Theory #15

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Title--- Gidget and Tiberius

Question--- Is there another reason why Gidget became best friends with Tiberius?

Answer--- Secretly, there is.

Evidence--- The other pets.

Theory--- If anyone asks me, you don't just meet someone and be like "Hey, let's be best friends!" That's not how it works. Especially when that person tries to eat you. Not a great first impression. However, that seems to be the case for Gidget and Tiberius. One almost got eaten by the other. Not even five minutes later, they're best friends. And, unless you haven't seen the movie (I highly recommend it), we all know that their friendship is through a deal. However, I think there's more reason to that than just "if you find Max, I'll be your best friend." You see, if Theory #6 is true and Gidget had recently moved into the neighborhood, she doesn't have a friend. The only people she talks to are Max, Chloe, Mel, Buddy and Sweetpea. Possibly Norman. She specifically talks to Max. But none of them seem to notice her. Secretly, Gidget feels more lonely than ever and takes to watching telenovelas so she can have someone to "talk" with. I know, sad. And if anyone asks later why she loves telenovelas so much, here you go. Two theories in one! Anyways, back to the subject at paw (get over it), when she finds out that Max, the one person she mostly talked to, goes missing, Gidget grows worried. One, her crush is gone. And two, the one person she talked to is also gone. She desperately wants to get him back and so decides to go looking for him. First stop, the rooftop. (hey, that rhymed!) Upon arriving, she doesn't find Max. Instead, she discovers a creepy shed and a red tailed hawk named Tiberius. After he tries to eat her, she practically snaps at him. But Gidget soon realizes that he's got no friends in the world, just like her. Feeling sympathetic, she comes up with an idea that could benefit them both and becomes his best friend. By the end of the movie and adventure, Gidget has gained three things. Respect from the other pets, a boyfriend and a best friend.

Unanswered Question--- Did Tiberius have another reason for becoming Gidget's best friend?

This is also a very long one. Guys, expect to see some long ones like this in the future. Plus, keep requesting if you got anything.

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