my grand mother. They were stories about Pokemon being used to wage war and so forth." Lance says.

"Continue." Diantha replies.

"Sometimes in those stories there used to be Pokemon battles which went on for days. In the rare cases even months. The reason why this happened was that those warriors of old were so strong that they used to lose all self control and inhibition and start to purely battle on their raw instinct guided by their training." Lance says before pausing for a moment.

"Of course I didn't believe them. I thought that these stories were just meant to scare children at a young age but now I am not so sure." Lance says.

"What do you mean?" Dawn asks.

"What he means is that there is always a grain of truth in the legends of old." Goodshow replies. Lance nods and then continues.

"Take a good look at Ash and Serena. Have any of you been noticing the way at times they have been baring their teeth just like a wild Pokemon does?" Lance replies.

"I have. I must say I am shocked that Serena would behave in this way." Palermo replies.

"You misunderstand. That is not Serena. At least not the one we are used to. Those two have become so engrossed in battle, so synchronized with their Pokemon's feelings that they have lost all self control and inhibition. They are battling on pure instinct with their minds in synchronization with their partners. One which is born of a primal need to survive. They are not using their intellect to battle. Instead their battling is being guided by pure instinct." Lance replies.

"But how can that be? They are using such excellent combination of moves." Alain cries.

"That is because their instinct is guided by the intensive training provided by the Dragon Emperor. All that fierce training in unforgiving conditions has been programmed into their instinct." Sycamore replies.

"But then how long will this continue?" Diantha asks.

"Till their body and mind's tolerance level is crossed. They won't stop clashing until their fighting spirit has been completely extinguished. Till then they will keep clashing." Oak replies.

"But they are taking so much stress. Their mind and body won't be able to handle it!" Delia says in a worried tone.

"I don't think you should be worried about them. They can handle it because of their training. It's the spectators who I am more worried about now." Lance replies as everyone gulps.

(In the Battlefield)

"Use Fire Spin." Ash roars in hoarse voice.

"Moon Blast." Serena snarls. Both attacks keep clashing and a energy sphere of red and pink gets formed where the Fire Spin and Moon Blast are clashing.

"Waaaaaaah." Ash and Serena roars as their Pokemon keep up the attack and the energy sphere starts glowing brighter and growing bigger and bigger with every passing moment.

Suddenly the energy sphere reaches its critical value and an explosion goes of which send Ash and Serena flying into the stand boundary wall knocking them both unconscious. A beam of energy shoots up into the sky as the stadium shakes viciously with all the spectators clinging on to their seats for dear life.

(In the VIP Box)

The cracked bullet proof glass wall shatters as all the VIP Box members are sent tumbling on the floor while the VIP Box shakes violently. When Diantha and the other get up they walk to the broken glass window to see that the battlefield has been covered with thick black smoke. Ash and Serena are unconscious with their body slumped against the boundary wall.

"Well that could have been a lot worse." Lance says while wincing in pain from his hurt shoulder. That very moment several explosions go off in the stadium stand and the spectators who till now have been paralyzed to their seats by fear finally go into a state of frenzy and chaos as everyone rushes for the nearest exit.

"You just had to say it. Didn't you." Diantha says before turning around.

"All gym leaders escort the spectators out in an orderly fashion. All Champions with me to battlefield arena. It seems that Ash and Serena have been knocked out cold. I only hope that it has knocked some sense into their heads as well." Diantha say as she rushes out of the VIP Box.

(10 Minutes Later)

Both Ash and Serena stir as they regain their consciousness.

"Argh. My head hurts." They say in unison as they get up and struggle to where they were standing originally.

"Ash Serena." Grace , Delia and the others say while running into the battlefield.

"Mom." Ash and Serena say in a weak voice as they see their mothers running towards them.

Delia and Grace are about to tackle their children into a hug when suddenly 2 unearthly roars come from the battlefield covered in black smoke. When the smoke clears Ash and Serena see Charizard and Sylveon standing in the battlefield with their eyes closed. The moment both the Pokemon open their eyes Ash and Serena suck in their breath as a sense of terror floods their minds. Their eyes are not visible. Instead both Sylveon and Charizard have an intense pink and maroon colors instead of their iris.

"Oh no." Ash and Serena say as they furiously search their belts for Sylveon and Charizard's Poke-ball. Then they see the Poke-balls lying on the ground inside their trainer boxes from where they were giving commands.

"F**k." Ash and Serena say as both Charizard and Sylveon give roars before they start firing random attacks into the empty stands thereby blowing portions of the stands to bits.

"What are they doing?" Diantha shouts as the Pokemon keep on firing Hyper Beams into the stands causing even more damage to the already partially destroyed stadium.

"We need to stop them. Go Dragonite." Lance says as he tosses his Pokemon. All the champions do the same.

"Flash Cannon." Steven commands.

"Dragon Pulse." Drake, Lance and Cynthia commands.

"Moon Blast." Diantha commands.

"Rock Tomb." Alder commands. All attacks fall on Charizard and cause an explosion.

All the champions look at Ash to see an expression of horror written on his face.

"Run you fools." Ash shouts while coughing. All the champions turn to see Charizard unscathed and looking exceptionally pissed off by what they have done.

"We just shit the bed. Didn't we?" Lance says as everyone else gulps. The next instant Charizard fires a Fire Spin at their Pokemon.

"Protect." All the Champions shout a moment the attack lands on their Pokemon. Another explosion takes place which lifts the champions of their feet. When they get back up they get shocked to see all their Pokemon fainted and all of them having second degree burns on their bodies. Grace and Delia on the other hand fall right in front of Ash who runs their faces trying to revive them back into consciousness.

The champions are too shocked to say anything. But when they see Charizard firing a second Fire Spin they instinctively recall their Pokemon back into their Pokemon before they get burnt to a crisp.

"Sylve." A growl comes from the left of the champions. They all turn to see Sylveon standing close to them while baring its teeth. It is about to launch a Moon Blast when suddenly a Hydro Cannon hits it from the left. It turns to see all of Ash and Serena's friends with their Pokemon out ready to help.

"Sylveon." Sylveon says as it fires the Moon Blast which knocks out all the Pokemon except the ones from the Alolan delegates and Gary's.

"Listen to me. They are too powerful. We need to put them back in their Poke-balls." Serena shouts.

"What are you waiting for then?" Diantha shouts back.

"The Poke-balls have fallen from out belts when we were sent flying. They are lying where we were standing. I'll try to get to them. But I'll need a distraction." Serena shouts.

"You've got it. Come out Incineroar." Kukui say as he bring out his Pokemon while signaling to Serena to go who nods after understanding the signal.

"Burn with your fiery might. Set your spirit ablaze with your burning passion. Malicious Moonsault." Kukui say as he unleashes his Pokemon's Z move. Everyone watches with shock as Sylveon simply uses one of it's feelers to stop the Z move in its track by swatting Incineroar's Z Move like a fly.

"What power." Kukui mutters as Incineroar is smashed into the ground right in front of him.

"Maybe this will help. Sacred beast Silvally accept this Steel drive and change to Steel type." Gladion says as he tosses a CD to Silvally.

"Multi Attack." Gladion orders.

"Use Powder Snow." Lillie commands.

"Inferno Overdrive." Kiawe orders.

"Hydro Pump." Gary orders.

Sylveon fires a Disarming voice which rips through everything and knocks all the other Pokemon out. Then it hears sound of footsteps running. It turns to see Serena running. It immediately fires a Shadow Ball.

"Serena watch out." Ash shouts as he sees the Shadow Ball closing in on Serena. Serena changes her trajectory at the last second as she sees the Shadow Ball from the corner of her eye. She doesn't get hit but is sent flying from the fallout of the Shadow Ball explosion on contact with the ground.

"Serena!." Grace says in a worried tone as she sees Serena has been knocked unconscious again.

"No. You stay here." Ash says as he restrains Grace.

"She's my daughter." Grace says in an uncontrollable emotional voice.

"And my responsibility. I can't put you in danger. Stay back here. I'll get her." Ash says in a firm tone as he gives Grace a reassuring nod and runs towards Serena.

Diantha on the mean time looks in shock as the the 2 Pokemon continue to fire random attacks into the sky and stands. Suddenly she sees a bright red swirling aura forming in Charizard's stomach which appears to grow brighter and brighter.

With her heart in her mouth she shouts "Draco Meteor. Take cover." and runs for it. Everyone runs left and right trying to avoid the meteors as they fall while trying to get to safety except Ash who is zig zagging his way to his unconscious love. He looks up to see a meteor about to fall right where Serena is lying unconscious.

"Serena." Ash shouts as he jumps with his hands stretched out completely. He lands on Serena and manages to roll with her a moment before the meteor lands which causes an explosion.

"Oh thank Arceus they are alright." Delia says as she tries to ensure that her thumping heart doesn't come out of her chest.

"Ash." Serena say in a dizzy tone as Ash hugs Serena tightly but gently.

"Oh Sere. Thank Arceus you are alright." Ash says before he gives her a deep kiss following which he hugs her emotionally. Serena smiles and reciprocates the hug. 

Both Ash and Serena are hugging in a peaceful manner when suddenly they hear a thud from their right. They break their hug and slowly turn to see Charizard standing near them while growling softly. Immediately their body starts shaking with fear as Charizard starts snarling and the growling sound becomes louder and louder.

"Ch-ch-Charizard P-p-please." Ash begs while stuttering as everyone watches with utter silence as they are too paralyzed to say anything. Charizard gives one final growl before opening his mouth. Ash and Serena's bodies tense up as they see a bright orange energy appearing from the back of Charizard's throat. They both hug each other tightly while shutting their eyes, not wanting to see what will follow.

Everyone watches helplessly as the orange color of the incoming attack on Ash and Serena's face becomes more intense and intense only to be matched by the screams of horror which escapes Grace and Delia's mouth.

< Author's Note Starts >

How many of you are active members on Club Amourshipping in Facebook?

< Author's Note Ends >

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