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"Dang, they just threw you out, didn't they?" Buddy remarked. The other ghosts snickered. Their newest member Mel laughed along with them before answering, "Yeah, I deserved that."

"Well, I'm gonna follow Chloe around. See what she does," Duke declared. The brown ghost broke off from the group to follow the tabby. She was the last imposter. She must be stopped at all costs.

"So, who do you think she's going to kill next?" Ozone remarked, zipping across the map. Duke listened quietly as Gidget murmured, "I don't know. I hope it's not Max." Floating alongside the mutt, Snowball commented, "I bet it's Daisy."

Lights were sabotaged.

"Oh boy, here we go. She's definitely going to make a move now," Buddy chimed in. Scratching his chin thoughtfully, Duke pointed out, "All she needs to do is kill someone, then frame one of the survivors. If all goes well, she'll win."

"I hope she kills the pigeon," Ozone piped up. Gidget could be heard facepalming. Joining Duke and Snowball, Mel murmured, "Honestly, I don't think that will happen." By now, all of the ghosts had gathered in electrical. Then Chloe, Max and Daisy entered to fix the lights. The trio fixed lights and left. "Huh, she didn't kill anyone," Mel mumbled. Beside his best friend, Buddy stated, "She must have something planned."

"Ahhh!!!" Max screamed, joining the ghosts. Flying over to the lower engine, Duke saw his brother's corpse, along with Chloe and Daisy. A second later, the body was reported.

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