The Beginning

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Snowball has joined

Max has joined

Duke has joined

Gidget has joined

Daisy has joined

Mel has joined

Buddy has joined

Ozone has joined

Chloe has joined

Tiberius has joined

Snowball - Is everyone here?

Duke - I think so...

Max - Not Pops and Rooster.

Chloe - Oh thank goodness.

Buddy - I'm going to get Pops in.

Max - I'll get Rooster.

Mel - Do you think they'll join in time?

Gidget - Beats me.

Snowball - Just send them an invitation, they'll join when they can.

Daisy - Someone wants to get started.

Ozone - I think the pigeon is the imposter!

Tiberius - What- we haven't even started yet!

Ozone - You're going down pigeon.

Tiberius - *growls*

Gidget - God why?

Max - Okay I sent Rooster an invitation.

Buddy - I sent one to Pops.

Chloe - Great...

Duke - Does this mean we're ready to go?

Daisy - I think so.

Snowball - Yep! Let's go guys!

Mel - Yay!

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