94: Obedience and Action

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(9 Months Later in KIP)

"I will be sad to see you go Lusamine." Diantha says as she, Lusamine, Delia and Grace are taking a stroll in the garden.

"I know. I'll miss you all too but I can't wait to get back home. To see the Foundation again. To eat the local Malsadas." Lusamine replies.

"Not to mention it seems your Ultra Beast problem vanished over night." Diantha replies.

"Yes from what we have observed, it has." Lusamine replies.

"What do you think he did?" Delia replies.

"I don't know and to tell you the truth, I don't want to know." Diantha replies.

"Still I must find out." Lusamine says. She is about to speak further when the four of them are interrupted by someone else.

"Find out what?" the voice says. This causes Diantha to get irritated for a moment. She takes a quick deep breath and turns around.

"Minister. What brings you to our neck of the woods?" Diantha replies.

"As per the order of the Kalos Govt. I am merely conducting a surprise inspection. Given your recent incompetence, the Kalos govt. does not feel comfortable giving you such a big leash." Minister replies causing Diantha to shoot an expression of pure venom at him.

"Find out what? Mrs. Lusamine?" Minister asks.

"Find out what the Dragon Emperor did to solve our Ultra Beast crisis problem." Lusamine replies.

"Did he now?" Minister asks in an interested tone.

"Yes. For the past 9 months not a single Ultra Hole has opened in the Alola region. Now that the crisis has been averted I need to go back." Lusamine says.

"Mrs. Lusamine accepting aid from someone who is most likely an enemy of the Pokemon world can be treated as treason by the govt. of Kalos and the other regions. I would suggest you to not associate yourself with that man. For your and the Alola region's sake." Minister replies in a somewhat sordid tone.

"I used to think the Dragon Emperor was despicable. But for some reason when I am in your presence I don't miss his personality." Diantha replies.

"I hope you bought a vacation house Diantha. When you are removed from your post I hope you have a nice and cozy place to watch from." Minister replies.

"Your concern for my well being is most admirable." Diantha says through gritted teeth. Suddenly there the wind starts picking up the pace. Everyone sees the weather grow cold and dark.

"That's strange. I thought the prediction for today was bright and sunny." Minister says as he sees the clouds getting dark. The very next second a bolt of lightning strikes the earth sending a crackling sound throughout KIP. Hearing the sounds several people come running. As the dust settles and the wind dies down they see the silhouette of a dark outline of a person standing. The 4 ladies instantly realize who it is.

"Oh great." Diantha mutters when the dust settles. She sees the Dragon Emperor standing with his Dragon Staff in his left hand. Ash and Serena are behind him. Their eyes are closed. Their heads are bent forward with one of their legs with it's knee on the ground. The other leg is the one on top of which their hands are placed above which their chins hover.

"Go on." Dragon Emperor says as Ash and Serena open their eyes. They spring to their feet and run to their mothers. While Grace and Delia are ecstatic to be reunited with their children after such a long time, the Kalosian minister is observing the Dragon Emperor with a suspicious silence.

"Oh my darlings. Good to see you after such a long time." Grace says as she and Delia go in for another group hug. While they are hugging Delia and Grace sees Dragon Emperor give them a nod. They slightly nod as well to reply following which he turns around and starts walking away.

"Wait." the Dragon Emperor hears as he comes to a halt. He turns to see the man who was standing with Diantha and the others have stopped him.

"Yes?" Dragon Emperor asks.

"I am Gabriel Antoine. The Pokemon minister for the Kalos govt." Gabriel replies.

"And?" Dragon Emperor asks.

"And you are trespassing. Who gave you the permission to enter this school?" Gabriel replies.

"I don't need anyone's permission. I can say and do as I please. I am the Dragon Emperor." Dragon Emperor replies.

"You are in the Kalos Region. You will have to obey the rules and norms of the region." Gabriel replies.

"Make me." Dragon Emperor says. Both Dragon Emperor and Gabriel lock eyes. While Gabriel is staring Dragon Emperor down, Dragon Emperor is simply looking back at Gabriel's face.

"If you wish to be here you'll have to reach an accommodation with our govt. or be viewed as a terrorist." Gabriel replies. Dragon Emperor simply smirks before turning around. Then to everyone's surprise he starts walking away.

"Champion Diantha. Next time I come make sure this annoyance is nowhere in my sight." Dragon Emperor says.

"Stop!" Gabriel says in an incensed tone. Dragon Emperor however ignores him and keeps walking which further irritates him.

"I SAID STOP." Gabriel shouts. The Dragon Emperor then turns suddenly on hearing that. Gabriel goes white as chalk when he sees Dragon Emperor's glare which cuts him to the core. His fingers start shaking uncontrollably and he starts profusely sweating. Dragon Emperor then starts walking towards Gabriel as Diantha gulps.

"Dragon Emperor." Diantha says while trying to intercede on Gabriel's behalf. She gulps and looks the down the very next instant as the Dragon Emperor gives her a momentary glare as well. Every step Dragon Emperor takes causes Gabriel to take a trembling step back. Soon Gabriel trips and falls on his butt. Yet he still keeps edging away from the Dragon Emperor. Gabriel finally comes to a halt when Dragon Emperor finally catches up to him. Gabriel gulps as the Dragon Emperor stares down on him.

"You were saying?" Dragon Emperor asks in a cold tone as Gabriel's fingers lose sensation in them.


"Listen to me and listen well. You may be the ruler of the world for all I care. It doesn't matter. I am the Dragon Emperor. What I feel right, I do. Be it against any god you worship. Against society, law or order. Or be it against the whole system. I don't care. I do because I can. Tell your superiors whoever they may be. Not to meddle in affairs which doesn't concern them. We won't want them to become permanently insomniac now would we?" Dragon Emperor says after bending down and being face to face with the terrified Gabriel. When Gabriel nods Dragon Emperor smiles.

"Good boy." Dragon Emperor says before turning around and walking away. As Dragon Emperor is walking away he hears a familiar voice call out to him.

"Dragon Emperor. Wait." Lillie says.

"Yes my dear. It's always a pleasure to see you. How are you?" Dragon Emperor asks.

"Fine. Thank you." Lillie replies.

"Did you want anything?" Dragon Emperor asks.

"Yes. I wanted to thank you actually. I don't know what you did. But whatever you did worked. For the past 9 months we have not had a single incident with the Ultra Beasts. So thank you." Lillie replies.

"Of course. You are most welcome my dear." Dragon Emperor replies.

"Thank you for keeping your word." Lillie replies.

"Dragon Emperor's word is the law. Once I say something. It happens regardless of what the circumstances may be. For such is the nature of the Dragon Emperor's word." Dragon Emperor replies causing Gabriel to raise an eyebrow. Dragon Emperor then give Lillie another smile before turning around. He then starts walking away only to be stopped by someone else's voice. 

"Wait." Paul says. Dragon Emperor turns to see Paul talking to him with Dawn who is standing behind him.

"Yes?" Dragon Emperor asks.

"I want to know. How do I defeat them in a battle?" Paul asks while pointing his finger at Ash and Serena.

"You can't. They are too powerful." Dragon Emperor replies.

"No one is invincible." Paul retorts.

"Yes. But at the same time some walls aren't meant to be climbed." Dragon Emperor answers.

"Tell me how to defeat my opponent." Paul asks in a pleading tone. Dragon Emperor simply ignores him and starts walking away.

"It's OK Paul." Dawn says as she provides emotional support to a frustrated Paul. However they all turn to hear Dragon Emperor answering Paul's question.

< Author's Note Begins >

In the following video clip is the Dragon Emperor's answer. This clip also pays homage to one of my most favorite characters of what little animated series I have ever watched.

< Author's Note Ends >


Everyone listens in silence as the Dragon Emperor answers Paul's question. Then he brandishes his cloak and vanishes in a small smoke cloud.

"Well done. Minister Gabriel. Trying to be a tough cookie and ended up being a whipped Growlithe. Messing things up as usual. Next time someone tells you not to poke the Ursaring. Please take my advise and don't. You have no idea what you are dealing with." Diantha says while stressing on the last word.

(1 Hour later)

"Ash. Serena. It's good to see you." Oak says as he wishes Ash and Serena.

"We are good Professor. I can see you are doing well yourself." Ash says.

"So Ash. I take it that you have been training with the Dragon Emperor regarding your Mega Stones and the Bond phenomena of your Pokemon." Sycamore says.

"I can see that you're excited as always professor. Perhaps at the prospect of being able to study Mega Evolution at a level, no researcher before you has ever had the chance to." Serena replies.

'Incredible. Their tone is so calm and pleasant. Dragon Emperor has done an incredible job toning down their arrogance.' Diantha thinks to herself as she sees everyone take part in the conversation. Diantha is about to ask something when suddenly the conversation is interrupted bu Gabriel's arrival.

"So. This is the KIP Champion Ash Ketchum." Gabriel says as he takes a seat.

"And you are the one who tried to intimidate our master. That was quite the spectacle." Ash replies.

'A seasoned battler for sure. Well developed physique. Seems to be the real deal but I must see his capabilities in battle for myself to see what we are up against.' Gabriel thinks to himself while looking at Ash.

"So you are the KIP Champion. I have heard a lot of praise about your skill as a Pokemon trainer. Seeing as you are here I would like you to face of against the champions in a 1 on 6 battle while using that Greninja of yours." Gabriel says.

"That is a tall order. Besides why should I entertain your request?" Ash asks.

"The reason is simple. Your master has threatened the sovereignty of the Kalos govt. and by extension the governments of all the other regions by threatening me. Seeing as you and your girlfriend vanish with that man puts the two of you under the scanner of the governments. So the more you cooperate with me the better of you and Serena will be." Gabriel replies.

"I don't believe it. You are threatening my daughter. May I remind you that you and John used to be inseparable at one time. Now you threaten your dead friend's daughter?" Grace asks in flabbergasted tone.

"That is in the past. Yes, I was John's friend. But now things have changed. My hands as free they may appear to be are tied. Besides no sane person in the world would send their children with a dangerous person such as that, the way you have." Gabriel replies.

"You used to be my father's friend?" Serena asks.

"Yes. But that is a tale of another time." Gabriel says before turning to Ash.

"So. Young man. What do you say now?" Gabriel asks Ash.

"So be it. That is if the champions are willing." Ash says as he turns to the champions who nod.

"But I warn you. Threatening the apprentices of the Dragon Emperor in any manner doesn't have good consequences. Bear that in mind the next time you see him." Ash replies after turning to Gabriel.

"We'll see." Gabriel replies.

"Correction. We just saw. An hour back if you've forgotten." Ash says as Gabriel's left hand develops a tremor which he immediately suppresses.


(In the Battlefield)

"The 1 on 6 battle between the KIP champion and the Champions is about to begin. Each trainer will have use of only one Pokemon." Referee announces as both sides nod.

"Battle begin." Referee orders.

"Greninja. I choose you." Ash says as he tosses his Poke-ball.

"Garchomp. Battle stance." Cynthia says.

"Salamence. I choose you." Drake says while sending out his Pokemon.

"Aerodactyl. I need you assistance." Lance says while sending out his choice.

"Take the stage Gardevoir." Diantha says while sending out her Pokemon.

"Shine my Metagross." Steven says as he tosses his Poke-ball.

"Go now Camerupt." Alder says as he sends out his choice. Ash gets taken aback by some of the choices of the champions.

'This is most weird. Why isn't lance using Dragonite? The same can be said for Drake and Alder.' Ash thinks to himself when it hits him. True to his suspicion all the champions reveal a key stone and Mega Evolve their Pokemon, the very next moment.

"Interesting. Most amusing. Now defeating you will be even more rewarding." Ash replies while smirking before he closes his eyes. He seems to be deep concentration when a huge column of water appears to engulf Greninja. When Ash opens his eyes Greninja's eyes also opens. The very same moment the water column vanishes and gets replaced by a large Shuriken on its back.

"Dragon Pulse." Cynthia, Drake and Lance commands.

"Moon Blast." Diantha orders.

"Fire Spin." Alder orders.

"Flash Cannon." Steven commands. Ash remains completely calm as the attacks approach his Greninja. He simply nods following which Greninja vanishes. The next instant the beams explode where Greninja was standing. The champions look here and there. Finally a few moments later Greninja appears before Gardevoir who gets shocked at the sudden appearance. Gardevoir powers up a Shadow Ball but Greninja again vanishes only to appear a few seconds later in front of Ash.

"Finish it. Signature move. Murasame blade." Ash commands.

"Gren." Greninja replies. He places both his palms together. Then separates his hand together only to form what seems like a bluish white saber. Then he twists his hands and forms a fist with each fist gripping one saber each. Following this it darts forwards before vanishing.

( In the VIP Box )

"Match is now over." Serena says. Within moments all 6 mega evolved Pokemon are pummeled left and right by different colored blades. So powerful and swift are the strikes that Greninja's mere running motion kicks up a dust cloud. When Greninja comes to a stop, the dust cloud also it does, what people see leaves them speechless. They see all of the champions' Pokemon fainted and unconscious on the ground after having reverted to their original forms. The very next second a shiny light blue flash occurs where Greninja is standing. The next moment they see Ash returning Greninja to its Poke-ball.

'Murasame Blade." Serena says in a proud tone. It is the signature move of Mega Greninja. Depending on the opponents typing Greninja can use any sword type Pokemon move and strike at the opponent with speed and ferocity provided by the Dragon Emperor's Hit and Run Bond battle strategy." Serena says while beaming as everyone looks at her except Gabriel. Gabriel still can't believe his eyes that 6 Mega Evolved Pokemon that too belonging to champions were defeated without even landing a hit.

"What with the different colors of the Saber?" Oak asks.

"That's is why Murasame Blade is so powerful. You forget professor. Greninja is the Ninja Pokemon. A sword, blinding speed and invisibility is the way of the ninja. When it approached Gardevoir Murasame Blade transformed into Metal Claw. Since steel type moves are powerful against a dominant Fairy and Psychic type. Diantha's Gardevoir was defeated before it could even put up a fight. Then Greninja moved towards the Dragon types and used the Ice type move Ice Katana." Serena says.

"Ice Katana?" Sycamore asks.

"The Signature move of Mega Glalie. A Katana built of Ice type energy and pure Ice. Since Ice types are so powerful neither Salamence nor Garchomp stood a chance." Serena replies.

"Finally the ballet of destruction ended when Greninja's Murasame Blade transformed into Water Shuriken which is the best possible type against Mega Camerupt and Mega Aerodactly. The result is in front of your eyes." Serena says.

'My god.' Gabriel thinks to himself. He takes out his mobile and messages all the other minister to get here as soon as possible for the situation is far more serious than they have anticipated. A few moments later a reply comes 'Will be there within the hour'.

(10 Minutes Later)

"That was unbelievable. I wouldn't believe it myself if I hadn't seen it with my eyes." Gabriel replies.

"Is there any point in trying to even defeat you?" Brock asks as he comes and gives Ash a fist bump.

"No. There isn't." A voice says out of nowhere which causes everyone to tense up and start shaking. Everyone slowly turns to see the Dragon Emperor walking towards them while softly clapping his hands.

"That was quite the battle. It seems you have mastered your Bond phenomena after all. Well done." Dragon Emperor says as he comes to a halt.

"Thank you master. A student is only as good as his teacher." Ash replies as he and Serena bow their heads slightly.

"True. But your real test is to begin now. For now it is time to see whether the other part of your intensive 9 month training has paid of or not." Dragon Emperor says.

"You mean." Serena says before getting cut off by Dragon Emperor.

"Yes. It's time to see whether you can control your Mega Stones or not." Dragon Emperor as the color of the everyone's skin drains.

"But." Diantha says.

"But nothing. Evacuate the stadium. Make sure no one is 500 meters from the stadium building. Go. Do this now." Dragon Emperor says as everyone starts shaking when they recall what happened to the KIP stadium the last time Dragon Emperor was fighting.

(Somewhere in a Secret Location)

"Our spy has just send the word. It seems our target, the Dragon Emperor has arrived at last." Grunt says after coming into the room.

"Perfect. Double check the arrangements then have everything to move out within 15 minutes. The time to strike is now." the leader replies as the grunt bows his head and leaves the room.

"Either you'll help me take this world Dragon Emperor or you will die." leader says to himself as he looks out of the window and sees all the preparation being loaded into the plane.

<Author's Note Begins>

What do you think about the words spoken in the video when Dragon Emperor answers Paul's question? Do you agree with the Dragon Emperor. Put your answer in comments for this thread. This is a survey.

<Author's Note Ends>

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