130: The Battle of Bassir: The Continuation

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< Author's Note Begins >

Hi everyone. We're meeting after a long time. Regretable but such is life. Here's chapter 130 but I advise all of you to take a deep breath for some very mature adult themes will be introduced in this chapter and all underage readers are warned to enter at their own risk. From now onwards, the book is going to be mature. There'll be mentions of killing, violence, gore, sexual exploitation, slavery etc. As always vote and comment.

NOTE: If you haven't added my 2 books to your reading lists then please do so. Thanks.

< Author's Note Ends >

As the armies march towards the fortress the Dragon Emperor says, "While the armies march to lay siege to the fortress let's take a look at what's happening inside the walls shall we?" as he snaps the finger and the scene changes once more.

"All hail the emperor Garundrum, prince of darkness, master of the fortress of Bassir and high exalted leader of the League of Shadows," a servant runs into the royal court and then bows his head.

"What is it, Grand vizier? Why do you disturb me?" Garundrum replies in an annoyed tone from while being seated on his throne.

All the spectators watch as Garundrum appears to be a man in his fifties. He has medium height, a visible potbelly, greying hair and yet he is surrounded by several gorgeous naked women. They are running their hands all over Garundrum's body like a sensuous massage as Garundrum fondles every breast he can lay his hand on with a lustful satisfaction on his face.

"A thousand apologies my king. But it appears that the order of the Pokemon masters has finally found us," the vizier replies with his bowed head.

Garundrum who was about to mouth a breast of a woman near him suddenly stops in his tracks and reluctantly closes his mouth. He turns to grand vizier whose head is bowed so as to not let his sight meet his emperor's.

"I see. I suppose they were bound to find us once that supplier of ours got caught. No matter, their army no matter how large shall crumble before our walls like a splash of water trying to break down a mountain," Garundrum answers before pausing.

"Order our troops to take up defensive positions on the walls. Have our siege weapons ready and armed. Bring all supplies into the storage of the main palace and double the sentry guards in the palace. Ration the food accordingly and order the researchers to double their efforts, the earlier the spell is completed the quicker the Pokemon world will fall as our empire rises in its place," Garundrum orders.

"As you wish my king," Grand Vizier proceeds to excuse himself.

"And one more thing grand vizier. Have the kitchen prepare a feast for me. Nothing too extravagant, a 100 different dishes, 10 different wines and 50 dancing girls and musicians for entertainment," Garundrum nonchalantly replies.

"Anything for dessert my king?" Grand vizier enquires.

"I'll have her, her, her, that redhead, the one with the big perky tits and of course this ravishing beauty next to me," Garundrum selects his pick as he licks his lips before spanking the woman next to him causing her to gasp momentarily.

"Of course my king. Will be done at once," the grand vizier replies.

"Good, give the orders. I will examine the defences myself before returning for lunch. Have my dessert ready and waiting for me in my personal chambers after I eat my fill. In my absence, my eldest son will be in command of the defences. And tell my sons to take their picks of women for the night as well," Garundrum stands up to leave for the inspection of the defences.

"My king," the vizier bows his head as the king walks out with the vizier following soon.

"Sexist swine," Diantha angrily mutters.

Some people are visibly disgusted at Garundrum's attitude others have closed their eyes not wanting to see women being objectified this way as items of pleasure. Dragon Emperor snaps his fingers and the scene changes once more.

"Now do you understand what we are fighting against? Not just an enemy who wishes to burn the Pokemon world to its core but also the enemy of basic human values like decency and respect," Dragon Emperor continues, "What will shock you further is that such practices of slaves being used as means of sexual pleasure still persists till this day in the League of Shadows."

"Why did you show us that?" Lance asks, visibly appalled and upset after what he's just seen.

"Only when you see with your own eyes do you realize the gravity of what I'm trying to tell you regarding what Giovanni and his followers are. But now let's go and see what's happening in Emanuel's tent, shall we?" Dragon Emperor snaps his hand and the scene changes once again.

The scene changes and everyone finds them in the Dragon Emperor's tent where a discussion is going on amongst all the generals and the military advisers.

"The situation is most dire Dragon Emperor. With the Resolute Wall in place, it will extremely difficult to breach their defences." one of the military generals speaks up.

"Dragon Emperor I have a question," Lance speaks up, causing Dragon Emperor to snap his finger and pause the memory in its track.

"I thought you might? You're wondering right now why has that general made the statement, correct?" Dragon Emperor turns around to face Lance.

"Yes. We have seen you exhibit extremely destructive capabilities. Then why can't an aura attack be used to smash down the wall?" Lance asks.

"It's not just any wall," Serena says causing everyone to turn to her, "it's the Resolute Wall."

"What's a Resolute Wall?" Diantha asks.

"Dragon Emperor will be able to explain it better," Serena says.

"Very well. If you remember, I told you that as time passed the Order of the Pokemon Masters and The League of Shadows clashed in multiple battles. With each side looking to win, what would determine the battles more often than not was the technology and the techniques available at the time of the battle. So each side researched further and further into the ways of Aura developing both offensive and defensive capabilities. The greatest defensive capability which was first discovered by the Order of the Pokemon Masters is known as the Resolute Wall. What's so special about the Resolute Wall? It takes aura out of the equation of the battle almost completely. The wall is designed in a way that it disrupts the aura levels of any living organism. Any attack launched by a Pokemon or an aura user will simply vanish as it nears the wall. What this essentially ensures is that even if you have thousands of Pokemon and aura using warriors attacking you, none of their aura attacks will work," Dragon Emperor says, baffling Diantha and the others.

"My god. An attack on such a defence will be lethal because if the attackers can't use Aura attacks they'll fall prey to the defender's aura counter-attacks," Lance says, amazed at what the Dragon Emperor has just told them.

"It's not quite that nice. For you see, while the wall strips the attackers of their aura power it also strips the defenders of the same. Both sides lose the ability to wage war using aura. So no Aura attacks, no Pokemon moves for both sides. This is the immense trade-off which occurs when a Resolute Wall is used. However, the trade-off, while being massive, is still acceptable because the tactical advantage the defenders have due to the defensive position of the wall is likely to give them the upper hand in the battle," Serena answers.

"Wow. That's quite the leap," some of the military generals. remark.

"But if that's case Dragon Emperor. How does one breach such a defence?" Grace asks.

"Indeed and that is what the war council of Emanuel is deliberating and discussing. What is the best course of attack on the fortress? For the only way to destroy the defence of the Resolute Wall is to first punch a hole in the wall which begins to destabilize the ability of the Resolute Wall and then cause another two cracks in the wall's structure to completely destroy the Resolute Wall's ability to strip the attackers of their Aura use," Dragon Emperor says as he snaps his fingers to unpause the memory.

"So, what plan of action do we take? We only have six months at the very best of estimates. We need to breach the defences by then under any cost. So what course of action is recommended?" Emanuel asks.

"A full-frontal assault. We shall bring them to their knees with our overwhelming might," one of the generals speaks up.

"No, attacking with brute force is suicidal. We need to systematically probe their defences to find the weakest points in the wall and then concentrate our assault there," another general disagrees.

"Wasting our time finding weak points in their defence is not advisable under the current pressure of time. There are five gates, we should launch a five-pronged attack on the gates," another adviser says.

"What! And get cut down by their torrent of arrows from the siege towers surrounding the gates?" the first general scoffs.

"Better than attacking like a blind idiot," the other general replies causing the first general to stand up.

The room erupts with shouting and accusations as everyone shouts at each other, each disagreeing with the other as Emanuel sits in silence.

"My emperor," a commander dressed in armour comes into the tent causing all the generals to cease shouting.

"If it pleases the Dragon Emperor, the ground type Pokemon have begun digging trenches just outside the forcefield of the Resolute Wall. Furthermore, pickets have been set every seventy-five yards and the encampments of our soldiers for the siege is completed," the commander says after bending down on his right knee.

"Very well. What about the supply lines?" Emanuel questions.

"The supply lines have been fortified with several patrols and several shipments of food, beverages, steel, equipment, medicines have already been dispatched from Chateau De Chevallier. The last of the supplies will arrive within three days with the first of them arriving in a few hours," the commander replies.

"Very well done commander. Also, work on those siege engines and trebuchets double time," Emanuel commands.

"At once my Emperor," the commander replies before dismissing himself.

Once the commander is gone the Dragon Emperor turns to the generals, "I have heard all of your points and made up my mind. We will first wait for all the supplies to arrive first. In the meantime, we'll complete construction of all of our siege weapons. Once the weapons are complete, we'll bombard the walls without rest for a month's time. After a month of constant pounding, in both day and night, we would have softened their defences up considerably for a more favourable chance of a successful assault on their defences," Emanuel announces.

"Very wise Dragon Emperor," one of the military generals says.

"Very well, in the meanwhile keep our soldiers well-fed and cosy. We need them ready for battle. Also, ensure that three battalions stay at guard constantly in the event the enemy decides to attack suddenly, especially at night. Now leave," Emanuel says as all the generals bow their heads and leave to attend to their respective troops.

"Squire, help me take off my armour and fetch me some Sinnohian wine," Emanuel replies as he collapses into his chair while letting out a long breathe of air.

"Sire, if I may speak my mind?" the squire says as he unties the armour of the Emanuel.

"You may Stephan," Emanuel replies in an exhausted tone.

"Do you think we'll be successful in breaking through their defences?" Stephan replies as he removes the gauntlets and proceeds to remove the pauldron.

Emanuel raises his eyebrow at Stephan's question.

"Pardon my liege," Stephan silently apologizes with his head bowed.

"Don't worry. Your question is a valid one. For we are faced with a situation no one in our history has ever faced. We have always been inside a Resolute wall, never outside it, until now that is. This is, without doubt, a test of not only our mettle and skill but also of our belief and faith. Our faith that the Pokemon world is worth protecting, it is worth saving. It is believing in," Emanuel replies.

"Yes my emperor," Stephan replies with a smile.

"Good. But brace yourself. When the real fighting begins in a month's time from now, it will be without a doubt the bloodiest battle which our order has ever fought. Many people who you and I know will fall in battle. So do ensure you spend some time with them before the battle really begins," Emanuel ominously says as Stephan nods.

"Remove the rest of my armour and fetch that wine," Emanuel says as Stephan nods.

"Father," a man says as he walks into the tent.

"Arthur, my son," Emanuel says as a smile makes its way onto his face.

"I'm sorry I missed the meeting of the generals. I was supervising the initial security arrangements of the supplies from Chateau De Chevallier," Arthur replies before taking a seat next to his father.

"You will be in charge of the artillery. The siege weapons will be under your command," Emanuel says.

"I heard you'll be firing on the city for an entire month! They won't sleep a wink with all that bombardment," Arthur smirks.

"Good, sleep-deprived tired enemies are easier to dispatch," Emanuel smiles back.

Stephan comes back with a tray containing two glasses and a bottle of wine.

"That will be all squire. You may retire for the night," Emanuel says as Stephan bows before retreating out of the tent.

"How's your Charizard?" Emanuel causally asks.

"Grumpy as usual," Arthur replies as he sips his wine before both of them break into a chuckle.

"Here's to our victory," Arthur refills his glass and raises it.

"Here's to the Pokemon world," Emanuel replies as he too raises his glass as well before clinking their respective glasses and proceeding to drain them.

"Remember these two characters who appear next to Emanuel, the Dragon Emperor. The son and the squire will play a pivotal role in the conflict to come next," Dragon Emperor says as Ash, Serena alongside several others nod their heads.

"Now let's take a look at what's happening in the ramparts of the fortress," Dragon Emperor snaps his finger and the scene changes once again.

"What's the status?" Garundrum asks in a gruff tone.

"Nothing father. They've dug trenches just out of range. They appear to be building siege weapons and trebuchets. They're going to bombard the fortress," a man answers.

"Jonathan, my son. That's all they can do. They can bombard our fortress all they want, but won't be able to breach the walls. Even if they manage to do so, our army is there to stop them. Each and every one of them has sworn to defend the fortress with their dying breath," Garundrum turns around as all the spectators see hundred of thousands of soldiers standing guard, ready to fight at a moment's notice.

"That's some defending force alright," the Kalosian military general replies.

"Of course. Did you really think that we would be the only ones who would focus on building their own military? They had been stockpiling and training soldiers for this inevitable conflict as well," Dragon Emperor answers.

"But father we mustn't take their artillery lightly. The walls will take damage from the bombardment, no matter how well it is designed," Jonathan answers.

"My son. I will tell you two things." Garundrum turns around to face Jonathan, "Firstly, our walls were built keeping this in mind. They can fire on these walls for months but they won't breach them."

"And the second?" Jonathan asks.

"The second being is that all this talk of pounding has reminded me that the dessert course of my feast I have yet to have. There'll be quite the loud pounding there as well," Garundrum says taking in a deep breath of satisfaction.

"Very well. You have everything under control here. I leave you in charge of the defences, Jonathan," Garundrum says before he walks off, eager to feast on the women who're waiting for him in his chambers.

"That sick, fat, disgusting, sexist, vile excuse of a ..." Diantha angrily mutters only for Dragon Emperor to cut her off.

"Don't be so hasty to judge him. He's all those things and more, yes. But he's also the Prince of Darkness. He's the most dangerous opponent the Order of the Pokemon masters have to defeat in order to stop the League of Shadows from bringing their twisted plans to fruition," Dragon Emperor says before snapping his fingers once again.

The scene changes and Diantha and the others see that it's the middle of the day. The entire army is standing rank by rank in accordance with military discipline and standard as they await the Dragon Emperor's command. Emanuel turns around and nods his head. On cue, Arthur places his hand on his sword's hilt and in a fluid motion pulls the sword out of the scabbard. On seeing that Arthur's Charizard unleashes a flamethrower straight into the air and as per the signal all the trebuchets and cannons fire on the fortress. The spectators watch with awe as the sky is dotted with Fireballs which crash into the city within as the cannons fire on the walls without mercy.

"So it begins," Jonathan says as he silently observes the siege attack with several missiles flying over his head and the walls shaking repeatedly as the cannons continue their onslaught of firing as well.

"My lord should we inform your father?" one of the commanders asks.

"Don't bother. He left me in charge of the defences," Jonathan replies.

"My lord already several houses have been destroyed, the streets are being set aflame by the fireballs. Do we have any plans for a counter-attack?" the commander enquires.

"The houses burning is regrettable but an acceptable loss. The people who die, die in the knowledge that their deaths mean lesser mouths to feed in the city, meaning more rations for our soldiers. After the war is over, any women who are widowed can be claimed by our surviving soldiers as a reward for demonstrated valour during the siege. Under no circumstances will any of the gates be opened. Let their artillery exhaust itself with this pitiful attempt. They'll soon realize that their bombardment means little to the improvements we have made to the designs of the Resolute Wall which we have incorporated into our wall," Jonathan evilly laughs as the attack continues.

< Author's Note Begins >

The next chapter will be out on Christmas. It will be the conclusion to this historic battle. After the Xmas chapter we finally come to the present. (Many of you will be like 'Finally. Just how long was this history going to go on before we come to the real stuff'). So for all those who have been waiting patiently to see what's the story with DE, Ash, Serena, Giovanni, Calem etc. You just have 1 more chapter to go after this one. Goodbye. See you on Xmas for the epic ending in the chapter titled: "The Battle of Bassir: The Conclusion" Goodbye.

< Author's Note Ends >

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