126: Timely Intervention

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"So what happened next?" Gary asks, eagerness sparkling in his eyes.

"Both armies were face to face on the battlefield. With bated breath both sides were ready, waiting for the warhorn to be sounded and the battle to begin. The wind was blowing ominously, as though it was giving a prediction of the misery which was to follow. Finally, the warhorns were sounded as both armies let off a huge cry and charged into battle. The humans on foot and on their cavalry were charging at full speed towards the Pokemon army which was charging as well. The clash was imminent in a matter of mere minutes when suddenly a Flamethrower ripped through the sky creating a wall of fire between the two armies. Startled by the appearance of the unexpected Flamethrower both armies came to an abrupt halt. Everyone turned to the right as a distressed neighing sound caught their attention. They all saw Antonius riding in on his Rapidash, Chase," Dragon Emperor says as everyone looks impressed.

"Awesome," Max, Norman and several other people remark causing Dragon Emperor to chuckle.

"Everyone was completely confused as to what this person was doing in the middle of the battlefield. His cloth was poor and he didn't bear any armour, yet he had risked his life to ride into battle in order to interrupt it. 'Why?' was the question which was buzzing around in everyone's mind as Antonious got off his mount," Dragon Emperor says as everyone listen in complete silence, not wanting to interrupt the story for even a second.

"Confused by the interruption, the current Western king Karlos demanded to know who Antonious was. He said, 'Who are you, peasant? What business can someone like you have to bring you to a battlefield?'. Following this Antonious bowed down before the two great kings, the Western king Karlos and the Eastern king Joseph," Dragon Emperor narrates when he's suddenly interrupted by Bonnie.

"Dragon Emperor, may I ask something?" Bonnie raises her hand.

"Yes, my dear?" Dragon Emperor answers.

"I'm kind of feeling hungry. How long will this story take?" Bonnie questions as a lot of people's stomachs grumble in response.

"Very well then. We'll take a break of two hours. Meet me here once you're all finished. Dismissed," Dragon Emperor says before leaving the room following which everyone starts leaving as well.

(Somewhere in the Kanto Region)

"So my children, refreshed now?" Giovanni asks, earning him a nod from both Ariel and Calem.

"Good. Good. Now back to business, I spoke with the master," Giovanni says before being interrupted by Ariel.

"You spoke with the master! What did he say?" Ariel questions, anxious to know the plan of action.

"We're moving our timeline forward. Ariel, go to the Forbidden Chamber and bring forth the scrolls," Giovanni softly mutters.

"The scrolls? You actually mean it?" Ariel reconfirms, earning her an earnest nod from Giovanni.

"Very well, father," Ariel replies before giving her father a quick bow and leaving the room.

"Calem, I want a complete examination of our inventory. Make sure everything is in working order. When the time comes, nothing should go wrong. Oh and I almost forgot, before you begin checking the inventory, send our best spies to me. I have a job for them," Giovanni says causing Calem to nod in obedience and take his leave.

Calem is leaving when he suddenly hears Giovanni's voice and comes to a halt. He hears, "Do not fail me this time. I have no use for compassion and weakness. I hope you'll do better than what you did in the stadium. You should learn from your sister, at least she doesn't underestimate a blonde girl and get blasted by lightning because of petty hubris." causing Calem to clench fists in anger for a few moments.

"Yes father," Calem replies through gritted teeth.

"Now go," Giovanni says in a dismissive tone causing Calem to fume in silence as he storms out of the room much to Giovanni's amusement.

(Back in KIP)

"You seem to be preoccupied Dragon Emperor. Is everything alright?" Grace asks as she, Delia, Ash and Serena see Dragon Emperor looking out the window.

"No. Nothing is alright. The winds of fate are changing with every moment. With every passing moment, Giovanni is tightening the noose he has placed around the neck of the Pokemon world. So in truth nothing is alright," Dragon Emperor lets out a sigh.

"I see," Grace replies.

"No, you don't. Not yet. Once I have finished the story, will you realize the gravity of the situation. What I'm telling all of you... is the how, the what and the why of the Pokemon world. You think what I have told you so far is shocking, just wait for a couple of hours. But to tell you the truth I fear," Dragon Emperor says, emotion weighing down each word he's uttering.

"Fear for what?" Delia enquires as lines of worry become clearly etched in her forehead.

"For your soul, my dear," Dragon Emperor answers in a quiet tone.

"Why? What are you going to tell us?" Grace immediately asks.

"Everything, including why I chose your children of all people," Dragon Emperor says before turning around to look out the window.

Everyone sees the Dragon Emperor's reflection in the window pane. They see a grave sadness being reflected in the pallor of his skin. His eyes lifelessly stare out of the window, not conveying any emotion. However, his breathing gives it all away, slow and steady with a monotonous and sad texture, like that of a gravely injured Pokemon. After looking at each other nervously for a number of glances, Grace clears her throat and finally musters her courage to speak up.

She says, "Umm. What exactly are you going to tell us?"

Dragon Emperor gives off a deep sigh and says, "Do you remember the first day we met, Grace? Do you remember the conversation we had, in the waiting room before my match with Diantha?"

Grace's mind immediately goes into flashback mode and the conversation from that encounter comes floating back into her mind.

"Your daughter and Ash are very special. I can't tell you right now what I am planning to do with them because the notion you will understand it is ridiculous. But I will tell you this that your daughter and Ash are destined for greatness. Right now the time is not right to reveal what is my intention behind training them but I will ask you to keep faith in me. I give you my word that they will be safe with me. Nothing will happen to them," Dragon Emperor says in the memory as Grace turns to look up at Dragon Emperor who's looking at her expectingly.

"What exactly are you going to tell us?" Grace repeats.

"The answer to the question you asked me that day in the waiting room," Dragon Emperor replies.

"Right," Grace answers as all four of them realize that they won't get any answers from Dragon Emperor at this time.

"Go, all of you. Get some food, take a shower... do whatever you feel like doing. Relax yourselves for what you're going to hear next will be a big burden that you'll have to bear," Dragon Emperor says, dismissing them.

All four members of the Ketchum-Yvonne family silently turn around and proceed to take their leave. At the door, however, Grace stops. She turns around and says, "Thank you Dragon Emperor, for keeping them safe. I'm grateful that you kept your promise."

"Don't thank me yet Grace. You can't see it yet but I do. A storm is coming. When she hits... and she will. We better be ready for the leviathan she's about to hurl our way," Dragon Emperor says as all four of them leave the room with gulping faces.

"Well? What did he tell you?" Diantha asks as Ash, Serena, Grace and Delia enter the dining hall where everyone is eating their food.

"I am worried Diantha. Something really bad is going to happen. Something which would cause our master to be so greatly disturbed doesn't bode well for any of us," Serena gravely replies before landing on the seat with a thud.

"Yeah," Grace quietly mutters as she takes a seat opposite to her daughter.

"Either way. We'll get know what's going to happen in the future," Cynthia says as she joins the table.

"Where are the professors?" Serena asks as she can't seem to see the professors anywhere.

"Oh them! They're cataloguing every word Dragon Emperor has said," Lance says.

"Of course. Leave it to the professors to consume knowledge which they normally wouldn't have the privilege of getting," Ash remarks as he starts to dig into his food.

"Indeed," Serena nods in agreement.

"So tell me. You must have learnt some rather extraordinary stuff while you were away for five years," Dawn says as she comes and sits next to Serena.

"Yeah. We did. Dragon Emperor was not kidding when he told us that our life was going to change in ways we never could've imagined," Serena answers as images from the previous five years flash in her mind.

"Was it easy?" Bonnie inquires from behind Serena's back.

Both Ash and Serena stop eating immediately as they go into another flashback, this time more intense than before.

"No. If anything it was very difficult. There must have been countless occasions when I or Ash wanted to just crawl into a hole and die," Serena slowly replies.

Dawn who was going to ask something immediately closes her mouth as everyone decides to refrain from asking anything at the moment. Slowly everyone gets on with their food as silence descends in the dining hall. A couple of hours later everyone come back, only to see Dragon Emperor has been patiently waiting for them. 

"You're late," Dragon Emperor says.

"Sorry. It took longer than expected," Diantha speaks up.

"Take your seats," Dragon Emperor says as everyone quickly but silently shift into their seats.

"Now where were we?" he asks.

"You were telling us that the two kings Karlos and Joseph were questioning Antonious on his sudden arrival," Oak chimes in as the hall goes silent in anticipation.

"Correct. Antonius had suddenly arrived in the middle of the battle. When asked by the kings as to what he was doing on the battlefield, he started frantically shouting, "Stop. Stop. You're playing into their hands!" much to everyone's confusion," Dragon Emperor says.

"That Antonius sure had some balls!" Max comments to everyone's agreement.

"Yes. It was very bold of him to march himself. the way he did, into the face of danger. This is exactly why several of the legendaries who were about to take part in the battle also came to see the face of the one who had the nerve to interrupt their battle," Dragon Emperor says as he settles into his seat and swings his right leg over his left one.

"What happened next?" Diantha asks as Dragon Emperor casts a smile in her direction.

"Antonius started shouting, 'Stop. Stop. You are playing into their hands. This is what Drakus and his followers want!' and this caused the whole battlefield which was moments ago bursting with chatter, to go as silent as a graveyard," Dragon Emperor says.

"No one said anything?" Serena asks, clearly surprised.

"There was stunned silence. For a few moments, the Pokemon and the humans had forgotten that they were there to fight a war and not be spectators with wide open gaping mouths. Immediately in the moments to follow, all of them started shouting angrily as they began walking towards Antonius who was now scared for his life as everywhere he looked, all he saw was the expression of fury on everyone's faces, all due to the mention of the mere name, Drakus," Dragon Emperor says as a few people gulp.

"What happened then? And why is this Antonius so important that you would mention him in the story?" Cynthia questions.

"Patience champion. Patience... you're hearing the tale of the Pokemon world. This is not a fairy tale from some round of the mill bookshop down the street. This is the story of the how... the why... the what of the Pokemon world. There are a lot of pieces to this jigsaw puzzle. Until everything is revealed, it will not make much sense... so be patient champion," Dragon Emperor says as he sees everyone getting nervous and fidgety regarding Antonius' fate in the story he's telling.

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