97: La fuite de l'amour

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<Author's Note Begins>

Finally the amour engagement will begin. This marks a landmark in the journey of our protagonist couple. So it will be unfair to begin this phase of their life without paying tribute to the XY series where it all began. So before you read ahead do listen to the XY theme song put in the video above.

<Author's Note Ends>

(2 Months Later)

Serena is sitting in her room. Her eyes are closed and she is barely able to contain the excitement of her body. Glee is galore on her face as she clasps her left hand close to her chest just like a mother embraces her newborn child in a hug. All that is visible is a shiny ring which is shining on the third finger of her left hand. She takes a deep breath and open her Cerulean blue eyes. Her face is glowing with every fiber of her being is trying very hard not jump around in glee as the memory of what happened 4 hours ago runs through her mind possibly for the 1000th time.


(4 Hours Earlier)

Serena walks into rooftop garden of her Le Cirque restaurant. As soon as she walks in she sees the garden in beautiful condition with the flower bushes well maintained and several Beautifly and Vivillon flying around with several Flababe floating here and there. She sees Ash standing on the other end of the garden. His back is turned towards her as he takes in the sights of Lumiose city from where he is standing. Serena on seeing Ash ,waiting for her, smiles and starts walking towards him.

"Ash. What's up? You called me." Serena says as she comes close to Ash.

"Yes. I did. Good to see you Sere." Ash says as he turns around. On turning around Serena notices that Ash is wearing more formal clothes than usual.

"Ash. What's going on? Why are you dressed so formally?" Serena asks.

"Well what can I say? It is a special occasion." Ash replies. Serena gets confused on hearing that.

"Special occasion? But my birthday is next month." Serena replies.

"Yes. But it also happens to be the 3 year anniversary of our first kiss." Ash says. Serena on hearing that gets shocked.

"Oh my god. I can't believe I forgot that." Serena says with a tone of horror as she mentally scolds herself for forgetting it.

"Never mind. Besides I have a gift for you." Ash says as he hands Serena a gift paper wrapped box.

"I am so sorry Ash. I'll buy you something soon. I promise." Serena says as she takes the gift from Ash.

"I know you will." Ash says before pausing for a moment. Serena simply stares back at Ash while holding the git in her hand.

"Well go on. Open it." Ash encourages her. Serena starts beaming on hearing that and then starts unwrapping her present while mentally setting a reminder that she must buy Ash a gift as well before they both go back to KIP together.

"It's beautiful. I love it." Serena says as she sees the Matryoshka doll from the Hoenn region. She sees the Matryoshka doll resembles her and has the words engraved on it 'The Key to Our Heart Is Inside.'

"Go ahead open it." Ash says as he smiles back. On hearing that Serena one by one keeps taking out the larger nestling doll and placing it on the table near her. Finally the last doll is left. On removing that Serena sees a black velvet box present inside. She gets curious and is about to open it when suddenly Ash swipes it before she can touch it. Ash smirks as Serena looks at her in a confused manner.

"What's in that Ash?" Serena asks in a playful tone, completely oblivious to what's about to happen in the following few moments. Ash's feet shuffle for a moment but then he takes a deep breath to reinforce himself for what he's going to do in the following moments.

"What indeed?" Ash replies as he then starts to get down on one knee as he has seen Brock do several times on their journey together. The more Ash gets down the more Serena's eyes begin to widen as her hands start shaking.

"Serena Yvonne." Ash says as he open the box to reveal a shiny ring inside.

"What's happening?" Serena says in a panicked tone as her legs start to turn to jelly.

"Ever since you left me when I was a child. Somewhere deep down inside. I always felt something was missing. But as they you don't realize the value of something until it's gone." Ash says while pausing. Serena on hearing that starts blushing furiously and shaking uncontrollably.

"2 months back when I saw Paul crying over Dawn's petrified body and Lillie crying over Gary's petrified body, I couldn't help but realize how immeasurably morose life would be if I had to be separated from you for some reason." Ash says as Serena wipes the tears that have involuntarily started coming out of her eyes.

"I love you. I always have. You are the North Star of my heart. You are one who makes my heart skip a beat. When you laugh it's complete bliss. When I see you in the morning it feels as though the day will good regardless of what happens, as long as you're with me." Ash says as Serena sniff her runny nose and wipes it.

"I want to wake up everyday while looking into those gorgeous Cerulean blue eyes of yours and nuzzle my face in that silky honey blonde hair of yours. Not to mention I also love your butt." Ash says as he whispers the last sentence which causes a giggle to escape Serena mouth. Ash then extends his hand and gently holds Serena's left hand.

"What I am saying is. I love you Serena Yvonne. Always have and always will. Will you marry me and be my soulmate for whatever lies ahead? Because I choose you." Ash says.

"I do. I do." Serena says while crying as Ash's face lights up on hearing that. Ash then slips the ring onto the third finger of her left hand. Following this Serena pulls Ash in for fierce kiss. As they kiss several Pokemon moves collides above their heads which creates sparkles which rain down on them. After separating for air both Ash and Serena laugh while peering into each other's eyes as their forehead touch each.

"We're getting married." Serena says.

"We are getting married." Ash repeats as they both laugh.

"Pika. Pika Pika." Pikachu says as he and all the other Pokemon surround Ash and Serena while cheering their trainer's engagement.

"You all knew and you didn't tell me?" Serena says as Sylveon, Delphox and Alolan Ninetales simply smirk at her.

"Ha Ha Ha." Ash laughs as her picks Serena up before twirling her 360 degrees through the air before going in for another make out session with his bride to be.

While Ash and Serena kiss, oblivious to Serena, Grace and Delia are also clapping as hard as they can.

"My little boy has finally grown up." Delia says while crying. Grace doesn't say anything as she and Delia share a hug with each other knowing that their little children have grown up.

(Present Time in Ash and Serena's Apartment)

"Still admiring your ring?" Grace says as she enters the room. Serena nods to answer Grace's question.

"Good. I was the same when I met your father." Grace says as she comes and sits next to her daughter.

"I still can't believe it's happening. Every few minutes I pinch myself to convince myself that it is real." Serena says as she hugs her mother.

"Oh my baby girl." Grace says as she gives Serena a small kiss on the forehead.

"Don't worry. It's happening." Grace says as she hugs her daughter in a loving manner.

"I know. I have wanted this for so long but now that I have got it. I am freaking out at the prospect that it is happening." Serena says in a somewhat embarrassed tone.

"I know. You should have seen Ash's face yesterday when he asked me for my permission." Grace replies while smiling.

"I hope everything happens perfectly." Serena says.

"Don't worry. You'll be fine. You are marrying the boy of your dreams. The love of your life. Most women don't get to do that. You will be beautiful when you walk down that aisle. I promise." Grace says as Serena beams on hearing that.

"Now. This is your card. Do you like it?" Grace asks.

<Author's Note Begins>

This card is the courtesy of MinunAmour. Your contribution is most appreciated.

<Author's Note Ends>

"It's so nice. Just perfect. I love you mom." Serena says as she kisses Grace on the cheeks before hugging her again.

"I know you do sweet pea. I know you do." Grace says as places a hand on the back of Serena's head.

'I only wish you were here to see this John.' Grace thinks as both mother daughter continue to hug.


(In the KIP Meeting Room)

"We are facing a moral debate. On what to do regarding the Dragon Emperor. He has killed Malva in front of our eyes, not to mention there was not even a speck of remorse in his eyes. Now that 2 months have passed the situation has finally calmed down. Nevertheless we must find a way to deal with the situation." Gabriel says.

"What moral debate are you facing?" Oak inquirers.

"Before I tell you that you'll be pleased to know that with the efforts of the G-Men and then International Police the operations of Team Flare have been completely eradicated. All their assets, bank accounts and other team members have been identified and dealt with. All their spies in the Kalos govt. have been arrested and taken into custody. The Kalos High court in Lumiose City has convicted all the members who are still alive and sentenced them to life for prison without the possibility of parole." Gabriel replies.

"Hear hear." Seibold says while raising his glass of water.

"Indeed. This is most good news. Now the Kalos region and the Pokemon world is free from the clutches of terror known as Team Flare forever." Cynthia says as everyone claps in agreement.

"Now coming back to the moral dilemma at hand. There is a debate among the members of the govt. Some believe that regardless of what he had done. The Dragon Emperor must be brought to trial for the murder of Malva. They believe no one has the right to take the law into their own hands." Gabriel says.

"And the others?" Diantha asks.

"The others believe that the Dragon Emperor does not fall into the jurisdiction of the laws of our land." Gabriel replies.

"How so?" Alder asks.

"Well here is the thing. No man has the right to take life of another's. But it is also true that no one has the right to give practically dead people life as well. That being said many people feel that the Dragon Emperor doesn't not fall under the category of people who need to follow the rules. They justify that he's not exactly a human being because of his formidable abilities and powers." Gabriel says.

"That may be. But we can't let him go about doing as he pleases." Sycamore says.

"Precisely. Yet the risk of angering him by attempting to bring him to trial will be disastrous as well. Don't forget the way he demolished Team Flare. Also the way nature went into a state of pure upheaval and chaos. It was almost as if nature was getting angry and vengeful due to the Dragon Emperor getting angry." Gabriel says.

"Which is why we counselled you earlier not to take any rash decisions when it came to that man. You only realized the truth after you witnessed the savagery he is capable of." Diantha replies.

"I admit Diantha. I made a mistake on that front. Hell, we all did. No one would believe without seeing his abilities first hand." Gabriel replies.

"Regardless. An armistice may be our only option. Some rules and regulations to establish a middle ground till better alternatives are available." Kantonian minister replies.

"But how will we ensure his cooperation?" Lance asks.

"We'll ask Ash, Serena, Grace and Delia to be signatories in the armistice document. He will respect their wishes. He cares for them, although why still remains a mystery." Gabriel says.

"Hmm. It's definitely a better plan than using a military strike against him." Diantha replies.

"Very well. It's settled then. We'll leave the legalities to the govt. officials." Goodshow says as Gabriel and the other minister nod at Goodshow's words. Suddenly Diantha's assistant Kathy enters the room.

"Pardon the interruption Diantha. But I have some important information for you." Kathy says.

"Yes Kathy. Go ahead." Diantha says. Kathy on hearing this types a few buttons in the computer located next to the discussion table. Following this a screen comes showing Brandon the Kanto Pyramid King.

"Brandon. Good to see you after all this time." Diantha says.

"Indeed champion Diantha. Hello Prof. Oak." Brandon says.

"Hello Brandon. Serious and sharp as always I see." Oak replies causing Brandon the chuckle.

"Indeed." Brandon replies.

"So. I assume you have some information which pertains to my request 2 months back?" Diantha asks.

"Yes. The poem that the Dragon Emperor spoke. 'Arcanine Arcanine Burning Bright. In the Forests of the Night. What immortal hand or eye. Can Frame thy Fearful Symmetry.' You'll be pleased to know that after 2 months of extensive search I have managed to hit gold." Brandon replies.

"Well you aren't the top Pokemon Archaeologist without good reason. Now are you?" Diantha replies.

"Well ever since you have told me about this poem that the Dragon Emperor uttered in your presence I have been extensively researching and going through my archives to see whether any similar references are present in my archives. Last week I stumbled upon this hieroglyphic section from the city of Pokelantis. Here take a look. Anything catch your eye?" Brandon says as he appears to press a button following which the screen changes and a picture comes up.

"I don't see anything important." Kantonian minister replies.

"You're not looking properly. Look at the first segment at the top. What do you see?" Brandon's voice says even though the image doesn't change.

"2 glyphs of Arcanine followed by a glyph of fire with a few line segments on top of the fire." Oak replies.

"Yes." Brandon replies as his face comes back to the screen.

"That hieroglyph sequence is in fact the first line from the poem. The 2 Arcanines are self explanatory. The line segments above the fire show that the fire burns brightly." Brandon says.

"'Arcanine Arcanine, Burning bright.' Of course. That's excellent Brandon." Diantha remarks.

"Thank you my lady. Now take a look at the other hieroglyphs." Brandon says as the image returns.

After a while Sycamore remarks "Yes they are forming the poem. But it's not the complete thing is it?"

"You are right professor. It seems Dragon Emperor only said the first paragraph of the poem." Brandon remarks.

"So the remaining hieroglyphs form the remaining part of the poem?" Diantha says.

"Yes. It is very likely." Brandon replies.

"What is the translation?" Oak asks.

"We'll have it ,and the detailed report, sent over in a day's time. But for now we can tell you the general meaning of the poem that we have been able to ascertain." Brandon replies.

"What is it?" Gabriel asks.

"The poem pays tribute to law of nature regarding the balance that must be maintained so that the cycle of life can progress without difficulty. The poem says Arceus created the Mareep. But he also created the Arcanine that hunts the Mareep for food. There can not be light without darkness. No life without death. That is what the poem says." Brandon says.

"I see. Well thank you Brandon. We'll expect your detailed report tomorrow." Diantha says.

"A pleasure as always champion." Brandon replies before disconnecting the video call. There is a moment of silence in the room.

"Now it makes sense. Why he said that immediately after killing Malva and giving life to others. He was trying to say he's not good or bad. He's both." Diantha says.

(In the Cafeteria)

"Oh my Arceus. Congratulations." Dawn says as she hugs Serena after seeing Serena's ring.

"Thanks Dawn." Serena replies while smiling. All the girls go and congratulate Serena while all the boys go and congratulate Ash.

"Congrats Ashy boy. Seems you're the first to be married. Stud boy." Gary says.

"Thanks Gare-bear." Ash replies.

"Well done Ash." Paul says as he shakes Ash's hand.

"Thanks buddy." Ash says as he reciprocates the handshake.

"Awesome bro. Way to go." Brock says as he gives Ash a hug.

"Thanks Brocko." Ash says.

"Ahem. May I have your attention please." Grace says while clearing her throat. Everyone turns to her.

"Come here and get your invitation cards from Delia. Ash, Serena and I need to go and invite other people as well." Grace says while smiling.

"I'll see you guys later." Ash says.

"Don't sweat it bro. We know you will." Gary replies. As everyone goes up to Delia to get their invitation card Ash, Serena and Grace go to give their engagement's invitation cards to the professors, champions and the other dignitaries who are staying in KIP at the moment.

(10 Minutes Later)

"Diantha." Kathy says while coming inside.

"Yes. What is it this time Kathy?" Diantha asks.

"Ash, Serena and Grace have come. They say they wish to give all of you something in person." Kathy replies.

"Very well. Do send them in." Diantha replies. Kathy nods then goes out of the door for a moment. She later returns with Ash, Serena and Grace who are looking more happy than usual.

"Good to see you three. But you seem extremely happy. Any special news or something?" Cynthia asks.

"Well the news is quite special." Serena says in a manner that the ring on her finger becomes clearly visible to everyone present.

"Oh my Arceus. Ash proposed! You are engaged!" Diantha shouts as a collective gasp echoes through the room.

"Yes we are." Serena replies while beaming.

"Congratulations." Oak says as everyone gets up and walks towards the soon to be properly engaged couple to wish them on this auspicious occasion.

"Well where and when will the engagement be?" Sycamore asks.

"In a month's time on Serena's birthday at the Le Cirque restaurant. We expect all of you to be there and no exceptions." Grace says.

"Of course." Diantha replies as Ash hands her the invite.

"After such a long time such good news has come to KIP. This engagement will be the talk of the regions. After all not everyday does a power couple get engaged." Diantha says as Ash and Serena blush at the compliment.

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