102: La musique est la fenêtre de l'âme

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<Author's Note Begins>

Ever wonder what's with the strange title in french? This chapter will be emotional as well. But in which way? You'll have to translate the title for that.

As always comment you heart out. I look forward to seeing what you have to say.

<Author's Note Ends>

(In the Wedding Hall)

An uneasy silence descends over the wedding hall as the Dragon Emperor opens his eyes. As people quietly gulp and flinch the Dragon Emperor, for the first time since arriving in the wedding, gets up from his seat. Everyone watches in pin drop silence as he walks towards his apprentices. The only sound which can be heard is the one caused by the Dragon Emperor's footsteps. Finally, he comes to a stop in front of Ash and Serena. Upon coming to a stop, in front of his apprentices, Ash and Serena give him a quick bow.

"It is said that the real act of marriage takes place in the heart, not in the ballroom or church or synagogue. It's a choice you make - not just on your wedding day, but over and over again - and that choice is reflected in the way you treat your husband or wife." Dragon Emperor says as Ash and Serena nod.

"Fantasies can be great, but we shouldn't make the wedding a fantasy, because the wedding is the gateway to married life. It shouldn't be a moment of illusion, it should be a moment of preparation." Dragon Emperor continues as everyone listens to him in pin drop silence.

"Getting married, for me, was the best thing I ever did. I was suddenly beset with an immense sense of release, that we have something more important than our separate selves, and that is the marriage. There's immense happiness that can come from working towards that." Dragon Emperor says following which he pauses.

"However. It was not to last." Dragon Emperor says in a quiet tone.

"I'm sorry." Serena says in a soft tone.

"It's all in the past now. However coming back to the present when you exchanged your vows, you said in sickness and in health you shall always be with each other. However the truth of the matter is that through sickness and through health' sounds so simple on your wedding day, but in reality, they become significant words that are a huge responsibility and show true character to navigate. One chapter of your life in closed. Another is to begin. This my apprentices will be your real test." Dragon Emperor says.

"We won't let you down master. We promise. We'll be true to each other till the day we die." Ash says as Serena gives Dragon Emperor a firm nod.

"I know you will. You are my apprentices after all. But before I proceed with giving you your gifts, I do have one last question for you Ash." Dragon Emperor says.

"Me?" Ash asks. He is clearly taken aback by this sudden question directed at him.

"Yes, you." Dragon Emperor reiterates.

"Umm. Go ahead Dragon Emperor." Ash replies.

"Tell me something. Forget for the moment forget that you have Serena with you. What would you look for in your soul mate? What qualities would you expect in the one who you choose to spend your life with?" Dragon Emperor asks.

Grace is about to object when Delia grabs her arm and then shakes her head slightly. Grace then nods and watches as the Dragon Emperor patiently waits for Ash's answer.

"Umm. I would look for someone who I can trust." Ash says.

"Go on." Dragon Emperor says.

"Someone strong. Someone who is at peace with themselves. Someone better than me." Ash says as the Dragon Emperor raises his eyebrow.

"Better than you. Interesting. What else?" Dragon Emperor asks.

"Someone who knows the worst side of me and still loves me for who I am." Ash says as everyone becomes emotional.

"Sounds like an amazing someone." Dragon Emperor says.

"Yes. She is." Ash says while turning to Serena whose eyes have turned watery. Serena without wasting another second gives Ash a kiss which he returns. They both kiss for a while before realizing that everyone is still there. They break apart to see Dragon Emperor looking at them.

"Sorry." Ash and Serena mouth back.

"You shouldn't apologize when you haven't done anything wrong. After all it is only right to express love for the one you marry." Dragon Emperor replies as Ash and Serena nod.

"Anyways. I am most pleased with your answers. Simple, but elegant nonetheless. That being said, it's time to receive your gifts." Dragon Emperor says as Ash and Serena light up on hearing this.

"Ash." Dragon Emperor says.

"Yes, Dragon Emperor." Ash replies.

"It is said that a real man loves his wife, and places his family as the most important thing in life. Nothing has brings more peace and contentment in life than simply being a good husband and father." Dragon Emperor says as Ash nods his head.

"There can come a time in the lifetime of a married man. When the man must do things. Things which he normally won't do under normal circumstances to protect his family. So keeping this in mind. I give you this." Dragon Emperor says as closes his eyes. Then he brings his palms together while muttering a few inaudible words. A flash of light occurs which reveals a sword in a scabbard.

"A sword?" Ash says in a taken aback tone.

"Yes. A sword." Dragon Emperor says while opening his eyes.

"But not just any ordinary sword. This, my apprentice, is the Blade of Justice." Dragon Emperor says as he pulls the sword out of the scabbard.

"Beautiful." Grace and Delia say in unison as everyone admires the sheen of the sword's blade.

"Blade of Justice?" Ash asks.

"Yes, the Blade of Justice." Dragon Emperor replies.

"What's so special about it Dragon Emperor?" Serena asks.

"The sword is indestructible in nature." Dragon Emperor says. The moment the Dragon Emperor says this a round of murmuring starts among all the married guests.

"And it is forged not just with steel but also a fragment of Arceus' scale." Dragon Emperor says which causes another round of murmuring among the guests.

"Fragment of Arceus' scale?" Serena asks in a shocked tone as Dragon Emperor nods.

"Yes. This is why it's indestructible in nature. But you still haven't asked me why it's called the Blade of Justice." Dragon Emperor replies.

"Umm. Do tell Dragon Emperor." Serena says.

"The speciality of this sword is that it repels dust, blood and any other impurity that may accumulate on its surface. Watch." Dragon Emperor says as he grips the blade with one hand and then pulls it back sharply with the other hand. This causes a cut to appear in his hand and some people to lightly gasp as they see a blood stained sword in Dragon Emperor's hand.

"Look at this." Dragon Emperor says as a reddish flame appears at guard of the sword. Then the flame travels upwards, along the ridge of the blade, till it finally extinguishes at the point of the blade. Everyone watches in amazement as a sparkling clean sword is left behind. All the blood, which was on the sword a few moments back, has vanished. Leaving only a crystal clear sword behind.

"You may be knee deep in blood of people you have killed. But if you have done so while remaining in the path of righteousness in Arceus' eyes. Then the flame of the sword will purge all impurities that have accumulated on the blade after its use has been fulfilled. Because the flame symbolizes the purging of sin and leaving behind purity." Dragon Emperor says as he puts the sword back into the scabbard.

"I give this sword to you in the hopes you may never have to use it. But in the event that you are forced to use it. May it serve you well." Dragon Emperor says as Ash bows his head while receiving the sword from the Dragon Emperor.

"Thank you Dragon Emperor." Ash says as he touches his forehead to the sword in order to respect Arceus.

"A word of warning. Should you drift from the path of righteousness, the sword will lose its indestructibility. The more you stray from the path the more its indestructibility will wane. There will eventually come a time when it becomes like any other sword." Dragon Emperor says.

"I will bear that in mind Dragon Emperor." Ash says. Dragon Emperor nods then goes and stands in front of Serena.

"What gift do I give you? Very difficult, considering you are one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. Even more difficult since you are marrying the love of your life. So what does one gift someone who already has everything with her." Dragon Emperor says as Serena blushes slightly.

"So as I was thinking the only thing that kept popping in my mind were your striking blue eyes. It was then and there I realised what the perfect gift will be for my performer student." Dragon Emperor says as Serena beams on hearing the Dragon Emperor's praise. Then a flash of shiny blue light occurs which causes the guests to shield their eyes for a moment with their hands. When the light dies down everyone sees Dragon Emperor holding a cuboidal black velvet box in his right hand. He then hands it to Serena who accepts it.

"Open it." Dragon Emperor encourages. Serena takes a deep breath and then opens it. She is stunned when she sees a dazzling necklace, a pair of earrings and a tiara with shining blue crystals.

"Jewellery worthy of a queen. Forged with crystals from Kyurem's dragon scales which reflect every bit the color of your eyes." Dragon Emperor says as Serena is still too dazed to say anything.

"It's. It's. It's. Beautiful." Serena manages to say.

"Try them on." Dragon Emperor says.

"Umm." Serena replies.

"Allow me." Dragon Emperor says as he snaps his fingers. The ornaments Serena is wearing gets replaced by the ornaments gifted by the Dragon Emperor. A huge gasp echoes throughout the hall as everyone watch in a spellbound manner the jewellery that Serena adorns on herself. All the girls, including Ash and Serena's mother, are spellbound at the earrings, necklace and tiara. They are hypnotized by the bluish white glow that emanates from the blue crystals of the ornaments.

"Hem hem." Dragon Emperor says while clearing his throat. This causes all the ladies to come out of their trance.

"I don't know how to thank you enough Dragon Emperor." Serena says as she is at a loss for words to thank her master.

"Thank me after you have finished receiving your gifts." Dragon Emperor says which surprises everyone.

"Finished receiving? You mean there are more gifts for us?" Ash asks in a dumbfounded tone.

"Yes." Dragon Emperor replies.

"But Dragon Emperor. You have already given us too much. How can we accept so much from you?" Serena replies in a flabbergasted tone.

"You will accept everything. I have not toiled day and night for the past month for you to reject my gifts now." Dragon Emperor says as Ash and Serena close their mouths.

"Are all the arrangements ready?" Dragon Emperor asks Grace.

"Yes. It was difficult but Delia and I got it all done." Grace replies which further surprises Ash and Serena.

"Arrangements? What is going on?" Serena asks since she is completely clueless about what is happening.

"It's a surprise. Have everyone assembled. We'll begin in 5 minutes." Dragon Emperor says as he turned around and walked away.

"Everyone please proceed to the auditorium adjacent to this room. Please walk through that door." Grace and Delia say while guiding people through the door. Everyone is puzzled at what is happening but they all follow Grace and Delia's instructions nonetheless.

(5 Minutes Later)

Everyone is seated in an auditorium. The lights have been dimmed and the only part of the auditorium that is lit is the stage where countless number of orchestra instruments like trumpets, violins, cellos, clarinets, harps, flutes, trombones, drums etc. are present. As everyone is murmuring suddenly the Dragon Emperor walks onto the lit stage. The moment he comes to a stop silence descends on the entire room.

"Today is the occasion of my apprentices' wedding." Dragon Emperor says as he addresses the audience.

"Ash and Serena. The gifts I gave to you earlier were gifts given to you individually. The gift you're going to be given now is the one that I am giving to you as a couple. The bond that a husband and a wife share is one which can't be put into words. No matter how hard one tries to describe it, the description always falls short of the mark. So to celebrate the bond that your souls will share I will, for the first and for the last time, perform 3 orchestral compositions which I have created over the past 3 days." Dragon Emperor says before pausing.

"Music, as we know it, is the window to the soul. It expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent." Dragon Emperor says which causes Ash and Serena to smile at the fact that their master has really pulled out all the stops to make this wedding as memorable for them as possible.

"Each of my 3 compositions will have an important life lesson which you must imbibe my young apprentices if you are to succeed as a married couple. My only request is no one will interrupt me in any way once I start playing the music." Dragon Emperor says as the lights are further dimmed and only the Dragon Emperor along with the musical instruments are under the spotlight.

<Author's Note Begins>

You must must must must must listen to the tracks. Without doing so you will not be able to understand the emotions of the performance. Some feelings just can't be put into words. So I have chosen music to be the medium. 


<Author's Note Ends>

"The first is titled the 'Tide of Time'. Time is something which rules us all. It gives life and then it also takes life. At the end, time always wins. He who does not respect time. Time doesn't respect him back. The musical composition will have a serious tone. It will make you experience the power of time. How time ravages mountains, oceans and everything else. My hope is that you all will feel the pulse of the power and majestic nature of time in every fibre of your being for the next 4 minutes and 5 seconds." Dragon Emperor says while turning around.

"But there are no musicians with you? How are you going to play the instruments?" Bonnie asks. Dragon Emperor doesn't reply. He merely brandishes his baton and raises his arms. The very next moment all the instruments get a shiny bluish outline which vanishes the next second.

"I don't believe it. He's going to use aura to play those instruments." Ilene whispers to her royal advisor who is equally shocked at this revelation.


A small sound can be heard which slowly becomes louder in volume. As the sound continues in the background suddenly a ringing sound sound starts coming. Soon the Dragon Emperor's baton which is in his right hand is being waved left and right in the air while his left hand is going up and down in the same manner as the volume of his ringing rhythmic composition changes.

Soon everyone is swaying left and right with the powerful yet delicate rhythmic sound of the Dragon Emperor's music. Even people like Paul, Brandon, Alder and May who don't even like such music, to begin with, are swaying left and right. Their eyes are closed shut yet their faces are reacting every time the volume of the ringing sound changes. The moment the music comes to a stop everyone opens their eyes. They are feeling somewhat drowsy due to the deep hypnotic nature of the Dragon Emperor's composition. However they are brought out of their dazed state when they hear the Dragon Emperor break the silence.

"The next composition is titled 'Trial of Life'. Everyone's life is a journey and every part of that journey is a trial. With unity, love and understanding you'll have to face these obstacles and remove them from your path as you walk the journey that is life. This track is the longest track among my three compositions because it is in tribute to the married life you two will share and I hope you both share a long and prosperous life." Dragon Emperor says as Grace and Delia beam at Ash and Serena who are ecstatic at this surprise performance that they are receiving.

"So without further ado enjoy my 9 minutes, 49 seconds long composition. The tone will be different with some parts slow and some parts fast. Enjoy." Dragon Emperor says as he raises his hands once more.


The music immediately starts and everyone instantly recognizes that this composition is different from the one they heard before. The piano, violins and cello come together harmoniously as everyone enjoys a more soothing music. Halfway through the track the Dragon Emperor suddenly points his baton in a swiping manner. This causes a tape recorder to be switched on which reveals a woman's voice. As the woman's capella continues the tone of the music starts picking up the pace. Everyone's head sway in the air as they are mesmerized by the Dragon Emperor's composition which is a perfect blend of finesse and tension. The music starts coming to an end as the music starts taking a ringing tone. The entire auditorium reverberates with the sounds of the instruments as the performance approaches its finale. The Dragon Emperor's palms start fluttering like an agitated bird's as the music starts showing a dramatic rippling effect. The Dragon Emperor's hands go up and down as the volume of the tracks goes up and down till all the instruments and the music come to a stop.

"The last performance is dedicated to the bond my apprentices share. I will not describe it. Because it is difficult to describe perfection. One must experience it first hand. So without further ado, I present the 'Tranquility of Perfection'. " Dragon Emperor says as he raises his hands one last time.


The composition starts of in a lively manner with a few notes of a piano. This is followed by short burst of soothing flute music. The music turns soulful as the violin kicks in. This time however the only one who has his eyes closed is the Dragon Emperor. He lets his emotions go wherever they lead him. The entire whole hall starts glowing as the soulful music breathes life into it. By the time the Dragon Emperor finishes everyone has tears in their eyes. He turns around and gives the audience a bow. The, till now silent, audience starts clapping incessantly. Ash, Serena, Grace, Delia, Lillie and many others wolf whistle while the other shout in an ecstatic tone. Even the ministers, who find the Dragon Emperor despicable, are clapping. Clearly the audience has been taken by a storm with the Dragon Emperor's soulful performances.

<Author's Note Begins>

If you haven't heard the music. Then do hear them. I hope I could deliver emotions to you via the medium of music. Rate the music tracks here:-

a) Tide of Time: ?/10

b) Trial of Life: ?/10

c) Tranquility of Perfection: ?/10

As always vote if you have had an enjoyable time reading this chapter.

<Author's Note Ends>

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